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Sendero en la costa atlantica 🦾🧭 / Path on the Atlantic coast 🌄🌅 by oscurity

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· @oscurity ·
Sendero en la costa atlantica 🦾🧭 / Path on the Atlantic coast 🌄🌅


▶️ [Watch on 3Speak](



<div class="text-justify">Hola amigos fulldeportistas! hacia un tiempo que tenia como objetivo realizar este sendero que bordea la costa atlantica de Portugal, no me sentia en capacidad para este gran reto debido que son mas de 12 kilometros continuos, apesar de este sendero no ser muy dificil acaba por consumir mucha de nuestra energia por la gran distancia desde el punto de partida hasta el punto de retorno! acompañame en esta aventura llena de hermosos paisajes!🙇‍♂️🦾⚡👨‍🦯👩‍🦯🚵‍♂️


Hello full sports friends! For some time I had the objective of doing this path that borders the Atlantic coast of Portugal, I did not feel capable of taking on this great challenge because it is more than 12 kilometers continuous, although this path is not very difficult, it ends up consuming a lot of our energy because of the great distance from the starting point to the ending point! Join me on this adventure full of beautiful landscapes!💁‍♂️🙋‍♂️🤳🚴‍♂️🚵‍♀️💥</div>


# <CENTER>Mi recorrido🙇‍♂️🧭 / My route👨‍💻🌅</CENTER>


<div class=pull-left>Este es el resumen de mi ruta a seguir! como puedes ver es un sendero con retorno de origen, y ademas es señalizado! apesar que tiene una mezcla entre rutas rurales no señalizadas acaba por ser una aventura fantastica! en total camine unos 12 kilometros incluyendo el regreso, esto equivale a que di mas de 14.000 pasos y queme mas de 2500 calorias, recorri una superficie de 1,21km2 y el trayecto demoro: 3 horas, comence a la 13:00 y termine el sendero a las 16:00. En mi opinion era una ruta de exigencia fisica media tal y como lo expresaban los senderistas que ya la habian realizado! PARA MI FUE UNA EXPERIENCIA NUEVA!🦾🙇‍♂️👨‍💻

</div><div class=pull-right>This is the summary of my route to follow! As you can see, it is a path with a return to origin, and it is also signposted! Although it has a mixture of unmarked rural routes, it ends up being a fantastic adventure! In total, I walked about 12 kilometers including the return, this is equivalent to taking more than 14,000 steps and burning more than 1,500 calories. I covered an area of 1.21 km2 and the journey took 3 hours. trail at 4:00 p.m. In my opinion, it was a route of medium physical demand, as expressed by the hikers who had already done it! IT WAS A NEW EXPERIENCE FOR ME!💁‍♂️🌅🧭👩‍🦯👨‍🦯</div> 


# <CENTER>Caracteristicas del terreno🙇‍♂️🧭 / Terrain characteristics👨‍💻🌅</CENTER>



<div class=pull-left>Se que me has acompañado en muchas de mis aventuras, ya perdi la cuenta de cuantos senderos culmine en mi vida pero sin duda tienes que compartir conmigo la misma opinion "Es el sendero mas lindo que ya traje a la comunidad". El terreno no comparte aquella tipica caracteristica de bosque mediterranico, al contrario prevalece la vegetacion seca, la zona es arida y rocosa como bordeamos al oceano atlantico hay siempre una brisa fria que contrarrestra el calor que hace en la zona que puede alcanzar los 34 grados en verano!🧭🙇‍♂️🌄🚵‍♀️

</div><div class=pull-right>I know that you have accompanied me on many of my adventures, I have already lost count of how many trails I have completed in my life but without a doubt you have to share the same opinion with me "It is the most beautiful trail that I have already brought to the community". The land does not share that typical characteristic of a Mediterranean forest, on the contrary dry vegetation prevails, the area is arid and rocky as we border the Atlantic Ocean there is always a cold breeze that counteracts the heat in the area that can reach 34 degrees in summer!💥💥🦾</div> 



# <CENTER>Objetivos a superar🙇‍♂️🧭 / Objectives to be overcome👨‍💻🌅</CENTER>



<div class=pull-left>Literalmente para completar este sendero debia conseguir cuatro objetivos! el primero de ellos era llegar al faro para ello debia caminar un estimado de 2 kilometros! mi segundo objetivo era llegar al mirador atlantico que era la zona mas al sur-occidente de europa! luego caminar unos 3 kilometros pasando por la costa atlantica hasta  la parte mas baja del area al que llame: "playa secreta", por ultimo unos 2 kilometros mas hasta llegar a la zona prehistorica para ver actividad de dinosaurios!🙇‍♂️🧭👨‍🦯

</div><div class=pull-right>Literally to complete this path I had to achieve four objectives! The first of them was to get to the lighthouse, for this he had to walk approximately 2 kilometers! my second goal was to reach the atlantic viewpoint which was the most south-western area of europe! then walk about 3 kilometers through the Atlantic coast to the lowest part of the area called "secret beach", finally about 2 kilometers more until you reach the prehistoric zone to see dinosaur activity!⛔❗3️⃣</div> 


# <CENTER>Primer objetivo🙇‍♂️🧭 / First goal👨‍💻🌅</CENTER>







<div class=pull-left>Luego de caminar unos 2 kilometros alcance mi primer objetivo que era llegar a este hermoso faro, una reliquia Portuguesa con mas de 300 años de historia! llegar aqui fue relativamente facil realice una caminata entre caminos de arena no señalizados que iban bordeando la costa🏆

</div><div class=pull-right>After walking about 2 kilometers, I reached my first objective, which was to reach this beautiful lighthouse, a Portuguese relic with more than 300 years of history! Getting here was relatively easy. I took a walk along sand paths that bordered the coast.🦾👨‍💻🌅</div> 


# <CENTER>4 kilometros de caminata🙇‍♂️🧭 / 4 km walk👨‍💻🌅</CENTER>










*Luego de dar mas de 4000 mil pasos alcance mi segundo objetivo que era un mirador donde geograficamente nos posicionamos al punto mas sur-occidental de europa! la caminata fue un poco irregular el terreno era bastante precario pero la vista era increible🏆🏆*

*After taking more than 4000 thousand steps, I reached my second objective, which was a viewpoint where we geographically positioned ourselves at the most south-western point of Europe! the walk was a bit uneven the terrain was quite precarious but the view was incredible👩‍🦯💁‍♂️😁*


# <CENTER>Playa secreta🙇‍♂️🧭 / Secret beach👨‍💻🌅</CENTER>



<div class=pull-left>Por fin llegaba a mi penultimo logro y hasta ahora habia caminado un total de 8 kilometros pero esta parte de mi experiencia fue bastante exigente porque cuando comenzamos la caminata estamos en el tope del peñazco, y tenemos que bajar en descenso para poder alcanzar la playa, estaba en una altura de 600 metros por tanto subirlos no fue nada facil!💥🦾👨‍💻

</div><div class=pull-right>I finally reached my third goal and so far I had walked a total of 8km but this part of my experience was quite demanding because when we started the walk we are at the top of the rock, and we have to go downhill to reach the beach, I was at a height of 600 meters, therefore, climbing them was not easy at all!🧠💥💥</div> 


# <CENTER>Recta final🙇‍♂️🧭 / Final stretch👨‍💻🌅</CENTER>











# <CENTER>Sendero completado🙇‍♂️🧭 / Completed trail👨‍💻🌅</CENTER>





<div class=pull-left>Como puedes ver hice mas de 12 mil pasos y camine 8,7 kilometros hasta llegar al ultimo objetivo que era la zona donde estaban las huellas de dinosaurios! fue una experiencia bastante buena y vi muchas cosas interesantes en el camino! recuerda que a esos 8.7km tienes que sumarle el retorno dando mas de 12km en total! sin duda queme mas de 2000 calorias! 🦾🦾🏆🏆🏆

</div><div class=pull-right>As you can see, I took more than 12,000 steps and walked 8.7 kilometers until I reached the last goal, which was the area where the dinosaur footprints were! It was quite a good experience and I saw many interesting things along the way! remember that to those 8.7km you have to add the return giving more than 12km in total! I certainly burned over 2000 calories!🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️</div> 


**DNA is an organization to foster and DENSIFY NATURE-APPRECIATION which aims to establish REPORTS OF BIODIVERSITY DATA that is contributed by all of us Hiveans and subsequently cataloged.**

**Therefore DNA searches for HIGH-QUALITY posts that aim to DESCRIBE and determine the BIODIVERSITY AROUND YOU with added EXPLANATIONS and INFORMATION. For these informative posts they offer a CURATION SERVICE using the account. It is also a CURATION TRAIL. Just add the #dna TAG if you think that any of your posts is what they are looking for.** 



1. MUSIC: NO copyright


▶️ [3Speak](
👍  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and 78 others
👎  , , ,
properties (23)
json_metadata"{"tags":["appreciator","gems","senderismo","deportes","proofofbrain","fulldeportes","curangel","entropia","3speak"],"app":"3speak/0.3.0","type":"3speak/video","image":[""],"video":{"info":{"platform":"3speak","title":"Sendero en la costa atlantica 🦾🧭 / Path on the Atlantic coast 🌄🌅","author":"oscurity","permlink":"pvvhfmhe","duration":923.480816,"filesize":2324439084,"file":"EwGZmvROEFMbiLWZePJcMulMlyKbwwuveXMCbFzBgBnjaKhwfYhKrQQbweNurteX.mp4","lang":"es","firstUpload":false,"ipfs":null,"ipfsThumbnail":null,"sourceMap":[{"type":"thumbnail","url":"ipfs://bafybeiairsqpkklqkoddjzn4ucli3ikjxe2sj4rfp3ryvpxxpaibes24yq"}]},"content":{"description":"<div class=\"text-justify\">Hola amigos fulldeportistas! hacia un tiempo que tenia como objetivo realizar este sendero que bordea la costa atlantica de Portugal, no me sentia en capacidad para este gran reto debido que son mas de 12 kilometros continuos, apesar de este sendero no ser muy dificil acaba por consumir mucha de nuestra energia por la gran distancia desde el punto de partida hasta el punto de retorno! acompañame en esta aventura llena de hermosos paisajes!🙇‍♂️🦾⚡👨‍🦯👩‍🦯🚵‍♂️\r\n\r\n#\r\n\r\nHello full sports friends! For some time I had the objective of doing this path that borders the Atlantic coast of Portugal, I did not feel capable of taking on this great challenge because it is more than 12 kilometers continuous, although this path is not very difficult, it ends up consuming a lot of our energy because of the great distance from the starting point to the ending point! Join me on this adventure full of beautiful landscapes!💁‍♂️🙋‍♂️🤳🚴‍♂️🚵‍♀️💥</div>\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n# <CENTER>Mi recorrido🙇‍♂️🧭 / My route👨‍💻🌅</CENTER>\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n<div class=pull-left>Este es el resumen de mi ruta a seguir! como puedes ver es un sendero con retorno de origen, y ademas es señalizado! apesar que tiene una mezcla entre rutas rurales no señalizadas acaba por ser una aventura fantastica! en total camine unos 12 kilometros incluyendo el regreso, esto equivale a que di mas de 14.000 pasos y queme mas de 2500 calorias, recorri una superficie de 1,21km2 y el trayecto demoro: 3 horas, comence a la 13:00 y termine el sendero a las 16:00. En mi opinion era una ruta de exigencia fisica media tal y como lo expresaban los senderistas que ya la habian realizado! PARA MI FUE UNA EXPERIENCIA NUEVA!🦾🙇‍♂️👨‍💻\r\n\r\n</div><div class=pull-right>This is the summary of my route to follow! As you can see, it is a path with a return to origin, and it is also signposted! Although it has a mixture of unmarked rural routes, it ends up being a fantastic adventure! In total, I walked about 12 kilometers including the return, this is equivalent to taking more than 14,000 steps and burning more than 1,500 calories. I covered an area of 1.21 km2 and the journey took 3 hours. trail at 4:00 p.m. In my opinion, it was a route of medium physical demand, as expressed by the hikers who had already done it! IT WAS A NEW EXPERIENCE FOR ME!💁‍♂️🌅🧭👩‍🦯👨‍🦯</div> \r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n# <CENTER>Caracteristicas del terreno🙇‍♂️🧭 / Terrain characteristics👨‍💻🌅</CENTER>\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n<div class=pull-left>Se que me has acompañado en muchas de mis aventuras, ya perdi la cuenta de cuantos senderos culmine en mi vida pero sin duda tienes que compartir conmigo la misma opinion \"Es el sendero mas lindo que ya traje a la comunidad\". El terreno no comparte aquella tipica caracteristica de bosque mediterranico, al contrario prevalece la vegetacion seca, la zona es arida y rocosa como bordeamos al oceano atlantico hay siempre una brisa fria que contrarrestra el calor que hace en la zona que puede alcanzar los 34 grados en verano!🧭🙇‍♂️🌄🚵‍♀️\r\n\r\n</div><div class=pull-right>I know that you have accompanied me on many of my adventures, I have already lost count of how many trails I have completed in my life but without a doubt you have to share the same opinion with me \"It is the most beautiful trail that I have already brought to the community\". The land does not share that typical characteristic of a Mediterranean forest, on the contrary dry vegetation prevails, the area is arid and rocky as we border the Atlantic Ocean there is always a cold breeze that counteracts the heat in the area that can reach 34 degrees in summer!💥💥🦾</div> \r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n# <CENTER>Objetivos a superar🙇‍♂️🧭 / Objectives to be overcome👨‍💻🌅</CENTER>\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n<div class=pull-left>Literalmente para completar este sendero debia conseguir cuatro objetivos! el primero de ellos era llegar al faro para ello debia caminar un estimado de 2 kilometros! mi segundo objetivo era llegar al mirador atlantico que era la zona mas al sur-occidente de europa! luego caminar unos 3 kilometros pasando por la costa atlantica hasta la parte mas baja del area al que llame: \"playa secreta\", por ultimo unos 2 kilometros mas hasta llegar a la zona prehistorica para ver actividad de dinosaurios!🙇‍♂️🧭👨‍🦯\r\n\r\n</div><div class=pull-right>Literally to complete this path I had to achieve four objectives! The first of them was to get to the lighthouse, for this he had to walk approximately 2 kilometers! my second goal was to reach the atlantic viewpoint which was the most south-western area of europe! then walk about 3 kilometers through the Atlantic coast to the lowest part of the area called \"secret beach\", finally about 2 kilometers more until you reach the prehistoric zone to see dinosaur activity!⛔❗3️⃣</div> \r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n# <CENTER>Primer objetivo🙇‍♂️🧭 / First goal👨‍💻🌅</CENTER>\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n<div class=pull-left>Luego de caminar unos 2 kilometros alcance mi primer objetivo que era llegar a este hermoso faro, una reliquia Portuguesa con mas de 300 años de historia! llegar aqui fue relativamente facil realice una caminata entre caminos de arena no señalizados que iban bordeando la costa🏆\r\n\r\n</div><div class=pull-right>After walking about 2 kilometers, I reached my first objective, which was to reach this beautiful lighthouse, a Portuguese relic with more than 300 years of history! Getting here was relatively easy. I took a walk along sand paths that bordered the coast.🦾👨‍💻🌅</div> \r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n# <CENTER>4 kilometros de caminata🙇‍♂️🧭 / 4 km walk👨‍💻🌅</CENTER>\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n*Luego de dar mas de 4000 mil pasos alcance mi segundo objetivo que era un mirador donde geograficamente nos posicionamos al punto mas sur-occidental de europa! la caminata fue un poco irregular el terreno era bastante precario pero la vista era increible🏆🏆*\r\n\r\n*After taking more than 4000 thousand steps, I reached my second objective, which was a viewpoint where we geographically positioned ourselves at the most south-western point of Europe! the walk was a bit uneven the terrain was quite precarious but the view was incredible👩‍🦯💁‍♂️😁*\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n# <CENTER>Playa secreta🙇‍♂️🧭 / Secret beach👨‍💻🌅</CENTER>\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n<div class=pull-left>Por fin llegaba a mi penultimo logro y hasta ahora habia caminado un total de 8 kilometros pero esta parte de mi experiencia fue bastante exigente porque cuando comenzamos la caminata estamos en el tope del peñazco, y tenemos que bajar en descenso para poder alcanzar la playa, estaba en una altura de 600 metros por tanto subirlos no fue nada facil!💥🦾👨‍💻\r\n\r\n</div><div class=pull-right>I finally reached my third goal and so far I had walked a total of 8km but this part of my experience was quite demanding because when we started the walk we are at the top of the rock, and we have to go downhill to reach the beach, I was at a height of 600 meters, therefore, climbing them was not easy at all!🧠💥💥</div> \r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n# <CENTER>Recta final🙇‍♂️🧭 / Final stretch👨‍💻🌅</CENTER>\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n# <CENTER>Sendero completado🙇‍♂️🧭 / Completed trail👨‍💻🌅</CENTER>\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n![](\r\n\r\n<div class=pull-left>Como puedes ver hice mas de 12 mil pasos y camine 8,7 kilometros hasta llegar al ultimo objetivo que era la zona donde estaban las huellas de dinosaurios! fue una experiencia bastante buena y vi muchas cosas interesantes en el camino! recuerda que a esos 8.7km tienes que sumarle el retorno dando mas de 12km en total! sin duda queme mas de 2000 calorias! 🦾🦾🏆🏆🏆\r\n\r\n</div><div class=pull-right>As you can see, I took more than 12,000 steps and walked 8.7 kilometers until I reached the last goal, which was the area where the dinosaur footprints were! It was quite a good experience and I saw many interesting things along the way! remember that to those 8.7km you have to add the return giving more than 12km in total! I certainly burned over 2000 calories!🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️</div> \r\n\r\n![46aP2QbqUqBqpx5c7Zikd2HFMqywJNqDeZVr22vYLLq3mmDMvC912rHcgZVsjPXr3wLjkA8LKLBDRLTxVkouUowGoPo3.gif](\r\n\r\n**DNA is an organization to foster and DENSIFY NATURE-APPRECIATION which aims to establish REPORTS OF BIODIVERSITY DATA that is contributed by all of us Hiveans and subsequently cataloged.**\r\n\r\n**Therefore DNA searches for HIGH-QUALITY posts that aim to DESCRIBE and determine the BIODIVERSITY AROUND YOU with added EXPLANATIONS and INFORMATION. For these informative posts they offer a CURATION SERVICE using the account. It is also a CURATION TRAIL. Just add the #dna TAG if you think that any of your posts is what they are looking for.** \r\n\r\n# <CENTER>GRACIAS POR LEERME / THANKS FOR READING ME (FOTOS Y VIDEO DE MI PROPIEDAD / PHOTOS AND VIDEO OF MY PROPERTY)🙂🧠🦾👍</CENTER>\r\n\r\n*<CENTER>Musica/Music:</CENTER>*\r\n\r\n1. MUSIC: NO copyright","tags":["appreciator","gems","senderismo","deportes","proofofbrain","fulldeportes","curangel","entropia","3speak"]}}}"
created2022-09-27 21:27:33
last_update2022-09-27 21:27:33
last_payout2022-10-04 21:27:33
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value8.074 HBD
curator_payout_value9.040 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Sendero en la costa atlantica 🦾🧭 / Path on the Atlantic coast 🌄🌅"
max_accepted_payout100,000.000 HBD
vote details (146)
@aventurerasbike ·
Realmente fascinante y exigente el recorrido, me gustan los detalles de la distancia, los pasos, las calorías, el clima, características del terreno y por supuesto las fotos, me transporté e hice la aventura leyendo, te felicito, saludos
properties (22)
created2022-09-27 23:56:45
last_update2022-09-27 23:56:45
last_payout2022-10-04 23:56:45
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Sendero en la costa atlantica 🦾🧭 / Path on the Atlantic coast 🌄🌅"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@edwardveg ·
Saludos amigo. muy buen video, muy entretenido (lo veía mientras almorzaba jaja) me pareció muy interesante lo que comentabas de los dinosaurios. ¡saludos!  
properties (22)
created2022-09-28 16:29:36
last_update2022-09-28 16:29:36
last_payout2022-10-05 16:29:36
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Sendero en la costa atlantica 🦾🧭 / Path on the Atlantic coast 🌄🌅"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@emeka4 ·
I always appreciate your outing and adventure very lovely and nice.
properties (22)
created2022-09-27 22:24:39
last_update2022-09-27 22:24:39
last_payout2022-10-04 22:24:39
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Sendero en la costa atlantica 🦾🧭 / Path on the Atlantic coast 🌄🌅"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@frankrey11 ·
Wow está épico tu vídeo,  la manera en la que narras tu aventura, las ganas que le pones, se veía realmente complicado culminar esa travesía y la cereza del pastel son todos esos bellos paisajes. Algo digno no solo de una like si no también de reblogueo.
properties (22)
created2022-09-27 22:18:36
last_update2022-09-27 22:18:36
last_payout2022-10-04 22:18:36
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Sendero en la costa atlantica 🦾🧭 / Path on the Atlantic coast 🌄🌅"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@pixresteemer ·
<center>![pixresteemer_incognito_angel_mini.png](</center><center>Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!</center><center>Week 125 of my [contest](/hive-179017/@pixresteemer/the-re-hive-contest-results-week-124-and-start-week-125) just can now check the winners of the previous week!</center><center><sub>15</sub></center>
properties (22)
created2022-09-27 21:43:24
last_update2022-09-27 21:43:24
last_payout2022-10-04 21:43:24
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Sendero en la costa atlantica 🦾🧭 / Path on the Atlantic coast 🌄🌅"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@poshtoken ·
<sub> The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at</sub>
properties (22)
json_metadata"{"app":"Poshtoken 0.0.1","payoutToUser":[]}"
created2022-09-27 21:36:57
last_update2022-09-27 21:36:57
last_payout2022-10-04 21:36:57
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Sendero en la costa atlantica 🦾🧭 / Path on the Atlantic coast 🌄🌅"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@yeral-diaz · (edited)
Vaya, este paisaje es muy lindo, me parece fabuloso este monumento y espero se mantenga igual. Buen post amigo 
properties (22)
created2022-09-28 02:05:54
last_update2022-09-28 02:06:24
last_payout2022-10-05 02:05:54
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Sendero en la costa atlantica 🦾🧭 / Path on the Atlantic coast 🌄🌅"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD