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🏝 MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Part 2) // MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Parte 2) [ENG-ESP] by aaalviarez

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· @aaalviarez ·
🏝 MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Part 2) // MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Parte 2) [ENG-ESP]
<center><h1> 🏝 MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Part 2) // 
MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Parte 2) [ENG-ESP]  </h1></center>



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What a joy it is to walk through the images of this trip! I thank you for meeting again in this space, and also for the support that [the first part of this trip had]( This time I will show you more beautiful landscapes of the Mochima National Park, peculiar places and paradisiacal beaches. All images are my property.


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¡Qué alegría siento al pasearme por las imágenes de éste viaje! Les doy gracias por encontrarnos de nuevo en éste espacio, y también por el apoyo que tuvo [la primera parte de éste viaje]( En esta oportunidad les mostraré más paisajes hermosos del Parque Nacional Mochima, lugares peculiares y playas paradisíacas. Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad.


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We got up with excitement to make the most of the day 💪. In the early hours of the morning we set sail aboard a comfortable boat. The view of the shore is totally different from the one we had seen when we returned from the previous trip in the afternoon. The morning light of a clear and sunny morning ☀️ draws the horizon, which together with its reflection in the water multiplies happiness by two 😎.


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Nos levantamos con emoción para aprovechar el día al máximo 💪. Ya en las primeras horas de la mañana zarpamos al mar a bordo de un cómodo bote. La vista a la orilla es totalmente diferente a la que habíamos contemplado al regresar del viaje anterior a horas de la tarde. La luz matutina de una despejada y soleada mañana ☀️ dibujan el horizonte, que junto a su reflejo en el agua multiplica por dos la felicidad 😎.







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Hold on! ✋ Did you see this last picture? 👆 If someone told me: *"I have a house in front of the sea"*, I wouldn't have imagined something so literal. Seriously, this family comes down about a dozen steps and is inches from the water. What would it be like to live like this? While we can't agree on everything in life, there must be very good reasons to stay there for years. I think it might appeal to the tranquility of the place, the peaceful atmosphere, the energy around you, the background of the individual, the needs we have at certain times in life.... Am I attracted to the idea of living in a place like this? Sure! But not so soon.... For now, a few days there wouldn't hurt at all. So I have something else to add to my resume, and also several posts to tell you about my experiences. Well, let's go on with the trip.


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¡Aguarda! ✋ ¿Observaste bien ésta última foto? 👆 Si alguien me dice: *"Tengo una casa frente al mar"*, no me hubiese imaginado algo así tan literal. En serio, ésta familia baja unos doce escalones y queda a centímetros del agua. ¿Cómo será vivir así? Aunque no podemos concordar en todo en la vida, debe haber muy buenas razones para permanecer allí por años. Pienso que pudiera atraer la tranquilidad del lugar, el pacífico ambiente, la energía a tu alrededor, los antecedentes del individuo, las necesidades que tenemos en determinados momentos en la vida... ¿Me atrae la idea de vivir en un lugar como éste? ¡Claro! Pero no tan pronto... Por ahora, unos días allí no vendrían nada mal. Así tengo algo más que agregar al currículo, y también varios post para contarles mis vivencias. Bueno, sigamos con el viaje.









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So much blue! 😆 The greens and yellows are getting smaller, and one of the primary colors that we are able to perceive predominates. The walk will take us through another area of the national park. As we skirt some islands and cliffs, the color of the water will soon change from a pure and intense tone to a bright and relaxing one.


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¡Cuánto azul! 😆 Los verdes y amarillos se van poniendo más pequeños, y predomina uno de los colores primarios que somos capaces de percibir. El paseo nos llevará a través de otra zona del parque nacional. Al bordear algunas islas y riscos, el color del agua no tardará en cambiar de un tono puro e intenso, a uno brillante y relajante.








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Notice the beautiful color of the water? My wife wanted to jump in when she saw it because she said it wasn't very deep! Grab her! 😜 That's not so... 🙃 Undoubtedly, we were all amazed by the striking beauty of the place, its tranquility? One more evidence that the planet was created with everything necessary not only for human beings to live, but to be happy, enjoy and delight. In some sections we found caves, [pelicans](, and corals that at shallow depths colored the water in a peculiar way.  


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¿Notan el hermoso color del agua? ¡Mi esposa al verla quería lanzarse porque aseguraba que no tenía mucha profundidad! ¡Agárrenla! 😜 Eso no es así... 🙃 Sin duda, todos estábamos maravillados por la impactante belleza del lugar, su tranquilidad... Una evidencia más de que el planeta fue creado con todo lo necesario no solo para que el ser humano viva, sino para que sea feliz, disfrute y se deleite. En algunos tramos encontramos cuevas, [pelícanos](, y corales que a poca profundidad coloreaban el agua de forma peculiar.  








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Next I will detail an everyday aspect in the life of fishermen, but it is worth mentioning, especially for those of us who are not from these areas: **the names of the boats**. I suppose that parents spend a lot of time thinking about which of the many to identify their children with. Perhaps the fishermen also invest many hours in determining what they will call their boat 🕥, which by the way will be registered with the relevant authorities 📝. Yes, they will be assigned a code that must be displayed in a visible place. So, knowing this issue, we find ourselves with this boat: 👇


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A continuación detallo en un aspecto cotidiano en la vida de los pescadores, pero es digno de mención, y más para los que no somos de éstas zonas: **los nombres de las embarcaciones**. Supongo que los padres pasan mucho tiempo pensando con cual de tantos poder identificar a sus hijos. Quizás los pescadores también inviertan muchas horas en determinar cómo llamarán a su embarcación 🕥, que por cierto será registrada ante las autoridades pertinentes 📝. Sí, a éstas le asignarán un código que deberá exhibir en un lugar visible. Entonces, sabiendo éste asunto, nos encontramos con éste embarcación: 👇




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Yes, you read that right. The boat is called **"Bandit Scoundrel"**. Well, the owner of this vessel thought it would be a good idea to be recognized by the community, the workers, the tourists and the authorities with this name. So, when they see it coming they will say something like: *"Here comes the Bandit Scoundrel"*. Now, after a short time you detail in the name of another vessel:


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Sí, leíste bien. La embarcación se llama **"Bandido canalla"**. Bueno, el dueño de ésta embarcación consideró que sería buena idea ser reconocido por la comunidad, los trabajadores, los turistas y las autoridades con éste nombre. Osea, cuando lo ven venir dirán algo así como: *"Ahí viene el Bandido Canalla"*. Ahora, al poco tiempo detallas en el nombre de otra embarcación:



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Really? 👆 This one is called: **"Punish me"**. No comment... Next photo:



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¿En serio? 👆 Ésta se llama: **"Castígame"**. Sin comentarios... Siguiente foto:



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I'm sure they went into detail on the name of that boat. Well, now I ask you to elaborate on how relaxed the crew members are. I tell them that they are waiting for help. Their nets have managed to catch a large number of fish and they are not able to drag them to the shore using the only engine of their boat, so they ask for help, and between several boats they will be able to remove the product of a day of fishing where it is so important to deploy true patience. At that moment others arrive to help in their distinctive boat.


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De seguro detallaron en el nombre de ése bote. Bueno, ahora les pido que detallen en lo relajado que están los tripulantes. Les cuento que están esperando ayuda. Sus redes han conseguido atrapar a un gran número de peces y no son capaces de arrastrarlos a la orilla valiéndose del único motor de su embarcación, por lo que solicitan ayuda, y entre varios botes podrán sacar el producto de una jornada de pesca donde es tan importante desplegar la verdadera paciencia. En ese momento llegan otros a ayudar en su bote distintivo. 



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✋ Wait. The new boat is called **"Don Jon"**. I mean, how am I supposed to describe this moment if I decide to include the names of the ships? *"The Don Jon arrived to help Lucymar."* Sounds strange... Well, we'd better go on...


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✋ Espera. El nuevo bote se llama **"Don Juan"**. Osea, ¿cómo se supone que debería de describir éste momento si decido incluir los nombres de las embarcaciones? *"Llegó el Don Juan a ayudar a Lucymar"*. Suena extraño... Bueno, mejor seguimos...









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We reached an area where bubbles emerge from the bottom of the sea. A phenomenon that does not happen in many places. I had never seen anything similar. The magnificent sunlight allowed us to see clearly through the crystalline waters this peculiar permanent event. Of course, my compact camera captures it as best it can. There was no trick. You could dip your hands in the water and feel the bubbles hitting it. Wonderful.


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Llegamos a una zona donde emergen burbujas del fondo del mar. Un fenómeno que no sucede en muchos lugares. Nunca había visto algo similar. La magnífica luz del sol permitía ver con claridad a través de las cristalinas aguas éste peculiar evento permanente. Por supuesto, mi cámara compacta lo captura lo mejor que puede. No había ningún truco. Podías sumergir tus manos en el agua y sentir las burbujas golpeándola. Maravilloso.








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We had already been walking for two hours, and we approached an impeccable boat resting on a beach of white sand, crystal clear water, little waves and warm temperature. *"This is it"*, we said 😀. So we asked the friendly boat driver that we wanted to swim here and enjoy this paradisiacal beach in the middle of nowhere. Here are these beautiful pictures of it.


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Ya llevábamos dos horas de paseo, y nos acercamos a un impecable bote que descansaba en una playa de arena blanca, agua cristalina, poco oleaje y temperatura cálida. *"Aquí mismo es"*, dijimos 😀. Así que le pedimos a amable conductor del bote que deseábamos bañarnos aquí y disfrutar de ésta paradisíaca playa en medio de la nada. Aquí les dejo éstas hermosas imágenes de ella.






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Wait a minute! 👆 I really love this picture. A pair of canines welcomed us, in that peculiar way that only this species can do. A similar photo is on my [Instagram](, a few seconds apart from this one. And our friend really loves them very much, and it looks like they knew it, despite never having seen each other. What more could you ask for? There were no other people there, they give you this reception and hand you the beach all to ourselves? Unbelievable. Now, the rest of the images:


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¡Un momento! 👆 Ésta foto realmente me encanta. Un par de caninos nos dieron la bienvenida, de ésa forma peculiar que sólo ésta especie puede hacerlo. Una foto parecida está en mi [Instagram](, unos segundos de diferencia a ésta. Y nuestro amigo realmente los quiere mucho, y parece que ellos lo sabían, a pesar de nunca haberse visto. ¿Qué más se puede pedir? No habían más personas allí, te dan ésta recepción y te entregan la playa para nosotros solos... Increíble. Ahora sí, el resto de las imágenes:










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Relaxed, revitalized, happy, grateful and satisfied, we finished our swimming time. We boarded the boat and returned to the dock. The stay was coming to an end 😟. We picked up our belongings at the neat inn we were staying at, and as we said our goodbyes to the attentive couple of owners, we were given the opportunity to meet some little kittens just a few days old. And with these alert kittens, I say goodbye to this trip through this exceptional Venezuelan destination: **Mochima**.


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Relajados, revitalizados, felices, agradecidos y satisfechos, terminamos nuestro tiempo de baño. Abordamos el bote y regresamos al muelle. La estadía estaba llegando a su fin 😟. Recogimos nuestras pertenencias en la pulcra posada en que estábamos, y mientras nos despedíamos de la atenta pareja de dueños, nos dio la oportunidad de conocer a unos pequeños gatitos con pocos días de nacidos. Y con éstos gatitos alertas, me despido de éste viaje a través de éste excepcional destino venezolano: **Mochima**.







### Have you been here? I hope you will be soon.

> ¿Has estado aquí? Espero que pronto lo estés.


### <center> My social media / Mis redes sociales </center>

<center> [![Instagram.png](]( [![Twitter.png](]( </center>

[//]:# (!pinmapple 10.395401 lat -64.345063 long Mochima otra vez d3scr)
👍  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and 203 others
properties (23)
json_metadata"{"app":"peakd/2021.01.3","format":"markdown","description":"Landscapes, anecdotes, culture and beach // Paisajes, anécdotas, cultura y playa","tags":["haveyoubeenhere","ocd","travel","spanish","photography","cervantes","photofeed","photophile"],"users":["aaalviarez"],"links":["/hive-163772/@aaalviarez/mochima-venezuela-part-1-mochima-venezuela-parte-1-eng-esp","/hive-163772/@aaalviarez/mochima-venezuela-part-1-mochima-venezuela-parte-1-eng-esp","/hive-142159/@aaalviarez/monomad-pelicans-pelicanos-eng-esp","/hive-142159/@aaalviarez/monomad-pelicans-pelicanos-eng-esp","","","",""],"image":["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""]}"
created2021-03-02 13:00:06
last_update2021-03-02 13:00:06
last_payout2021-03-09 13:00:06
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value7.828 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"🏝 MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Part 2) // MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Parte 2) [ENG-ESP]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (267)
@crazy-andy ·
@tipu curate 2
properties (22)
created2021-03-02 18:54:42
last_update2021-03-02 18:54:42
last_payout2021-03-09 18:54:42
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"🏝 MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Part 2) // MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Parte 2) [ENG-ESP]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@tipu ·
<a href="" target="_blank">Upvoted  &#128076;</a> (Mana: 32/192) <a href="" target="_blank">Liquid rewards</a>.
properties (22)
json_metadata"{"app": "beem/0.24.20"}"
created2021-03-02 18:54:45
last_update2021-03-02 18:54:45
last_payout2021-03-09 18:54:45
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
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pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"🏝 MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Part 2) // MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Parte 2) [ENG-ESP]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@curangel ·
Re: 🏝 MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Part 2) // MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Parte 2) [ENG-ESP]
Great work! Your post was selected for curation by one of @curangel's dedicated curators for its contribution to quality!
<br />...unfortunately, it had to be excluded from curation because of the use of a service ( to liquify rewards.Our upvotes are reserved for content which is created with a commitment to long term growth and decentralization of Hive Power.
<br />This exclusion only applies to this and eventually other future liquified posts and not all your publications in general. 
<br />Take care and hive five!
properties (22)
created2021-03-05 14:14:18
last_update2021-03-05 14:14:18
last_payout2021-03-12 14:14:18
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"🏝 MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Part 2) // MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Parte 2) [ENG-ESP]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@pinmapple ·
<b>Congratulations, your post has been added to <a href="">Pinmapple</a>! 🎉🥳🍍</b><br/><br>Did you know you have <b><a href="" target="_blank">your own profile map</a></b>?<br>And every <b><a href="" target="_blank">post has their own map</a></b> too!<br/><br/><b>Want to have your post on the map too?</b><br/><ul><li>Go to <b><a href="">Pinmapple</a></b></li><li>Click the <b>get code</b> button</li><li>Click on the map where your post should be (zoom in if needed)</li><li>Copy and paste the generated code in your post (Hive only)</li><li>Congrats, your post is now on the map!</li></ul><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""/></a>
properties (23)
created2021-03-02 13:20:06
last_update2021-03-02 13:20:06
last_payout2021-03-09 13:20:06
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"🏝 MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Part 2) // MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Parte 2) [ENG-ESP]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (1)
@aaalviarez ·
properties (22)
created2021-03-02 13:59:39
last_update2021-03-02 13:59:39
last_payout2021-03-09 13:59:39
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"🏝 MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Part 2) // MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Parte 2) [ENG-ESP]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@aaalviarez ·
Hello, nice to greet you again. I just checked the map on Pinmapple and the location of this post I made yesterday does not appear. Did I do something wrong? First time this happens to me 
properties (22)
created2021-03-03 23:00:15
last_update2021-03-03 23:00:15
last_payout2021-03-10 23:00:15
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"🏝 MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Part 2) // MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Parte 2) [ENG-ESP]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@poshbot ·
properties (22)
json_metadata"{"app": "beem/0.24.20"}"
created2021-03-02 13:12:06
last_update2021-03-02 13:12:06
last_payout2021-03-09 13:12:06
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"🏝 MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Part 2) // MOCHIMA, Venezuela (Parte 2) [ENG-ESP]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD