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expiration2022-11-26 16:36:51
title"My entry for the Hive Learners contest " W37E3 " | I am praised when I get new ideas to complete assignments in college"
body"<center> Hello friends #hive everyone how are you I hope you are always in good health </center> |
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Greetings to all of us in this beloved community, today I am back in front of my eyes to share stories about my biggest compliment that I have ever received. Before continuing to the discussion, first of all I would like to thank the Hive Learners community for giving me the opportunity to take part in this contest. As we all know this week is week 3 of the third edition of the contest in this beloved community.
Many of us humans expect something that we do to be considered useful for other people with so many people doing work that presumably gets proper praise from those closest to them and of course it requires skill and hard work so that whatever we do becomes valuable to those around us. the eyes of other people, but there are also sometimes what we do without us realizing it, but suddenly people praise us sincerely. That way we are very excited and proud of ourselves.
Now, if we talk about the biggest compliment that has ever happened in my life, of course I had it when I was studying communication science at that time there was a course called graphic design and of course in that course we were required to master computers and operate programs. who was chosen for the graphic design at that time me and my classmates were divided into several groups each group had only two members and of course I had friends from the group and my group friends were women at that time we were all required to make a logo and it had to be designed in the best possible way.
To be honest, when I designed a number of needs for a logo, I thought of course it was very difficult. If I had to apply all the theory that the lecturer had taught me, but I was self-taught. Finally, I managed to learn about the predefined software and to be honest at that time I couldn't apply the theory that my lecturer taught, but I tried to learn other things in the software so that the required logo worked well. Finally, I tried to try some of the other tools in the software, which of course I got a pretty good idea. to apply the results of my work and I tried in such a way that finally the logo that I worked on was successful, I designed it quickly with my own method.
Towards a few weeks later we were all in one group class required to present the results of the graphic design that we had worked on and at that time I also had one of the logos that were required to be well designed which had been determined by the lecturer and at that time I was immediately called by Dusun to present what I had done and finally I bravely held the computer and immediately displayed my work to everyone in the room and of course the lecturer witnessed well what I had done.
Towards a few minutes later Finally I tried to explain little by little the steps I did to design the logo finally the lecturer saw and assessed what I was doing and at that time the lecturer asked me why what you did was different from what I taught and was spontaneous I just answered confidently that I got another idea to make a logo and of course this idea of ​​mine might be implemented by other friends and at that time the lecturer immediately snapped at me so you don't learn what I taught in a loud voice the lecturer made I panicked at that time. However, because I got a better idea, I replied in a soft voice, that is, I got this idea, not from me personally, but the basics have been taught by you, so finally I can get another idea to complete my assignment.
Little by little I succeeded in implementing Step by Step and gave a good description of my work which made it easier for other friends to work on it because I had several tools in the software so people were easy to understand and I explained the tutorial to other friends sufficiently. quickly responded and finally they implemented the idea that I had shown and at that time at the same time the lecturer received praise because at first I got the idea to complete the logo of course from the lecturer and after that I elaborated and developed the idea so that my friends others can get and learn what I have applied so that at the same time the lecturer recognizes my greatness and praises me very sincerely so that in the end I get a satisfactory grade and until now my idea is still being implemented well because what I have done What I teach is very useful for other people and I am also very proud of what I have got in my work procedures in the graphic design section.
Maybe on this day that's all I can tell you about the biggest compliment I've ever gotten and if there are mistakes in writing I apologize profusely because I wrote in my regional language, namely Indonesian with the help of Google to translate into English. That's all from me until we meet again in the next discussion, of course in this beloved community
###### <p><div class="text-center"> NOTE : I write in Indonesian with the help of Google to translate to English</div></p>
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