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Rutina Intermedia para Espalda #SWC | Intermediate Back Routine #SWC [ESP | ENG] by yisus-sw

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Rutina Intermedia para Espalda #SWC | Intermediate Back Routine #SWC [ESP | ENG]


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|<center>*<div class="phishy">Street Workout</div> <a href="" >Commiunity</a>*</center>|  
# <center>***Rutina Nivel Intermedia para Espalda***</center>  
# <center>***Intermediate Level Routine for Back***</center>  
<div class="text-justify">  
*<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-left">Un gran saludos amigos de <div class="phishy">Hive</div> y compañeros de <div class="phishy">Street Workout</div> <a href="" >Community</a>, mi nombre es Jesús @yisus-sw y el día de hoy estaré compartiendo con ustedes una rutina de nivel intermedio para espalda. La rutina estará conformada por 6 ejercicios, en su totalidad serán puras dominadas de nivel intermedio, espero les guste.</div>*  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-left">A big greetings friends of <div class="phishy">Hive</div> and colleagues of <div class="phishy">Street Workout</div> <a href="" >Community</a>, my name is Jesús @yisus-sw and today I'll be sharing with you an intermediate level routine for back. The routine will consist of 6 exercises, in their entirety they will be pure intermediate level pull-ups, I hope you like it.</div>  
### <center>●❯─────────────────Video─────────────────❮● </center>  
## <center></center>  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-left"><center><h1>Objetivo de la rutina</h1></center></div>  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-right"><center><h1>Goal of the routine</h1></center></div>  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-left">Esta rutina está enfocada principalmente para los músculos de la espalda que sería el dorsal ancho, trapecio, infraespinoso y otros secundarios como el bíceps, bíceps braquial, deltoides, entre otros... Con esta rutina vamos a trabajar esos músculos trabajando con un número de serie y repeticiones adecuado para llegar a la hipertrofia y poder tener una espalda ancha. La principal técnica de las dominadas se aplica en todas en caso de hacerlas en rango completo, al subir tenemos que pasar la barbilla por encima de la barra, para marcar que subimos lo suficiente, posteriormente bajamos completos hasta llegar a tener los brazos completamente estirados y así seguimos hasta llegar a la cantidad de repeticiones asignadas. A continuación les estaré dejando los ejercicios, con la descripción de cómo se ejecuta cada uno de ellos.</div>  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-right">This routine is focused mainly on the muscles of the back, which would be the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, infraspinatus and other secondary ones such as the biceps, biceps brachii, deltoids, among others... With this routine we are going to work those muscles working with a number of adequate series and repetitions to reach hypertrophy and to be able to have a wide back. The main technique of the pull-ups is applied in all of them in case of doing them in full range, when going up we have to pass the chin over the bar, to mark that we have gone up enough, then we go down completely until we have our arms fully stretched and We continue like this until we reach the number of assigned repetitions. Below I will be leaving the exercises, with the description of how each one of them is executed.</div>  

|<center>**Dominadas Anchas 3x10 Repeticiones**</center>|<center>**Wide Pull-ups 3x10 Repeticiones**</center>|
|<center>**Dominadas Arqueras 3x4 Repeticiones (cada lado)**</center>|<center>**Archer Pull-ups 3x4 Reps (each side)**</center>|
|<center>**Dominadas Combinadas 3x8 Repeticiones**</center>|<center>**Combination Pull-ups 3x8 Reps**</center>|
|<center>**Dominadas 3x10 Repeticiones**</center>|<center>**Pull ups 3x10 Repeticiones**</center>|
|<center>**Dominadas Australianas Supinas 3x12 Repeticiones**</center>|<center>**Supine Australian Pull Ups 3x12 Reps**</center>|
|<center>**Dominadas Neutras 3x8 Repeticiones**</center>|<center>**Neutral Chin Ups 3x8 Reps**</center>|

<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-left"><center><h1>Dominadas anchas</h1></center></div>  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-right"><center><h1>Wide Pull-ups</h1></center></div>  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-left">Como primer ejercicios vamos a hacer dominadas anchas, lo mismo que las dominadas tradicionales pero con una apertura mucho mayor.<br/><br/>Nota: En cada uno de los ejercicios, a medida que realicemos las repeticiones, intentemos tener el menor balanceo posible</div>  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-right">As the first exercise we are going to do wide pull-ups, the same as the traditional pull-ups but with a much larger opening.<br/><br/>Note: In each of the exercises, as we perform the repetitions, we try to have as little swing as possible</div>  
|<center>![Dominadas anchas.jpg](</center>|  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-left"><center><h1>Dominadas arqueras</h1></center></div>  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-right"><center><h1>Archer Pull-ups</h1></center></div>  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-left">Como segundo ejercicio vamos a realizar dominadas arqueras, en donde vamos a tomar la misma anchura que las dominadas anchas, pero en vez de subir directamente hacia arriba, será de lado a lado. Nos vamos a colgar de la barra con un agarre amplio y para subir vamos a jalar de un brazo, y con el otro nos vamos a ayudar como si estuvieras empujando la barra hacia abajo. El brazo con el que se está empujando intentar mantenerlo lo más estirado posible.</div>  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-right"> As a second exercise we are going to perform archer pull-ups, where we are going to take the same width as the wide pull-ups, but instead of going straight up, it will be from side to side. We are going to hang from the bar with a wide grip and to go up we are going to pull one arm, and with the other we are going to help each other as if we were pushing the bar down. The arm with which you are pushing try to keep it as stretched as possible.</div>  
|<center>![Dominadas arqueras.jpg](</center>|  

<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-left"><center><h1>Dominadas combinadas</h1></center></div>  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-right"><center><h1>Combination Pull-ups</h1></center></div>  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-left">En este tercer ejercicio vamos a realizar un poco de explosividad con las dominadas combinadas, en donde iniciaremos con un agarre menor a la anchura de los hombros, y cuando estemos en la parte alta del ejercicio, de manera explosiva pasaremos a un agarre normal, después de nuevo en la parte alta pasaremos al agarre cerrado y así sucesivamente.</div>  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-right">In this third exercise we are going to perform a little explosiveness with the combined pull-ups, where we will start with a grip less than shoulder width, and when we are at the top of the exercise, we will explosively go to a normal grip, then again in the upper part we will pass to the closed grip and so on.</div>  
|<center>![Dominadas combinadas.jpg](</center>|  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-left"><center><h1>Dominadas</h1></center></div>  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-right"><center><h1>Pull ups</h1></center></div>  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-left">Como cuarto ejercicio vamos a realizar las dominadas pronas, o tradicionales. La técnica de este ejercicio es sencilla, colgarse de la barra con un agarre prono (con las manos viendo hacia adelante) y la apertura será solo un poco mayor que la anchura de los hombros. Pasar la barbilla por encima de la barra y bajar completo hasta terminar el número de repeticiones. </div>  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-right">As a fourth exercise we are going to perform the prone, or traditional, pull-ups. The technique for this exercise is simple, hang from the bar with an overhand grip (hands facing forward) and the opening will be just slightly wider than shoulder width. Pass the chin over the bar and lower completely until the number of repetitions is finished.</div>  
|<center>![Dominadas pronas.jpg](</center>|  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-left"><center><h1>Dominadas Australianas Supinas</h1></center></div>  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-right"><center><h1>Supine Australian Pull Ups</h1></center></div>  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-left">En el quinto ejercicio vamos a hacer unos de los ejercicios básicos de tirón que son las Australianas, pero con la pequeña dificultad de tener los pies en altura. En una barra baja nos vamos a poner abajo con un agarre supino (las manos viendo hacia ti) y con ayuda de algún compañero o algo que tenga altura cerca de la barra vamos a tener los pies en altura, vamos a subir hasta que el pecho esté lo más cerca de la barra y bajar hasta tener los brazos estirados, así sucesivamente.</div>  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-right">In the fifth exercise we are going to do one of the basic pulling exercises that are the Australians, but with the slight difficulty of having our feet elevated. In a low bar we are going to get down with a supinated grip (hands facing you) and with the help of a partner or something that is tall near the bar we are going to have our feet in height, we are going to go up until the chest be closest to the bar and lower until your arms are straight, and so on.</div>  
|<center>![Dominadas Australianas supinas.jpg](</center>|  
 <div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-left"><center><h1>Dominadas Neutras</h1></center></div>  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-right"><center><h1>Neutral Chin Ups</h1></center></div>  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-left">En el último ejercicio vamos a terminar con otro de los ejercicios más básicos y completos de tirón, que son las dominadas neutras. Para realizar este ejercicio nos vamos a colgar de la barra y las manos tienen que quedar viendo frente a frente, tiene que ser una barra de dominadas paralelas, o en mi ocasión, una barra para dominadas en forma de "V" y agarrar de los lados para tener el agarre neutras.</div>  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-right">In the last exercise we are going to finish with another of the most basic and complete pulling exercises, which are the neutral pull-ups. To perform this exercise we are going to hang from the bar and the hands have to face each other, it has to be a parallel pull-up bar, or in my case, a "V"-shaped pull-up bar and grab the sides to have neutral grip.</div>  
|<center>![Dominadas neutras.jpg](</center>|  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-left">''Gracias por ver mi contenido, espero y sea de su agrado. Pronto les tragaigo más contenido como rutinas, tutoriales, blogs de mis entrenamientos y posibles desafíos para que lo puedan disfrutar''. </div>  
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-right">''Thank you for viewing my content, I hope it is to your liking. Soon I will bring you more content such as routines, tutorials, blogs of my training and possible challenges for you to enjoy''.</div>  
|<center>Gracias por leer mi publicación</center>|<center>Thanks for reading my post</center>


|<center>@yisus-sw  -  Creando  Contenido  de Calidad Para Ustedes</center>|<center>@yisus-sw  - Creating Quality Content For You</center>|


 Device: Poco X3 Pro
 Video editing application: **Capcut and inshot** 
 Translator: <a href=""><strong>Translate Google</strong></a>
Audio: <a href=""><strong>If Found - Need You [NCS Release]</strong></a>

|<center>La música usada en la producción  de este  video está libre de derechos de autor</center>|<center>The music used in the production of this video is royalty free</center>|

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# *<center> <div class="phishy">Together we are all a family @SWC</div> </center>*  

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## <center>***@yisus-sw - Creador de Contenido Original***</center>  
## <center>***@yisus-sw - Original Content Creator***</center>  




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properties (23)
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La rutina estará conformada por 6 ejercicios, en su totalidad serán puras dominadas de nivel intermedio, espero les guste.</div>* \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-left\">A big greetings friends of <div class=\"phishy\">Hive</div> and colleagues of <div class=\"phishy\">Street Workout</div> <a href=\"\" >Community</a>, my name is Jesús @yisus-sw and today I'll be sharing with you an intermediate level routine for back. The routine will consist of 6 exercises, in their entirety they will be pure intermediate level pull-ups, I hope you like it.</div> \r\n \r\n------ \r\n \r\n \r\n|<center>![Portada.png](</center>| \r\n|-| \r\n \r\n \r\n----- \r\n \r\n### <center>●❯─────────────────Video─────────────────❮● </center> \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n------- \r\n \r\n<center></center> \r\n \r\n---------- \r\n \r\n \r\n## <center></center> \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n-------- \r\n \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-left\"><center><h1>Objetivo de la rutina</h1></center></div> \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-right\"><center><h1>Goal of the routine</h1></center></div> \r\n \r\n \r\n---- \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-left\">Esta rutina está enfocada principalmente para los músculos de la espalda que sería el dorsal ancho, trapecio, infraespinoso y otros secundarios como el bíceps, bíceps braquial, deltoides, entre otros... Con esta rutina vamos a trabajar esos músculos trabajando con un número de serie y repeticiones adecuado para llegar a la hipertrofia y poder tener una espalda ancha. La principal técnica de las dominadas se aplica en todas en caso de hacerlas en rango completo, al subir tenemos que pasar la barbilla por encima de la barra, para marcar que subimos lo suficiente, posteriormente bajamos completos hasta llegar a tener los brazos completamente estirados y así seguimos hasta llegar a la cantidad de repeticiones asignadas. A continuación les estaré dejando los ejercicios, con la descripción de cómo se ejecuta cada uno de ellos.</div> \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-right\">This routine is focused mainly on the muscles of the back, which would be the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, infraspinatus and other secondary ones such as the biceps, biceps brachii, deltoids, among others... With this routine we are going to work those muscles working with a number of adequate series and repetitions to reach hypertrophy and to be able to have a wide back. The main technique of the pull-ups is applied in all of them in case of doing them in full range, when going up we have to pass the chin over the bar, to mark that we have gone up enough, then we go down completely until we have our arms fully stretched and We continue like this until we reach the number of assigned repetitions. Below I will be leaving the exercises, with the description of how each one of them is executed.</div> \r\n \r\n \r\n---\r\n\r\n|<center>*Rutina*</center>|<center>*Rutina*</center>|\r\n|-|-|\r\n|<center>**Dominadas Anchas 3x10 Repeticiones**</center>|<center>**Wide Pull-ups 3x10 Repeticiones**</center>|\r\n|<center>**Dominadas Arqueras 3x4 Repeticiones (cada lado)**</center>|<center>**Archer Pull-ups 3x4 Reps (each side)**</center>|\r\n|<center>**Dominadas Combinadas 3x8 Repeticiones**</center>|<center>**Combination Pull-ups 3x8 Reps**</center>|\r\n|<center>**Dominadas 3x10 Repeticiones**</center>|<center>**Pull ups 3x10 Repeticiones**</center>|\r\n|<center>**Dominadas Australianas Supinas 3x12 Repeticiones**</center>|<center>**Supine Australian Pull Ups 3x12 Reps**</center>|\r\n|<center>**Dominadas Neutras 3x8 Repeticiones**</center>|<center>**Neutral Chin Ups 3x8 Reps**</center>|\r\n\r\n---\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-left\"><center><h1>Dominadas anchas</h1></center></div> \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-right\"><center><h1>Wide Pull-ups</h1></center></div> \r\n \r\n---- \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-left\">Como primer ejercicios vamos a hacer dominadas anchas, lo mismo que las dominadas tradicionales pero con una apertura mucho mayor.<br/><br/>Nota: En cada uno de los ejercicios, a medida que realicemos las repeticiones, intentemos tener el menor balanceo posible</div> \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-right\">As the first exercise we are going to do wide pull-ups, the same as the traditional pull-ups but with a much larger opening.<br/><br/>Note: In each of the exercises, as we perform the repetitions, we try to have as little swing as possible</div> \r\n \r\n------- \r\n \r\n|<center>![Dominadas anchas.jpg](</center>| \r\n|-| \r\n \r\n \r\n---- \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-left\"><center><h1>Dominadas arqueras</h1></center></div> \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-right\"><center><h1>Archer Pull-ups</h1></center></div> \r\n \r\n \r\n---- \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-left\">Como segundo ejercicio vamos a realizar dominadas arqueras, en donde vamos a tomar la misma anchura que las dominadas anchas, pero en vez de subir directamente hacia arriba, será de lado a lado. Nos vamos a colgar de la barra con un agarre amplio y para subir vamos a jalar de un brazo, y con el otro nos vamos a ayudar como si estuvieras empujando la barra hacia abajo. El brazo con el que se está empujando intentar mantenerlo lo más estirado posible.</div> \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-right\"> As a second exercise we are going to perform archer pull-ups, where we are going to take the same width as the wide pull-ups, but instead of going straight up, it will be from side to side. We are going to hang from the bar with a wide grip and to go up we are going to pull one arm, and with the other we are going to help each other as if we were pushing the bar down. The arm with which you are pushing try to keep it as stretched as possible.</div> \r\n \r\n------- \r\n \r\n|<center>![Dominadas arqueras.jpg](</center>| \r\n|-| \r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n---- \r\n \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-left\"><center><h1>Dominadas combinadas</h1></center></div> \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-right\"><center><h1>Combination Pull-ups</h1></center></div> \r\n \r\n \r\n----- \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-left\">En este tercer ejercicio vamos a realizar un poco de explosividad con las dominadas combinadas, en donde iniciaremos con un agarre menor a la anchura de los hombros, y cuando estemos en la parte alta del ejercicio, de manera explosiva pasaremos a un agarre normal, después de nuevo en la parte alta pasaremos al agarre cerrado y así sucesivamente.</div> \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-right\">In this third exercise we are going to perform a little explosiveness with the combined pull-ups, where we will start with a grip less than shoulder width, and when we are at the top of the exercise, we will explosively go to a normal grip, then again in the upper part we will pass to the closed grip and so on.</div> \r\n \r\n---------- \r\n \r\n|<center>![Dominadas combinadas.jpg](</center>| \r\n|-| \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n----- \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-left\"><center><h1>Dominadas</h1></center></div> \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-right\"><center><h1>Pull ups</h1></center></div> \r\n \r\n \r\n---- \r\n \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-left\">Como cuarto ejercicio vamos a realizar las dominadas pronas, o tradicionales. La técnica de este ejercicio es sencilla, colgarse de la barra con un agarre prono (con las manos viendo hacia adelante) y la apertura será solo un poco mayor que la anchura de los hombros. Pasar la barbilla por encima de la barra y bajar completo hasta terminar el número de repeticiones. </div> \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-right\">As a fourth exercise we are going to perform the prone, or traditional, pull-ups. The technique for this exercise is simple, hang from the bar with an overhand grip (hands facing forward) and the opening will be just slightly wider than shoulder width. Pass the chin over the bar and lower completely until the number of repetitions is finished.</div> \r\n \r\n------- \r\n \r\n|<center>![Dominadas pronas.jpg](</center>| \r\n|-| \r\n \r\n \r\n--------- \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-left\"><center><h1>Dominadas Australianas Supinas</h1></center></div> \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-right\"><center><h1>Supine Australian Pull Ups</h1></center></div> \r\n \r\n \r\n---- \r\n \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-left\">En el quinto ejercicio vamos a hacer unos de los ejercicios básicos de tirón que son las Australianas, pero con la pequeña dificultad de tener los pies en altura. En una barra baja nos vamos a poner abajo con un agarre supino (las manos viendo hacia ti) y con ayuda de algún compañero o algo que tenga altura cerca de la barra vamos a tener los pies en altura, vamos a subir hasta que el pecho esté lo más cerca de la barra y bajar hasta tener los brazos estirados, así sucesivamente.</div> \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-right\">In the fifth exercise we are going to do one of the basic pulling exercises that are the Australians, but with the slight difficulty of having our feet elevated. In a low bar we are going to get down with a supinated grip (hands facing you) and with the help of a partner or something that is tall near the bar we are going to have our feet in height, we are going to go up until the chest be closest to the bar and lower until your arms are straight, and so on.</div> \r\n \r\n------- \r\n \r\n|<center>![Dominadas Australianas supinas.jpg](</center>| \r\n|-| \r\n \r\n------ \r\n \r\n <div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-left\"><center><h1>Dominadas Neutras</h1></center></div> \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-right\"><center><h1>Neutral Chin Ups</h1></center></div> \r\n \r\n \r\n---- \r\n \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-left\">En el último ejercicio vamos a terminar con otro de los ejercicios más básicos y completos de tirón, que son las dominadas neutras. Para realizar este ejercicio nos vamos a colgar de la barra y las manos tienen que quedar viendo frente a frente, tiene que ser una barra de dominadas paralelas, o en mi ocasión, una barra para dominadas en forma de \"V\" y agarrar de los lados para tener el agarre neutras.</div> \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-right\">In the last exercise we are going to finish with another of the most basic and complete pulling exercises, which are the neutral pull-ups. To perform this exercise we are going to hang from the bar and the hands have to face each other, it has to be a parallel pull-up bar, or in my case, a \"V\"-shaped pull-up bar and grab the sides to have neutral grip.</div> \r\n \r\n------- \r\n \r\n|<center>![Dominadas neutras.jpg](</center>| \r\n|-| \r\n \r\n------ \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-left\">''Gracias por ver mi contenido, espero y sea de su agrado. Pronto les tragaigo más contenido como rutinas, tutoriales, blogs de mis entrenamientos y posibles desafíos para que lo puedan disfrutar''. </div> \r\n \r\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-right\">''Thank you for viewing my content, I hope it is to your liking. Soon I will bring you more content such as routines, tutorials, blogs of my training and possible challenges for you to enjoy''.</div> \r\n \r\n------ \r\n \r\n \r\n|<center>Gracias por leer mi publicación</center>|<center>Thanks for reading my post</center>\r\n|-|-|\r\n\r\n|<center>Créditos</center>|<center>Credits</center>|\r\n|-|-|\r\n|<center>Cámara</center>|<center>Camera</center>|\r\n|<center>@bertnez</center>|<center>@bertnez</center>|\r\n|<center>Producción</center>|<center>Prodution</center>|\r\n|<center>@yisus-sw</center>|<center>@yisus-sw</center>|\r\n\r\n\r\n|<center>@yisus-sw - Creando Contenido de Calidad Para Ustedes</center>|<center>@yisus-sw - Creating Quality Content For You</center>|\r\n|-|-|\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<center>\r\n### **EDITION DETAILS** \r\n</center>\r\n\r\n Device: Poco X3 Pro\r\n Video editing application: **Capcut and inshot** \r\n Translator: <a href=\"\"><strong>Translate Google</strong></a>\r\nAudio: <a href=\"\"><strong>If Found - Need You [NCS Release]</strong></a>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n|<center>Musica</center>|<center>Music</center>|\r\n|-|-|\r\n|<center>La música usada en la producción de este video está libre de derechos de autor</center>|<center>The music used in the production of this video is royalty free</center>|\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n![hive blog 2.png](\r\n\r\n# *<center> <div class=\"phishy\">Together we are all a family @SWC</div> </center>* \r\n <br/>\r\n\r\n## <center>**Social Media** </center> \r\n \r\n<center><a href=\"\">\r\n![299430906_801735240959175_5907516581126727451_n.jpg](<br/></a></center>| \r\n|---| \r\n\r\n---\r\n \r\n## <center>***@yisus-sw - Creador de Contenido Original***</center> \r\n \r\n## <center>***@yisus-sw - Original Content Creator***</center> \r\n \r\n---\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\n---","tags":["swhive","neoxian","neoxianswc","apreciador","cervantes","aliento","espaol","calistenia","spanish","streetworkout","swc","sports","fitness"]}}}"
created2022-11-23 14:25:09
last_update2022-11-23 14:25:09
last_payout2022-11-30 14:25:09
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value5.086 HBD
curator_payout_value6.425 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Rutina Intermedia para Espalda #SWC | Intermediate Back Routine #SWC [ESP | ENG]"
max_accepted_payout100,000.000 HBD
vote details (83)
@alexandersw020 ·
Genial bro se ve que tienes una espalda bien definida quisiere decir que si hace efecto vamos.!
properties (22)
created2022-11-24 06:14:15
last_update2022-11-24 06:14:15
last_payout2022-12-01 06:14:15
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Rutina Intermedia para Espalda #SWC | Intermediate Back Routine #SWC [ESP | ENG]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@yisus-sw ·
Si bro, como tiene que ser
properties (22)
created2022-11-24 17:45:18
last_update2022-11-24 17:45:18
last_payout2022-12-01 17:45:18
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Rutina Intermedia para Espalda #SWC | Intermediate Back Routine #SWC [ESP | ENG]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@alvis-sw ·
Excelente rutina hermano como que la hare hoy saludos 
properties (22)
created2022-11-23 15:28:27
last_update2022-11-23 15:28:27
last_payout2022-11-30 15:28:27
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Rutina Intermedia para Espalda #SWC | Intermediate Back Routine #SWC [ESP | ENG]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@yisus-sw ·
Saludos bro
properties (22)
created2022-11-24 17:49:18
last_update2022-11-24 17:49:18
last_payout2022-12-01 17:49:18
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Rutina Intermedia para Espalda #SWC | Intermediate Back Routine #SWC [ESP | ENG]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@blas-training ·
Esa rutina está súper bro,se ve que te deja súper cansada,saludos
properties (22)
created2022-11-26 00:44:42
last_update2022-11-26 00:44:42
last_payout2022-12-03 00:44:42
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Rutina Intermedia para Espalda #SWC | Intermediate Back Routine #SWC [ESP | ENG]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@yisus-sw ·
Muchas gracias bro, saludos!
properties (22)
created2022-11-26 12:09:51
last_update2022-11-26 12:09:51
last_payout2022-12-03 12:09:51
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Rutina Intermedia para Espalda #SWC | Intermediate Back Routine #SWC [ESP | ENG]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@cesarg17 ·
Una rutina muy completa a mi parecer, se ve un poco avanzado pero la intentaré, buen post!!
properties (22)
created2022-11-24 00:58:15
last_update2022-11-24 00:58:15
last_payout2022-12-01 00:58:15
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Rutina Intermedia para Espalda #SWC | Intermediate Back Routine #SWC [ESP | ENG]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@yisus-sw ·
Gracias, más bien le bajé porque tenía más repts y series
properties (22)
created2022-11-24 17:46:39
last_update2022-11-24 17:46:39
last_payout2022-12-01 17:46:39
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Rutina Intermedia para Espalda #SWC | Intermediate Back Routine #SWC [ESP | ENG]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@championsacademy ·
Excelente post hermano, el maquetado está brutal con los ejercicios bien explicados a detalle, adicional a ello la facilidad con la que ejecutas cada movimiento es impecable. Excelente amigo, sigue así!
properties (22)
created2022-11-23 16:27:33
last_update2022-11-23 16:27:33
last_payout2022-11-30 16:27:33
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Rutina Intermedia para Espalda #SWC | Intermediate Back Routine #SWC [ESP | ENG]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@yisus-sw ·
Muchas gracias bro, siempre trato de hacer todo bien. Y si voy a enseñar algo primero tengo que demostrar dominio sobre ello Así soy yo
properties (22)
created2022-11-24 17:48:24
last_update2022-11-24 17:48:24
last_payout2022-12-01 17:48:24
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Rutina Intermedia para Espalda #SWC | Intermediate Back Routine #SWC [ESP | ENG]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@hivebuzz ·
Congratulations @yisus-sw! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s)

<table><tr><td><img src=""></td><td>You received more than 600 upvotes.<br>Your next target is to reach 700 upvotes.</td></tr>
<tr><td><img src=""></td><td>You got more than 50 replies.<br>Your next target is to reach 100 replies.</td></tr>
<tr><td><img src=""></td><td>You received more than 100 HP as payout for your posts, comments and curation.<br>Your next payout target is 250 HP.<br><sub>The unit is Hive Power equivalent because post and comment rewards can be split into HP and HBD</sub></td></tr>

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**Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:**
<table><tr><td><a href="/hive-102201/@hivebuzz/wc2022-recap-day9"><img src=""></a></td><td><a href="/hive-102201/@hivebuzz/wc2022-recap-day9">HiveBuzz World Cup Contest - Recap of Day 9</a></td></tr><tr><td><a href="/hive-122221/@hivebuzz/pud-202212"><img src=""></a></td><td><a href="/hive-122221/@hivebuzz/pud-202212">Hive Power Up Day - December 1st 2022</a></td></tr><tr><td><a href="/hive-102201/@hivebuzz/wc2022-ranking"><img src=""></a></td><td><a href="/hive-102201/@hivebuzz/wc2022-ranking">HiveBuzz World Cup Contest - Check your ranking</a></td></tr></table>

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properties (22)
created2022-11-29 18:15:09
last_update2022-11-29 18:15:09
last_payout2022-12-06 18:15:09
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Rutina Intermedia para Espalda #SWC | Intermediate Back Routine #SWC [ESP | ENG]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@swc-curation · (edited)

<center><div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-left"><h1>Saludos Cordiales  @yisus-sw </h1></div></center>

<center><div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-right"><h1>Greetings  @yisus-sw </h1></div></center>


<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-left">El equipo de Curación de "<a href="" >Street  Workout  Community</a>", le invita a seguir compartiendo contenido de calidad y agradecemos sus aportes al ecosistema, gracias por compartir su pasión, talentos y habilidades con  la Comunidad.</div>

<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-right">The <a href="" >Street  Workout  Community</a> Curation team invites you to continue sharing quality content and we appreciate your contributions to the ecosystem, thank you for sharing your passion, talents and skills with the community.</div>



|<center>[![SWK-4 Comentario.png](](</center>|
properties (22)
created2022-11-23 16:16:12
last_update2022-11-23 16:23:15
last_payout2022-11-30 16:16:12
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Rutina Intermedia para Espalda #SWC | Intermediate Back Routine #SWC [ESP | ENG]"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD