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Abundance.Tribe's Weekly Gems (Week of the 18th to the 25th May) by abundance.tribe

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· @abundance.tribe ·
Abundance.Tribe's Weekly Gems (Week of the 18th to the 25th May)

<center><h2>Hello beautiful people!</h2></center>

<h3><center>Welcome to the Abundance.Tribe  Weekly Curation, where I (@trucklife-family) get to showcase some  of the great Articles that the tribe members created and that really embody what the Tribe stands for.</center></h3>

<h4><center> The AbundanceTribe,  formally know as TribeSteemUp community was created by @kennyskitchen. As we have moved to Hive we wanted to create a new name that really represents what we are all about. The Abunadance.Tribe is a  *Community Abundance Generator,* which supports authors who write articles that  look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.</center></h4>

<h4><center>The authors who have been chosen to become part of the TribeSteemUp community are all writing content of high quality, and they all focus on topics related to the bettering of life, such as:</center></h4>
<center><b>| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture | </b></center>


<i>  Today I have  a total of 18 articles to share with you all today and they are all about inspiring us and motivating us to become more aware in our daily lives. As I said last week, we need to be informed, to educate ourselves so that we do not accept the narrative that is being pushed on us. Life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another.  We can create the world in which we all wish to live.  Happy reading and remember  to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the <a href=""> TribeVibes Curation Trail</a>, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content. </i>

<center><h1><a href="">No Ecosystems Were Harmed in the Making of This Agriculture</a></h1></center>
>The word agriculture stems from the Latin words for field cultivation. Of course, modern agriculture takes that to mean "create fields everywhere, ecosystems and natural succession be damned." Nate takes that to mean "ooh, this part of my yard is in a stage of succession that works for field cultivation, let's see what happens!"
This week (or maybe this weekend? Nobody knows what day it is anymore thanks to the rona), some golden amaranth seeds arrived from @mountainjewel. They posted on their Instagram that they had seeds for sale for $3 so I jumped on it. All my Hopi red dye amaranth got eaten by birds that were attracted to the bright red sprouts. 


<center><h1><a href="">Experiencing a Temazcal / Sweat-Lodge</a></h1></center>


>The rainy season is upon us, that's for sure. Though it hasn't rained yet at all, all the signs are clear that it is about to happen any day now. The temperatures are still around the same 30-35°C (86-95°F) as always, but the humidity is on the rise, and even though the sun beats down from the zenith with the same ferocity, the color of the sky has become so pale that one might mistake it for cloudy. In the afternoons rolling thunder from the distance might make us hope that the rain will reach here, but so far it's been one highly humid night after another. How is one supposed to cool off in these conditions? By taking a sweat, of course!


<center><h1><a href="">The Wonderful Resource of Wild Edibles...</a></h1></center>

>One thing I am very appreciative of is the abundance of wild edibles in our region (the Boreal Forest Region of Saskatchewan)!
Although at this time when I have my garden, locally sourced foods and the convenience of the grocery store I don't harvest as much from the wild but I do like to know what wild edibles there are and where they are so I have done my research finding ample of wild foods available when the need arises!
My favorites are the wild berries. We have strawberries, dew berries, raspberries, saskatoons, blueberries, pincherries, chokecherries and cranberries. Plus the bear berries are plentiful but a little dry and mealy. The bears eat a lot of them just before they go hibernate to stuff their bellies. 


<center><h1><a href="">Disenthrall: Power Chat -- Is Anarcho-Capitalism Realistic?</a></h1></center>
>I really enjoyed this conversation with @disenthrall and @sean-king. We talked for two and half hours about philosophy, ethics, voluntaryism, anarchy, the non-aggression principle, and how various challenges in life could be resolved in a free society.
We get into all kinds of interesting perspectives including clarifying what would happen if we did end up creating a better system... Would it look all that different from local government today?
I hope you enjoy it.


<center><h1><a href="">We Must Keep Our Eyes On Decentralizing</a></h1></center>
<center><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"  allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>
>It is an us versus them. The combatants: a centralized financial system versus one that is trying to push into decentralization.
In this video I discuss how we need to keep our eyes on this ball and how we can create different whales all over the place.


<center><h1><a href="">At what Point Does "I'm Only Milking the Steem Rewards Like Everyone Else" become Aiding, Abetting & Complicit In A Crime?</a></h1></center>


>A 5 million dollar theft is taking place today on the steem blockchain - our old home. The visionary risk takers who have put time, intellectual capital and serious money on the table, along with their hearts, sweat and some tears, are being robbed.
The total sum is approximately USD $5 million.
We may not know or connect with any of these people personally, but they are REAL PEOPLE. And they have been the risk takers who have created Hive, which we all happily use to create abundance.
Let me ask a little moral question via a story.


<center><h1><a href="">Our Governments Should Face Charges of Terrorism Over The COVID Lie</a></h1></center>



<center><h1><a href="">Empty Slogans, Self-Esteem and Self-Development</a></h1></center>

>After some meditation, unconventional rituals and my Shamanic Sunday Sessions -- I came to the conclusion I needed to share a bit of self-knowledge that goes against conventional wisdom.
Is programming the mind with slogans a sign of positivity?
We use platitudes, affirmations and adages to assuage our feelings of anxiety during uncertain situations. The things we tell ourselves to keep us going during the difficult trials of life are like band-aids in that they are short-term solutions. The limits of our human perception are like thick thorny vines enveloping & constricting our conscious mind. Admitting our shortcomings, limitations and dark side is the first step towards true self-actualization. If we remain in the light while ignoring the darkness within we become daze by our own vanity.


<center><h1><a href="">Experts from the US Senate Hearing on COVID-19 Destroy the Bullshit Lockdown, Isolation and Social Distancing</a></h1></center>

>Last week there was the US Senate Hearing on COVID-19. A panel of experts were consulted to give their advice on the situation. The information and arguments provided by 4 of them speak volumes about the mismanagement of the government with regard to what is referred to as COVID-19.
These are logical explanations that correlate to the reality that has presented itself for months. There have been many experts, speaking for over 2 months, about the overreaction in the media and most of the governments of the world.


<center><h1><a href="">The Great STEEM Heist & I'm Now Censored off the Steem Chain</a></h1></center>

<center><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"  allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>

>As you may or may not know, there has been a LOT of crazy stuff going on with the Steem blockchain this year. It started with the purchase of StInc, peaked with a full-on hostile take-over of the network with collusion by multiple exchanges, gave birth the a new, more decentralized, blockchain called Hive, and since Steem has become something of a running joke.
Just a few days ago, @blocktrades announced that they would be suspending STEEM exchanges due to a closed-code, secret HF about to be rolled out on STEEM. Well, in the morning of May 20th, HF 0.23 was rolled out, at about the same time that @steemitblog announced it.


<center><h1><a href="">The fragility of life</a></h1></center>


>Another of the many teachings that this coronavirus crisis shows us is how vulnerable we are, a single virus was enough to put the entire system in check, that destroys the common misconception about the impregnability of modern society, as well as ends the false sense of security with which we live day by day. And it makes me think, as I have thought before, that this society it is not all-proof, it can simply collapse, someday, as Rome fell in the past, and all other civilizations. It is never too big to fall, there are millions of things that could go wrong and leave us in precarious conditions.


<center><h1><a href="">Weekly Mindful Minnow Support Curation by SuperZENsitivosaurus #8</a></h1></center>

>What day is it again? Friday? No, it's actually Thursday but this dino has other plans for tomorrow.
( Almost ) another week has passed and - as us humans are keeping track of time - that simple fact is something worth mentioning.
Little Hyper has been a little distracted and a little hyper in the last 6 days for reasons that won't be mentioned on the blockchain.
I guess you could say that your favorite raptor hasn't been very mindful, aside from daily walks in nature, and that he feels like getting some kind of meditation routine going, once again. Perhaps this curation will serve as a springboard towards a more mindful state, once again.
Before we move on to a bunch of people who I recommend following, instead of the news, first make sure to
take a deep breath in...
hold your breath for a couple of seconds...
and let the air out with a sigh.


<center><h1><a href="">CoCreation: A Deep Dive with Rob Greenfield, Charles Eisenstein, Miki Agra & Derrick Broze</a></h1></center>
<center><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"  allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>


<center><h1><a href="">Creating our own Culture</a></h1></center>


>As someone who has lived in many cities on the opposite side of the world from where I was born, I’ve had a chance to adjust myself to different cultures. I don’t always adjust to every aspect of the culture but my goal is always to bend enough to get outside of my own biases. It can be challenging but I find this to be one of the most rewarding experiences a person can have.
I tend to stay away from places where other foreigners hang out, unless those foreigners speak the local language. I find my favorite people from the local culture and explore from there.


<center><h1><a href="">Covid-19 lockdown day 59 – Goodbye world, your illusion had me fooled but only for a while</a></h1></center>

>These past two months under hard lockdown has been the equivalent of house arrest, with a little allowance for shopping and recently an added three hours a day for outdoor exercise from 6-9am. It is enough to tax the hardiest minds. Psychologically the entire country and most of the planet has been stretched to their limit. This has been unprecedented in our lifetimes, so there is no preparation for this kind of occurrence. One day there was a rumor and the next there was our state president officially telling us to stay home or go to jail or be fined.


<center><h1><a href="">SING KALI DEVOTIONAL</a></h1></center>

>Holy mother of the dark night
Where you howl and scream along the passage alone
The place she held your hands, but let you go.

>Even in the morning she is there
Brandishing whips of thorns and nettles
Even in the kind spring, she is the wrinkled berries on the rotting floor
The entrails of field mice on the tarmac
The ticking dandelion clocks that remind you no joy ever lasts

>She levers open your ribcage and slaps salt on all the wounds that tried to hide
Her mouth opens: the whole universe is black
<center><h1><a href="">How My Girls And I Am Dealing With This LockDown As A Home Educating Family! - "HomeEdders Challenge"</a></h1></center>


>What’s changed the most for us, as a home educating family, is a crash course in what the world is really like. There is no more trying to protect them, well there is, but it’s very, very obvious to me and them what’s going on at the moment in the world. ( Okay they don't know the whole picture, cos who does, but they can now understand how unjust and unfair the government is and how they do not really care about us). They think it is stupid that we are not being told to look after ourselves better.
I've always said to them, you got to keep asking questions.

<center><h1><a href="">Hunting the Wild Salad</a></h1></center>

>As we head into winter here in South Australia, the cooler weather and rains bring nourishing growth that, if we know what we're looking for, we can make good use of. A quick look around the local area and there are plenty of wild, or perhaps that should be feral, edibles to be had. Some are still at seedling stage, but some are already at a harvestable stage.
Let's start with a potential salad. Currently wild lettuce, lactuca serriola, is in its early stages and at this point it can be eaten raw or cooked and is pretty similar to lettuce as we know it, maybe not as sweet. Apparently even the stems, when young, can be cooked and used as an asparagus substitute.

# All The Wonderful Intiatives Happening Within Abundance.Tribe


# <center>Earth Deeds - Volume 9</center>
#### <center>Focalized by @Elamental</center>

> *This contest is designed to inspire people to create content that reflects their services to the Earth. The process of creating and hosting this contest also makes me a better Earth custodian, inspires me to reduce my carbon footprint even more than I already am, and to continuously report on my actions of conservation.*

# <center>[Read the full post and enter the contest here](</center>


# <center>The @Abundance.Tribe Bi-Weekly Question</center>
#### <center>Focalized by @Trucklife-Family</center>

> *The aim of the biweekly question is to help promote self awareness, so that we can begin to go back to a point in our lives, where we are connecting more with our intuitive self. By asking these questions, we are getting one another to dig deep and to reflect on our lives. To focus on what we really want in life and on how we are going to achieve it.*
> *This question today has been put forward by @indigoocean*
> **How has your energetic experience changed during this global pandemic?**

# <center>[See the full post](</center>



# <center>Sharing the Abundance GIVEAWAY!</center>
## <center>Week 2 - Win an Amethyst Cluster from Uruguay</center>
#### <center>Focalized by @ELAmental</center>

> *Each Thursday on @Abundance.Tribe we will be hosting a giveaway from now on. It is our mission as a community to share the abundance that we so graciously receive ourselves.*
> *There will be a new prize each week, many of which will be precious gems I acquired at the 2020 World Gem Show. *

# <center>[Read the full post and enter the contest here](</center>

# <center>Abundance Tribe's Evergreen Collection #1: Breathing Life into Paid Out Posts </center>
## <center>Focalized by @artemislives</center>
>There are so many good posts which are enjoyed so fleetingly, or perhaps not at all. Maybe it was published before you joined Hive or not yet following that author? Or that was the week you were fasting in a yurt in Mongolia without wifi? Life happens and the 7 day post rewards window is short. Many would say too short. There are also just so many reasons why a post is overlooked, forgotten or received less reward than it should have: autovoters were down, token price crashed, or it was another Hard Fork within moments of you pressing 'publish".
# <center>[Read the full post and enter the contest here](</center>


<center>![DESERT ADVENTURE.png](
👍  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and 161 others
properties (23)
created2020-05-25 20:10:03
last_update2020-05-25 20:10:03
last_payout2020-06-01 20:10:03
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value11.422 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Abundance.Tribe's Weekly Gems (Week of the 18th to the 25th May)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (225)
@artemislives ·
Really appreciating the way the Tribe is beginning to look outwards and sharing that abundance more liberally. 

Great collection of posts and content, as always @trucklife-family.  Thank you also for featuring Evergreen #1.<div class="pull-right"><a href="/@hive.engage">![](</a></div>
properties (22)
created2020-05-27 05:24:39
last_update2020-05-27 05:24:39
last_payout2020-06-03 05:24:39
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Abundance.Tribe's Weekly Gems (Week of the 18th to the 25th May)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@abundance.tribe ·
Thank you @artemislives, and loving the abundance you are creating  xxx
properties (23)
created2020-06-01 10:49:33
last_update2020-06-01 10:49:33
last_payout2020-06-08 10:49:33
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.024 HBD
curator_payout_value0.025 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Abundance.Tribe's Weekly Gems (Week of the 18th to the 25th May)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (1)
@hivebuzz ·
Congratulations @abundance.tribe! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

<table><tr><td><img src=""></td><td>You published more than 20 posts. Your next target is to reach 30 posts.</td></tr>

<sub>_You can view [your badges on your board](https// And compare to others on the [Ranking](</sub>
<sub>_If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word_ `STOP`</sub>

###### Support the HiveBuzz project. [Vote for our proposal](!
properties (22)
created2020-05-25 20:30:03
last_update2020-05-25 20:30:03
last_payout2020-06-01 20:30:03
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Abundance.Tribe's Weekly Gems (Week of the 18th to the 25th May)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD