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Tx 5fbad76aa7c29318e5056fa96d7ccea1f152a4ba@53304848

Included in block 53,304,848 at 2021-04-24 10:40:48 (UTC)

Raw transaction

expiration2021-04-24 10:50:39
title"Finally reached DIAMOND II !"
body"<div class="text-justify">
Finally! After days of being stuck in the DIAMOND III leagues, I finally breakthrough today to the next league and is now guaranteed with 50 LOOT CHESTS. *Woohoo!*
![Diamond II.jpg](
Although there is still 5 days left before the current season ends, I will not be lax and will try to aim to finish this season in the DIAMOND I leagues.
As some of you might already know, I normally end the season in the DIAMOND I leagues. Last season I did come very close to the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE with literally only 1 win away (*and 1 win away from sending cards from my alt to my main to have over 500,000 Power too Lol*). Unfortunately I didn't make it last season so I am hopeful that in this season I would finally reach the CHAMPIONS.
As usual, today's daily quest was kinda meh. I did get a Rare card and 1 50+ DEC from a loot chest so much better than most days.
As for my win-rate this season, today was a little smooth sailing. I didn't had that much difficulty in doing today's daily quest which honestly surprised me a little.
And so that puts my current win-rate at surprisingly still above 50% which is at 140 wins out of 267 total ranked matches or 52.43%!!!
Also, I am thinking of putting on hold buying cards this season. I know I've said it a lot of times the last few days that I would finally be slowly leveling up my cards now but it seems a new set edition of cards is coming. I am thinking of waiting for that one and put ALL my DEC earnings on that instead instead of buying expensive cards now.
It would be nice to see what summoners are on the next edition set cards though as that is my main problem at the moment. I really love the BETA summoners, so hopefully the next set of summoners is a little like the BETA ones.