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Included in block 58,720,286 at 2021-10-29 21:49:30 (UTC)

614c2216 comment options: 100.0% HBD, allow votes: true, allow curation rewards: true

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expiration2021-10-29 21:59:24
title"Anger and bipolar disorder"
body"Anger is a very common emotion. Anger is usually displayed when you are frustrated, hurt, or when you are surprised. Anger is also an emotion typically characterized by antagonism towards someone or something that you feel has intentionally done you wrong. Anger can be quite a good thing too.
However, the problem with anger is that it can lead us to do many different bad things. Anger can motivate us to find ways to resolve issues, or even to get revenge. For instance, if you are angry at your partner for some reason, or if you feel slighted by a loved one, this can motivate you not to speak negatively about that person to anyone else. You may think that your loved one only has a positive effect on your life in order to make you angry at them, but deep down you are already feeling this way.
Anger is such a powerful feeling, that many of us ignore it until we experience a real problem. Anger often gets the best of us. We may inadvertently offend someone and then we let our anger show. This is why some people are so hostile when it comes to talking about other people's emotions. But ignoring anger may cause us a whole lot more in the long run.
The best way to overcome anger is to take action by facing it head on, without turning away from it. This is what will get us out of the anger trap, as we will be motivated to respond to the feelings of anger in a constructive way. Anger causes many negative side effects in our lives, including increased stress, depression, and anger. There are many effective communication skills that will help you manage your anger.
Anger becomes defensive when our feelings of anger turn into an emotional shield or wall. When our emotions are blocked we become defensive and become more hostile. It is easy to become defensive if we feel that someone is being critical to us or even trying to harm us. Our thoughts will be occupied with how we will respond to the situation rather than paying attention to the situation itself. This defensive pattern can lead to more angry emotions.
Anger is often the result of not understanding another person's perspective. We may argue with a person's point of view, but fail to understand their viewpoint or think they are wrong in their way. Even when we know something is wrong, we can't seem to change the fact that other people are angry with us. This anger then has the effect of shutting us off from expressing ourselves and causing us to withdraw from people. By suppressing our emotions through anger, we can become more closed and secluded.
In addition to suppressing our emotions through anger, we may also repress our own raw feelings. We can do this by temporarily running away from the person who is upsetting us. By not experiencing our own feelings, we are less likely to experience rage and other painful emotions that can lead to depression. We may also become more closed and self-absorbed as a result. It is often hard for others to understand the raw feelings that we are having; however, it is important to recognize when we are angry and to let others know.
Anger and depression often go hand in hand. There are many people who are unable to control their anger. However, there are also many people who have healthy anger management skills. By learning how to recognize our own anger and by finding resources such as support groups and mental health professionals, we can find ways to control our anger and move towards healthy emotions.
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