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The purest, unconditional love, my father, my everything by antonellarteaga

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· @antonellarteaga ·
The purest, unconditional love, my father, my everything

Hoy, decido ponerme la mano en el corazón y hablarles sobre una de las personas que más amo en la vida, un hombre luchador, mi ejemplo a seguir por su incondicional manera de hacer las cosas, quien nunca demuestra debilidad así la sienta, quien me ha demostrado desde hace 21 años que a pesar de todo, siempre me apoyará de la mejor manera. Con ustedes, mi padre, Rafael Arteaga.

> Today, I decide to put my hand on my heart and talk to you about one of the people I love the most in life, a fighter man, my example to follow for his unconditional way of doing things, who never shows weakness even if he feels it, who has shown me for 21 years that despite everything, he will always support me in the best way. With you, my father, Rafael Arteaga.

Hablar de mi papá es un tema sensible para mí, ya que por temas de divorcio lamentablemente no vivo con él, ustedes no se imaginan lo feliz que sería si tuviéramos un lugar juntos, un espacio donde no me sienta juzgada, un lugar donde exista sólo paz y amor, pero sé que para mí mala suerte, es algo que por ahora por temas económicos, no va a suceder. Mi padre ha luchado toda su vida por tener un plato en su mesa, desde pequeño, lo enseñaron a que si quieres algo, debes luchar hasta conseguirlo, pasó por muchos trabajos, sufrió en el camino, tuvo muchos tropiezos, pero aun así no se desesperaba, nunca llegó a desanimarse, sabía que para conseguir eso que tanto deseaba tenía que pasar por obstáculos. Él no lo sabe, no se lo digo muy seguido, si tan solo supiera lo orgullosa que estoy de él.


> Talking about my dad is a sensitive topic for me, since due to divorce issues I unfortunately do not live with him, you can not imagine how happy I would be if we had a place together, a place where I do not feel judged, a place where there is only peace and love, but I know that for my bad luck, it is something that for now due to economic issues, it will not happen. My father has struggled all his life to have a plate on his table, since he was a child, he was taught that if you want something, you must fight until you get it, he went through many jobs, he suffered along the way, he had many stumbles, but still he did not despair, he never got discouraged, he knew that to get what he wanted so much he had to go through obstacles. He doesn't know it, I don't tell him that very often, if only he knew how proud I am of him.

Una persona motivada cada día por trabajar, dispuesto a levantarse y salir a cumplir con sus responsabilidades, quien no le teme a lo que pueda pasar, al contrario, está preparado para cualquier cosa que se le avecine. Mi padre, ha sido camionero por más de 14 años, no ha sido un trabajo nada fácil, le ha tocado quedarse a dormir en el camión, pasar días sin tener buen aseo personal, gastar el dinero para su mesa comiendo en la vía, aguantando calor, frío, picadas de zancudos, y con todo eso, cada vez que hablo con él me transmite su energía, su buena vibra, su voz me llena de mucha paz, me hace saber que está bien, viviendo sus travesías, nunca se ha cansado de luchar. 

> A person motivated every day to work, willing to get up and go out to fulfill his responsibilities, who is not afraid of what may happen, on the contrary, he is prepared for anything that may come his way. My father has been a truck driver for more than 14 years, it has not been an easy job, he has had to sleep in the truck, spend days without good personal hygiene, spend the money for his table eating on the road, enduring heat, cold, mosquito bites, and with all that, every time I talk to him he transmits me his energy, his good vibes, his voice fills me with peace, he lets me know that he is well, living his journeys, he has never tired of fighting. 


El trabajo de mi padre ha sido complicado, solo ha trabajado en dos empresas las cuales ha sido fiel a ellas, pero, en la segunda, que es la actual, no tiene derecho a quedarse en hoteles, tiene que dormir únicamente en el camión. Me parece difícil y sé que vivirlo no es fácil para él, como les dije, siempre busca la manera de salir adelante, ocupó un espacio únicamente para dormir cómodo, puso una colchoneta, almohadas, buscó la forma de tener comodidad, así es con la mayoría de las cosas, no importa con qué obstáculo se encuentre en su camino, saldrá adelante, le dará un giro inesperado para sentirse bien. Así es él, y créanme, para mí, es un ejemplo a seguir, no solo porque sea mi padre o por todo lo que ha hecho por sus 4 hijos, sino por la capacidad que tiene de dar un paso adelante sin mirar hacia atrás.

> My father's job has been complicated, he has only worked in two companies and he has been loyal to them, but in the second one, which is the current one, he does not have the right to stay in hotels, he has to sleep only in the truck. It seems difficult to me and I know that living it is not easy for him, as I told you, he always looks for a way to get ahead, he occupied a space just to sleep comfortably, he put a mattress, pillows, he looked for a way to have comfort, that's how it is with most things, no matter what obstacle he finds in his way, he will get ahead, he will give it an unexpected turn to feel good. That's how he is, and believe me, for me, he is an example to follow, not just because he is my father or for all he has done for his 4 children, but for the ability he has to step forward without looking back.

Él es la persona más noble que conozco, sincera, humilde y trabajadora. Siempre estará dispuesto a ayudar a todo el que lo necesite, esté o no esté a su alcance, si le piden ayuda va a estar, dará lo mejor, será un apoyo incondicional hasta el final. Es incapaz de defraudar a sus seres queridos, nunca da un no por respuesta, las pocas veces que lo ha hecho le duele hacerlo porque siente que no está ahí, cuando su lealtad vale más que cualquier dinero que pueda aportar. Desafortunadamente personas de su entorno, hasta su propia “familia” se quieren aprovechar de su lealtad, pidiéndole cosas, exigiéndole demás, sabiendo que no le gustará rechazarlos, ha sido muy injusto, he tratado de estar ahí para evitarlo, pero él es tan de buen corazón que no tiene malicia hacia otros, no siente remordimiento. Si hay una persona en el mundo que sé que será fiel hasta sus últimos días, es mi padre, el amor más puro e incondicional que pudo regalarme la vida.

> He is the noblest person I know, sincere, humble and hardworking. He will always be willing to help anyone who needs it, whether it is within his reach or not, if he is asked for help he will be there, he will give his best, he will be an unconditional support until the end. He is incapable of letting his loved ones down, he never gives a no for an answer, the few times he has done so it hurts him to do so because he feels that he is not there, when his loyalty is worth more than any money he can contribute. Unfortunately people around him, even his own "family" want to take advantage of his loyalty, asking him for things, demanding more from him, knowing that he will not like to refuse them, it has been very unfair, I have tried to be there to avoid it, but he is so good hearted that he has no malice towards others, he feels no remorse. If there is one person in the world that I know will be faithful until his last days, it is my father, the purest and most unconditional love that life could give me.


Como todo ser humano, mi padre ha cometido sus errores. En el amor, no le ha ido del todo bien, siento que tiene miedo a demostrar sus sentimientos. En ocasiones, me veo como él, alejándose en vez de afrontar lo que verdaderamente siente, quizá se siente traicionado, miedo a ser fallado, no lo sé, con todo el amor que tiene para dar, se merece una gran persona a su lado, no solo compañía, sino esa persona que te impulse a ser mejor en el día a día. Su relación con mi madre fue complicada, se entendieron hasta cierto punto que mi papá decidió traicionarla, no justifico lo que él hizo, ambos sufrieron, pero ahorita en mi madurez, me doy cuenta que la comunicación es elemental en una relación, algo que ellos decidieron no tener. Igual mi papá, está mejor donde está, tiene mucho camino por recorrer, sé que será feliz de alguna u otra forma.

> Like every human being, my father has made his mistakes. In love, he has not done well at all, I feel that he is afraid to show his feelings. Sometimes, I see myself like him, walking away instead of facing what he truly feels, maybe he feels betrayed, fear of being failed, I don't know, with all the love he has to give, he deserves a great person by his side, not only company, but that person that pushes you to be better in the day to day. His relationship with my mother was complicated, they understood each other up to a certain point that my dad decided to betray her, I don't justify what he did, they both suffered, but now in my maturity, I realize that communication is elemental in a relationship, something they decided not to have. My dad is better off where he is, he has a long way to go, I know he will be happy in one way or another.

Recuerdo que para mí era el mejor cocinero, en mi infancia, cuando me quedaba con él me hacía sus mejores recetas. Su manera de crianza fue distinta a la de mi madre, ya que él me demostraba que los hombres también deben ayudar, deben tener amor para hacer las cosas en la casa, algo que yo no veía en mi hogar. Mi papá sabe hacer de todo, sabe cocinar, sabe limpiar, gracias a él soy maniática con la limpieza, le gusta la comodidad, mantener su espacio limpio, siempre me enseñó que cada cosa que elijas hacer, debes dar todo de ti, y que tú espacio debe estar en orden para poder pensar con claridad.

> I remember that for me he was the best cook, in my childhood, when I stayed with him he would make me his best recipes. His way of upbringing was different from my mother's, because he showed me that men should also help, they should have love to do things around the house, something I did not see at home. My dad knows how to do everything, he knows how to cook, he knows how to clean, thanks to him I am a neat freak, he likes comfort, he likes to keep his space clean, he always taught me that whatever you choose to do, you must give everything of yourself, and that your space must be in order to be able to think clearly.

Él es una de las pocas personas que me entiende, sin juzgarme, puedo decirle de todo, cualquier vivencia y me va a aconsejar de la mejor manera, me trata de un modo único, entiende mis errores, me trata como una princesa, incluso me lo dice, su “Princesita valiente.” De él aprendí que sino realizarás las cosas de corazón, no vale la pena intentarlo. Me enseñó a estar ahí, a ser una amiga incondicional, pude aprender cosas que hoy en día me han ayudado en mi crecimiento, a ser mejor persona, a luchar, a amar, él me hace saber que no debo sentir miedo, que la vida se trata de simplemente vivirla. Le voy a agradecer cada cosa que ha hecho por mí, una de mis metas a largo plazo es ayudarlo en todo lo que pueda, darle una comodidad tan grande que no se imaginará, se lo merece, se merece tener una paz mental, dejar de preocuparse por el pan de cada día, quisiera poder darle todo lo que él me ha dado a mí, ser tan incondicional como lo ha sido.

> He is one of the few people who understands me, without judging me, I can tell him anything, any experience and he will advise me in the best way, he treats me in a unique way, he understands my mistakes, he treats me like a princess, he even tells me, his "Brave little princess." From him I learned that if you will not do things from your heart, it is not worth trying. He taught me to be there, to be an unconditional friend, I was able to learn things that today have helped me in my growth, to be a better person, to fight, to love, he lets me know that I should not be afraid, that life is about just living it. I am going to thank him for every single thing he has done for me, one of my long term goals is to help him in everything I can, to give him such a comfort that he will never imagine, he deserves it, he deserves to have a peace of mind, to stop worrying about his daily bread, I wish I could give him everything he has given me, to be as unconditional as he has been.


Te extraño cada día que pasa, lo daría todo por verte más, por compartir maravillas juntos, viajar, volver a comer algo cocinado por ti, sentir tu compañía. Estoy tan orgullosa de todo lo que has trabajado para ser quien eres hoy en día, aun cayendo, aun resistiendo todo tipo de atrocidades, has dado lo mejor de ti para convertirte en mi ser ejemplar. Sé que lograremos tantas cosas por individual y luego, en un futuro compartirlo juntos. Eres el mejor padre, hermano, abuelo, amigo de todo el mundo, nunca dejaré de decirlo, te amo con todo mi corazón y estoy muy feliz de tener la dicha de ser tu hija.

> I miss you every day that passes, I would give everything to see you more, to share wonders together, to travel, to eat something cooked by you again, to feel your company. I am so proud of all that you have worked to be who you are today, even falling, even resisting all kinds of atrocities, you have given the best of you to become my exemplary being. I know we will accomplish so many things individually and then, in the future share it together. You are the best father, brother, grandfather, friend in the whole world, I will never stop saying it, I love you with all my heart and I am very happy to have the joy of being your daughter.


Tú no lo sabes pero me mantienes fuerte, me das esa motivación que necesito para salir adelante, ser la mejor en todo lo que me proponga. Verte a ti luchando, siendo como eres sin cansancio, me llenas de voluntad para poder trabajar en todo lo que quiera hacer, gracias a que no me juzgas he podido avanzar, dar pasos hacia adelante, llevar tu apellido con orgullo, tu hija menor lo está logrando, no al ritmo que quisiera pero dando pasos de los cuales está orgullosa. Espero verte pronto, darte ese abrazo que necesito, esa conversación con sinceridad, tomar un café juntos, gracias por ser el mejor padre del mundo, por ser tan bueno conmigo, mis amigos y todos los que me rodean, lo eres todo y mucho más.

> You don't know it but you keep me strong, you give me the motivation I need to move forward, to be the best in everything I set my mind to. Seeing you fighting, being as you are without fatigue, fills me with the will to be able to work in everything I want to do, thanks to the fact that you do not judge me I have been able to move forward, take steps forward, carry your name with pride, your youngest daughter is achieving it, not at the pace I would like but taking steps of which she is proud. I hope to see you soon, give you that hug I need, that conversation with sincerity, have a coffee together, thank you for being the best father in the world, for being so good to me, my friends and everyone around me, you are everything and much more.

👍  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
properties (23)
created2022-07-06 03:44:06
last_update2022-07-06 03:44:06
last_payout2022-07-13 03:44:06
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value11.976 HBD
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pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"The purest, unconditional love, my father, my everything"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (59)
@crptogeek ·
Bonito homenaje a tu padre, se nota que lo quieres mucho. Un saludo desde Cuba.
properties (22)
created2022-07-06 16:55:06
last_update2022-07-06 16:55:06
last_payout2022-07-13 16:55:06
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"The purest, unconditional love, my father, my everything"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@antonellarteaga ·
Hola @crptogeek, muchísimas gracias por tu comentario. ¡Un abrazo desde Venezuela!
properties (22)
created2022-07-06 18:30:45
last_update2022-07-06 18:30:45
last_payout2022-07-13 18:30:45
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"The purest, unconditional love, my father, my everything"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@hivebuzz ·
Congratulations @antonellarteaga! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s):

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

**Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:**
<table><tr><td><a href="/hive-122221/@hivebuzz/pum-202206-delegations"><img src=""></a></td><td><a href="/hive-122221/@hivebuzz/pum-202206-delegations">Our Hive Power Delegations to the June PUM Winners </a></td></tr><tr><td><a href="/hive-122221/@hivebuzz/pud-202207-feedback"><img src=""></a></td><td><a href="/hive-122221/@hivebuzz/pud-202207-feedback">Feedback from the July 1st Hive Power Up Day</a></td></tr><tr><td><a href="/hive-122221/@hivebuzz/pum-202207"><img src=""></a></td><td><a href="/hive-122221/@hivebuzz/pum-202207">The 7th edition of the Hive Power Up Month starts today!</a></td></tr></table>

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properties (22)
created2022-07-06 04:58:30
last_update2022-07-06 04:58:30
last_payout2022-07-13 04:58:30
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"The purest, unconditional love, my father, my everything"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@hivebuzz ·
Dear @antonellarteaga, we need your help!<br><br>The Hivebuzz proposal already got important support from the community. However, it lost its funding a few days ago when the HBD stabilizer proposal rose above it.<br><br>May we ask you to support it so our team can continue its work?<br>You can do it on [Peakd](, [Ecency](, []( or [using HiveSigner](<br><br><br>All votes are helpful and yours will be much appreciated.<br> Thank you!
properties (22)
created2022-07-06 22:55:45
last_update2022-07-06 22:55:45
last_payout2022-07-13 22:55:45
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"The purest, unconditional love, my father, my everything"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@temileke ·
Father love can never be replaced. At times I wonder why our society does not always appreciate father love compared to mother love. Father is everything in a child life
properties (22)
created2022-07-06 10:30:09
last_update2022-07-06 10:30:09
last_payout2022-07-13 10:30:09
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"The purest, unconditional love, my father, my everything"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@antonellarteaga ·
That's right, I have always been able to appreciate my father in an incomparable way, he is a great support for me, thank you very much for your comment!
properties (22)
created2022-07-06 18:32:00
last_update2022-07-06 18:32:00
last_payout2022-07-13 18:32:00
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"The purest, unconditional love, my father, my everything"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD