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Ego, najveći uzrok bola. Ego, the greatest cause of pain. by vragolana

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Ego, najveći uzrok bola. Ego, the greatest cause of pain.
Ne znam da li zbog Svetskog prvenstva u fudbalu, ⚽️ slobodnijeg vremena, plate koju sam dobila 🤑, ali misli mi danas pene kao sapunica. 😊
Kad smo kod sapunice, najviše sam razmišljala o tome zašto ljudi imaju toliku potrebu da budu u pravu?
Posle ću reći zašto ima veze sa sapunicom.
Naime, ako neko misli da je u pravu, zašto se toliko preznojava da dokaže, objasni. Istini ne treba verovanje drugoga, istina je istina. Ego. Ego je najveći neprijatelj društva. Da li vam je važnije da ste u pravu ili duševni mir?

> I don't know if it's because of the World Cup, ⚽️ more free time, the salary I got 🤑, but my thoughts are foaming like a soap opera today. 😊
Speaking of soap operas, I thought the most about why do people have such a need to be right?
I'll tell you later why it has something to do with the soap opera.
Namely, if someone thinks he is right, why is he sweating so much to prove it, explain. The truth does not need the belief of another, the truth is the truth. Ego. Ego is the greatest enemy of society. Is it more important to you to be right or to have peace of mind?



Radi se o tome da se u odnosima krade energija. Kada vam kažu da ste u pravu, nahranite ego. U malim količinama nije strašno ali ljudski apetiti su veliki i nezasiti. Pitanje je zašto? Zašto je to tako?
Zato što smo odgajani sa kritikama, omaližavanjem, ponužavanjem. Rezultat takvih kompleksa je upravo večita borba ega sa drugima. 

> It's about stealing energy in relationships. When you are told you are right, you feed the ego. In small quantities it is not terrible, but human appetites are large and insatiable. The question is why? Why is it so?
Because we were brought up with criticism, belittling, offering. The result of such complexes is precisely the eternal struggle of the ego with others.




U malim količinama nije strašno, podižete samopouzdanje, ali ako vam to postane obrazac ponašanja- razbolećete se. Telo vam nepogrešivo daje signal da stanete kad krenete da se previše uzbudjujete ali mi ga ne slušamo. Ne slušamo svoje telo. Kad se razbolimo, kupujemo lekove. Onda radimo da bi kupovali lekove. Vrtimo se u krug, a od toga samo farmaceutski lobiji imaju korist. Oni ne leče uzrok.
Budite svoj lekar. Imate moć savršene mašine- sopstveno telo. Ne nasedajte na priče o dominaciji, moći, popularnosti. Sve je to lažna sreća. Sve što je spolja, lažna je sreća. 
Kada je jedan bogataš pitao jednog čoveka-
Daću ti dva miliona ako mi daš tvohe oči. Čovek je naravno odbio. Milioner je na to dodao - naravno da ne želiš jer tvoje iči više vrede id dva miliona.
Poštujte i cenite ono što vam je besplatno dato rodjenjem. Koristite mozak, ruke, srce na ispravan način. Ne uzbudjujte se zbog svake sitnice. Štedite energiju. Jednom sam čula super stvar: Život je suviše kratak. Gledajte da se što više svadjate sa nepoznatim ljudima. Naravno, irinično. Mentalna snaga je najbitnija, da kontrolišete SEBE, ne DRUGE.

> In small amounts it is not terrible, you raise your self-confidence, but if it becomes a pattern of your behavior - you will get sick. The body unmistakably gives you a signal to stop when you start to get too excited, but we don't listen. We don't listen to our body. When we get sick, we buy medicine. Then we work to buy medicine. We are going around in circles, and only pharmaceutical lobbies benefit from that. They do not treat the cause.
Be your own doctor. You have the power of a perfect machine - your own body. Do not fall for stories about dominance, power, popularity. It's all fake happiness. Everything that is outside is false happiness.
When a rich man asked a man-
I'll give you two million if you give me your eyes. The man of course refused. The millionaire added to that - of course you don't want to because your property is worth more than two million.
Respect and appreciate what was freely given to you at birth. Use your brain, hands, heart in the right way. Don't get excited about every little thing. Save energy. I once heard a great thing: Life is too short. Try to fight with strangers as much as possible. Of course, ironically. Mental strength is the most important, to control YOURSELF, not OTHERS.



Koncentrišite se na ono dobro, koncentrišite se na ono što imate. 
Ima jedna priča, Indijanac je rekao svom unuku da se u svakom čoveku odvija neprekidna borba. Kada je unuk pitao kakva birba, starac je rekao:
- u svakom čoveku su dva vuka. Dobar i zao.
Unuk ga je pitao a koji vuk pobedjuje? Starac je idgovorio: - Onaj kojeg više hraniš!

> Concentrate on the good, concentrate on what you have.
There is a story, an Indian man told his grandson that there is a constant struggle going on in every man. When the grandson asked what birba, the old man said:
- there are two wolves in every man. Good and evil.
His grandson asked him which wolf wins? The old man said: - The one you feed more!



Razmišljala sam koje fotografije bi odlično podržale ovu temu, a onda sam se setila sapunice kojom sam često zabavljala svoju ćerku kad je bila mala. 
Ako previše duvate u sapunicu, na kraju će pući. Tako je i sa egom.

> I was thinking about which photos would support this theme well, and then I remembered a soap opera that I often used to entertain my daughter when she was little.
If you blow into the soapbox too much, it will eventually burst. So it is with the ego.


Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

> Greetings from Anka vregolana!
👍  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
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vote details (35)