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109 transactions in this block, produced at 2021-07-30 03:52:36 (UTC)

1f266c9b Splinterlands entered into match queue
22f43cf4 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
9722a49e Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
586003a1 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
01951c87 Splinterlands entered into match queue
86377760 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
01df73ed Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
e377a244 Splinterlands entered into match queue
eb4ce8f9 Splinterlands entered into match queue
68e78ca4 Splinterlands entered into match queue
f89b263c Splinterlands entered into match queue
687f18e9 Splinterlands entered into match queue
4c6a2a0e Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
49453c05 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
8327463a Splinterlands entered into match queue
97856f03 Splinterlands entered into match queue
c455b2f4 Splinterlands entered into match queue
6a52ba9a Splinterlands entered into match queue
fc8de66c Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
6f984c4c Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
191efb7a Splinterlands entered into match queue
dc58096e Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
037f93e1 Splinterlands entered into match queue
33c4713b Splinterlands entered into match queue
a2458f4c Splinterlands entered into match queue
ab0aecd5 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
70410fec Splinterlands entered into match queue
eea22ea4 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
b99c404e Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
1b39d2f5 Splinterlands combine cards
e03f6684 Splinterlands entered into match queue
6c888db3 Splinterlands entered into match queue
64abb924 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
c42ace48 Splinterlands entered into match queue
fe847bc9 Splinterlands entered into match queue
e7d2ef31 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
b64c0b87 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
a66d8d9e Splinterlands entered into match queue
32a7b7b5 Splinterlands entered into match queue
ec68ec6e Splinterlands entered into match queue
d1adf164 custom json
json"{"contractName":"tokens","contractAction":"transfer","contractPayload":{"symbol":"DEC","to":"brettymonahan","quantity":"9.962","memo":"Your 60% share of the revenue generated from your purchase. Ref: cf4663323646304737ac38f4bc3edbc749562f91"}}"
f6df6e70 Splinterlands entered into match queue
ed9be4f9 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
ee0f3a21 Splinterlands entered into match queue
1e312c03 Splinterlands entered into match queue
719e41b6 Splinterlands entered into match queue
0ff105d8 Splinterlands entered into match queue
8ab399c5 Splinterlands entered into match queue
27673f2c Splinterlands entered into match queue
708e4fcc Splinterlands entered into match queue
cc8f203c Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
ee79b2ba Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
c8e38774 Splinterlands entered into match queue
0ca3db6c Splinterlands list cards for sale on the market
1bf5ec16 custom json
json"{"contractName":"tokens","contractAction":"issue","contractPayload":{"symbol":"COM","to":"blockchainyouth","quantity":"0.004890","memo":"you have mined new COM tokens for staking LIST token"}}"
ea398a3b Splinterlands entered into match queue
94cf01a5 Splinterlands entered into match queue
fd0ff4b0 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
fe8033a2 custom json
c279863c Splinterlands entered into match queue
024a6352 Splinterlands entered into match queue
ed5580c3 Splinterlands entered into match queue
52bfefd2 Splinterlands entered into match queue
57d4a6e3 Splinterlands entered into match queue
02315280 custom json
1b0634db Splinterlands entered into match queue
fa5c4334 Splinterlands entered into match queue
51db0e9e Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
e2813648 custom json
233913ec Splinterlands entered into match queue
e8951ae1 Splinterlands started a daily quest
b8b58293 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
4fb88f80 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
9dc3fbb7 Splinterlands entered into match queue
b754f760 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
e80060b1 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
cd63eb5f Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
8b8ad7b4 Splinterlands entered into match queue
d910a4a6 Splinterlands entered into match queue
ec787d9d Splinterlands entered into match queue
740e2ce3 Splinterlands entered into match queue
4efb128a Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
fd9ba2ec Splinterlands entered into match queue
cbb93091 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
2be9b84d Splinterlands entered into match queue
dae96de1 Splinterlands entered into match queue
fda21936 Splinterlands entered into match queue
9fde861b Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
0d911907 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
62f19f5f Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
1273bd02 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
036934b5 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
fc8f3665 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
cb9baee9 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
888e5ff1 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
742e8a88 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
e2318c74 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
e1b1ce66 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
b1d6bdd1 Splinterlands entered into match queue
5264f54b Splinterlands entered into match queue
171e58bc Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
24e797dc Splinterlands entered into match queue
a08f9e42 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
3e654b68 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
47ec91db Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
e2b502e7 Splinterlands list cards for sale on the market

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3 virtual ops in this block.

ff5342bc effective_comment_vote
pending_payout4.425 HBD
16925b14 effective_comment_vote
pending_payout0.000 HBD
virtual producer reward: 0.273 HP

Show raw virtual op data