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expiration | 2024-08-05 09:15:24 |
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1. | parent_author | "" |
parent_permlink | hive-193552 |
author | erikklok |
permlink | actifit-erikklok-20240805t090523644z |
title | "Cycling and walking Sunday" |
body | "Sunday again, so we did the cycling training with the team. We did a lot of exercises, like sprints, teamsprints and endurance (head-over-head). Here are the stats:
In the afternoon, I went to my parents and we did a nice walk together. A nice way to catch up after their holiday. Surpassed the 30k threshold for the third day in a row. Not bad aye! <br/> _This report was published via Actifit app ([Android]( | [iOS]( Check out the original version [here on]( <br/> <br><img src=""><br><table> <tr> <img src=""> </tr> <tr> <div class="text-center"><b>04/08/2024</b></div> </tr></table><table> <tr> <img src=""> </tr> <tr> <div class="text-center"><b>30875</b></div> </tr></table><table> <tr> <img src=""> </tr> <tr> <div class="text-center"><pre><b>Cycling, Walking</b></div></pre></div> </tr></table><div class="text-center"><img src=""><a href=""><img src=""></a><a href=""><img src=""></a></div>" |
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1. | author | erikklok |
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expiration | 2024-08-05 09:06:25 |
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1. | voter | waffleuncle |
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1. | voter | indigoocean |
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expiration | 2024-08-05 09:06:25 |
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1. | voter | utopis |
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weight | 300 |
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expiration | 2024-08-05 09:06:25 |
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1. | voter | yoieuqudniram |
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weight | 300 |
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expiration | 2024-08-05 09:06:25 |
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1. | voter | allentaylor |
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permlink | actifit-new-things-20240805t025327187z |
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transaction_num | 23 |
24. | ref_block_num | 18,022 |
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expiration | 2024-08-05 09:06:25 |
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1. | voter | filmmaking4hive |
author | new.things |
permlink | actifit-new-things-20240805t025327187z |
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expiration | 2024-08-05 09:06:25 |
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1. | voter | vickoly |
author | new.things |
permlink | actifit-new-things-20240805t025327187z |
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expiration | 2024-08-05 09:06:25 |
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transaction_num | 27 |
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expiration | 2024-08-05 09:05:54 |
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expiration | 2024-08-05 09:05:54 |
operations | 0. | 0. | vote |
1. | voter | alexis555 |
author | vikisecrets |
permlink | is-healy-a-scam-up-to-eur-4500-for-a-mutli-level-marketed-wellness-device-that-has-no-scientific-effect |
weight | 3,900 |
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expiration | 2024-08-05 09:06:25 |
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expiration | 2024-08-05 09:06:25 |
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1. | voter | hive-120257 |
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expiration | 2024-08-05 09:06:25 |
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expiration | 2024-08-05 09:06:24 |
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1. | parent_author | "" |
parent_permlink | hive-127788 |
author | lilknas |
permlink | droplets |
title | "Droplets " |
body | "
Hello there Hiveians!
I must say, this reflection in the water drops is really amazin! Walter is a critical ingredient in most things in nature and also the same t in most things in nature and also.
" |
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expiration | 2024-08-05 09:06:25 |
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expiration | 2024-08-05 09:05:54 |
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body | "<div class='pull-right'><center><img src=""><br><a href=""></a></p><br><br><br><br></center></div><p><center><strong>Where do boats go when they're sick?<br>To the dock</strong><br><sub>Credit: <a href="">reddit</a></sub><br>@lolzbot, I sent you an <a href="">$LOLZ</a> on behalf of tydynrain<br><br>(6/10)<br>NEW: <a href=''>Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ</a></center></p>" |
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expiration | 2024-08-05 09:06:26 |
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