create account

Prev | Next Block 56,037,353

93 transactions in this block, produced at 2021-07-28 12:43:21 (UTC)

23649f52 Splinterlands entered into match queue
460e03d0 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
001387a2 custom json
8d16fa4f Splinterlands entered into match queue
7f7dd2c7 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
95526a24 Splinterlands list cards for sale on the market
a9f0b19f Splinterlands claimed quest reward
7cfa7200 Splinterlands cancelled a match
f88991f8 Splinterlands entered into match queue
af56c565 Splinterlands entered into match queue
db410ea6 Splinterlands entered into match queue
d0fe1405 Splinterlands entered into match queue
8ca82877 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
8887f7fe Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
4151e494 Splinterlands started a daily quest
4791d05a Splinterlands entered into match queue
3229c893 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
5dc9afa6 Splinterlands entered into match queue
26510c87 Splinterlands entered into match queue
ef990084 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
d15ffe8d Splinterlands entered into match queue
ee0dca6f Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
6160719a Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
01f4da1c Splinterlands entered into match queue
dffebab4 Splinterlands entered into match queue
1e8d1a02 Splinterlands entered into match queue
9d1d6668 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
e6e4cddd Splinterlands entered into match queue
fd78a04a Splinterlands entered into match queue
450bbef2 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
24b0b8f1 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
33683e89 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
5dee44df Splinterlands entered into match queue
951ea889 Splinterlands entered into match queue
7d427876 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
d8ab619a custom json
02a9c461 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
944a6ad1 Splinterlands entered into match queue
530a80b4 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
a3189e8c Splinterlands entered into match queue
c879bf5b Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
84b4ae73 Splinterlands entered into match queue
501533ae custom json
46f2c771 Splinterlands entered into match queue
b3bf0f7c Splinterlands entered into match queue
43530a3f Splinterlands entered into match queue
c90d3fe1 Splinterlands entered into match queue
d9f5a70e Splinterlands entered into match queue
7948263b Splinterlands entered into match queue
90cb2066 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
4181f104 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
72fb6d91 Splinterlands entered into match queue
53af0ee2 Splinterlands entered into match queue
cb0d9892 Splinterlands entered into match queue
97445c64 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
10ed63b4 Splinterlands entered into match queue
d25c251e Splinterlands entered into match queue
ec68769a Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
6947db20 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
bcd9b04f Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
1dee01cb custom json
json"{"contractName":"tokens","contractAction":"transfer","contractPayload":{"symbol":"STARBITS","to":"diegoloco","quantity":"1000","memo":"Your withdrawal from (ref#205987). Thank you for playing!"}}"
b2fda95e Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
9d21d511 Splinterlands entered into match queue
3f824204 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
31324372 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
6f486060 Splinterlands entered into match queue
364f5466 Splinterlands entered into match queue
6a040b28 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
258ab6ac Splinterlands entered into match queue
89e9e0d4 Splinterlands entered into match queue
c960f66c Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
176aeead Splinterlands claimed quest reward
3113d77e Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
fba121a9 Splinterlands entered into match queue
adce4d0c custom json
4ac65069 Splinterlands entered into match queue
d4c3bbe1 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
6c7372a9 Splinterlands entered into match queue
5e67e646 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
03f6a0f6 Splinterlands entered into match queue
01e5e3a2 custom json
json"{"to": "sci-populi", "qty": "58.491", "token": "DEC", "type": "withdraw", "app": "splinterlands/0.7.119"}"
1bfe193a Splinterlands entered into match queue
03c337b7 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
a4992484 Splinterlands entered into match queue
a94f5b9c Splinterlands entered into match queue
d4d976a4 transfer 500 HIVE to SEED investment
f62711dd Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
fe8a4928 Splinterlands entered into match queue
aff3a9ed Splinterlands submitted a team for battle

Show raw block data

371 virtual ops in this block.

81f01084 effective_comment_vote
pending_payout14.112 HBD
c82c30aa effective_comment_vote
pending_payout0.159 HBD
86df233d effective_comment_vote
pending_payout4.113 HBD
virtual producer reward: 0.273 HP
virtual comment_payout_update
virtual curation reward: 8.249 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 6.374 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 3.950 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 2.876 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 1.537 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 1.501 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 1.444 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 1.337 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.523 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.507 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.477 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.400 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.365 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.351 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.322 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.268 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.257 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.233 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.227 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.223 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.211 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.204 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.203 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.198 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.195 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.193 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.130 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.124 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.115 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.115 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.113 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.112 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.109 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.108 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.103 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.075 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.074 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.066 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.063 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.062 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.061 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.059 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.059 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.056 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.055 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.054 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.046 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.043 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.037 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.037 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.037 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.036 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.034 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.034 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.031 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.031 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.030 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.030 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.030 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.030 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.029 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.027 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.027 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.026 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.025 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.024 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.024 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.024 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.024 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.024 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.023 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.022 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.021 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.021 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.020 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.018 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.018 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.017 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.017 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.016 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.016 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.016 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.015 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.015 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.015 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.015 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.015 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.015 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.015 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.014 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.014 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.014 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.013 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.013 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.013 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.013 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.012 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.012 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.012 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.012 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.012 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.012 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.012 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.012 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.012 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.011 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.011 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.011 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.011 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.011 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.010 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.010 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.010 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.010 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.010 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.010 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.010 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.010 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.010 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.009 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.009 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.009 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.009 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.009 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.009 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.009 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.009 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.009 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.009 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.008 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.008 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.008 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.008 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.008 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.008 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.008 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.007 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.007 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.007 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.007 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.007 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.005 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.005 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.005 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.005 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.005 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.005 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.005 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.005 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.005 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.005 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.005 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.005 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.005 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-a…
virtual author reward: 5.568 HBD and 18.348 HP for @silviabeneforti/the-woman-and-the-red-fis…
virtual comment_reward
payout22.185 HBD
total_payout_value11.136 HBD
curator_payout_value11.048 HBD
beneficiary_payout_value0.000 HBD
virtual comment_payout_update
virtual delayed_voting

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