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Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (esp-eng) by lina86

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· @lina86 ·
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (esp-eng)

<Center><sup> [Fuente](</sup></Center>

<Center><sup><div class=pull-left>Español</div></sup></Center>

<Center><sup><div class=pull-right>English</div></sup></Center>


**<center><div class=pull-left><h3>
Empanizando con un asesino</h3></div></center>**

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<h2>Breading with a murderer</h2></div></center>__


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Este libro llegó a mi por recomendación, una vez inicié la lectura no paré de devorar sus capítulos, me gusta como el escritor logra que abras tus sentidos, principalmente el olfativo, a medida que vas leyendo puedes lograr imaginar y hasta sentir los repulsivos olores de París o la fragancia dulce de una doncella virgen. Personalmente el tiempo que me acompañó este libro fuí un poco más conciente de los olores que me rodean, buscando una manera tan exacta de describirlo al igual que no hace el escritor.

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This book came to me by recommendation, once I started reading I did not stop devouring its chapters, I like how the writer manages to open your senses, mainly the olfactory, as you read you can imagine and even feel the repulsive smells of Paris or the sweet fragrance of a virgin maiden. Personally, the time that this book accompanied me I was a little more aware of the smells that surround me, looking for a way to describe it as accurately as the writer does not.



<Center><sup> [Fuente](</sup></Center>

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Hay una película de este exitoso libro, pero no produce sensaciones en el espectador como lo hace el libro, la película capta la historia y la trama, pero no hay mejor producción que el poder de tu propia mente, hay críticas negativas sobre la película, supongo que son por las espectativas creadas por el libro, sin embargo no pierde su esencia. Lo que describo a continuación es un resúmen desde mi punto de vista como lectora y espectadora tanto del libro como de la película.

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There is a movie of this successful book, but it does not produce sensations in the viewer as the book does, the movie captures the story and the plot, but there is no better production than the power of your own mind, there are negative reviews about the movie, I guess they are because of the expectations created by the book, however it does not lose its essence. What I describe below is a summary from my point of view as a reader and viewer of both the book and the movie.



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Grenouille nació sin ser deseado, de existir el aborto en aquella época jamás hubiera nacido. Fue el quinto hijo de una mujer que arreglaba pescado en un mercader molinete de París, su destino sería igual que el de sus hermanos, de no ser por su fuerza para aferrarse a la vida. Al igual que en las 4 ocasiones anteriores, la madre de  Grenouille al momento de entrar en labor de parto, se dispuso debajo de la mesa y allí lo dió a luz, junto con las sobras y tripas de los pescados, ella esperaba que el nacido fuera desechado junto con los desperdicios. Pero ya que el destino de todo el que lo abandona termina en desgracia, una mujer se percata que entre los restos se encuentra un recién nacido y señalan a la madre como culpable, llevándola a la decapitación como penitencia por sus actos.
Desde sus primeros momentos de vida transmitió temor a quienes lo rodeaba, su primera cuidadora lo devolvió ya que el niño no era igual cualquier bebé, este no olía a nada y ella afirmaba que los bebés en la corona de su cabecita siempre tienen un olor característico y agradable, además este niño la perseguía, pero no con su mirada, lo hacía con su nariz. Definitivamente había algo extraño en este pequeño ser.

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Grenouille was born unwanted, if abortion existed at that time he would never have been born. He was the fifth child of a woman who mended fish in a merchant's windmill in Paris, his fate would have been the same as that of his siblings, had it not been for his strength to cling to life. As on the four previous occasions, Grenouille's mother, when she went into labor, arranged herself under the table and there she gave birth to him, along with the leftovers and guts of the fish, she expected the baby to be thrown away with the waste. But since the fate of everyone who abandons it ends in disgrace, a woman notices that among the remains is a newborn and they point to the mother as the culprit, leading her to be beheaded as penance for her actions.
From his first moments of life he transmitted fear to those around him, his first caregiver returned him because the child was not like any other baby, he did not smell of anything and she said that babies in the crown of his head always have a characteristic and pleasant smell, also this child pursued her, but not with his eyes, he did it with his nose. There was definitely something strange about this little being.



<Center><sup> [Fuente](</sup></Center>


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Su infancia fue pasando y con ella enfermedades y maltratos que lo dejaron "feo" por así decirlo, en algún momento tuvo oportunidad de ser atractivo pero el destino juega malas pasadas.  Sin embargo Grenouille siempre sobrevivió aún en los peores pronósticos.

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His childhood was passing and with it illnesses and mistreatment that left him "ugly" so to speak, at some point he had a chance to be attractive but fate plays tricks.  However, Grenouille always survived even in the worst prognoses.



<Center><sup> [Fuente](</sup></Center>


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Grenouille notó que no era igual a los otros niños, no solo por el echo de que estos le tuvieran miedo, si no porque su sentido del olfato estaba mucho más desarrollado y el hecho de no oler a nada lo hacía pasar desapercibido, sus secreciones no olían a nada, el no olía a nada, ni bien ni mal, tan neutro que resta importancia a su preferencia. 

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Grenouille noticed that he was not the same as the other children, not only because they were afraid of him, but also because his sense of smell was much more developed and the fact that he did not smell of anything made him go unnoticed, his secretions did not smell of anything, he did not smell of anything, neither good nor bad, so neutral that it detracted from his preference.



<Center><sup> [Fuente](</sup></Center>


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Aún siendo un niño la mujer a cargo de él en el orfanato lo vendió por unas monedas a un hombre que trabaja pieles, allí fue tratado como un animal y con el tiempo con su extrema obediencia, aguante y aprendizaje rápido, fue ganando un espacio más cómodo para dormir y algo de confianza. Mientras trabajaba con este alcohólico de las pieles, en una entrega pudo conocer el mundo de los perfumes y para su nariz tan desarrollada, fue un manjar olfativo.

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Even as a child, the woman in charge of him in the orphanage sold him for a few coins to a man who works furs, there he was treated like an animal and over time with his extreme obedience, endurance and quick learning, he was gaining a more comfortable place to sleep and some confidence. While working with this fur alcoholic, in one delivery he was able to learn about the world of perfumes and for his highly developed nose, it was an olfactory delicacy.



<Center><sup> [Fuente](</sup></Center>


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Insistió e impresionó al viejo Giuseppe Baldini, dueño de una de las mejores tiendas de perfumes de París, reconocimiento ganado tras crear exelentes perfumes en el pasado, pero sin ningún perfume propio que mostrar en el presente. Un día Grenouille se entrometió y le creó el perfume de su competencia con tan solo su sentido del olfato, ni siquiera sabía el nombre de estás fragancias que lo complementaban, solo apuntaba y agregaba la cantidad exacta, cabe destacar que el mismo Baldini no podía siquiera replicar a su competencia. Fue entonces cuando este hombre decidió comprar al joven para adiestrarlo en el arte del destilado y explotar a su conveniencia su habilidad olfativa. 

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He insisted and impressed the old Giuseppe Baldini, owner of one of the best perfume stores in Paris, recognition earned after creating excellent perfumes in the past, but without any perfume of his own to show in the present. One day Grenouille interfered and created his competitor's perfume with only his sense of smell, he didn't even know the name of the fragrances that complemented it, he only pointed and added the exact amount, it is worth mentioning that Baldini himself could not even replicate his competition. It was then that this man decided to buy the young man to train him in the art of distillation and exploit his olfactory ability at his convenience.



<Center><sup> [Fuente](</sup></Center>

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Grenouille es una persona sin empatía, sin emociones complicadas. Una vez aprendido cómo tomar el aroma de las cosas no paró. En una ocasión, de un golpe seco mató a un cachorro con el fin de tomar su aroma, cosa que logró y engañó a la madre del perrito, ya que con este olor buscaba a su bebé.

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Grenouille is a person without empathy, without complicated emotions. Once he learned how to take the scent of things, he did not stop. On one occasion, with a sharp blow he killed a puppy in order to take its scent, which he achieved and deceived the puppy's mother, since with this scent he was looking for her baby.



<Center><sup> [Fuente](</sup></Center>


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Durante una noche de fiesta en la ciudad, Grenouille exploraba, en eso se percata de un olor que lo deja extasiado, guiado por su olfato encuentra el origen de tan delicioso aroma, provenía de una hermosa joven pelirroja de cabello ondulado que cortaba ciruelas en el patio de su casa, Grenouille la asfixia en el momento en el que ella se percata de su preferencia, ya el suelo rasga sus ropas y se impregna de su aroma, huele su cuerpo detenidamente notando que lo mejor proviene de su sexo, sin embargo este no la toca, solo se limita a oler y con esto queda mareado del frenesí, cabe destacar que el joven solo tiene 15 años de edad cuando se convirtió en asesino.

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During a night out on the town, Grenouille was exploring, he notices a smell that leaves him ecstatic, guided by his sense of smell he finds the origin of such a delicious aroma, it came from a beautiful young redhead with wavy hair who was cutting plums in the courtyard of his house, Grenouille suffocates her at the moment she notices his preference, He smells her body carefully, noticing that the best comes from her sex, but he does not touch her, he just sniffs and becomes dizzy from the frenzy, it should be noted that the young man is only 15 years old when he became a murderer.





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Baldini a cambio de su libertad le pide a Grenouille que realice en un cuaderno recetas de los mejores perfumes, también le otorga una carta donde certifica que este fué su aprendiz. Con esto saborea por primera vez la autonomía y Baldini la tranquilidad de su futuro en un cuaderno, tranquilidad que le duró hasta su muy apresurada muerte tras la partida de Grenouille.

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In exchange for his freedom, Baldini asked Grenouille to write in a notebook recipes for the best perfumes, and also gave him a letter certifying that he was his apprentice. With this he tastes for the first time the autonomy and Baldini the tranquility of his future in a notebook, tranquility that lasted until his very hasty death after the departure of Grenouille.



<Center><sup> [Fuente](</sup></Center>


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Caminó y caminó huyendo de la gente y sus olores, se aisló en una cueva por 7 años comiendo las alimañas que lo merodeaba. Un día calló en conciencia de su falta de olor propio y así empezó su búsqueda insaciable de conseguir un aroma que lo definiera, el mejor aroma de todos.

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He walked and walked running away from people and their smells, he isolated himself in a cave for 7 years eating the vermin that prowled around him. One day he became aware of his lack of his own scent and so began his insatiable search for a scent that would define him, the best scent of all.





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Se dirigió a un pueblo donde cultivaban flores y allí trabajó para una vieja viuda llamada Madame Arnulfo, quien le enseñó el arte de la extracción de aroma con grasa animal, arte que perfeccionó y puso en práctica, primero con objetos y luego con doncellas jóvenes vírgenes, a las que mataba en los campos o en sus propias casas apenas tenía oportunidad de tenerlas solas, las desnudaba y rapaba su cabellera, luego las cubría con grasa animal con el objetivo de coleccionar sus aromas. 24 mujeres en total fueron asecinadas con el propósito de hacer el complemento perfecto para su aroma principal, Laura, una joven hermosa pelirroja de cabello ondulado hija de una figura importante en el pueblo. En una ocasión Grenouille persiguió su aroma hasta el patio trasero de su casa donde ella estaba  bailando, a pesar de haber un muro de por medio su aroma lo dejó mareado de por su exquisitez. 

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He went to a village where they grew flowers and there he worked for an old widow named Madame Arnulfo, who taught him the art of extracting aroma with animal fat, an art he perfected and put into practice, first with objects and then with young virgin maidens, whom he killed in the fields or in their own homes as soon as he had the opportunity to have them alone, stripped them naked and shaved their hair, then covered them with animal fat in order to collect their aromas. Twenty-four women in all were murdered in order to make the perfect complement to his main scent, Laura, a beautiful young red-haired girl with wavy hair, daughter of an important figure in the village. On one occasion Grenouille chased her scent into the backyard of his house where she was dancing, even though there was a wall in the way, her scent made him dizzy with its exquisiteness.



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<Center><sup>[Fuente 1]( [Fuente 2]( [Fuente 3](</Center></sup>


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El padre de Laura tras notar los patrones en las muertes de las jóvenes y poco satisfecho con la captura del supuesto asesino, decidió casar lo más pronto posible a su hermosa hija, emprendió un largo viaje y envío carruajes señuelos para confundir al asesino, sin embargo, Grenouille los siguió por el aroma que emanaba su hija. Al momento de tener que descansar en una posada, tomó todas las medidas que imaginó necesarias para mantener a salvo a su hija. Este momento de la historia se torna turbio ya que no sabes si logra matar a la pobre Laura, su futuro es prometedor, se casará con un hombre adinerado y el consumar el matrimonio la salvaría de una muerte segura, solo se necesitaba un día más para que su padre lograra su objetivo. 

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Laura's father, after noticing the patterns in the deaths of the young women and not satisfied with the capture of the alleged murderer, decided to marry his beautiful daughter as soon as possible, he undertook a long journey and sent decoy carriages to confuse the murderer, however, Grenouille followed them because of the scent that his daughter emanated. When he had to rest in an inn, he took all the measures he imagined necessary to keep his daughter safe. This moment of the story becomes murky because you do not know if he manages to kill poor Laura, her future is promising, she will marry a wealthy man and consummating the marriage would save her from certain death, only one more day was needed for her father to achieve his goal.




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Este libro fue la primera publicación del escritor Patrick Süskind, han pasado 36 años desde su publicación en 1985. Por el contexto en el que se desarrolla la historia se creería que es más antiguo, sin embargo a pesar de eso yo si lo catalogaría como un clásico de la literatura.

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This book was the first publication of the writer Patrick Süskind, 36 years have passed since its publication in 1985. Because of the context in which the story takes place you would think it is older, however despite that I would classify it as a classic of literature.





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properties (23)
created2021-05-31 12:37:00
last_update2021-05-31 12:37:00
last_payout2021-06-07 12:37:00
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value3.346 HBD
curator_payout_value3.330 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (esp-eng)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (77)
@amandaj ·
Este libro también me gustó, un sentido bien desarrollado. También comparto que la película no materializó la idea. A mi me complicó recordar los nombres que los grabe por iniciales, el ingenio de hacer perfume de la esencia de todo lo vivo, en especial mujeres.

properties (22)
created2021-06-01 23:28:36
last_update2021-06-01 23:28:36
last_payout2021-06-08 23:28:36
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (esp-eng)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@lina86 ·
Creo que para los amantes de los libros siempre nos va a gustar más el libro que la película, pero en este caso, no fue la mejor producción.
Yo tampoco he podido grabarme bien los nombres, los leo de una forma y los pronunció de otra jajajaja.

Gracias por leer.
properties (22)
created2021-06-02 17:30:06
last_update2021-06-02 17:30:06
last_payout2021-06-09 17:30:06
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (esp-eng)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@edystringz ·

I guess you have the author's skills as well because I was so soaked in the description that I could not skip even a line 

This was fascinating. right now, I am imagining being able to scent things, and then transforming this ability into  a business line, thereby flourishing and probably monopolyzing the perfume business 

What was odd about Grenouille was the fact that he was so addicted to his sense of smell that he turned into a murderer

Maybe he was avenging his mother's death by the death of those people....just my thoughts though 

Beautiful description sweetie.....I think I have read a review of this book or maybe the movie here on the platform, but it was not as good as this 


oh, by the way, with the way you said the movie replication wasn't as good as the book, I guess I will have to stick with reading the book. I don't want to have my imaginations messed


<center><sub>Posted via [](</sub></center>
properties (22)
created2021-05-31 13:04:42
last_update2021-05-31 13:04:42
last_payout2021-06-07 13:04:42
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (esp-eng)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@lina86 ·
How beautiful! Thank you very much for your comment.

If you knew I left the most interesting part of the book out of the review as it would go into spoilers, but I definitely recommend you read the book first, I would venture to say that the movie there are things it didn't execute well, such as the death scenes.

What you say regarding revenge, it's possible your theory, very at the end it shows that he didn't want love, he wanted hate, because that's what he got from the world. I don't know, this character is very asymptomatic.

I always wanted to talk about this book with someone and I had had the opportunity, thank you for giving me that chance.

properties (23)
created2021-05-31 19:02:12
last_update2021-05-31 19:02:12
last_payout2021-06-07 19:02:12
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (esp-eng)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (1)
@edystringz ·
Thank Goodness you did not open up the important part of the book. I will have to get a copy and start digging in.

>I always wanted to talk about this book with someone and I had had the opportunity, thank you for giving me that chance.

YOu are welcome, sweetie.


<center><sub>Posted via [](</sub></center>
properties (22)
created2021-06-01 03:32:09
last_update2021-06-01 03:32:09
last_payout2021-06-08 03:32:09
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (esp-eng)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@hivebuzz ·
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properties (22)
created2021-05-31 13:00:24
last_update2021-05-31 13:00:24
last_payout2021-06-07 13:00:24
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (esp-eng)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@lina86 ·
properties (23)
created2021-05-31 14:46:00
last_update2021-05-31 14:46:00
last_payout2021-06-07 14:46:00
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (esp-eng)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (1)
@hivebuzz ·
You're welcome @lina86 😊👍🌹<div class="pull-right"><a href="/@hive.engage">![](</a></div>
properties (23)
created2021-05-31 18:48:27
last_update2021-05-31 18:48:27
last_payout2021-06-07 18:48:27
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (esp-eng)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (1)
@isabellav505 ·
En esta publicación se puede apreciar tu fascinación por este libro. Te felicito, porque fuiste capaz de transmitirme esa emoción que se apodera del lector cuando describe una obra que le encantó. Me inspiraste a leerlo, me pareció muy interesante y tu explicación fue impecable. 
properties (22)
created2021-06-01 04:00:18
last_update2021-06-01 04:00:18
last_payout2021-06-08 04:00:18
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (esp-eng)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@lina86 ·
Muchas gracias por tan lindo comentario, también aprecio mucho que se tomará el momento para leerlo.

Este libro lo leí hace años y aún así no se dejó de pensar en el, definitivamente me atrapó.

properties (22)
created2021-06-01 18:36:51
last_update2021-06-01 18:36:51
last_payout2021-06-08 18:36:51
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (esp-eng)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@miguelmederico ·
estas son temáticas que llaman la atención, que cuesta leer pero que causan intriga y morbo, de alguna manera no queremos saber pero no podemos parar de leer los detalles de una muerte. Tomo agenda de lectura con este libro.
properties (22)
created2021-06-02 02:38:57
last_update2021-06-02 02:38:57
last_payout2021-06-09 02:38:57
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (esp-eng)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@lina86 ·
Que bueno que te haya gustado.
Se que te va a sorprender este libro.
Gracias por leer.
properties (22)
created2021-06-02 17:24:33
last_update2021-06-02 17:24:33
last_payout2021-06-09 17:24:33
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (esp-eng)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD