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Tx 7e7ea383d4dc8a7b023c4cc72aeff18cd3f28137@75616455

Included in block 75,616,455 at 2023-06-09 18:41:06 (UTC)

7e7ea383 comment options: 100.0% HBD, allow votes: true, allow curation rewards: true

Raw transaction

expiration2023-06-09 18:41:57
title"Honey, Bees, and Flies: Exploring the Thriving Community of Leofinance and Tackling Challenges on Leofinance's #Threads "
body"Leofinance is once again "on fire" in a positive way. We've witnessed the WLEO and CUB eras, where Leofinance evolved from being solely a blogging platform for crypto and finance content creators into an "independent state" on Hive.
Now that we've had a taste of Project Blank (the new UI), I must say it has exceeded my expectations. I was starting to lose a bit of enthusiasm and become skeptical about Leofinance, but that has changed. It's no longer just a blogging interface, as it had been for the past couple of years.
LEO is now more than just an HE token or a second-layer cryptocurrency that you can earn alongside HIVE when using the @leofinance new UI. Holding LP tokens offers many incentives and has played a role in pushing the price of LEO up from the depths (around $0.03) it had fallen into a few months ago.
Holding LP tokens not only gives you greater influence over rewards distribution on Leofinance but also affects your potential to earn LEO through various mechanisms introduced by the new tokenomics of Leofinance (such as ad revenue, curation 2.0, etc.).
You don't need to hold significant amounts of LEO to participate in the everyday activities of the new Leofinance ecosystem. This opportunity allows anyone to earn LEO and be part of a true WEB3 project. However, as I mentioned in my response to @anderssinho's #thread where he mentioned my disappointment with spam on #threads, honey attracts both bees and flies, and as you know, flies can be quite annoying at times.
Leofinance has seen a significant increase in activity and exposure in recent weeks, if not months, especially in the #threads section. I have to admit that over 90% of the current users active on #threads are unfamiliar to me.
As an old Leofinance user, I recognize a few familiar faces, but as I mentioned earlier, there are many new faces now. This is a positive development because attracting new users, integrating them into our community, and seeing growth and engagement is what we wanted for Hive.
However, honey doesn't just attract bees with its sweetness; it also draws in bees themselves. As you can see, there are plenty of bees buzzing around the Leofinance honeypot. Unfortunately, these flies contribute a lot of spam, which I addressed in a previous post.
This spam issue arises due to certain users hustling for campaigns and earnings, and some individuals lack the creativity to share interesting and valuable content on #threads. Instead, they share all sorts of nonsense on a daily basis.
They want a piece of the honey pie and are doing their best to achieve that. While their actions can be quite annoying, I've come to accept the presence of spam on #threads. I was triggered by it a few weeks ago, but I'm fine now.
These flies are also trying to make a living, just like the bees, so I can't judge them. Whether they will survive or not remains to be seen. However, one thing I know for sure is that none of the hardcore Leofinance users has been able to maintain their reputation and earnings by producing low-quality content on the platform.
Therefore, I believe the presence of these flies on Leofinance is temporary. Eventually, they will either disappear or lose their influence. In some rare cases, they may even change their behavior, start producing valuable content, and earn their place here. In the meantime, let's enjoy our time on Leofinance, and I'll see you all next time.
*Thanks for your attention,*
Posted Using [LeoFinance Alpha]("
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max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD