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[ENG/ESP] Splinterlands Brawl Report - PIZZA 2 GUILD 5/Jan/2022 + Gladius pack opening by amaillo

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· @amaillo ·
[ENG/ESP] Splinterlands Brawl Report - PIZZA 2 GUILD 5/Jan/2022 + Gladius pack opening
![cd8724d1-splinterlands gold (1).jpg](

Good morning/evening, I hope that whoever is reading this has a fantastic day! An extra time has passed since my last report, the reason is that I wanted to try to enter a fray with golden cards and well ... I was the only one of the participating clans that entered the fray so I did not fight against anyone xD, despite this I won some merits and added to those of the last brawl (the one in this post) I got enough for another Gladius pack, eager to see what I got? Look! 

>Buenos días/noches, espero que quien esté leyendo esto tenga un día fantástico! Ha pasado un tiempo extra desde mi último reporte, la razón es que quería probar a entrar a una fray de cartas doradas y pues...fui el único de los clanes participantes que entró a la fray así que no combatí contra nadie xD, a pesar de ello gané unos méritos y sumados a los de la última brawl (la de este post) conseguí suficientes para otro pack Gladius, ¿ansios@ de ver lo que obtuve? míralo!


This pack opening was not the best in terms if rarity x_x, but hey free power is something that i like a lot! On the other hand, Whistung Damon, Alva the crusher, and Witch of warwick are cards i didn't had. 
With 3 mana, Whistung Damon reminds me a lot of Haunted spider and Soul strangler, a couple of cards that I really like.
Heavens, using Witch of warwick with Delwyn will definitely be an interesting thing that I will have to try! 

>Esta apertura de paquete no fue la mejor en términos de rareza x_x, pero oye!, el poder gratis es algo que me gusta mucho! Por otro lado, Whistung Damon, Alva the crusher y Witch of warwick son cartas que no tenía. 
Con 3 de mana, Whistung Damon me recuerda bastante a Haunted spider y a Soul strangler, un par de cartas que realmente me gustan.
Cielos, usar a Witch of warwick con Delwyn será definitivamente algo interesante que tendré que probar!


Very cute.
>Muy linda.

For this brawl I decided to try something different, so I joined the untamed gold card fray in the bronze league, since gold cards at their basic level will be enough to be competitive. 

>Para esta brawl decidí probar algo diferente, así que me uní a la fray de cartas doradas untamed en la liga de bronce, ya que las cartas de oro en su nivel básico serán suficientes para ser competitivo. 

Based on peakmonster prices, aproximately 160 DEC is enough to rent all common and rare golden foil untamed cards for 1 day. Although this usually varies at the beginning and end of the season, it does not seem expensive to me. 

>Según los precios de Peakmonster, aproximadamente 160 DEC es suficiente para alquilar todas las cartas comunes y raras doradas por 1 día. Si bien esto suele variar a inicios y final de temporada, no me parece caro.


I should add that my guild offers incentives for those players capable of winning all their fights in one fray, which is particularly easier in those frays where fewer players enter, because the fewer fights the more likely it is to win them all. 

>Debo agregar que en mi guild se ofrecen incentivos para aquellos jugadores capaces de ganar todos sus combates en una fray, lo cual es particularmente más fácil en aquellas fray donde menos jugadores entran, pues entre menos combates es más probable ganarlos todos.

The only bad thing about joining frays with few players is that these reports get a bit empty due to the lack of fights. I hope it does not bother anyone haha, anyway if you are hungry for more remember that you can visit the reports of my colleagues, whose post you will find at the beginning of the final section of this post, without anything else to say, come brawl! 

>Lo único malo de unirme a frays con pocos jugadores es que estos reportes se ponen algo vacíos por la falta de combates. Espero no le moleste a nadie haha, de todas formas si tienes hambre por más recuerda que puedes visitar los reportes de mis compañeros, cuyos post encontrarás al inicio de la sección final de este post, sin más nada que decir venga la brawl!

## Battle #1 
Ruleset: Silenced summoners.
Mana cap: 24.
Allowed splinters: Water, dragon.


[Watch this battle here!](

There aren't many options here regarding summoner choice, the untamed edition dragon cards were **almost** all legendary, and I don't have them so it's not worth using Drake. The only summoner I have available is Bortus. As a tank I can only place Elven defender or War Chaang, the only epic card I rented. I decided to use War Chaang, while he won't use his ranged attack, I think his retaliate ability can make a difference (counters melee attacks). It's very likely that my opponent uses magic and monsters with opportunism, there's not much to choose from really, so I'll play the same and that's it. 

>No hay muchas opciones aquí con respecto a la elección del invocador, las cartas dragon de la edición untamed fueron **casi** todas legendarias, y no las tengo así que no vale la pena usar a Drake. El único invocador que tengo disponible es Bortus. Como tanque solo puedo colocar a Elven defender o a War Chaang, la única carta épica que renté. Decidí usar a War Chaang, si bien no usará su ataque a distancia, creo que su habilidad retaliate puede hacer la diferencia (contrataca ataques cuerpo a cuerpo). Es muy probable que mi oponente use magia y monstruos con oportunismo, no hay mucho para elegir realmente, así que jugaré con lo mismo y ya está.

**Result of the battle #1**: Win. Ah the Retaliate did not activate! anyway, i was lucky enough tho, at the end my seaweed attacked the one of him/her first and that was decisive to win.

>**Resultado de la batalla #1**: Victoria.¡Ah, el Retaliate no se activó! De todos modos, tuve la suerte de que al final mi alga atacó la de él/ella primero y eso fue decisivo para ganar. 

## Brawl final results/Resultados finales de la brawl


Yup, i had only 1 opponent. I got the place #9, but is ok, i was in a special fray after all.

>Seem solo tuve un contrincante, conseguí el lugar #9, pero está bien, estaba en una fray especial después de todo. 


Regarding the guild, we got the 2nd place! Ooooh that is really awesome! lets gooooooo!

>En cuanto al gremio, obtuvimos el segundo lugar! eso es realmente asombroso! vamoooooo!

This is all for today folks! I hope you had fun reading and watching the battles!

>¡Esto es todo por hoy amigos! ¡Espero que te hayas divertido leyendo y viendo las batallas! 

**P.S**: Why don't you take a look to my [End of Season Report]( (Where I realized I didn't even get an epic card this season, lol) I used the @splinterstats template but editing everything by hand to customize it a little more ! so it was a bit hard make that post this time. Thank you in advance <3.

>**P.D**: Por que no le hechas un ojo a mi [Reporte de final de temporada]( (En donde me dí cuenta de que no obtuve ni siquiera una carta épica esta temporada, lol) Usé el template de @splinterstants pero editando todo a mano para personalizarlo un poco más! así que fue un poco difícil hacer ese post esta vez. Gracias de antemano <3.
Ad space/Espacio publicitario <3

![kisspng-resident-evil-4-albert-wesker-resident-evil-2-leon-resident-evil-5aca121c363505.0380330215231923482221 (1) (1).png](

"***Gotta selection a good things stranger***"

Brawl Reports of my guild/Informes de brawls de mi guild:

1) [Splinterlands Brawl Report #5 - 01/05/2021 - Chimney Wallstop + Gladius Pack opening]( by @irregular-n

2) [Splinterlands Brawl Report - January 04, 2022 #HivePizza #BrawlReport]( by @higherlow

3) [Pizza Brawl Highlights 4: Chaos Brawls Unleashed and Pacifist Gladiator Salvages Victory?]( by @cryptoniusraptor

4) [Shauner's 24th Splinterlands Brawl Report - PIZZA 2 The Deep Dish Guild - Jan. 2, 2022]( by @shauner 


Do you want to try [Splinterlands]( You can use my referral link (, if you do I can delegate some cards that will help you rise in ranks faster! 

>¿Quieres probar [Splinterlands]( Puedes usar mi link de referido (, si lo haces puedo delegarte (es decir, prestarte) algunas cartas que te ayudarán a subir más rápido de rango!

Hey, if you want to **get some extra income** in Hive (because yeah, never is enough income xD), why do not to try [Rising Star]( And also [Cryptobrewmaster!](, both of them are good and easy games! HUH?! did you don't like games?! O_o. Well you can try [Exode]( which is a bit more strategic, ah? You do not like to think ?!

>Oye, si quieres **obtener un ingreso extra** en Hive (porque sí, nunca hay suficientes ingresos xD), ¿por qué no pruebas [Rising Star]( )? Y también [Cryptobrewmaster!](Https://, ¡ambos son juegos buenos y fáciles! ¡¿EH?! ¡¿No te gustan de solo dar clicks?! O_o. Bueno puedes probar [Exode]( que es un poco más estratégico,Ah? No te gusta pensar?!

Welps, you can emm get PIZZA [here]( and stake 20 PIZZA , to get some more PIZZA and also be capable of give pizza in your comments! What?! *The pizza makes you fat u say*? O_o (note: you can still be capable of give pizza just by holding 20 tokens). Also, why no join to our [DISCORD?]( We have $PIZZA and games!


>Bueno, puedes conseguir PIZZA [aquí]( stackear 20 PIZZA, para conseguir más PIZZA y también ser capaz de regalar pizza en tus comentarios! ¡¿Qué?! *La pizza engorda, dices*? O_o (nota: puedes otorgar pizza aún solo si holdeas 20 tokens). Además, por qué no unirte a nuestro [DISCORD?]( Tenemos $PIZZA y juegos!

Ok, you can also delegate some of SPT to (@)monster-curator to get some pasive SPT (in case you aren't doing nothing with it).

>Ok, también puedes delegar algo de SPT a (@)monster-curator para obtener algo de SPT pasivo (en caso de que no le estés dando uso para hacer curaciones/dar votos).

¿**Nuevo en Hive**? Date una vuelta por [este post]( que te explica todo lo básico que necesitas saber. Si quieres comprar Hive puedes darte una vuelta por
[Binance]( o por [](, puedes usar Hive para stackearlo y obtener más recursos (es decir, más capacidad para hacer transacciones) además de poder obtener más Hive por tus curaciones ("likes").
👍  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
properties (23)
json_metadata"{"app":"peakd/2021.09.1","format":"markdown","description":"Report of my battles in the brawl of my guild, Informe de mis batallas en la brawl de mi guild.","tags":["brawlreport","splintertalk","splinterlands","spt","hivepizza","spanish","oneup","ocd","hivegaming","opg"],"users":["amaillo","splinterstats","splinterstants","irregular-n","higherlow","cryptoniusraptor","shauner","aliento"],"image":["","","","","","","","","",""]}"
created2022-01-06 01:25:36
last_update2022-01-06 01:25:36
last_payout2022-01-13 01:25:36
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.532 HBD
curator_payout_value0.518 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"[ENG/ESP] Splinterlands Brawl Report - PIZZA 2 GUILD 5/Jan/2022 + Gladius pack opening"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (26)
@hivebuzz ·
Congratulations @amaillo! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s):

<table><tr><td><img src=""></td><td>You published more than 50 posts.<br>Your next target is to reach 60 posts.</td></tr>

<sub>_You can view your badges on [your board]( and compare yourself to others in the [Ranking](</sub>
<sub>_If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word_ `STOP`</sub>

To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

**Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:**
<table><tr><td><a href="/hivebuzz/@hivebuzz/pum-202201-3"><img src=""></a></td><td><a href="/hivebuzz/@hivebuzz/pum-202201-3">Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from day 3</a></td></tr><tr><td><a href="/hivebuzz/@hivebuzz/pud-202201-feedback"><img src=""></a></td><td><a href="/hivebuzz/@hivebuzz/pud-202201-feedback">Happy New Year - Feedback from the first Hive Power Up Day of 2022</a></td></tr></table>
properties (22)
created2022-01-06 03:37:30
last_update2022-01-06 03:37:30
last_payout2022-01-13 03:37:30
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"[ENG/ESP] Splinterlands Brawl Report - PIZZA 2 GUILD 5/Jan/2022 + Gladius pack opening"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@pizzabot ·
 @amaillo! The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.

<sub>You can now send $PIZZA tips in <a href="">Discord</a> via!</sub></center>
properties (22)
json_metadata"{"app": "beem/0.24.26"}"
created2022-01-06 07:26:51
last_update2022-01-06 07:26:51
last_payout2022-01-13 07:26:51
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
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pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"[ENG/ESP] Splinterlands Brawl Report - PIZZA 2 GUILD 5/Jan/2022 + Gladius pack opening"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD