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156 transactions in this block, produced at 2021-08-11 10:48:00 (UTC)

af4c27c1 Splinterlands entered into match queue
028c88bb Splinterlands entered into match queue
09f8bca1 Splinterlands entered into match queue
1fe12a5f Splinterlands started a daily quest
82e7a797 Splinterlands entered into match queue
254eb4bc Splinterlands entered into match queue
075b6fc1 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
8b83e596 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
264ef862 custom json
json"{"contractName":"tokens","contractAction":"transfer","contractPayload":{"symbol":"BRO","to":"text2speech","quantity":"0.00042455","memo":"Combined payment. Delegated token(s) / BRO payout: {'NEOXAG': 3.31e-06, 'LEO': 0.00037756, 'CTP': 3.878e-05, 'PAL': 4.91e-06}"}}"
b69286af Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
b46176d1 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
ef95c72f Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
75011aae Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
d3b56d29 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
18129ca1 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
80e6ee56 Splinterlands entered into match queue
27e64aa0 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
b0787c24 custom json
796d410a Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
1be748e8 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
cfe7d624 custom json
57a8e1b8 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
4dd6d652 Splinterlands entered into match queue
52decc64 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
a9737f53 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
707f893f Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
b171c0ba Splinterlands entered into match queue
9b57941f Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
2c8155af custom json
3ea6db29 Splinterlands entered into match queue
056df711 Splinterlands entered into match queue
85e0dd34 Splinterlands entered into match queue
a5ee4348 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
e3fea6d9 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
a4a47beb Splinterlands claimed quest reward
335aabdd Splinterlands entered into match queue
f9377f53 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
5b45f6d6 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
900a63d4 Splinterlands entered into match queue
40c3d1be transfer 0.001 HIVE to ❗ Hello jadhen, welcome to the HIVE ecosystem. The Executive Board is publishing insider infos at on how you will be earning the most coins. It's easy, just follow the instructions. THE 1000X BOOSTER KEY is already waiting for you over there too. 😉 Warm regards, The Executive Board.
394b5997 Splinterlands entered into match queue
477c9247 Splinterlands entered into match queue
4c5f1895 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
63ff7787 Splinterlands entered into match queue
64c9cac2 Splinterlands entered into match queue
c8bf1110 Splinterlands cancelled a match
0a4728be Splinterlands entered into match queue
44b016f1 Splinterlands entered into match queue
1647fe41 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
bde23b90 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
756e54a9 Splinterlands started a daily quest
9c32456d Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
ef8fcf86 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
d58fed6d Splinterlands entered into match queue
48819fc6 Splinterlands entered into match queue
ee534ab0 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
cbbe64bb Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
d6b1db6c custom json
779dea82 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
1e34a9d2 Splinterlands entered into match queue
da117115 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
75c93e2e Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
797c0355 Splinterlands entered into match queue
dedb3873 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
c6b9458f Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
b37d8df1 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
b7d2e064 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
e6ec2426 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
ccc0addd custom json
2bc8ac4d Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
be3ad801 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
2f63b7c6 Splinterlands entered into match queue
4e14a290 Splinterlands entered into match queue
252a8acd Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
0e593c3d Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
e9b5964c Splinterlands entered into match queue
c4074ddc Splinterlands entered into match queue
63f1a7c7 Splinterlands entered into match queue
dc55f085 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
81a5bc26 Splinterlands entered into match queue
e2bff51b Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
7bb1668a Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
31b591ff Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
3dbb7391 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
e5fc0703 Splinterlands entered into match queue
ecf37d58 Splinterlands entered into match queue
7287e8f2 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
0e9115dd Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
9978102c Splinterlands entered into match queue
eacebc40 Splinterlands requested a new quest
1d17e5a0 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
c159e738 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
4c160cec Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
38119a22 Splinterlands entered into match queue
720e6254 Splinterlands entered into match queue
8c1d4d78 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
01a8474b Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
ed4e5bea Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
abceaf15 custom json
e409f903 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
4c0152de Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
d73caf54 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
e96e940f Splinterlands entered into match queue
724033bc Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
92796e3f Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
52e1d8b7 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
59e7ee1f Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
e8da92ea Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
419a570d Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
352d223f Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
254aadbb Splinterlands entered into match queue
378b3620 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
58f118ff Splinterlands entered into match queue
17c47e09 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
2c622ec3 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
8295c6ca Splinterlands entered into match queue
84e9a17d Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
0435abe7 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
a168661f Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
ea22f6e7 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
e4c68ce5 Splinterlands entered into match queue
fda6c6fc Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
8b4528b9 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
8eefc21d Splinterlands entered into match queue
f9118f18 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
515a2361 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
75508a19 custom json
2ef51440 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
6aed623e Splinterlands entered into match queue
14ef16d9 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
23eedecb Splinterlands entered into match queue
773b77aa Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
1d490c5f Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
58376413 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
f8aa7f16 Splinterlands entered into match queue
ebf1c467 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
91c5edf6 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
9b3b8813 Splinterlands entered into match queue
772bd17b Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
55a49506 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
b0adbfaa Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
d6314435 custom json
8f1436bb Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
c08c5dc2 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
03b255f8 Splinterlands entered into match queue
bf2e4857 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
0ae1cd78 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
a5856526 Splinterlands claimed quest reward
4f9499a8 Splinterlands entered into match queue
1e1a8071 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
a179cf42 Splinterlands entered into match queue
118a4361 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
199972a2 Splinterlands entered into match queue
ce3aecb7 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle

Show raw block data

2 virtual ops in this block.

9301a5f2 effective_comment_vote
pending_payout0.899 HBD
virtual producer reward: 0.267 HP

Show raw virtual op data