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Tx 70b19e47038c42339941d78b8c1521e525304be4@73517925

Included in block 73,517,925 at 2023-03-28 19:29:36 (UTC)

Raw transaction

expiration2023-03-28 19:30:30
title"Tasting Beers at Bar Cooper inside the mall [ESP/ENG]"
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All the things you can do inside a mall, it's fantastic for me. That's why, when it comes to weekend trips, I always choose to visit a mall to eat ice cream or have a beer. Although not only that, you can also see stores and do some shopping. In my case, I had the opportunity to visit this bar called Copper located in the Viva Envigado mall, which I think is amazing. They have little tables and some chairs at the bar and you get cocktails, strong drinks or craft beers where you can find all sizes and at an affordable price </div>
>*Todas las cosas que se pueden hacer dentro de un centro comercial, es fantástico para mi. Por eso, cuando se trata de paseos de fines de semana, siempre elijo visitar algún centro comercial para comer helado o tomar una cerveza. Aunque no solo eso, también puedes ver tiendas y hacer algunas compras. En mi caso, tuve la oportunidad de visitar este Bar llamado Copper ubicado en el centro comercial Viva Envigado, el cual me parece increible. Tienen mesitas y algunas sillas en la barra y consigues cocteles, bebidas fuertes o cervezas artesanalas donde encuentras de todos los tamaños y a un precio accesible.*
When I go, I order the one called Cajica because I love the taste, it's clear. However, I have seen people who order one with coffee or malt and it looks darker. I wouldn't dare to try it. The music in the small bar is amazing. It's definitely a good place inside the mall to have a few beers with friends to take your mind off the routine for a while. Besides that, near the bar, there is the Crepes&Waffles restaurant where I took the opportunity to buy a Crepes & Waffles of my favorite flavor. On the way out, there was the train that runs through Medellín with good music and lots of people, ready for a party. I love Medellín and all it has to offer every day.
>*Cuando voy, ordeno la llamada Cajica porque me encanta su sabor, es clarito. Sin embargo, he visto gente que ordena una con café o malta y se ve más obscura. No me atrevería a probarla. La música del pequeño bar es increible. Definitivamente es un buen lugar dentro del centro comercial para tomar algunas cervezas con amigos y así distraerte un rato de la rutina. Además de eso, cerca del bar, está el restaurante Crepes&Waffles donde aproveché de comprar una barquilla de mi sabor favorito. Al salir, estaba el tren que recorre Medellín con buena música y bastante gente, listo para una fiesta. Amo Medellín y todo lo que ofrece todos los días.*
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