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Niko i ništa ne traje večno, oni su nam nekada sve.🫶🏻 ~Nobody and nothing lasts forever, they are everything to us sometimes. 🫶🏻 by rebekica

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· @rebekica · (edited)
Niko i ništa ne traje večno, oni su nam nekada sve.🫶🏻 ~Nobody and nothing lasts forever, they are everything to us sometimes. 🫶🏻
|🇷🇸 Najiskrenije što možemo imati pored nas💫|🇺🇸 The most sincere thing we can have next to us💫|
|Danas ću sa vama podeliti jednu moju priču. Počelo je jedne godine, čini mi se 2015. Prodavala sam limunadu🥤🍋 i narukvice neke na ulici sa drugaricama(uzimamo u obzir da sam bila izuzetno mala🫣) i dolazio je jedan beli pas koji je bio mnogo gladan, žedan i željan ljubavi🥹... Nisam znala šta da radim jer se nije želela odvojiti od mene, išla je za mnom sve vreme i ako joj nisam dala nit hrane, nit vode.<br> Dala sam joj samo malo ljubavi i pažnje što je njoj verovatno bilo dovoljno da ide za mnom i da je ja udomim❤... Došla sam kući, a ona je ostala ispred kuće i nije želela da ode odatle, morala sam joj izneti nešto da pije i da jede, nisam mogla tek tako da je ostavim. Moja majka nije želela da čuje za novog psa, kao ni moja baka jer nam je prethodni pas uginuo i nisu želeli da se opet vezuju🙁. Imala sam osećaj za ovog psa, da je prepametan, dobar i veran. I bilo je tako, razumela je sve što joj se kaže, što bi moja mama rekla, toliko je bila pametna da je malo falilo na dupe da progovori😂. Zadržali smo psa i nazvali Lea. Bila je sa mnom u svemu, znala je kada sam srećna, kada sam tužna, kada mi treba malo samoće, apsolutno sve je znala i sve mi je pružala<br> Kada god sam želela da pobegnem sa ovog sveta, da isplačem dušu i samo da ne stanem, ona je gurala svoju glavicu ispod moje ruke samo da bih se ja osećala dobro. Moja prelepa kuca nije mnogo kotila, možda 3 puta od kada je kod nas u porodicu, i postajala je sve starija i prestala je da ima generalno potrebu za tim, valjda to tako ide, ili sam barem mislila... Zadnje godine, 2022, osetila sam da moja Lea nije ona Lea koju ja poznajem, nije Lea koja će da se igra sa lopticom i da mi je donese, nije Lea koja je presrećna kada ide u šetnju, nije Lea koju ne zanima što sam ja tog dana tužna😪...|Today I will share one of my stories with you. It started one year, I think it was 2015. I was selling lemonade 🥤🍋 and some bracelets on the street with my friends (take into account that I was extremely small🫣) and a white dog came who was very hungry, thirsty and eager for love. ..🥹 I didn't know what to do because she didn't want to be separated from me, she followed me all the time and if I didn't give her a single food, a single water. I gave her just a little love and attention which was probably enough for her to follow me and for me to adopt her❤... I came home and she stayed in front of the house and didn't want to leave, I had to get her something to drink and to eat, I couldn't just leave her like that. My mother didn't want to hear about the new dog, and neither did my grandmother because our previous dog died and they didn't want to bond again.🙁 I had a feeling about this dog, that he is too smart, good and faithful. And it was like that, she understood everything that was said to her, what my mom would say, she was so smart that it was a little difficult for her to speak.😂 We kept the dog and called Leo. She was with me in everything, she knew when I was happy, when I was sad, when I needed a little solitude, she knew absolutely everything and gave me everything<br> Whenever I wanted to escape from this world, to cry my soul out and just not to stop, she was pushing her head under my arm just to make me feel good.🥰 My beautiful dog has not given birth much, maybe 3 times since she came to our family, and she was getting older and stopped having a general need for it, I guess that's how it goes, or at least I thought... Last year, 2022, I felt that my Lea is not the Lea I know, she is not the Lea who will play with the ball and bring it to me, she is not the Lea who is overjoyed when she goes for a walk, she is not the Lea who does not care that I am sad that day😪...|


|Želela sam da je odvedem veterinaru, ali majka je mislila da grešim, da je Lea možda samo u nekom malom lošem periodu i to je sve... Iskreno, svaki put kada je se setim, pričam o njoj ili bilo šta slično meni se mnogo plače i onda suza suzu stiže. Mislim da i dan danas ne mogu da se pomirim sa činjenicom da je nema. Lea je stvarno bila najbolja. Znala je da dok se vraćam kasno uveče iz grada da me čeka na ćošci i da idemo zajedno kući, a kako je znala da izađe iz dvorišta, pa tako što je skakala na kapiju sve dok ne pritisne kakvu🤣. Plašila se grmljavina, vatrometa i sve što izaziva ogromnu buku🫣.|I wanted to take her to the vet, but my mother thought I was wrong, that maybe Lea was just having a little bad period and that's all... Honestly, every time I think of her, talk about her or anything like that, I feel a lot she cries and then the tears come. I don't think even today I can come to terms with the fact that she is gone. Lea was really the best. She knew that when I was coming back from the city late at night to wait for me on the corner and that we would go home together, and how she knew how to get out of the yard, by jumping on the gate until she pressed a button🤣. She was afraid of thunder, fireworks and anything that makes a huge noise🫣.|


|Lea nije bila to ta Lea koju poznajem, i odvela sam je veterinara. Veterinar mi je rekao da ne brinem jer je skotna, tu sreću ne mogu vam opisati jer sam mislila da nije bolesna, i ako sam ja nagovestila Leine promene gde je on mene ućutkao i rekao da zna svoj posao da radi.|Lea was not the Lea I know, and I took her to the vet. The vet told me not to worry because she's healthy, I can't describe that happiness to you because I thought she wasn't sick, and if I hinted at Lea's changes, he shut me up and said that he knows what he's doing.|


|Čudilo sam se kako je Lea skotna kada znam da je nisam vodila da se pari, pretpostavke su bile da je nekada bežala pošto je sama otvarala kapiju i tako dalje, ali kako god da je bilo, bila sam srećna jer sam mislila da je zdrava. Te promene koje je imala, nemaju se u trudnoći, i znala sam da nije dobro, Lea se okupila a i dalje nije izgledala dobro, zvala sam u ponoć veterinare i ni jednog nisam mogla da dobijem☎️. Počela je da gubi snagu, da mi skreće pogled, da ne reaguje na moj glas, više nije mogla da se kreće samo je ležala, odbijala je hranu, vodu a pritom i da doji kučiće. Molila sam Boga da do jutra izdrži da mogu da je odvedem kod veterinara.|I wondered how Lea was born when I know that I didn't take her to mate, the assumptions were that she used to run away because she opened the gate herself and so on, but whatever it was, I was happy because I thought she was healthy. Those changes that she had, do not occur during pregnancy, and I knew that it was not good, Lea gathered herself and still did not look well, I called the vets at midnight and I could not get a single one☎️. She started to lose strength, to look away from me, to not react to my voice, she could no longer move, she just lay down, refused food, water, and at the same time to nurse the puppies. I prayed to God that she would last until the morning so that I could take her to the vet.|


|To jutro, odvela sam je kod veterinara, dobila je infuzije, lekove i sve što je bilo potrebno💊💉. Međutim, rekli su mi odmah da nema šanse da preživi, dobila je i žuticu i nije mogla da okoti poslednje kuče koje je ostalo u njoj. Srce mi se slomilo💔, ali nisam odustajala nego sam se trudila da je oporavim, ali sam samo produžava agoniju i produžavala sam joj sate života... Lea je okotila 3 kučeta, 2 su nestala, verovatno ih je neki mačor🐈‍⬛ udavio a treće je ostalo živo. To kuče smo majka i ja morale da održimo u život, hranile na flašicu, vodile računa kao o malom detetu. Lea je od koćenje, izdržala 2 dana i onda je izdahnula.|That morning, I took her to the vet, she got IVs, medicine and everything that was needed💊💉. However, they told me right away that she had no chance of surviving, she also got jaundice and couldn't give birth to the last bitch that was left in her. My heart broke, but I didn't give up💔, I tried to recover her, but I was only prolonging her agony and prolonging her hours of life... Lea gave birth to 3 puppies, 2 disappeared, probably some cat🐈‍⬛ drowned them and the third one remained alive. My mother and I had to keep that house alive, bottle feed it, take care of it like a small child. Lea was in bed, she lasted 2 days and then she died.|



|Izgubila sam najveću ljubav, najvernijeg prijatelja na svetu i srušio mi se ceo svet. Jedino što mi je ostalo od nje je malo crno slatko biće koje sam nazvala Ela, da bude malo slična mami.|I lost the greatest love, the most loyal friend in the world and my whole world collapsed. The only thing I have left of her is a small black sweet creature that I named Ela, to be a little like mom.|


|Mesec dana od kako mi je Lea uginula, šapu🐾 koju sam joj preslikala kada je uginula, na papir, istetovirala sam je da bude uz mene ceo život.|One month after Lea died, I tattooed the paw🐾 that I copied on paper when she died to be with me for the rest of my life❤️‍🩹.|


|I sada, čuvam ovu malu bebicu koja i nije više tako mala. Mama i ja se trudim da bude makar približno pametna kao njena mama, mnogo je smotana i slatka, živahna i vesela☺️. Osećajna je kao i njena mama, prepozna kada sam tužna, stalno je željna pažnje i mnogo me voli,kao i ja nju. Čuvajte vaše male drugare, mnogo su bitni i najverniji❤️‍🩹.|And now, I'm taking care of this little baby who isn't so little anymore. Mom and I try to make her at least as smart as her mom, she's very cute and sweet, lively and cheerful☺️. She is sensitive like her mom, recognizes when I'm sad, always wants attention and loves me a lot, as I do her. Take care of your little friends, they are very important and the most faithful❤️‍🩹.|



Pozdrav od vaše Rebeke🫶🏻

>Greeting from your Rebecca🫶🏻
👍  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and 89 others
properties (23)
json_metadata"{"app":"peakd/2022.11.2","format":"markdown","description":"Budimo zahvalni za ono što imamo😇~Let's be thankful for what we have😇 ","portfolio":true,"tags":["dogs","pets","animals","friend","pas","curie","ocd","appreciator","curangel","banat"],"users":[],"image":["","","","","","","","",""]}"
created2022-12-02 21:40:48
last_update2022-12-02 21:54:00
last_payout2022-12-09 21:40:48
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value5.525 HBD
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promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Niko i ništa ne traje večno, oni su nam nekada sve.🫶🏻 ~Nobody and nothing lasts forever, they are everything to us sometimes. 🫶🏻"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (153)
@erikah ·
What a bitter sweet story. I understand your pain as I would have felt the same way. I cried for 2 days when my grandmother's dog died. At least you have her puppy. 
👍  ,
properties (23)
created2022-12-03 07:10:24
last_update2022-12-03 07:10:24
last_payout2022-12-10 07:10:24
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
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pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Niko i ništa ne traje večno, oni su nam nekada sve.🫶🏻 ~Nobody and nothing lasts forever, they are everything to us sometimes. 🫶🏻"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (2)
@rebekica ·
I'm glad you understand, and that someone can understand. As far as the dog is concerned, I would say that for every bad thing there is also a good thing, so thank God that I have that puppy.🤗
properties (23)
created2022-12-03 10:18:39
last_update2022-12-03 10:18:39
last_payout2022-12-10 10:18:39
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Niko i ništa ne traje večno, oni su nam nekada sve.🫶🏻 ~Nobody and nothing lasts forever, they are everything to us sometimes. 🫶🏻"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (1)
@gestex · (edited)
Damn girl, this was realy beautiful,and i am sorry that u lost your best friend, but she is still there, by ur side, everyday ❤
👍  ,
properties (23)
created2022-12-02 23:29:51
last_update2022-12-02 23:51:51
last_payout2022-12-09 23:29:51
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Niko i ništa ne traje večno, oni su nam nekada sve.🫶🏻 ~Nobody and nothing lasts forever, they are everything to us sometimes. 🫶🏻"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (2)
@rebekica ·
Thank you mate, I know it's there and always will be. ❤️
properties (23)
created2022-12-02 23:42:27
last_update2022-12-02 23:42:27
last_payout2022-12-09 23:42:27
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Niko i ništa ne traje večno, oni su nam nekada sve.🫶🏻 ~Nobody and nothing lasts forever, they are everything to us sometimes. 🫶🏻"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (1)
@hivebuzz ·
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properties (22)
created2022-12-02 22:11:57
last_update2022-12-02 22:11:57
last_payout2022-12-09 22:11:57
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Niko i ništa ne traje večno, oni su nam nekada sve.🫶🏻 ~Nobody and nothing lasts forever, they are everything to us sometimes. 🫶🏻"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@prudens ·
Such a beautiful and truly story 💟
I wish you a great time with your new friend 🐕
Wonderful tattoo,great idea
👍  ,
properties (23)
created2022-12-03 06:56:09
last_update2022-12-03 06:56:09
last_payout2022-12-10 06:56:09
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Niko i ništa ne traje večno, oni su nam nekada sve.🫶🏻 ~Nobody and nothing lasts forever, they are everything to us sometimes. 🫶🏻"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (2)
@rebekica ·
Thank you, I try to spend as much time as possible with little Ella. Lea was my inspiration for the tattoo❤️ 
👍  ,
properties (23)
created2022-12-03 10:15:48
last_update2022-12-03 10:15:48
last_payout2022-12-10 10:15:48
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Niko i ništa ne traje večno, oni su nam nekada sve.🫶🏻 ~Nobody and nothing lasts forever, they are everything to us sometimes. 🫶🏻"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (2)