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expiration | 2024-11-03 19:43:31 |
operations | 0. | 0. | vote |
1. | voter | sneakyninja |
author | abenad |
permlink | restoring-lost-light-de3 |
weight | 138 |
extensions | [] |
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transaction_num | 27 |
28. | ref_block_num | 61,905 |
ref_block_prefix | 3,074,019,785 |
expiration | 2024-11-03 19:42:57 |
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transaction_id | 524f9680a21b9ebf16f75acbe46d33ab1adf6b83 |
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transaction_num | 28 |
29. | ref_block_num | 61,905 |
ref_block_prefix | 3,074,019,785 |
expiration | 2024-11-03 19:43:32 |
operations | 0. | 0. | vote |
1. | voter | lenasveganliving |
author | veneciabia |
permlink | engesp-playing-beach-tennis-for-the-first-time-and-going-out-to-eat-wings-with-friends |
weight | 400 |
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transaction_num | 29 |
30. | ref_block_num | 61,905 |
ref_block_prefix | 3,074,019,785 |
expiration | 2024-11-03 19:43:32 |
operations | 0. | 0. | vote |
1. | voter | aprasad2325 |
author | veneciabia |
permlink | engesp-playing-beach-tennis-for-the-first-time-and-going-out-to-eat-wings-with-friends |
weight | 400 |
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transaction_id | 42c41f5a9bfff3074380db0bcb1e38da4cdfc133 |
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transaction_num | 30 |