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Man of honor...- Resumen by junior182

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· @junior182 ·
Man of honor...- Resumen
The motivational movie is an inspiring movie that motivates you every day to get ahead, in how people set goals as an obstacle and are capable of doing the impossible to fulfill them. If we do this in our lives, many of us will be able to fulfill our dreams.

This time it is a film about an African-American member of a family of peasants who are poor, who wanted to achieve his dreams, but his first limitation was the color of his skin, the second that a very humble person came, but he never got tired of fight for his dream, there is the movie man of honor, a drama and self-improvement movie, but one of the things that is marked in this story since his father taught him the value of perseverance as a weapon to overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams.

## Plot

This story begins in the year 1943, the story of an African-American boy son of two peasants, one day his father is working very hard where his son sees him, to which the father tells him that he has to finish plowing the field before the end of the night because otherwise the member of the farm will run the whole family, his son does not go to school that day to help his father, to which his father tells him not to end up like him, to fight for your dreams that are the most valuable.

Time later we see Carl Brashear is enlisting in the navy, but before leaving his father advises him to never give up, he gives him his radio to accompany him. Once he arrives at the US military base, he discovers that the life of an African-American soldier does not extend beyond being a cook, that they are never advanced.

One day Carl Brashear was watching the divers, it was forbidden to swim, he goes against the order and throws himself into the sea, destroying all his swimming skills, thanks to that the Captain is impressed by what he is allowed to search swimmers and rescue, a step higher than being locked in a kitchen.

On his first day as a swimmer, a tragedy occurs where one of the divers falls into the water unconscious, causing one of the Masters in Chief Balley Sunday to put on his suit and go down to look for him, he manages to rescue the Diver but unfortunately due to the damage that suffered, he will not be able to return to Diving at sea, from that moment on he has violent attitudes to which his superiors demote him in rank, for his part Carl Brashear, seeing Balley's heroic deeds, wants to enlist to become a Master in Chief of Diving, but his superior tells him that he does not accept African-Americans there.

Two years later, with the help of his captain, Carl Brashear is admitted to the Buseo school, but the head teacher of that school does not allow him to enter, when Balley arrives, Carl Brashear enters, but his companions, seeing that he was a black everything goes, leaving him a ntota that will drown him. On the other hand, Balley finds out that Carl Brashear's father, lived near the County, was one of the men who charged cheaper, harming his father by not hiring him and taking his own life. From there Balley took against Carl Brashear, where he places different obstacles for Carl Brashear to give up his dreams, but nothing makes this young man give up.

## Opinion

This movie where one of the main themes was the great racism that exists in the United States armed forces, shows us another message than that of motivation for personal improvement, where every obstacle that life presents us we must fight to be able to fulfill our dreams.

This movie is based on the real life story of Carl Brashear, this talk about the personified overcoming of a human being of someone who never gave up between the racial adversities that were imposed on him or against the injuries, nor the lessons he suffered, nor against the clemency imposed on him within the army so that everything he set out to achieve would fail.

This is a man with an indomitable soul inside a small indestructible body, where he began his life as a sailor in the kitchen, but he did not feel comfortable doing these tasks, so he demonstrated his skills and was assigned a surveillance post as one of his Incredible first achievements for a colored sailor.

Not even when he lost his leg was it an obstacle for him to be active in the divers, his practice and perseverance made it possible for him to achieve reactivation, he was the first black chief teacher in history.

The part that has the most impact in the entire drama of the story is the grand finale called 12 steps, where Carl Brashear, in order to be active in Diving, asks for a trial, where several have to deny him his active participation. In order to qualify him, he demands that they place him in the Jucio room, they put on his diving suit, he must take at least twelve steps, where he had to walk with a suit that was too heavy that it could break his false leg, to which he said that he could do it.


His greatest inspiration was his head teacher Balley, and where he tells him his twelve steps, but Carl Brashear was too tired in his step number 8 he almost fainted, the presenter of the trial tells him to let him rest, to which Balley says Buzo of the Navy do not accept that order, it is my troop, these are his words:

"Damn cook move the bring or I want my twelve steps,"

Carl Brashear looks like he has tears in his eyes, sweat on his face because of the great work he is doing, but seeing that Balley trusts him he continues...

"Nine the Navy Buso doesn't fight he's a rescue expert"
"Ten If something is lost underwater he looks for it, if it is sunk he brings it to the surface, if it gets stuck he moves it"

"Eleven, if he's lucky, will die young 70 meters below the waves because it's the closest he can get to being a hero."

"Twelve reports on this cook line"

It is a great movie that despite being from the year 2000, it is one that will hook you in the drama, everything that the movie develops, so do not miss this motivational movie, which is based on the true story of Carl Brashear.
PS: I apologize for the quality of the image, the little, my internet wouldn't let me upload it...

## Español 
Hombre de Honor.. 

La pelicula de motivacion son pelicula inspiradora que te motivan cada dia salir adelante, en como personas como obstaculo se coloca metas y es capaz de hacer hasta lo imposible por cumplirla. Si hicieramos esto en nuestra vidas, muchos de nosotros podremos cumplir nuestros sueños. 

En esta oportunidad es una pelicula de un afroamericano miembro de una familia de campesinos que son pobres, que deseaba conseguir su sueños, pero su primera limitante fue el color de su piel, la segunda que venia una pesona muy humilde, pero nunca se canso de luchar por su sueño, esta la pelicula hombre de honor, una pelicula de drama y superacion personal,  pero una de las cosas que se marca en esta historia desde que su padre le enseño el valor de la perseverancia como arma para vencer los obstáculos y alcanzar sus sueños.

## Argumento

Esta historia se inicia en el año 1943, la historia de un niño afroamericano hijo de dos campensinos, un dia su padre esta trabajando muy duro en donde su hijo lo ve, a lo que el padre le dice que tiene que terminar de arar el campo ante de que termine la noche porque sino el miembro de la granja correra a toda la familia, su hijo ese dia no va a la escuela para ayudar a su padre, a lo que su padre le dice que no termine como el, que luche por sus sueños que son lo mas valioso. 

Tiempo despues vemos a Carl Brashear se esta alistando a la marina, pero ante de irse su padre le aconseja que nunca se rinda, le regala su radio para que lo acompañe. Una vez que llega a la base militar estadounidense, descubre que la vida de soldado afroamericano, no llega mas alla de ser un cocinero, que nunca son avanzandos.

Un dia estaba Carl Brashear viendo lo busos, estaba prohibido nadar el va en contra de ea orden se lanza al mar, desmontrandole a todos sus habilidades en la natacion, gracias a eso el Capitan se impresionan a lo que este es accendido a nadadores de busqueda y rescate, un esclon mas alto que ser encerrado en una cocina. 

En su primer dia como nadador, ocurre una tragedia en donde unos de los busos cae al agua inconciente haciendo que unos de los Maestro en Jefe Balley Sunday se coloque su traje baje a buscarlo, este logra rescatar al Buzo pero desafortunadamente debido a los daños que sufrio no podra volver a Busear en el mar, desde ese momento tiene actitudes violenta a lo que su superiores lo degradan de rango, por su parte Carl Brashear, al ver las heroicas hazañas de Balley se quiere alistar hacer una Maestro en jefe de Buseo, pero su superior le responde que ahi no acepta afroamericano. 

Dos años mas tarde con ayuda de su capitan, Carl Brashear es admitiudo a la escuela de Buseo, pero el Maestro en jefe de esa escuela no le permite entrar, al llegar Balley hace que Carl Brashear ingrese, pero sus compañeros al ver que era un negro todo se van, dejandole un ntota que lo van ahogar. Por otra parte Balley se entera que el padre de Carl Brashear, vivia cerca del Condando, era unos de los hombre que cobrarba mas barato, perjudicando a su padre no hacer contratado y quitarse la vida. Desde alli Balley tomo en contra de Carl Brashear, en donde le coloca diferente obstaculos para que Carl Brashear renuncie a sus sueños, pero nada hace que este joven renuncie. 

## Opinion

Esta pelicula en donde unos de los temas principales fue el gran racismo que existe en la fuera armadas estadounidence, nos demuestra otro mensaje que el de motivac ion a la superacion personal, en donde cada obstaculo que la vida nos presente debemos luchar para poder cumplir nuestro sueños. 

Esta pelicula esta basada en la historia de la vida real de Carl Brashear, esto hablar de la superacion personificada de un ser humano de alguien que nunca se rindio entre las adversidades raciales que le impusieron ni en contra las heridas, ni las lecciones que sufrio, ni en contra de la clemnencia que dentro de la armada le impusieron para que fracasara todo aquello que se propuso lograr. 

Este es un hombre de alma indomamble dentro de un pequeño cuerpo indectructible, en donde inicio su vida de marino en la cocina, pero el no se sentia comodo haciendo esas labores, por ello demostrar sus habiliadades logro ser asignado puesto de vigilancia siendo unos de sus primeros logrosincreibles para un marinero de color. 

Ni cuando perdio la pierna fue para el un obstaculo para estar activo en el buzos, su practica y perseverancia hizo que pudiera conseguir la reactivacion, fue el primer maestro jefe negro en la historia. 

La parte que mas impacto en todo el drama de la historia es el gran final llamado 12 pasos, en donde Carl Brashear para poder estar activo en el Buceos, pide un jucio, en donde varios le que negar su particiacion activa. Para podr habilitarlo el exige que lo coloquen aprueban en la sala Jucio, le colocan su traje de Buceo, debe al menos dar doce pasos, en donde debia caminar con un traje que pesaba demasido que podria quebrar su pierna postiza, a lo que el dijo que el podria hacerlo. 


Su mayor inspiracion fue su maestro en jefe Balley, e donde le cuenta sus doce pasos, pero Carl Brashear estaba demasiado cansado en su paso numero 8 casi desmaya, los presentante del juicio le dice que lo deje que descanse, a lo que Balley dice Buzo de la Marina no acapte esa orden es mi tropa esta son sus palabras:

"Maldicion cocinero mueve el traero quiero mis doces pasos," 

Carl Brashear se ve que tiene lagrimas en los ojos, sudor en rostro por el gran trabajo que esta haciendo, pero al ver que Balley confia en el continua...    

"Nueve el Buso de la marina no pelea es un experto en rescate"
"Diez Si algo se pierde bajo el agua lo busca, si esta hundido lo saca a flote si le estoba lo mueve"

"Once si tiene suerte morira joven a 70 metros debajo de las olas porque es lo mas cerca que podra estar, de ser un heroes" 

"Doce Reportece en esta linea cocinero" 

Es una gran pelicula que apesar de ser del año 2000, es una que te engacharan en el drama, todo lo que desarrolla pelicula, asi que no te pierdas esta pelicula de motivacion, que esta basado en la historia real de Carl Brashear.  

Pd: Me disculpa la calidad de la imagen, la poca, mi intenet no me dejaba subirla...
👍  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
properties (23)
created2022-04-18 21:03:51
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root_title"Man of honor...- Resumen"
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vote details (40)