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[Animation review] [Eng | Esp] Justice League Dark: Apokolips War | Heroes can also be defeated by jrjaime

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· @jrjaime ·
[Animation review] [Eng | Esp] Justice League Dark: Apokolips War | Heroes can also be defeated
<div class="pull-left"><div class="text-justify">Welcome dear internet travelers lovers of wars of good against evil and thank you very much for making a temporary stop in my post, if you have been following my content for a couple of months you will know that I have been reviewing the DC animated universe for a while (If you are not following me you should reevaluate what you are doing with your lives lol) the heart of the matter is that I started this journey because of a tape in specifically entitled "Justice League Dark: Apokolips War" which is the one that brings us together today after so long and that nothing else with the title is more than clear that it promises a lot. Just add your layers of heroes that we are about to start the war for peace.</div></div>
<div class="pull-right"><div class="text-justify">Bienvenidos queridos viajeros del internet amantes de las guerras del bien contra el mal y muchas gracias por hacer una parada temporal en mi post, si llevan siguiendo mi contenido desde hace un par de meses sabrán que llevo un tiempo reseñando el universo animado de DC (Si no me están siguiendo deberían reevaluar que están haciendo con sus vidas jajaja) el meollo del asunto es que comencé esta travesía debido a una cinta en concreto titulada "Justice League Dark: Apokolips War" la cual es la que nos reúne hoy después de tanto tiempo y que nada más con el título queda más que claro que promete bastante. Sin más que agregar pónganse sus capas de héroes que estamos por comenzar la guerra por la paz.</div></div>



<center><i><b>Property by @Jrjaime</b></i></center>


<center><i><b>Property by @Jrjaime</b></i></center>


<div class="pull-left"><div class="text-justify">Justice League Dark: Apokolips War was released in 2020, based on "Darkseid War" by Geoff Johns, the film was directed by Matt Peters and Christina Sotta, was produced by Warner Bros. Animation, has a duration of 1 hour and 30 minutes. It is a story of action and superheroes, focus on the heroes who have survived the different attacks of the conqueror Darkseid being that the remaining members of the Justice League, Justice League Dark, Teen Titans and Suicide Squad, after seeing what the tyrant has advanced in his conquests of various planets this is seen as a latent threat so they join forces to give a forceful blow to Apokolips. Unfortunately they set a trap and both the heroes who remained on earth and those who were attacking were ambushed, the carnage was brutal to such an extent that the casualties were incalculable resulting in a land controlled by Darkseid without hope, however in the darkest night there will always be someone who works as light and rises to defend the innocent.</div></div>
<div class="pull-right"><div class="text-justify">Justice League Dark: Apokolips War fue estrenada en 2020, basada en "Darkseid War" de Geoff Johns, el filme fue dirigido por Matt Peters y Christina Sotta, fue producido por Warner Bros. Animation, cuenta con una duración de 1 hora y 30 minutos. Es una historia de acción y superhéroes, se enfocan a los héroes que han sobrevivido a los diferentes ataques del conquistador Darkseid siendo que los miembros restantes de la Justice League, Justice League Dark, Teen Titans y Suicide Squad, tras ver qué el tirano ha avanzado en sus conquistas de diversos planetas este es visto como una amenaza latente por lo que unen fuerzas para dar un golpe contundente a Apokolips. Lamentablemente les tienden una trampa y tanto los héroes que permanecieron en la tierra como los que se encontraban atacando fueron emboscados, la carnicería fue brutal a tal punto de que las bajas fueron incalculables dejando como resultado una tierra controlada por Darkseid sin esperanza, sin embargo en la noche más oscura siempre habrá alguien que funja como luz y se levante para defender a los inocentes.</div></div>


<i><b>For more details about the film you can visit the link that I leave from [Wikipedia]( | Para más detalles sobre el filme pueden visitar el link que les dejo de [Wikipedia](</b></i>




<center><i><b>Property by @Jrjaime</b></i></center>


<div class="pull-left"><div class="text-justify">The soundtrack is very pleasant because it is used to generate from that dystopian and devastating environment to serve as an epic element in the face of combat, this causes it to feel very consistent with the rhythm that is marking the narrative of the film.</div></div>
<div class="pull-right"><div class="text-justify">La banda sonora es muy agradable debido a que es empleada para generar desde ese ambiente distópico y devastador hasta fungir como elemento épico de cara a los combates, esto provoca que se sienta muy concordante con el ritmo que va marcando la narrativa de la película.</div></div>


<center><i><b>Property by @Jrjaime</b></i></center>


<div class="pull-left"><div class="text-justify">The animation is the usual for DC animated films, being very graphic, with a color palette with a predominance of dark tones, it is very detailed and graphic something that comes in handy in the face of confrontations. I must add that the fact that it handles detailed scenes loaded with a lot of blood is a success since it adds seriousness to the film and follows from that idea that it is something aimed at a children's audience.</div></div>
<div class="pull-right"><div class="text-justify">La animación es lo habitual para los filmes animados de DC, siendo muy gráfica, con una paleta de colores con predominación de tonos oscuros, es muy detallada y gráfica algo que le viene muy bien de cara a los enfrentamientos. He de añadir que el hecho que maneje escenas detalladas cargadas de mucha sangre es un acierto puesto que le añade seriedad al filme y se desprende de esa idea de que sea algo orientado a un público infantil.</div></div>




<center><i><b>Property by @Jrjaime</b></i></center>


<div class="pull-left"><div class="text-justify">The construction of the world is pleasant, the 2 scenarios that arise are quite diverse, the first seeks and manages to capture the earth as a world in ruins that is ravaged by misfortune, scourged by an inclement, bloodthirsty and depraved conqueror; on the other hand is Apokolips the place of which Darkseid is master and lord, this world generates a wonderful contrast with the earth since from the go it is noted that it is extremely hostile and plagued with dangers, which would be expected from the base of an intergalactic conqueror. These settings are very well done because they manage to convey the message they try to represent, in turn it is very nice that the narrative uses both scenarios as important elements of the plot, that makes them feel important.</div></div>
<div class="pull-right"><div class="text-justify">La construcción de mundo es agradable, los 2 escenarios que se plantean son bastante diversos, el primero busca y consigue plasmar a la tierra como un mundo en ruinas que se encuentra asolado por la desgracia, azotado por un conquistador inclemente, sanguinario y depravado; por otro lado se encuentra Apokolips el lugar del cual Darkseid es amo y señor, este mundo genera un contraste maravilloso con la tierra ya que desde el vamos se nota que es sumamente hostil y plagado de peligros, lo que se esperaría de la base de un conquistador intergaláctico. Dichas ambientaciones están muy bien hechas debido a que logran transmitir el mensaje que intentan representar, a su vez es muy agradable que la narrativa utilice ambos escenarios como elementos importantes de la trama, eso los hace sentir importantes.</div></div>




<center><i><b>Property by @Jrjaime</b></i></center>


<div class="pull-left"><div class="text-justify">The plot is simple but captivating, it is the typical story of good against evil, however I must highlight the fact that from the go raises the defeated heroes starting with a certain tragic note and this demotivation is worked throughout the film, it is not for less since it is a rather traumatizing massacre. In general the tape handles a quite palpable psychological touch, not much with it although it is appreciated that he makes at least the attempt; Another element that if it makes use of good form are the dramatic moments and the plot twists, both have a very good development and are used intelligently so that they feel very consistent with everything that happened in the film. I do not usually talk about the endings however it is necessary, I was surprised that this did not end up being the typical happy resolution, I sought and managed to capture the consequences of a war being that the countless casualties are too many for the survivors to decide to be happy with the victory, it is of a more mature, tragic and realistic tone that I had not seen in other DC animated films and that is why it is to be commended. that they dared to do something unexpected but plausible.</div></div>
<div class="pull-right"><div class="text-justify">La trama es sencilla pero atrapante, es la típica historia del bien contra el mal, sin embargo he de destacar el hecho de que desde el vamos plantea a los héroes derrotados empezando con cierta nota trágica y dicha desmotivación es trabajada a lo largo del filme, no es para menos puesto que es una masacre bastante traumante. En general la cinta maneja un toque psicológico bastante palpable, no hace mucho con ello aunque igual se agradece que haga por lo menos el intento; otro elemento que si hace uso de buena forma son los momentos dramáticos y los giros argumentales, ambos tienen un muy buen desarrollo y son empleados de forma inteligente para que se sientan muy acordes con todo lo acontecido en la película. No suelo hablar de los finales sin embargo es necesario, me sorprendió que este no terminase siendo la típica resolución feliz, busca y conseguí plasmar las consecuencias de una guerra siendo que las incontables bajas son demasiadas como para que los sobrevivientes decidan estar felices con la victoria, es de un tono más maduro, trágico y realista que no había visto en otros filmes animados de DC y es por ello que es de elogiar que se atreviesen a algo inesperado pero plausible.</div></div>





<center><i><b>Property by @Jrjaime</b></i></center>


<div class="pull-left"><div class="text-justify">This is the most wonderful and disappointing point in equal parts, first let's highlight the positive, John Constantine is undoubtedly the character who steals the show, he presents himself with varied feelings about the first lost battle, from anger for what happened to sadness and depression for losing different friends, they are emotions that he has throughout the tape and that evolve because they are susceptible to different elements. that reveals the plot; on the other hand there is the villain who is wonderful, Darkseid has served as a villain in different animated films but it is undoubtedly in this where he is seen shining more, he is cruel, ruthless and merciless, his grandeur is palpable since he is a character who fully fulfills his role of being the pillar to tear down to achieve peace,  While his goal is simple as the fuck makes up for it with an excellent presence that makes him feel without a doubt like the super-powered final boss to defeat.</div></div>
<div class="pull-right"><div class="text-justify">Este es el punto más maravilloso y decepcionante a partes iguales, primero destaquemos lo positivo, John Constantine es sin duda el personaje que se roba el show, se presenta con sentimientos variados sobre la primera batalla perdida, desde ira por lo sucedido hasta tristeza y depresión por perder a diferentes amigos, son emociones que va teniendo a lo largo de la cinta y que van evolucionando debido a que son susceptibles a los diferentes elementos que va develando la trama; por otro lado está el villano que es jodidamente maravilloso, Darkseid ha fungido de villano en diferentes filmes animados pero es sin duda alguna en este en dónde se le ve brillar más, es cruel, despiadado e inmisericordioso, su imponencia es palpable puesto que es un personaje que cumple completamente su rol de ser el pilar a derribar para conseguir paz, si bien su objetivo es simple como el carajo lo compensa con una presencia excelente que lo hace sentir sin duda alguna como el jefe final superpoderoso a derrotar.</div></div>


<div class="pull-left"><div class="text-justify">Moving on to the negative we have the rest of the characters who feel very flat, it seems that Constantine was the only one affected by the death of their loved ones, the vast majority acts apathetic about this, characters who have good presence throughout the film like Superman or Raven feel like empty shells,  others like Batman or Robin who have less screen time are perceived much more pleasant and with better development. At this point I will also highlight characters like Shazam who is never focused despite having gone through hell; last but not least are characters like Flash or Zatanna who although they do not have a gigantic presence manage to convey a rather depressing or pleasant feeling respectively thanks to their actions or what they endured, deserve to be mentioned at least.</div></div>
<div class="pull-right"><div class="text-justify">Pasando a lo negativo tenemos el resto de personajes que se sienten muy planos, pareciese que Constantine fuese el único afectado por la muerte de sus seres queridos, la gran mayoría actúa apáticos con respecto a esto, personajes que tienen buena presencia a lo largo de la película como Superman o Raven se sienten como cascarones vacíos, otros como Batman o Robin que tienen menos tiempo en pantalla se perciben mucho más agradables y con mejor desarrollo. En este punto también destacaré a personajes como Shazam que nunca es enfocado pese a haber pasado por un infierno; por último pero no menos importante están personajes como Flash o Zatanna que si bien no tiene una presencia gigantesca logran transmitir un sentimiento bastante deprimente o agradable respectivamente gracias a sus actos o lo que soportaron, merecen ser mencionados por lo menos.</div></div>




<div class="pull-left"><div class="text-justify">Justice League Dark: Apokolips War is that film that uses all the good things that had done the DC movies released before it and improves it to an exceptional level, focuses on building moments and characters that manage to matter to the viewer being very enjoyable at all times, although it has bad points these can be ignored since they are not so terrible as to ruin the experience. It is for all this that it deserves a rating of 5 stars out of 7, a superhero film that has no hesitation in showing them as vulnerable beings who can be defeated and forcing them to accept that truth if they want to overcome and succeed in the end.</div></div>
<div class="pull-right"><div class="text-justify">Justice League Dark: Apokolips War es ese filme que utiliza todo lo bueno que habían hecho las películas de DC estrenadas antes que ella y lo mejora a un nivel excepcional, se centra en construir momentos y personajes que logran importarle al espectador siendo muy disfrutable en todo momento, si bien tiene puntos malos estos pueden obviarse puesto que no son tan terribles como para arruinar la experiencia. Es por todo esto que merece una calificación de 5 estrellas de 7, una cinta de superhéroes que no tiene tapujos en mostrarlos cómo seres vulnerables que pueden ser derrotados y obligándoles a aceptar esa verdad si es que estos quieren sobreponerse y triunfar al final.</div></div>



<center><i><b>Property by @Jrjaime</b></i></center>



<center><i><b>Courtesy of [DC](</b></i></center>


<div class="pull-left"><div class="text-justify">My dear heroic travelers have reached the end of another review, if it was to your liking I would greatly appreciate that they left their positive vote and that they made use of the reblog button, I upload content on a regular basis so if you do not want to miss it I invite you to start following me so that you do not miss the content that goes up soon. If you want me to review something in particular you can leave the suggestion in the comment box and I will gladly dedicate a review in the near future. Without more to add thank you very much for having read I send you a big hug from a distance and I remind you that you have the strength of your greatness giving you your support you just have to take the helm and set a course, I hope we meet again when you decide to make another temporary stop in another of my posts.</div></div>
<div class="pull-right"><div class="text-justify">Mis queridos viajeros heroicos hemos llegado al final de otra reseña, si fue de su gusto apreciaría mucho que dejasen su voto positivo y que hiciesen uso del botón reblog, subo contenido de forma regular por lo que si no desean perdérselo los invito a que comiencen a seguirme para que no se pierdan del contenido que suba próximamente. Si desean que reseñe algo en concreto pueden dejar la sugerencia en la caja de comentarios y con gusto le dedicaré una reseña en un futuro cercano. Sin más que agregar muchas gracias por haber leído les mando un fuerte abrazo desde la distancia y les recuerdo que tienen la fuerza de su grandeza dándoles su apoyo solo tienen que tomar el timón y fijar un rumbo, espero que nos topemos de nuevo cuando decidan hacer otra parada temporal en otro de mis posts.</div></div>



<center><i><b>Property by @Jrjaime</b></i></center>


<i><b>In case you were wanting more | Por si quedaste con ganas de más</i></b><div class="pull-right"><i><b>[[Movie review] My Friend Dahmer](</b></i></div><div class="pull-leaf"><i><b>[[Short Story] Separate paths](</b></i></div>


<center><i><b>Property by @Jrjaime</b></i></center>


<i><b><div class="pull-left"><div class="text-justify">All the images used to make this post that have no source are my property being taken, created and / or edited partially or totally by me using the Gimp program, those that are not of my authorship will have at the end their respective source and if they do not have it in the same way belong to their respective authors. The screenshots of the film were taken by me while watching the tape and are the property of the respective rights owners of the film.</div></div>
<div class="pull-right"><div class="text-justify">Todas las imágenes utilizadas para hacer este post que no tienen fuente son de mi propiedad siendo tomadas, creadas y/o editadas parcial o totalmente por mi utilizando el programa Gimp, aquellas que no son de mi autoría tendrán al final su respectiva fuente y si no la tienen de igual forma pertenecen a sus respectivos autores. Las capturas de pantalla de la película fueron tomadas por mi mientras veía la cinta y son propiedad de los respectivos dueños de los derechos de la misma.</div></div></b></i>


<b><i>[Cover photo | Foto de portada](, [Logo](, [Crane](, [Hand with pen](, [Yugi](, [Edward chibi](, [Edward Child](, [Edward young](, [Edward bleeding](, [Naruto chibi](, [Goku chibi](, [Jesper](, [Hand with a tablet](, [Sound system]( & [Trigun](</i></b>
👍  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and 38 others
properties (23)
created2022-11-30 03:23:12
last_update2022-11-30 03:23:12
last_payout2022-12-07 03:23:12
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.722 HBD
curator_payout_value0.703 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"[Animation review] [Eng | Esp] Justice League Dark: Apokolips War | Heroes can also be defeated"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (102)
@adalathu ·
Amigo, volviste con las reseñas de DC 👏🏼

No se por qué, pero desde que descubrí a la Liga de la justicia "oscura" sus películas se han convertido en mis favoritas, quizás es justamente porque se desprenden de ser una película netamente familiar o porque John Constantine es genial, sea como sea definitivamente me gusta el hecho de que vemos héroes diferentes y a los de siempre comportarse diferente. Por cierto, ¿Etrigan? Me encanta.

Tengo que ponerme al día con las siguientes películas de DC porque casi llegas al punto en el que dejé de verlas 😅

Un saludo, amigo ✌️
properties (22)
created2022-11-30 13:50:24
last_update2022-11-30 13:50:24
last_payout2022-12-07 13:50:24
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"[Animation review] [Eng | Esp] Justice League Dark: Apokolips War | Heroes can also be defeated"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@jrjaime ·
Sí, regrese con estás buenas películas jajaja, desde que ví el filme de John Constantine me quedó muy claro que DC buscaba crear historias más maduras y complejas, de ahí el hecho de que se desprendiesen del público infantil; con respecto a esta animación en concreto puedo resumirla con una frase sencilla "Buenas peleas, mucha sangre y depresión" jajaja, tendría que ver qué otra queda pendiente por ahí de este universo animado que no haya visto, y, si las consigo recuerda seguirme para que estés al tanto 😉 Muchas gracias por haber leído y dejado un comentario, te mando un fuerte abrazo desde la distancia. 😄💜
properties (22)
created2022-11-30 13:57:57
last_update2022-11-30 13:57:57
last_payout2022-12-07 13:57:57
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"[Animation review] [Eng | Esp] Justice League Dark: Apokolips War | Heroes can also be defeated"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@adalathu ·
Después de estas han sacado varias más, hay que ponernos al día porque siento que hay ido mejorando mucho con cada una que sacan.

Un saludo ✌️
properties (22)
created2022-11-30 14:10:39
last_update2022-11-30 14:10:39
last_payout2022-12-07 14:10:39
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"[Animation review] [Eng | Esp] Justice League Dark: Apokolips War | Heroes can also be defeated"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@discovery-it ·
<div class="pull-left"></div><br> This post was shared and voted inside the discord by the curators team of <a href=""> discovery-it</a> <br>Join our community! <a href = ""> hive-193212</a><br>Discovery-it is also a Witness, vote for us <a href = ""> here</a>  <br>Delegate to us for passive income. Check our <a href = ""> 80% fee-back Program</a> <hr>
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json_metadata"{"app": "beem/0.24.26"}"
created2022-11-30 07:44:03
last_update2022-11-30 07:44:03
last_payout2022-12-07 07:44:03
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"[Animation review] [Eng | Esp] Justice League Dark: Apokolips War | Heroes can also be defeated"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@esther-emmanuel ·
This animation was a fun and thrilling watch for me. I enjoyed it and seeing Constantine stole the show, it was like toppings for me. You know in movies or animation whereby it has lots of dominate characters like this one, it is usually hard for the producer or director to develop their characters appropriately and give us a good back story about them. Its like there's lot going on in the plot to cover.

I enjoyed reading your review! BTW i will be re-evaluating my life 😂. You said it.

!discovery 35
properties (22)
created2022-11-30 07:43:36
last_update2022-11-30 07:43:36
last_payout2022-12-07 07:43:36
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"[Animation review] [Eng | Esp] Justice League Dark: Apokolips War | Heroes can also be defeated"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@jrjaime ·
You are absolutely right to say that the more difficult characters is the fact that everyone has a good level of leadership, however here I mention characters who have a lot of time on screen being that they could have perfectly been developed in a better way for them to feel more organic, I admit asking to dwell on Shazam's suffering if it was asking for a lot jajaja.

Since you came to my review I can tell you that your life reassessment gave good results, a pleasure to help you improve jajaja. Thank you very much for reading, for the support and for leaving a comment, I send you a big hug from a distance.
properties (22)
created2022-11-30 10:52:12
last_update2022-11-30 10:52:12
last_payout2022-12-07 10:52:12
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"[Animation review] [Eng | Esp] Justice League Dark: Apokolips War | Heroes can also be defeated"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@hivebuzz ·
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

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properties (22)
created2022-11-30 11:33:18
last_update2022-11-30 11:33:18
last_payout2022-12-07 11:33:18
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"[Animation review] [Eng | Esp] Justice League Dark: Apokolips War | Heroes can also be defeated"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@jrjaime · (edited)
properties (22)
created2022-11-30 14:01:24
last_update2022-11-30 14:01:54
last_payout2022-12-07 14:01:24
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"[Animation review] [Eng | Esp] Justice League Dark: Apokolips War | Heroes can also be defeated"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@hivebuzz ·
**Congratulations @jrjaime**!
You raised your level and are now a **Minnow**!</center>

**Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:**
<table><tr><td><a href="/hive-102201/@hivebuzz/wc2022-recap-day13"><img src=""></a></td><td><a href="/hive-102201/@hivebuzz/wc2022-recap-day13">HiveBuzz World Cup Contest - Recap of the last day of the group stage.</a></td></tr><tr><td><a href="/hive-122221/@hivebuzz/pud-202212-feedback"><img src=""></a></td><td><a href="/hive-122221/@hivebuzz/pud-202212-feedback">Feedback from the December Hive Power Up Day</a></td></tr><tr><td><a href="/hive-122221/@hivebuzz/pum-202211-result"><img src=""></a></td><td><a href="/hive-122221/@hivebuzz/pum-202211-result">Hive Power Up Month Challenge 2022-11 - Winners List</a></td></tr></table>
properties (22)
created2022-12-03 04:27:00
last_update2022-12-03 04:27:00
last_payout2022-12-10 04:27:00
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"[Animation review] [Eng | Esp] Justice League Dark: Apokolips War | Heroes can also be defeated"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@jesustiano ·
This film in general is one of the best I seen in the justice league universe, sadly they pushed the reboot flash point button, AGAIN, but anyway, this is just one more time of the DC reboot in the animations, there have been like 4 so far... But is good. 
properties (22)
created2022-12-02 14:21:09
last_update2022-12-02 14:21:09
last_payout2022-12-09 14:21:09
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"[Animation review] [Eng | Esp] Justice League Dark: Apokolips War | Heroes can also be defeated"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@jrjaime ·
Yes, its constant reboots are quite unfortunate but still that tragic note remains at the end so I can't complain. Thank you for reading, I send you a big hug from a distance.
properties (23)
created2022-12-03 09:58:45
last_update2022-12-03 09:58:45
last_payout2022-12-10 09:58:45
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
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pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"[Animation review] [Eng | Esp] Justice League Dark: Apokolips War | Heroes can also be defeated"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (1)