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Tx 562d6710f6eabc93e814502fd92fd301d67de670@71946211

Included in block 71,946,211 at 2023-02-02 04:05:51 (UTC)

562d6710 published a video on 3speak (How easier to make exponential GAINS in Crypto within 5 years ?)

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expiration2023-02-02 04:15:48
title"How easier to make exponential GAINS in Crypto within 5 years ?"
![Screenshot 20211114 at 17.45.56.png](
▶️ [Watch on 3Speak](
This is not financial advice. Just a random person's opinion.
> Money will only make you more of what you already are
It's good start writing with this quote.
Whether you got into crypto few years ago or few months and made some exponential GAINS with crypto then congratulations. For me, it's a long game. The experiences we gain by investing and learning can become extremely valuable in our life going forward.
Also we must not forget why we got into crypto in the first place. We delay starting with crypto because of our own FEARS. So many of us wish we got in early and main (even only) reason for this is our own fear. Then our GREED gets in our way. We fall for FOMO, our emotional intelligence can let us down.
> It is not the man who has little, but he who desires more, that is poor. - Seneca
This is me Tweeting a year ago and so many things can happen in our lives in a year. It's almost impossible to keep our head down and focus for 5 years straight. But if we can do it then crypto has the power to change our life completely.
For example, If you bought $ETH in 2016 then you could have 400X your initial investment.
![Screenshot 20211114 at 17.26.57.png](
![Screenshot 20211114 at 17.23.41.png](
![Screenshot 20211114 at 17.25.57.png](
![Screenshot 20211114 at 17.22.45.png](
![Screenshot 20211114 at 17.51.12.png](
At the same time if you got greedy or let your emotions get in your way then you could have lost most of the gains by picking the coin that went to zero.
# Conclusion and my Answer
It's totally possible to make exponential GAINS in Crypto within 5 years.
- You have to have less fear and be willing to take some risks.
- You have to read a lot and I mean you should be spending many hours per day reading and doing lots of research.
- Be patient. This is huge
- Don't let the Greed get in the way and remember why you start with crypto in the first place.
- Being thankful for entrepreneurs who're tirelessly working hard to build the decentralized future.
Trading is not for everyone and some can’t even make one successful trade, so perhaps HODL is best option for many of us.
> 13th November Total number of Leofinace blogs: xxx( Still awaiting for the numbers)
12th November Total number of Leofinace blogs: 210
11th November Total number of Leofinace blogs: 181 (I blame HiveFest!)
10th November Total number of Leofinace blogs: 196
Figures by @friendlymoose
Thank you to everyone who is creating, curating and staying engaged with leofinance blogs. Let's make this number reach 500 blogs per day together.
This is my third crypto question via #AskLeo initiative by @acesontop
[crypto question 1](
[crypto question 2](
[crypto question 3](
Ps. Please check out my [Today's Micro crypto question]( with my alt account @nathanmars.leo and let's treat like Crypto Twitter.
# Bonus Crypto Read :
![Screenshot 20211114 at 18.22.06.png](
▶️ [3Speak](
json_metadata"{"tags":["leofinance","askleo","crypto","proofofbrain","ctp","ocd","community"],"app":"3speak/0.3.0","type":"3speak/video","image":[""],"video":{"info":{"platform":"3speak","title":"How easier to make exponential GAINS in Crypto within 5 years ?","author":"nathanmars","permlink":"lroebqbb","duration":28.746803,"filesize":19029228,"file":"xXvbkKQnDThgjwIFxymqruqCFagOnVqTTxMolgXJYIZeRLIaQqMYRRhKCJUHNeiA.mp4","lang":"en","firstUpload":false,"video_v2":null,"sourceMap":[{"type":"thumbnail","url":""}]},"content":{"description":"This is not financial advice. Just a random person's opinion.\n\n> Money will only make you more of what you already are\n\nIt's good start writing with this quote. \n\nWhether you got into crypto few years ago or few months and made some exponential GAINS with crypto then congratulations. For me, it's a long game. The experiences we gain by investing and learning can become extremely valuable in our life going forward. \n\nAlso we must not forget why we got into crypto in the first place. We delay starting with crypto because of our own FEARS. So many of us wish we got in early and main (even only) reason for this is our own fear. Then our GREED gets in our way. We fall for FOMO, our emotional intelligence can let us down.\n\n> It is not the man who has little, but he who desires more, that is poor. - Seneca\n\nThis is me Tweeting a year ago and so many things can happen in our lives in a year. It's almost impossible to keep our head down and focus for 5 years straight. But if we can do it then crypto has the power to change our life completely. \n\nFor example, If you bought $ETH in 2016 then you could have 400X your initial investment. \n\n![Screenshot 20211114 at 17.45.56.png](\n\n\n![Screenshot 20211114 at 17.26.57.png](\n\n\n![Screenshot 20211114 at 17.23.41.png](\n\n![Screenshot 20211114 at 17.25.57.png](\n\n![Screenshot 20211114 at 17.22.45.png](\n\n[Source](\n\n![Screenshot 20211114 at 17.51.12.png](\n\n[Source](\n\nAt the same time if you got greedy or let your emotions get in your way then you could have lost most of the gains by picking the coin that went to zero. \n\n# Conclusion and my Answer\n\nIt's totally possible to make exponential GAINS in Crypto within 5 years. \n- You have to have less fear and be willing to take some risks.\n- You have to read a lot and I mean you should be spending many hours per day reading and doing lots of research.\n- Be patient. This is huge\n- Don't let the Greed get in the way and remember why you start with crypto in the first place.\n- Being thankful for entrepreneurs who're tirelessly working hard to build the decentralized future. \n\nTrading is not for everyone and some can’t even make one successful trade, so perhaps HODL is best option for many of us. \n\n> 13th November Total number of Leofinace blogs: xxx( Still awaiting for the numbers)\n12th November Total number of Leofinace blogs: 210\n11th November Total number of Leofinace blogs: 181 (I blame HiveFest!)\n10th November Total number of Leofinace blogs: 196\n\n\n\nFigures by @friendlymoose\n\nThank you to everyone who is creating, curating and staying engaged with leofinance blogs. Let's make this number reach 500 blogs per day together.\n\nThis is my third crypto question via #AskLeo initiative by @acesontop\n\n[crypto question 1](\n[crypto question 2](\n[crypto question 3](\n\nPs. Please check out my [Today's Micro crypto question]( with my alt account @nathanmars.leo and let's treat like Crypto Twitter.\n\n# Bonus Crypto Read : \n![Screenshot 20211114 at 18.22.06.png](","tags":["leofinance","askleo","crypto","proofofbrain","ctp","ocd","community"]}}}"
json"{"author":"nathanmars","permlink":"lroebqbb","category":"general","language":"en","duration":28.746803,"title":"How easier to make exponential GAINS in Crypto within 5 years ?"}"