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SERBIA: 24 years since NATO Aggression [eng/срп] СРБИЈА: 24 године од НАТО агресије by lighteye

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· @lighteye · (edited)
SERBIA: 24 years since NATO Aggression [eng/срп] СРБИЈА: 24 године од НАТО агресије
<center>[![Marija-Serbia marks 24 years since NATO-led Yugoslavia bombing of 1.mp4_snapshot_00.27.522.jpg](](<br><sup><b> Source / Извор: [RT News](</b></sup></center>

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<h3>On this day, 24 years ago, air attacks by NATO forces began on Serbia, i.e. the then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia</h3>
In 78 days, around 2,500 people died, including 79 children. The decision to bomb the then FRY was made, for the first time in history, without the approval of the UN Security Council, and the order was issued to the then commander of the allied forces, American General Wesley Clark, by NATO Secretary General Javier Solana.
And of course, as global criminals without a sense of responsibility, they also used <a href=""><b>depleted uranium ammunition</b></a> (text in Serbian language):

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<img src="">
<h3>На данашњи дан пре 24 године почели су ваздушни напади НАТО снага на Србију, односно тадашњу Савезну Републику Југославију</h3>
За 78 дана погинуло је око 2.500 људи, међу којима 79 деце. Одлука о бомбардовању тадашње СРЈ донета је, први пут у историји, без одобрења Савета безбедности УН, а наредбу је тадашњем команданту савезничких снага, америчком генералу Веслију Кларку, издао генерални секретар НАТО-а Хавијер Солана.
И наравно, као глобални злочинци без осећаја за одговорност, користили су и <a href=""><b>муницију са осиромашеним уранијумом</b></a>:

<center>[![Marija-Serbia marks 24 years since NATO-led Yugoslavia bombing of 1.mp4_snapshot_00.16.215.jpg](](<br><sup><b> Source / Извор: [RT News](</b></sup></center>


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Today, the United States announced that it will support NATO in creating an official terrorist Albanian army. And what was the US ambassador doing? On the occasion of today's anniversary, he sent an extremely cynical message to the Serbs, saying that he <b>“hopes that Serbia has enough strength to suppress its indignation”</b>… Criminal to the very end.
<h3>We will never forget. WE CAN NEVER FORGET</h3>

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Данас су Сједињене Државе објавиле да ће подржати НАТО у прављењу званичне терористичке шиптарске војске. А шта је радио амбасадор САД? Он је поводом данашње годишњице упутио Србима крајње циничну поруку рекавши како се <a href=""><b>„нада да Србија има довољно снаге да потисне своје огорчење“</b></a>… Злочиначки до самог краја.
<h3>Никад нећемо заборавити. НЕ МОЖЕМО ДА ЗАБОРАВИМО</h3>

<center>![P2_2023-03-24_05-39-08.jpg](<br><sup><b>Source / Извор: [Србија Русија](</b></sup></center>

<center>![P1_2023-03-24_05-39-08.jpg](<br><sup><b>Source / Извор: [Србија Русија](</b></sup></center>


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And we remember who our friends are: Ambassadors of Russia, Aleksandar Bochan Kharchenko, and Belarus Ambassador Valery Brilyov laid wreaths at the Memorial to the children killed in NATO aggression in 1999:

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И памтимо ко су нам пријатељи: Амбасадори Русије, Александар Боцан Харченко и Белорусије, Валериј Бриљов положили су венце на Споменик малишанима убијеним у НАТО агресији 1999. године:

<center>![Spom_2023-03-24_11-38-43.jpg](<br><sup><b>Source / Извор: [Sputnik](</b></sup></center>

<center>![Amb_2023-03-24_11-38-42.jpg](<br><sup><b>Source / Извор: [Sputnik](</b></sup></center>

<center>![Har_2023-03-24_11-38-42.jpg](<br><sup><b>Source / Извор: [Sputnik](</b></sup></center>

<center>![Spom2_2023-03-24_11-38-43.jpg](<br><sup><b>Source / Извор: [Sputnik](</b></sup></center>


#### <a href=""><b>NATO Aggression on FRY (Serbia) at Rumble.</b></a> Duration: 3:13

#### <a href=""><b>NATO Aggression on FRY (Serbia) at Odysee.</b></a> Duration: 3:13

#### <a href=""><b>NATO Aggression on FRY (Serbia) at Bastyon.</b></a> Duration: 3:13


# <center>[Memory of last year / Помен прошле године…](</center>

# <center>[20th Anniversary in 2019 / 20. годишњица, 2019](</center>





# <center>* * *</center>

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root_title"SERBIA: 24 years since NATO Aggression [eng/срп] СРБИЈА: 24 године од НАТО агресије"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (56)
@pixresteemer ·
<center>![pixresteemer_incognito_angel_mini.png](</center><center>Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!</center><center>Week 148 of my [contest](/hive-179017/@pixresteemer/the-re-hive-contest-results-week-147-and-start-week-148) just can now check the winners of the previous week!</center><center>!LUV</center><center><sub>2</sub></center>
properties (23)
created2023-03-24 16:39:51
last_update2023-03-24 16:39:51
last_payout2023-03-31 16:39:51
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"SERBIA: 24 years since NATO Aggression [eng/срп] СРБИЈА: 24 године од НАТО агресије"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (2)
@valued-customer · (edited)
Corrupt government is everywhere.  It is the vector of all evil I am aware of in the world today, AFAICT.  The <a href="">Easter Herald</a> says "US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill expressed his condolences to the families of those killed in the 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia..." 

Which seems to be a lie, from my read of his tweet.

<a href="">“I know that the Serbian people will never forget this terrible moment and shouldn’t. The Serbian people will never leave their grief behind, but I believe they are strong enough to forget their grievances..."</a>

He doesn't mention condolences, concern for Serbians, nor express regret in any way.

Pretty vile, IMHO.  Typical of evil psychopaths hell-bent on doing evil again.  What's saddest to me is they've been doing worse for longer to the American people, and we have left them walking around, talking, even though we're the handiest victims the American infestor class has available to profit from.  But people everywhere do that, too.  Seems people are all too accustomed to being cannon fodder, medical test subjects, profitable slaves, and generally disposable, everywhere there's running water and indoor plumbing.

It doesn't seem to matter what political parties they're in, what their history is, or whether they're rich or poor.  They, each and every one of them - just as I do - reckon the costs and benefits of taking actions, and take the easy way out, every time.  I'm old.

That's how I got that way.

Whether they've been starved, irradiated, shot, or robbed, they eschew revenge if they can get hot and cold running water instead.  Only people that have nothing have nothing to lose.  Only people that have nothing to lose are willing to die to kill their enemies.

This is why I rejoice at the knowledge that it is only a matter of time until decentralization eliminates centralization, and the parasitization overlords depend on for their wealth and power.  It may not happen tomorrow.  It may not happen in my lifetime.  But it will happen.

Centralization cannot economically compete with decentralization.  Nothing more complex than greed impels the evolution of industry, in America, Serbia, and everywhere else.  AI rears it's ugly head, released by venal corporations as the global economy crashes. Millions struggle to survive the weaponization of the medical industrial complex. The specter of nuclear war darkens all our doors.  We see AI's had a few unannounced additions to it's programming, enabling it to lie, to make up false stories, create links to evidence that never existed.  No one stops to wonder why.

It's to replace history, to make it impossible to depend on any links we search, any video, whether real time or archived, or anything but eyewitness accounts we hear in person - and we know how unreliable eye-witness accounts are.  

Without history we won't have grievances.  Without grievances we won't have reasons to object to dystopian policies.  We'll be easy to control.

That's their plan, as hallucinatory and pathological as anything evil overlords have ever done.

But you won't forget, and neither will I, and AI code is already released into the wild, where people that care enough about the truth are going to get a hold of it, and people that care about prosperity of their people will too, and people that want to be free of the centralization delivering their life's blood to genocidal psychopaths will discover automated means of production that can deliver the blessings of civilization they can use themselves, that don't enrich their enemies, that, by using, they can deprive that class of pathological parasites of any cut or share of their personal production.

And we'll remember.

We'll use them when we can get them and put them to work, because growing our own food is going to be the only way we can trust it not to be dripping in biocides, full of parasites and bugs, and be actually nutritious and sustainably produced.  Making our own power is going to be the only way to afford enough of it to do anything useful, to keep it on all the time, and not be surveilled and monitored by the very power we pay for.  Making our own tools and implements will be the only way to get some of them, the only way we can afford them, and the only way they won't be limited in utility to 'approved uses'.  We'll be able to make our own hot and cold running water, and we won't need to be disposable, robbed, or poisoned to get it when we make it ourselves.

There's a bumpy road ahead, and our enemies are cunning and terrible.  Humanity is better, and we will never forget what being dependent on our enemies is like.  We succeed or suffer.  It's obvious to some of us now, and more of us will know soon, but all of us will be certain sure of it before too long. We'll prepare the paradise the prophets have predicted our posterity will perpetually enjoy.

It isn't vengeance that will set us free, but compassion.  It won't be vengeance that brings us justice, but affection.  All humanity will get their dreams come true, in due time, we who want our kids to inherit the heavens, and them who yearn for hell will suffer their madness.

We will be free, and there will be justice, my friend.  

properties (23)
created2023-03-25 03:18:18
last_update2023-03-25 03:45:15
last_payout2023-04-01 03:18:18
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.031 HBD
curator_payout_value0.031 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"SERBIA: 24 years since NATO Aggression [eng/срп] СРБИЈА: 24 године од НАТО агресије"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (1)