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Fashion Show with my Sister [ESP/ENG] by wuildariablox

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· @wuildariablox ·
Fashion Show with my Sister [ESP/ENG]
<center>![Show de Moda con mi Hermana.gif](</center>

Hola gente linda de Hive, espero que se encuentren muy bien, el día de hoy quiero contarles acerca de una de las experiencias más únicas que tuve en Bloxburg, junto con mi hermana, para los que no saben Bloxburg queda dentro de la plataforma de Roblox. Dicho esto podemos comenzar :)

>Hello beautiful people of Hive, I hope you are doing well, today I want to tell you about one of the most unique experiences I had in Bloxburg, along with my sister, for those who don't know Bloxburg is inside the Roblox platform. That said we can start :)


El objetivo principal de juego de mi hermana y yo era hacer una competencia de casas, y a quien le quedara más linda y mejor decorada seria la ganadora, pero de pronto unas chicas entraron al servidor agradecidas de entrar a un servidor hispano hablante, me imagino que tenían mucho tiempo buscándolo. Estas chicas nos propusieron una cosa, era que si participábamos en un concurso de belleza, a nosotras nos pareció raro esto, ya que Bloxburg no es un juego que tenga algo que ver con moda o un show de moda, pero como puedes hacer lo que quieras dentro del juego para ellas fue posible crear un show de moda con premio incluido, ósea que no jugaríamos de gratis. 

>The main objective of the game of my sister and I was to make a house competition, and whoever would be the prettiest and best decorated would be the winner, but suddenly some girls entered the server grateful to enter a Spanish-speaking server, I guess they had a long time looking for it. These girls proposed us something, they asked us to participate in a beauty contest, this seemed strange to us, because Bloxburg is not a game that has something to do with fashion or a fashion show, but as you can do whatever you want within the game for them it was possible to create a fashion show with a prize included, so we would not play for free. 


<center>![Diseño sin título (15).png](</center>


El premio mayor era entre 80k y 30k, esta cantidad dentro del juego es un poco elevada por lo que mi hermana y yo supusimos que valdría la pena concursar, por lo que accedimos y nos empezaron a hacer un recorrido por la pista de modelaje, era muy bonita por cierto, fueron muy ingeniosas al crear algo así. Luego del recorrido nos estuvieron dando unos tips de cómo debíamos modelar, los modales, y el respeto hacia ellas y nuestras compañeras, para así tener más ventaja en ganar.

>The grand prize was between 80k and 30k, this amount in the game is a little high so my sister and I figured it would be worth it, so we agreed and they started to give us a tour of the modeling runway, it was very nice by the way, they were very ingenious to create something like that. After the tour they were giving us some tips on how we should model, manners, and respect for them and our companions, so we would have more advantage in winning.




En cuanto a las personas que participaban en el show de moda además de mi hermana y yo, había una chica llamada Fernanda, solo éramos tres, al principio de todo éramos cuatro donde estaba un chico pero el chico decidió rendirse antes de que comenzáramos la competencia. 

>As for the people who participated in the fashion show besides my sister and me, there was a girl named Fernanda, there were only three of us, at the beginning there were four of us and one boy but the boy decided to give up before we started the competition. 



Ya comenzando la primera fase del show de moda, la categoría seria playa, por lo que debíamos vestirnos de acuerdo al tema, recuerdo que  en esta parte solo nos dieron cinco minutos para poder vestirnos y un minuto de salvación, después de que se acabaran los cinco minutos, mi hermana y yo estábamos muy estresadas porque debíamos ser rápidas, a mí me daba mucha risa porque mi hermana empezaba a gritar como loca al lado mío de lo lento que iba su portátil en el momento menos oportuno, cuando casi estaba listo mi look playero, se reinició todo por una mala configuración que hice y debía empezar todo de cero, esto hizo que me pusiera muy histérica y decidí rendirme pero las chicas que dirigían el show no me dejaron hacerlo, jaja me apoyaron para seguir adelante e incluso agregaron un poco más de tiempo, y la verdad si me sentí un poco agradecida por eso. Mi look se basaba en un traje de baño negro, un adorno de flores en la cabeza, un flotador de pato y unas gafas rosadas que no me gustaron en lo más mínimo pero como andaba apurada decidí colocarlas XD

>Already starting the first phase of the fashion show, the category would be beach, so we had to dress according to the theme, I remember that in this part they only gave us five minutes to get dressed and one minute of salvation, after the five minutes were over, my sister and I were very stressed because we had to be fast, I was laughing a lot because my sister started to scream like crazy next to me of how slow her laptop was going at the wrong time, when my beach look was almost ready, everything restarted because of a bad configuration I did and I had to start all from scratch, this made me very hysterical and I decided to give up but the girls who were running the show did not let me do it, haha they supported me to keep going and even added a little more time, and the truth is that I felt a little grateful for that. My look was based on a black swimsuit, a flower ornament on my head, a duck float and some pink glasses that I didn't like at all but since I was in a hurry I decided to put them XD



El atuendo de mi hermana era muy simple, según ella era así de simple porque no nos dieron mucho tiempo para vestirnos, pero yo sinceramente creo que solo no supo organizarse bien, ya para la siguiente ronda la ayudaría, no se preocupen. En cuanto a Fernanda, la tercera participante, ella se vistió muy bien, tenía un lindo look pero creo que lo que llevaba puesto era más casual que algo playero de igual manera a las juezas logro gustarles y paso la ronda, al igual que yo y mi hermana pudimos pasar la ronda. 

>My sister's outfit was very simple, according to her it was that simple because they didn't give us much time to get dressed, but I sincerely believe that she just didn't know how to organize herself well, and for the next round I would help her, don't worry. As for Fernanda, the third participant, she dressed very well, she had a nice look but I think what she was wearing was more casual than something beachy, but the judges liked her and she made it through the round, just like me and my sister made it through the round. 



La siguiente ronda sería más complicada ya que habría una eliminatoria, a este punto ya andábamos muy estresadas jaja, la categoría era sobre algo formal y para esta ronda nos darían siete minutos y creo que no había minuto de salvación, como no encontraba nada que me pareciera lindo se me ocurrió la gran idea de usar códigos del catálogo de ropa de Roblox y pasarlos al juego, es como pasar un accesorio que no está dentro del juego pero tú lo pasas  con el código del accesorio a Bloxburg. En esta ronda estuve ayudando a mi hermana dictándole algunos códigos de cabellos y algunos accesorios, hasta que estuvimos listas y se agotó el tiempo. Recuerdo que hice un poco de trampa y Fernanda me descubrió pero por alguna razón no dijo nada jaja, ya cuando no había más tiempo para vestirnos que a mi hermana le tocaba modelar en la pasarela, yo baje al sótano para colocarme un accesorio más y en ese momento veo que Fernanda vio lo que yo hice y no dijo nada XD 

>The next round would be more complicated since there would be an elimination round, at this point we were already very stressed haha, the category was about something formal and for this round we would be given seven minutes and I think there was no minute of salvation, as I could not find anything that I thought was cute I came up with the great idea of using codes from the Roblox clothing catalog and pass them to the game, it's like passing an accessory that is not in the game but you pass it with the accessory code to Bloxburg. In this round I was helping my sister by dictating some hair codes and some accessories, until we were ready and time ran out. I remember I cheated a bit and Fernanda discovered me but for some reason she didn't say anything haha, when there was no more time to get dressed because my sister had to model on the catwalk, I went down to the basement to put on one more accessory and at that moment I see that Fernanda saw what I did and she didn't say anything XD 



Me arriesgue en vano ya que cuando me puse el accesorio final, a las juezas no les gusto para nada, pero igual así pasamos la ronda, hasta la eliminatoria, fueron muy dramáticas en ese momento porque hacían mucho suspenso, y mi hermana aun gritando al lado mío diciendo que la eliminarían a ella, bueno por lo menos ya sabía su destino XD. Aunque sinceramente pensé que bien podían eliminar a Fernanda, solo porque no quería que mi hermana se fuera, y si efectivamente eliminaron a mi hermana pero dejaron que ella pudiera ver el show.

>I risked in vain because when I wore the final accessory, the judges didn't like it at all, but we still made it through the round, until the elimination round, they were very dramatic at that moment because they were very suspenseful, and my sister was still screaming next to me saying that they would eliminate her, well at least she already knew her destiny XD. Although I honestly thought they might as well eliminate Fernanda, just because I didn't want my sister to go, and yes indeed they did eliminate my sister but they let her get to watch the show.



La siguiente ronda seria la definitiva donde elegirían a la ganadora si sería yo, o seria Fernanda, para esta categoría seria princesa medieval  y nos dieron siete minutos pero sin minuto de salvación, yo estaba más nerviosa de lo normal, porque como iba yo a vestirme al estilo medieval, además de que no sabía nada de eso no habían cosas que ayudaran mucho,  en un intento rápido de no quedar en ridículo por Fernanda decidí buscar referencias de princesas medievales en google y luego códigos, hasta que por fin hice algo muy similar a algo medieval. 

>The next round would be the final round where they would choose the winner if it would be me, or Fernanda, for this category it would be medieval princess and they gave us seven minutes but no minute of salvation, I was more nervous than usual, because as I was going to dress in medieval style, plus I did not know anything about it there were no things that helped much, in a quick attempt to not be ridiculed by Fernanda I decided to look for references of medieval princesses in google and then codes, until I finally did something very similar to something medieval. 



Esta sería la ronda final y yo me encontraba vestida como un payaso al lado de Fernanda, que se veía muy elegante y radiante, pero el atuendo de Fernanda no tenía nada que ver con la categoría, aun así las juradas la dejaron seguir compitiendo, y le dieron una puntuación alta por su lindo look, que en mi opinión no debió ser así, porque no siguió la categoría en absoluto pero bueno. Antes de mencionar a la ganadora final después de tres arduas rondas nos estuvieron diciendo que no debíamos entristecernos o ser groseras luego de mencionar a la ganadora, y ya sabrán quien gano, pues gano la Fernanda y en total su premio fue de 80k mientras que el de nosotras solo fue de 100 dólares por la participación.  

>This would be the final round and I was dressed like a clown next to Fernanda, who looked very elegant and radiant, but Fernanda's outfit had nothing to do with the category, even so the juries let her continue competing, and gave her a high score for her cute look, which in my opinion should not have been so, because it did not follow the category at all but well. Before mentioning the final winner after three arduous rounds they were telling us that we should not get sad or be rude after mentioning the winner, and you already know who won, Fernanda won and in total her prize was 80k while ours was only 100 dollars for the participation.  





Bueno gente hasta aquí el post de hoy, espero que les haya gustado tanto como a mí y los más importante que se hayan entretenido. Sinceramente nos divertimos bastante en el show de moda ya que fue una experiencia única, que jamás habíamos vivido dentro de este juego. Aunque si me hubiera acordado que perdería dinero por cada vez que me cambiara el atuendo, no hubiera participado XD. En fin. Todas las fotos de este post fueron tomadas por mis desde mi PC, nos vemos la próxima :)

>Well people, this is the end of today's post, I hope you liked it as much as I did and the most important thing is that you had fun. Honestly, we had a lot of fun in the fashion show because it was a unique experience that we had never lived before in this game. Although if I had remembered that I would lose money for every time I changed my outfit, I wouldn't have participated XD. Anyway. All the pictures in this post were taken by me from my PC, see you next time :)

👍  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and 220 others
properties (23)
created2022-01-22 14:23:24
last_update2022-01-22 14:23:24
last_payout2022-01-29 14:23:24
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value12.896 HBD
curator_payout_value13.453 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Fashion Show with my Sister [ESP/ENG]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (284)
@curie ·
Congrats on a Curie vote!
Hi wuildariablox,
<div class="pull-right">
This post  has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed).  Have a great day :) <br>
Join the <a href="">Curie Discord community</a> to learn more.
properties (22)
created2022-01-22 17:15:48
last_update2022-01-22 17:15:48
last_payout2022-01-29 17:15:48
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Fashion Show with my Sister [ESP/ENG]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@hivebuzz ·
Congratulations @wuildariablox! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s):

<table><tr><td><img src=""></td><td>You received more than 1500 upvotes.<br>Your next target is to reach 1750 upvotes.</td></tr>

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<table><tr><td><a href="/hivebuzz/@hivebuzz/pum-202201-20"><img src=""></a></td><td><a href="/hivebuzz/@hivebuzz/pum-202201-20">Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from day 20</a></td></tr></table>

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properties (22)
created2022-01-22 20:13:33
last_update2022-01-22 20:13:33
last_payout2022-01-29 20:13:33
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Fashion Show with my Sister [ESP/ENG]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@morenow ·
Esta muy buena la aventura que vivieron en Roblox, me ha gustado como lo explicaste. 

properties (23)
created2022-01-22 20:23:24
last_update2022-01-22 20:23:24
last_payout2022-01-29 20:23:24
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Fashion Show with my Sister [ESP/ENG]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (1)
@pizzabot ·

PIZZA Holders sent <strong>$PIZZA</strong> tips in this post's comments:
@morenow<sub>(3/5)</sub> tipped @wuildariablox (x1)

<sub>Learn more at</sub></center>
properties (22)
json_metadata"{"app": "beem/0.24.26"}"
created2022-01-22 20:24:39
last_update2022-01-22 20:24:39
last_payout2022-01-29 20:24:39
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Fashion Show with my Sister [ESP/ENG]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD