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Tx 62294106aa49e9c5cbfec614f90ba9f43b82e31b@68206858

Included in block 68,206,858 at 2022-09-25 03:39:06 (UTC)

62294106 comment options: max payout 100,000 HBD, 100.0% HBD, allow votes: true, allow curation rewards: true
62294106 published a video on 3speak (SoundMusic: Libre soy - Frozen / Let it go - Frozen (Cover by @artmedina).)

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expiration2022-09-25 03:48:57
title"SoundMusic: Libre soy - Frozen / Let it go - Frozen (Cover by @artmedina)."
▶️ [Watch on 3Speak](
***¡HOLA A MIS AMIGOS DE HIVE! 😀 Agradecida de todo aquel que aprecia mi aporte en esta plataforma.🤗***
>***¡HELLO MY FRIENDS FROM HIVE!😀 Grateful to everyone who appreciates my contribution to this platform.🤗***
***Aprovechando el momento en que puedo compartir con @jesusmedit esta canción, les presento un cover de la canción llamada: ***Libre soy***, de la popular película llamada ***Frozen***. De seguro les encantará porque la letra como su melodía es fantástica y te llenará de unas emociones. Ven y disfrútala con nosotros.***
>***Taking advantage of the moment when I can share this song with @jesusmedit, I present to you a cover of the song called: ***Libre soy***, from the popular movie called ***Frozen***. They will surely love it because the lyrics and its melody are fantastic and will fill you with emotions. Come and enjoy it with us.***
***Me doy cuenta que esta canción, trata sobre una joven que paso toda su vida en una habitación ocultándose de todos. Debido a la su condición, todo lo que tocaba se congelaba y las personas comunes se impresionaban. Este tema, en su composición aprovecha las emociones muy universales, esas que todos en algún momento sentimos. El miedo a amor y el terror que es el rechazo de quienes nos rodean. Esa ganas de escapar, intentar lidiar con la vergüenza, o no ser comprendidos.***
>***I realize that this song is about a young girl who spent her whole life in a room hiding from everyone. Due to his condition, everything he touched froze and ordinary people were shocked. This theme, in its composition, takes advantage of very universal emotions, those that we all feel at some point. The fear of love and the terror that is the rejection of those around us. That desire to escape, trying to deal with shame, or not being understood.***
***Libre soy - Frozen (COVER por @artmedina).***
>***Let it go - Frozen (COVER by @artmedina).***
Fotografía perteneciente a @artmedina
Acompañamiento especial de @jesusmedit
[Canción Original - Libre soy - Frozen (COVER por @artmedina)]
![separador de hive.gif](
<p><center>LETRA - LIBRE SOY - FROZEN.</center><p>
La nieve pinta la montaña hoy.
No hay huellas que seguir.
En la soledad un reino y la reina vive en mi.
El viento ruge y hay tormenta en mi interior.
Una tempestad que de mi salió.
Lo que hay en ti no dejes ver.
Buena chica tu siempre debe ser.
No has de abrir tu corazón pues ya se abrió.
Libre soy, libre soy.
No puedo ocultar lo más.
Libre soy, libre soy.
Libertad sin vuelta atrás.
Qué más da, no me importa ya.
Y la tormenta habrá, el frio es parte también de mi.

Mirando a la distancia, pequeño todo es.
y los miedos que me ataban.
Muy lejos los deje.
Voy a probar que puedo hacer.
Sin limitar ni proceder.
Ni mal ni bien obedecer, jamás.

Libre soy, libre estoy.
El viento me abracara.
Libre soy, libre soy.
No veré a llorar.
Irme así, me quedo aquí.
Y la tormenta habrá.
El frio es parte también de mí.
![separador de hive.gif](
<p><center>LYRICS - LET IT GO - FROZEN</center><p>
The snow paints the mountain today.
There are no tracks to follow.
In solitude a kingdom and the queen lives in me.
The wind roars and there is a storm inside me.
A storm that came out of me.
What is in you do not let see.
Good girl you should always be.
You do not have to open your heart because it has already been opened.
I'm free, I'm free.
I can not hide it any more.
I'm free, I'm free.
Freedom without turning back.
What does it matter, I don't care anymore.
And there will be a storm, the cold is also part of me.

Looking into the distance, everything is small.
and the fears that bound me.
Far away I left them.
I will try what I can do.
Without limiting or proceeding.
Neither bad nor good to obey, never.

I am free, I am free.
The wind embraced me.
I'm free, I'm free.
I will not see you cry.
Go like this, I stay here.
And the storm will be.
The cold is also part of me.
![separador de hive.gif](
***¡Que bonito es poder cantar y sentir las emociones más sinceras!***
> ***¡How nice it is to be able to sing and feel the most sincere emotions!***
***¡Muchas gracias por el apoyo a todas las comunidades presentes!***
DISCORD: artmedina # 3293.
TELEGRAM: artemedina.
TWITTER : @ artista_medina.
I hope you like it.
See you in the next post.
**Copyright @artmedina - All rights reserved**
<div class="pull-left">
▶️ [3Speak](
json_metadata"{"tags":["soundmusic","spanish","cervantes","music","threespeak","appreciator","musicforlife","ocd","hivemusic","musica","blocktrades","upmewhale","proofofbrain","neoxian","cover","posh","creativecoin","palnet","curie"],"app":"3speak/0.3.0","type":"3speak/video","image":[""],"video":{"info":{"platform":"3speak","title":"SoundMusic: Libre soy - Frozen / Let it go - Frozen (Cover by @artmedina).","author":"artmedina","permlink":"hajizsjk","duration":181.951564,"filesize":37655328,"file":"nNfhFmVxRrdxsdwcSQhEpireAlIIzFuLXdynpeOxcHTHvyKsxYJoHrcVKIveTYUn.mp4","lang":"es","firstUpload":false,"ipfs":null,"ipfsThumbnail":null,"sourceMap":[{"type":"thumbnail","url":"ipfs://bafybeiamcmz6jpukefovvximse6iei7q54czg33qppi3tehej3yfr3pj2a"}]},"content":{"description":"<center>\r\n\r\n***¡HOLA A MIS AMIGOS DE HIVE! 😀 Agradecida de todo aquel que aprecia mi aporte en esta plataforma.🤗***\r\n\r\n>***¡HELLO MY FRIENDS FROM HIVE!😀 Grateful to everyone who appreciates my contribution to this platform.🤗***\r\n\r\n\r\n***Aprovechando el momento en que puedo compartir con @jesusmedit esta canción, les presento un cover de la canción llamada: ***Libre soy***, de la popular película llamada ***Frozen***. De seguro les encantará porque la letra como su melodía es fantástica y te llenará de unas emociones. Ven y disfrútala con nosotros.***\r\n\r\n>***Taking advantage of the moment when I can share this song with @jesusmedit, I present to you a cover of the song called: ***Libre soy***, from the popular movie called ***Frozen***. They will surely love it because the lyrics and its melody are fantastic and will fill you with emotions. Come and enjoy it with us.***\r\n\r\n***Me doy cuenta que esta canción, trata sobre una joven que paso toda su vida en una habitación ocultándose de todos. Debido a la su condición, todo lo que tocaba se congelaba y las personas comunes se impresionaban. Este tema, en su composición aprovecha las emociones muy universales, esas que todos en algún momento sentimos. El miedo a amor y el terror que es el rechazo de quienes nos rodean. Esa ganas de escapar, intentar lidiar con la vergüenza, o no ser comprendidos.***\r\n\r\n>***I realize that this song is about a young girl who spent her whole life in a room hiding from everyone. Due to his condition, everything he touched froze and ordinary people were shocked. This theme, in its composition, takes advantage of very universal emotions, those that we all feel at some point. The fear of love and the terror that is the rejection of those around us. That desire to escape, trying to deal with shame, or not being understood.***\r\n\r\n\r\n***Libre soy - Frozen (COVER por @artmedina).***\r\n\r\n>***Let it go - Frozen (COVER by @artmedina).***\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n![kk.png](\r\nFotografía perteneciente a @artmedina\r\nAcompañamiento especial de @jesusmedit\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Canción Original - Libre soy - Frozen (COVER por @artmedina)] \r\n\r\n\r\n [FUENTE DE LA LETRA DE LA CANCIÓN](\r\n\r\n![separador de hive.gif](\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n</center><p>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<p><center>LETRA - LIBRE SOY - FROZEN.</center><p>\r\n\r\n\r\n<p><center>\r\n\r\nLa nieve pinta la montaña hoy.\r\nNo hay huellas que seguir.\r\nEn la soledad un reino y la reina vive en mi.\r\nEl viento ruge y hay tormenta en mi interior.\r\nUna tempestad que de mi salió.\r\n\r\n\r\nLo que hay en ti no dejes ver.\r\nBuena chica tu siempre debe ser.\r\nNo has de abrir tu corazón pues ya se abrió.\r\n\r\nLibre soy, libre soy.\r\nNo puedo ocultar lo más.\r\nLibre soy, libre soy.\r\nLibertad sin vuelta atrás.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nQué más da, no me importa ya.\r\nY la tormenta habrá, el frio es parte también de mi.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nMirando a la distancia, pequeño todo es.\r\ny los miedos que me ataban.\r\nMuy lejos los deje.\r\nVoy a probar que puedo hacer.\r\nSin limitar ni proceder.\r\nNi mal ni bien obedecer, jamás.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nLibre soy, libre estoy.\r\nEl viento me abracara.\r\nLibre soy, libre soy.\r\nNo veré a llorar.\r\n\r\nIrme así, me quedo aquí.\r\nY la tormenta habrá.\r\nEl frio es parte también de mí.\r\n<P><center>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n![separador de hive.gif](\r\n<p><center>LYRICS - LET IT GO - FROZEN</center><p>\r\n\r\n\r\n<p><center>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThe snow paints the mountain today.\r\nThere are no tracks to follow.\r\nIn solitude a kingdom and the queen lives in me.\r\nThe wind roars and there is a storm inside me.\r\nA storm that came out of me.\r\n\r\n\r\nWhat is in you do not let see.\r\nGood girl you should always be.\r\nYou do not have to open your heart because it has already been opened.\r\n\r\nI'm free, I'm free.\r\nI can not hide it any more.\r\nI'm free, I'm free.\r\nFreedom without turning back.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nWhat does it matter, I don't care anymore.\r\nAnd there will be a storm, the cold is also part of me.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nLooking into the distance, everything is small.\r\nand the fears that bound me.\r\nFar away I left them.\r\nI will try what I can do.\r\nWithout limiting or proceeding.\r\nNeither bad nor good to obey, never.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nI am free, I am free.\r\nThe wind embraced me.\r\nI'm free, I'm free.\r\nI will not see you cry.\r\n\r\nGo like this, I stay here.\r\nAnd the storm will be.\r\nThe cold is also part of me.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<P><center>\r\n\r\n\r\n![separador de hive.gif](\r\n\r\n\r\n![2dk2RRM2dZ8gKjXsrozapsD83FxL3Xbyyi5LFttAhrXxr16mCe4arfLHiuv3GCp7LTptCGhZRbH5y7S3XTAfTe7GkxuJHiS8kMvAbxXTu5uRHPsn7oQ1uZaSUMpShVW6vhM2zyhcMwJ9yYBbdzR8GiPVwfqEW95FGuJgYLzK1g.png](\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n***¡Que bonito es poder cantar y sentir las emociones más sinceras!***\r\n\r\n> ***¡How nice it is to be able to sing and feel the most sincere emotions!*** \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n![índice.png](\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<center>\r\n\r\n ***¡Muchas gracias por el apoyo a todas las comunidades presentes!***\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nDISCORD: artmedina # 3293.\r\nTELEGRAM: artemedina. \r\nTWITTER : @ artista_medina.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nI hope you like it.\r\nSee you in the next post.\r\n\r\n## THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR VISITING THIS PUBLICATION!\r\n\r\n**Copyright @artmedina - All rights reserved**\r\n</center>\r\n\r\n<div class=\"pull-left\">\r\n\r\n<center>","tags":["soundmusic","spanish","cervantes","music","threespeak","appreciator","musicforlife","ocd","hivemusic","musica","blocktrades","upmewhale","proofofbrain","neoxian","cover","posh","creativecoin","palnet","curie"]}}}"
max_accepted_payout100,000.000 HBD
json"{"author":"artmedina","permlink":"hajizsjk","category":"general","language":"es","duration":181.951564,"title":"SoundMusic: Libre soy - Frozen / Let it go - Frozen (Cover by @artmedina)."}"