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Fatass Journal... 2021#295 - October 22 by browery

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· @browery ·
Fatass Journal... 2021#295 - October 22
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*Wczoraj, kiedy wstałem po nocce, za oknem przywitała mnie słoneczna pogoda. Zastanawiałem się nawet, czy wykorzystać dobrej pogody na rowerową przejażdżkę. Okazało się jednak, że co prawda nie pada, ale wciąż mocno wieje, a to już mi się nie podobało. Dlatego wybrałem nordic walking nad kanałem.*

[ENG] **Yesterday, when I got up after a night out, sunny weather greeted me outside the window. I even wondered whether I would take advantage of the good weather to go for a bike ride. However, it turned out that it was not raining, but it was still windy, which I did not like. So, I decided to go Nordic walking along the canal.**





*W wielu miejscach wzdłuż kanału rozstawili się wędkarze. Zawsze jak ich widzę to uśmiech pojawia się na mojej twarzy. Ilość ekwipunku wędkarskiego i innego sprzętu na pewno nie jest adekwatna do tego co mogą oni tam złowić. Zwykle rozstawiają też niewielkie namioty nad brzegiem, jednak ci wczorajsi zaskoczyli nawet mnie. Nad brzegiem stał bus przykryty siatką maskującą w którym siedzieli wędkarze, a dodatkowo obok postawiony był maszt z anteną telewizyjną. Nie rozumiem dlaczego ktoś jedzie na ryby z telewizorem?*

[ENG] **In many places along the canal, fishermen have set up. Every time I see them, a smile comes to my face. The amount of fishing gear and other equipment is certainly not adequate for what they can pick up there. They usually put up small tents on the bank, but yesterday's ones surprised even me. There was a van covered with a camouflage net in which anglers were sitting, and additionally there was a pole with a TV antenna next to it. I don't understand why someone goes fishing with a TV set?**





![Piotr A. Marszalek.png](



### Dystans pokonany w 2021 roku: 3844,40 km - z podziałem na dyscypliny:  

Dyscyplina| Dystans|  
- | - | 
Spacer / Marsz / Nordic Walking | **2775,23 km** (11,10 km) |
Kolarstwo / Rower MTB | **849,45 km** |
Jogging / Bieganie | **219,72 km** | 



<div class="text-justify">


|	Round 6	|	21/10/2021	|	Results			|
|	-	|	-	|		-		|
|	**@masoom**	|	@cezary-io	|	**31628**	-	20316	|
|	**@pjansen**	|	@davidesimoncini	|	**11995** -	0	|
|	**@mariya36**	|	@sk1920	|	**39089**	-	33438	|
|	@homesteadlt	|	**@bucipuci**	|	11854	-	**56422**	|
|	@merthin	|	**@pagane**	|	22507	-	**28636**	|
|	@grecki-bazar-ewy	|	**@flaxz**	|	17943	-	**20971**	|
|	@ilodz24hd	|	**@practicaleric**	|	24235	-	**26369**	|
|	**@manuvert**	|	@browery	|	**36432**	-	21509	|
|	**@venan**	|	@ptaku	|	**32587**	-	13503	|

*Oba pojedynki na szczycie tabeli zakończyły się klęską polskich uczestników. Dla @browery i @cezary-io przegrana jest tym bardziej dotkliwa, że ich potknięcie skrzętnie wykorzystali bułgarscy rywale czający się za ich plecami. Aktualny mistrz League One @ilodz24hd, mimo bardzo dobrego wyniku w tej kolejce, wciąż bez punktów, tym razem nieco lepszy od niego okazał się @practicaleric. Nagrody 100 AFIT za aktywność otrzymują: @bucipuci (najlepszy wynik) i @sk1920 (najlepszy wynik przegranego).*

[ENG] **Both duels at the top of the table ended in defeat for the Polish participants. For @browery and @cezary-io the defeat is even more painful, because their stumble was easily taken advantage of by Bulgarian rivals lurking behind their backs. Current League One champion @ilodz24hd, despite a very good result in this round, still without points, this time slightly better than him proved @practicaleric. The 100 AFIT prizes for activity go to: @bucipuci (best score) and @sk1920 (best loser score).**

|	#	|	Player	|	Points	|	For	|	Against	|
|	-	|	-	|	-	|	-	|	-	|
|	1	|	@masoom	|	18	|	192124	|	120827	|
|	2	|	@manuvert	|	18	|	181805	|	132106	|
|	3	|	@pagane	|	15	|	205714	|	123704	|
|	4	|	@venan	|	15	|	174953	|	115203	|
|	5	|	@browery	|	15	|	171707	|	117431	|
|	6	|	@cezary-io	|	15	|	138003	|	100196	|
|	7	|	@bucipuci	|	9	|	214646	|	140973	|
|	8	|	@mariya36	|	9	|	168865	|	126579	|
|	9	|	@practicaleric	|	9	|	155601	|	157979	|
|	10	|	@flaxz	|	9	|	131952	|	145971	|
|	11	|	@merthin	|	6	|	128363	|	152913	|
|	12	|	@pjansen	|	6	|	84922	|	102935	|
|	13	|	@davidesimoncini	|	6	|	60810	|	118875	|
|	14	|	@sk1920	|	3	|	132997	|	178156	|
|	15	|	@grecki-bazar-ewy	|	3	|	94983	|	145481	|
|	16	|	@ptaku	|	3	|	74265	|	148029	|
|	17	|	@homesteadlt	|	3	|	45719	|	157104	|
|	18	|	@ilodz24hd	|	0	|	84019	|	156986	|

~~Tomorrow's~~ Today's pairs:

|	Round 8	|	23/10/2021	|
|	-	|	-	|
|	@pjansen	|	@flaxz	|
|	@mariya36	|	@practicaleric	|
|	@homesteadlt	|	@browery	|
|	@merthin	|	@ptaku	|
|	@grecki-bazar-ewy	|	@venan	|
|	@ilodz24hd	|	@manuvert	|
|	@masoom	|	@sk1920	|
|	@davidesimoncini	|	@bucipuci	|
|	@cezary-io	|	@pagane	|

**Full schedule of games [here](**


|	Round 6	|	21/10/2021	|	Results			|
|	-	|	-	|		-		|
|	@stefannikolov	|	**@zimnaherbata**	|	10414	-	**14904**	|
|	**@davidthompson57**	|	@cryptospa	|	**20137**	-	16932	|
|	**@matthew1**	|	@soluce07	|	**9711**	-	7047	|
|	**@giulius**	|	@sandraa1	|	**25352**	-	21002	|
|	@dirkzett	|	**@ervin-lemark**	|	15365	-	**21372**	|
|	**@kiel91**	|	@krakonos	|	**14355**	-	12164	|
|	**@hivebg**	|	@ykretz.sports	|	**32417**	-	0	|
|	**@romualdd** |	@asia-pl	|	**12049**	-	9013	|
|	**@racibo**	|	@notak	|	**21240**	-	8936	|

*Zgodnie z moimi wczorajszymi przewidywaniami @hivebg i @zimnaherbata utrzymali się na czele bez straty punktu. Jutro to się zmieni, bo w siódmej kolejce stoczyli bezpośredni pojedynek. Za ich plecami jest grupa pościgowa z niewielką stratą, co oznacza, ciekawą rywalizację o miejsca premiowane awansem do League One. Dopiero tydzień rywalizacji za nami, więc każdy scenariusz jest możliwy. Nagrody 100 AFIT za aktywność otrzymują: @hivebg (najlepszy wynik) i @sandraa1 (najlepszy wynik przegranego).*

[ENG] **As I predicted yesterday, @hivebg and @zimnaherbata stayed in the lead without losing a point. That will change tomorrow, as they face off in a direct duel in the seventh round. Behind them is a chase group with a small loss, which means, an interesting competition for places worthy of promotion to League One. Only a week of competition behind us, so any scenario is possible. The 100 AFIT prizes for activity go to: @hivebg (best score) and @sandraa1 (best loser score).**

|	#	|	Player	|	Points	|	For	|	Against	|
|	-	|	-	|	-	|	-	|	-	|
|	1	|	@hivebg	|	18	|	180336	|	54083	|
|	2	|	@zimnaherbata	|	18	|	108237	|	74610	|
|	3	|	@ervin-lemark	|	15	|	111859	|	60568	|
|	4	|	@romualdd	|	15	|	65872	|	56544	|
|	5	|	@sandraa1	|	12	|	104340	|	61821	|
|	6	|	@giulius	|	12	|	96559	|	92628	|
|	7	|	@cryptospa	|	9	|	86792	|	75674	|
|	8	|	@davidthompson57	|	9	|	86746	|	95610	|
|	9	|	@dirkzett	|	9	|	82779	|	68384	|
|	10	|	@stefannikolov	|	9	|	73575	|	96364	|
|	11	|	@asia-pl	|	9	|	67524	|	75464	|
|	12	|	@racibo	|	6	|	110923	|	135376	|
|	13	|	@matthew1	|	6	|	60799	|	78270	|
|	14	|	@kiel91	|	6	|	53209	|	89522	|
|	15	|	@krakonos	|	3	|	58901	|	93818	|
|	16	|	@notak	|	3	|	49342	|	73153	|
|	17	|	@ykretz.sports	|	3	|	22189	|	83914	|
|	18	|	@soluce07	|	0	|	31353	|	85532	|

~~Tomorrow's~~ Today's pairs:

|	Round 8	|	23/10/2021	|
|	-	|	-	|
|	@stefannikolov	|	@asia-pl	|
|	@ykretz.sports	|	@notak	|
|	@krakonos	|	@racibo	|
|	@ervin-lemark	|	@romualdd	|
|	@sandraa1	|	@hivebg	|
|	@soluce07	|	@kiel91	|
|	@cryptospa	|	@dirkzett	|
|	@zimnaherbata	|	@giulius	|
|	@davidthompson57	|	@matthew1	|

**Full schedule of games [here](**


 <br/> _This report was published via Actifit app ([Android]( | [iOS]( Check out the original version [here on]( <br/> <br><img src=""><br><table>	<tr>		<img src="">	</tr>	<tr>		<div class="text-center"><b>22/10/2021</b></div>	</tr></table><table>	<tr>		<img src="">	</tr>	<tr>		<div class="text-center"><b>24247</b></div>	</tr></table><table>	<tr>		<img src="">	</tr>	<tr>		<div class="text-center"><pre><b>Daily Activity, Photowalking, Walking</b></div></pre></div>	</tr></table><div class="text-center"><img src=""><a href=""><img src=""></a><a href=""><img src=""></a></div>
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properties (23)
json_metadata"{"community":["hive-193552"], "step_count":["24247"], "activity_type":["Daily Activity, Photowalking, Walking"], "users":["actifit"], "tags":["hive-193552","actifit","polish","pl-blog","aroundtheworld","poliac","ctp","pob","photography","palnet","sportstalk"],"heightUnit":["cm"], "weightUnit":["kg"], "chestUnit":["cm"], "waistUnit":["cm"], "thighsUnit":["cm"], "timezone":["GMT+02:00"], "actifitUserID":["8c6239cb-52a4-46cf-b034-e3daa0ac7ac5v0.6.8.1"], "dataTrackingSource":["Device Tracking"], "detailedActivity":["06451761|07001984|071595|07309|10157|131542|1330137|134545|1400306|14152275|14302445|14452338|15002304|15152563|15302509|15452295|160016|16306|16454|171523|174516|18156|1830166|18452720|1900175|"], "yesterdayReport":["1"], "activityDate":["20211022"], "image":["","","","","","","","","","","",""],"appType":"Android","actiCrVal":"e540cb65d685e805217b72c59c670845c095696babbf1d7d074652ecee25ad5fd71ab2f00dc3dd2f4993a693c33716d8","app":"actifit/"}"
created2021-10-23 05:13:09
last_update2021-10-23 05:13:09
last_payout2021-10-30 05:13:09
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value19.523 HBD
curator_payout_value20.463 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Fatass Journal... 2021#295 - October 22"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (230)
@actifit ·
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padding: 5px;"><div class="avatar pro-card-av" style="border-color: red;background-image: url(; width: 90px; height: 90px;"></div><img src="" class="no-actifit"><div><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i></div><div>Friend Boost - L4</div><div>+ 16 % AFIT</div><div>+ 12 % AFIT</div></div><div style="flex-direction: column; padding: 5px;"><div class="avatar pro-card-av" style="border-color: orange;background-image: url(; width: 90px; height: 90px;"></div><img src="" class="no-actifit"><div><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i></div><div>Sports Hat - L2</div><div>+ 15 % AFIT</div></div><div style="flex-direction: column; padding: 5px;"><div class="avatar pro-card-av" style="background-image: url(; width: 90px; height: 90px;"></div><img src="" class="no-actifit"><div><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i></div><div>Sunglasses - L1</div><div>+ 15 % AFIT</div><div>+ 1 % SPORTS</div></div><div style="flex-direction: column; padding: 5px;"><div class="avatar pro-card-av" style="border-color: orange;background-image: url(; width: 90px; height: 90px;"></div><img src="" class="no-actifit"><div><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i></div><div>Sunglasses - L2</div><div>+ 15 % AFIT</div><div>+ 1.5 % SPORTS</div></div><div style="flex-direction: column; padding: 5px;"><div class="avatar pro-card-av" style="border-color: red;background-image: url(; width: 90px; height: 90px;"></div><img src="" class="no-actifit"><div><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i></div><div>Sunglasses - L3</div><div>+ 15 % AFIT</div><div>+ 2 % SPORTS</div></div><div style="flex-direction: column; padding: 5px;"><div class="avatar pro-card-av" style="background-image: url(; width: 90px; height: 90px;"></div><img src="" class="no-actifit"><div><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i></div><div>Protein Shake - L1</div><div>+ 15 % AFIT</div></div><div style="flex-direction: column; padding: 5px;"><div class="avatar pro-card-av" style="border-color: red;background-image: url(; width: 90px; height: 90px;"></div><img src="" class="no-actifit"><div><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i></div><div>Sunglasses - L4</div><div>+ 15 % AFIT</div><div>+ 2.5 % SPORTS</div></div><div style="flex-direction: column; padding: 5px;"><div class="avatar pro-card-av" style="border-color: red;background-image: url(; width: 90px; height: 90px;"></div><img src="" class="no-actifit"><div><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i></div><div>Sunglasses - L5</div><div>+ 17 % AFIT</div><div>+ 3 % SPORTS</div></div><div style="flex-direction: column; padding: 5px;"><div class="avatar pro-card-av" style="border-color: red;background-image: url(; width: 90px; height: 90px;"></div><img src="" class="no-actifit"><div><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i></div><div>Protein Shake - L5</div><div>+ 18 % AFIT</div></div><div style="flex-direction: column; padding: 5px;"><div class="avatar pro-card-av" style="border-color: orange;background-image: url(; width: 90px; height: 90px;"></div><img src="" class="no-actifit"><div><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i></div><div>Friend Boost - L2</div><div>+ 12 % AFIT</div><div>+ 5 % AFIT</div></div><div style="flex-direction: column; padding: 5px;"><div class="avatar pro-card-av" style="border-color: red;background-image: url(; width: 90px; height: 90px;"></div><img src="" class="no-actifit"><div><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i></div><div>Sports Hat - L3</div><div>+ 15 % AFIT</div></div><div style="flex-direction: column; padding: 5px;"><div class="avatar pro-card-av" style="border-color: red;background-image: url(; width: 90px; height: 90px;"></div><img src="" class="no-actifit"><div><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i><i class="fas fa-star text-brand"></i></div><div>Friend Boost - L5</div><div>+ 18 % AFIT</div><div>+ 14 % AFIT</div></div></div></b><div>... and 12 other gadgets.</div><div><i>Boosts increased your AFIT earnings by 249.5260 AFIT</i></div>
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properties (22)
created2021-10-24 04:40:21
last_update2021-10-24 04:40:21
last_payout2021-10-31 04:40:21
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Fatass Journal... 2021#295 - October 22"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@bucipuci ·
Dzięki za AFIT :-)
używając #aroundtheworld
properties (22)
created2021-10-23 16:00:18
last_update2021-10-23 16:00:18
last_payout2021-10-30 16:00:18
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Fatass Journal... 2021#295 - October 22"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@luvshares ·
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<center><br> <p>@browery, you've been given LUV from @bucipuci.</p> <p>Check the LUV in your H-E <a href="">wallet</a>. <sub>(3/5)</sub></p> </center><div></div>
properties (22)
json_metadata"{"app": "beem/0.24.26"}"
created2021-10-23 16:01:15
last_update2021-10-23 16:01:15
last_payout2021-10-30 16:01:15
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Fatass Journal... 2021#295 - October 22"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@zimnaherbata ·
No i skończyło się rumakowanie. Wczoraj jeszcze na jeden spacer zapomniałem telefonu, ale patrząc po wynik przeciwnika, to nie miało znaczenia. Szkoda mi @racibo, który sumarycznie ma więcej kroków ode mnie, ale większego pecha do przeciwników.
properties (22)
created2021-10-23 07:05:51
last_update2021-10-23 07:05:51
last_payout2021-10-30 07:05:51
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Fatass Journal... 2021#295 - October 22"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@racibo · (edited)
Ani trochę mnie to nie boli. W drugiej lidze jest fajnie, nigdzie się nie wybieram.
Można by stworzyć kolejne wyzwanie jak być ostatnim mając największą sumę kroków :)
properties (22)
created2021-10-23 08:04:09
last_update2021-10-23 08:04:39
last_payout2021-10-30 08:04:09
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Fatass Journal... 2021#295 - October 22"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD