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How do high mana battles change with Riftwatchers? by mvl2304

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· @mvl2304 ·
How do high mana battles change with Riftwatchers?


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Riftwatchers llego con todo y hoy tuve la oportunidad de ir probando algunas de las cartas y decidi hacer este post con mis opiniones sobre como creo que esta influyendo en el meta el hecho de que hayan llegado estas cartas que si algo tienen de sobra, es mana. 

Acompañame a ver este nuevo analisis sobre la edicion Riftwatchers.

# ¡Bienvenido!


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Riftwatchers has arrived with everything and today I had the opportunity to test some of the cards and I decided to make this post with my opinions about how I think it is influencing the meta the fact that these cards have arrived and if they have something to spare, it's mana. 

Join me for a new review of the Riftwatchers edition.

# Welcome!




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# Pero primero...

* ¿Que se considera mana alto en una batalla? 

Para mi y de acuerdo a mi experiencia jugando, toda batalla de 36 puntos de mana o mas la considero como mana alto, tomando en cuenta que el tope antes de 99 es 60 puntos... 

Lo usual seria pensar que de 30 puntos hacia arriba es mana alto pero creo que en ese rango que hay entre 30 y 36 puntos todavia va a ser muy comun que aparezcan cartas de costo de mana de 5 puntos o menos, y mas si los rulesets son los apropiados, en cambio segun mi opinion ya a partir de 36 puntos es muy raro poder acomodar una alineacion entera de estas cartas y ya hay muchisimo espacio en tu alineacion para probar diferentes estrategias.


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# But first...

* What is considered high mana in a battle? 

For me and according to my experience playing, every battle of 36 points of mana or more I consider it as high mana, taking into account that the top before 99 is 60 points... 

The usual would be to think that from 30 points upwards is high mana but I think that in that range between 30 and 36 points it will still be very common that cards with mana cost of 5 points or less appear, and more if the rulesets are appropriate, but in my opinion from 36 points onwards it is very rare to be able to accommodate an entire lineup of these cards and there is already a lot of space in your lineup to try different strategies.



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En una batalla como esta podrias tranquilamente alinear 6 cartas de 5 puntos de mana junto con un invocador de RiftWatchers para hacer justo 36 puntos, podrias usar a un legendario Chaos Legion o incluso uno de Untamed con cartas de mana mas bajo, o como hice yo, un invocador de muy poco mana para darle mas importancia a las cartas en la batalla. Ese rango de maniobra tan amplio es lo que a mi me hace pensar que desde este punto, el mana ya es alto para una batalla.


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In a battle like this above you could easily line up six cards of five mana points together with a RiftWatchers summoner to make just 36 points, or you could use a Chaos Legion legendary with the same five mana cards, or even an Untamed legendary summoner with lower mana cards, or even as I did, a very low mana summoner of Dice edition to give more importance to the cards in the battle. That wide range of maneuvering is what makes me think that from this point, mana is already high for a battle.




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Es aqui donde Riftwatchers va a entrar de lleno. Las cartas todavia no tienen 24 hoas en el juego y ya se estan viendo batallas espectaculares con estas cartas y es que ese rango de mana que tienen es increible, una media de 7.6 puntos de mana. Es de lejos el mas alto de cualquier edicion del juego...

# ¿Que significa esto?

Jugar una carta de 15 puntos de mana en una batalla de mana bajo puede ser un suicidio inminente, algo que me gusta de esta nueva edicion es que es muy situacional, como lei en un comentario de Flauwy, estas son cartas que no vas a necesitar siempre pero que sin duda vas a querer tener en tu equipo. 

A pesar de que tienen estadisticas muy buenas, creo que enfocarse en estas cartas para rango bronce es un poco una perdida de tiempo, hay muy pocas batallas de alto mana en ese rango (algo que creo que deberian cambiar) y mas ahora que llego esta nueva edicion, ya en Plata empieza a mejorar un poco eso pero creo que es desde Oro hacia arriba donde van a entrar con muchisima fuerza. 

Veamos algunos ejemplos:


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This is where Riftwatchers is going to come in strongly in the current meta. The cards are not yet 24 hours in the game and we are already seeing spectacular battles with these cards and the mana range they have is incredible, an average of 7.6 mana points. It is by far the highest of any edition of the game.

# What does this mean?

Well, Playing a 15 mana card in a low mana battle like 18 points can be an imminent suicide for you, something I like about this new edition is that it is very situational, as I read in a comment from @flauwy, these are cards that you won't always need but you will definitely want to have in your team. 

Although they have very good stats and abilities on level 1 or bronce low levels, I think that focusing on these cards for bronze rank is a waste of time, there are very few high mana battles in that rank (something that I think they should change) and more now that this new edition has arrived, already in Silver it starts to improve a little but I think it is from Gold up where they will enter with a lot of force. 

Let's see some examples:





# [Maniacmonster vs Mrosen94](


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Aqui de entrada vemos a Maniacmonster que solo aprovecho 44 de sus 54 puntos disponibles y eso ya es querer perder la partida. Supongo que no tenia suficientes cartas disponibles para usar por culpa del ruleset. 

En su lugar vemos como Mrosen94 utiliza 53 de sus 54 puntos. Eso lo hace enviar una alineacion mucho mas poderosa para una batalla de este estilo, y claro que podriamos decir que ganará muy facil porque su oponente no envio cartas mas fuertes pero...

¿Y si hubiese tenido cartas Riftwatchers? La historia quizas habria sido diferente. Vemos que Mrosen94 utiliza hasta 3 cartas de esta nueva edicion y en cuya batalla podemos ver que son muy importantes para la victoria de este jugador.


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Here we see the player Maniacmonster who only used 44 of his 54 available points and that's already wanting to lose the game. I guess he didn't have enough cards available to use because of the ruleset. 

Instead we see Mrosen94 using 53 of his 54 points for this battle. That makes him send a much more powerful lineup for a battle of this style, and of course we could say that he will win very easily because his opponent didn't send stronger cards but....

What would happen if he had Riftwatchers cards? The story might have been different. We see that Mrosen94 uses up to 3 cards of this new edition and in whose battle we can see that they are very important for the victory of this player.



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Una sola ronda fue suficiente.

Un dato curioso, la habilidad Scattershot del invocador Jacek ignora el ruleset tambien.


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One round was enough.

A curious fact, the Scattershot ability of the summoner Jacek ignores the ruleset as well.





# [Mrosen94 vs Megabloop](


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¿Entiendes la potencia que tienen estas dos cartas combinadas?

Si no es asi dejame explicartelo un poco. Agor Longtail tiene ataque magico y Melee, desvia todos los ataques hacia el, puede esquivar ataques de todo tipo y ademas tiene Fly, una armadura de 6 puntos y se cura en cada turno. Runic Skyclaw tiene 5 puntos de ataque y una velocidad de seis puntos, tambien puede esquivar ataques magicos por el invocador, no recibe daño del blast y si ataca a una carta de mas de 10 puntos de mana le ocasiona 10 puntos de daño por golpe y por supuesto, tambien tiene armadura. Todo eso con tan solo dos cartas, asi es Ritfwatchers.

En esta otra batalla vemos como es Mrosen94 el que no utiliza cartas Ritfwatchers en esta batalla de mana alto y ademas utiliza solo 50 de sus 60 puntos disponibles. Mientras que su oponente, Megabloop, utiliza los 60 puntos completos y tres cartas de la nueva edicion. El invocador mas las dos que estan aqui arriba.


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Do you understand the power of these two cards combined?

If you not, then let me explain it a little bit. Agor Longtail has Magic Attack and Melee, 3 each and six in total, have Taunt so... All attacks towards it, can dodge attacks of all kinds for the summoner buff and also has Fly, a 6 point armor and heals every turn. Runic Skyclaw has 5 attack points and a speed of six points, can also dodge magic attacks by the summoner, does not receive blast damage and if it attacks a card with more than 10 points of mana it causes 10 points of damage per hit and of course, it also has armor. All that with only two cards, that's Ritfwatchers.

In this other battle we see how it is Mrosen94 who does not use Ritfwatchers cards in this high mana battle and also uses only 50 of his 60 available points. While his opponent, Megabloop, uses the full 60 points and three cards of the new edition. The summoner plus the two above.



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Luego de 14 rondas de buffs y debuffs entre cada carta, empezó la batalla. 

Mrosen94 tenia una ventaja importante en velocidad y tambien en la potencia de ataque, el punto de quiebre de la partida estuvo justamente en el mana, al ser tan alto permite enviar cartas muy potentes y en eso, Riftwatchers es especialista. Como esta batalla tenia Blast, el ataque a la linea secundaria era mortal.

La combinacion de Fly + Phase + Blind fue demasiado determinante para esta batalla porque le permite al Agor Longtail esquivar muchisimos ataques.


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After 14 rounds of buffs and debuffs between each card, the battle began. 

Mrosen94 had an important advantage in speed base and also in the total attack power, but the breaking point of the game was precisely in the use of the mana cap, because being so high allows to send very powerful cards and in that, Riftwatchers is a specialist. As this battle had Blast, the attack to the secondary line was deadly.

You will see here the combination of Fly + Phase + Blind was extremely decisive for this battle because it allows Agor Longtail to dodge so many enemy attacks.



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Como se puede apreciar aqui, la vida es muy importante pues a pesar de tener menos ataque y menos velocidad, como es una batalla con tanto mana te permite alinear muchas cartas con vida alta, haciendo que la dureza de tu equipo se incremente demasiado. 


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As you can see here in this image, the life points is very important because despite having less attack and less speed, as it is a battle with so much mana it allows you to align many cards with high life, making your team's toughness increase too much. 



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# Conclusiones.


Como pudimos ver en estos ejemplos, estas cartas van a tomar muchisima importancia en estas batallas de mana alto, y mientras mas alto sea el mana creo que mas cartas de estas vamos a ver combinandose para darnos batallas legendarias. Hay muchisima potencial en todas ellas y creo que es muy importante que te familiarices con ellas porque van a empezar a formar parte importante del juego actual. 

En cuanto a los precios yo creo que estan un poco inflados actualmente y para mi el mejor punto de compra será cuando se hayan abierto al menos 2 millones de packs, pero claro que mientras mas esperas mas riesgo corres de quedarte sin cartas asi que estudia muy bien tu estrategia.


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# Conclusions.


As we could see in these examples, these cards are going to take on a lot of importance in these high mana battles, and the higher the mana I think the more of these cards we are going to see combining to give us legendary battles. There is a lot of potential in all of them and I think it is very important that you become familiar with them because they are going to become an important part of the actual game. 

An talking about  the prices on the market I think they right now are a bit inflated at the moment and for me the best point of purchase will be when at least 2 million packs have been opened, but of course the longer you wait the more risk you run of running out of cards so study your strategy very well.



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<sup>***All game images are taken from the [official game website]( and [Splintercards](, credits to whom it may concern***.</sup>



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created2022-09-28 14:57:42
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cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value10.107 HBD
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root_title"How do high mana battles change with Riftwatchers?"
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@entrepidus ·
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created2022-09-28 20:22:09
last_update2022-09-28 20:22:09
last_payout2022-10-05 20:22:09
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
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root_title"How do high mana battles change with Riftwatchers?"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@lolzbot ·
<div class='pull-right'><center><img src=""><br><a href=""></a></p><br><br><br><br></center></div><p><center><strong>What's the difference between a poor man and a feather pillow?<br>One is hard up, the other is soft down.</strong><br><sub>Credit: <a href="">reddit</a></sub><br>@mvl2304, I sent you an <a href="">$LOLZ</a> on behalf of @entrepidus<br><br>Use the <strong>!LOL</strong> or <strong>!LOLZ</strong> command to share a joke and an <strong>$LOLZ</strong><br>(1/10)</center></p>
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created2022-09-28 20:23:18
last_update2022-09-28 20:23:18
last_payout2022-10-05 20:23:18
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
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root_title"How do high mana battles change with Riftwatchers?"
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last_update2022-09-28 20:22:42
last_payout2022-10-05 20:22:42
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
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root_title"How do high mana battles change with Riftwatchers?"
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cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
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root_title"How do high mana battles change with Riftwatchers?"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
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@steemmonsters ·
**Thanks for sharing! - @marianaemilia**

Great analysis! Thanks for sharing!
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json_metadata"{"app": "beem/0.24.26"}"
created2022-09-29 14:23:57
last_update2022-09-29 14:23:57
last_payout2022-10-06 14:23:57
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"How do high mana battles change with Riftwatchers?"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD