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Tx 90a3a6d06340a6e3141356ce255fef523669da97@55910261

Included in block 55,910,261 at 2021-07-24 02:30:09 (UTC)

90a3a6d0 published a video on 3speak (Esp|Eng| That's What You Get - Paramore Drums Cover.)

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expiration2021-07-24 02:40:03
title"Esp|Eng| That's What You Get - Paramore Drums Cover."
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<div class="pull-left">
Buenas noches hermosa comunidad, hoy quiero compartir con ustedes este video que grabe hace algún tiempo, tocando un tema que la verdad me encanta y que al escucharlo o tocarlo me trae recuerdos de mi adolescencia, cuando a penas comenzaba a tocar batería.
Interpretado por una de las bandas de rock alternativo más prestigiosas y sonadas de ese entonces "Paramore". Su música sin duda alguna superó muchos obstáculos y pudo llegar a un público de gustos amplios con su toque juvenil.
Esta canción perteneció al álbum "Riot" lanzado en el año 2007, y fue una de las más representativas de la banda, junto a "Decode", canción de formo del soundtrack de la saga "Crepusculo" .
Yo soy de las personas que piensa que todos y cada uno de los géneros musicales, merecen respeto y que tienen su complejidad de algún modo, no es facil tocar rock, tampoco es fácil tocar jazz ni musica latina, yo considero que hay factores más importantes que el solo hecho de poder ejecutar, El sonido y el gusto son aspectos bastante importantes.
</div> <div class="pull-right">
Good evening, beautiful community, today I want to share with you this video that I recorded some time ago, playing a song that I really love and that when listening or playing it brings back memories of my adolescence, when I was just beginning to play drums.
Played by one of the most prestigious and famous alternative rock bands of that time "Paramore".  His music undoubtedly overcame many obstacles and was able to reach an audience of wide tastes with his youthful touch.
This song belonged to the album "Riot" released in 2007, and was one of the most representative of the band, along with "Decode", a song from the soundtrack of the "Twilight" saga.
I am one of the people who thinks that each and every one of the musical genres deserves respect and that they have their complexity in some way, it is not easy to play rock, it is not easy to play jazz or Latin music, I consider that there are more important factors that the mere fact of being able to execute, The sound and the taste are quite important aspects.
----------- [ORIGINAL SONG](
▶️ [3Speak](
json_metadata"{"tags":["music","spanish","venezuela","appreciator","neoxian"],"app":"3speak/0.3.0","type":"3speak/video","image":[""],"video":{"info":{"platform":"3speak","title":"Esp|Eng| That's What You Get - Paramore Drums Cover.","author":"micheyg","permlink":"uducgodr","duration":218.014,"filesize":417557534,"file":"jzwOsnqhUINDOjlYrIAHJbeogJHbPLUfghmiqUsLZzoSOkSHLJVHHFiLmgZNZKvl.mp4","lang":"en","firstUpload":false,"ipfs":"QmTAxAbkmgnVrH87jc3phRJc6vBFe3uHLkDTh3TWSjMc72/default.m3u8","ipfsThumbnail":"QmTAxAbkmgnVrH87jc3phRJc6vBFe3uHLkDTh3TWSjMc72/thumbnail.png"},"content":{"description":"<div class=\"pull-left\">\n\n《**ESPAÑOL**》\n\nBuenas noches hermosa comunidad, hoy quiero compartir con ustedes este video que grabe hace algún tiempo, tocando un tema que la verdad me encanta y que al escucharlo o tocarlo me trae recuerdos de mi adolescencia, cuando a penas comenzaba a tocar batería. \n\nInterpretado por una de las bandas de rock alternativo más prestigiosas y sonadas de ese entonces \"Paramore\". Su música sin duda alguna superó muchos obstáculos y pudo llegar a un público de gustos amplios con su toque juvenil. \n\nEsta canción perteneció al álbum \"Riot\" lanzado en el año 2007, y fue una de las más representativas de la banda, junto a \"Decode\", canción de formo del soundtrack de la saga \"Crepusculo\" . \n\nYo soy de las personas que piensa que todos y cada uno de los géneros musicales, merecen respeto y que tienen su complejidad de algún modo, no es facil tocar rock, tampoco es fácil tocar jazz ni musica latina, yo considero que hay factores más importantes que el solo hecho de poder ejecutar, El sonido y el gusto son aspectos bastante importantes. \n\n <P>\n\n------------------\n\n<P></div> \n\n\n</div> <div class=\"pull-right\">\n\n《**INGLES**》\n\n<P> \nGood evening, beautiful community, today I want to share with you this video that I recorded some time ago, playing a song that I really love and that when listening or playing it brings back memories of my adolescence, when I was just beginning to play drums. \n\nPlayed by one of the most prestigious and famous alternative rock bands of that time \"Paramore\".  His music undoubtedly overcame many obstacles and was able to reach an audience of wide tastes with his youthful touch. \n\nThis song belonged to the album \"Riot\" released in 2007, and was one of the most representative of the band, along with \"Decode\", a song from the soundtrack of the \"Twilight\" saga. \n\nI am one of the people who thinks that each and every one of the musical genres deserves respect and that they have their complexity in some way, it is not easy to play rock, it is not easy to play jazz or Latin music, I consider that there are more important factors that the mere fact of being able to execute, The sound and the taste are quite important aspects.\n\n<P>\n\n</div>\n\n-----------------------------\n\n![descarga.jpeg](\n[PARAMORE](\n\n-----------\n [ORIGINAL SONG](\n\n\n\n\n<center>**DISFRUTEN**</center><center>**ENJOY**</center>","tags":["music","spanish","venezuela","appreciator","neoxian"]}}}"
json"{"author":"micheyg","permlink":"uducgodr","category":"general","language":"en","duration":218.014,"title":"Esp|Eng| That's What You Get - Paramore Drums Cover."}"