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Tx 9fdca2a5334f20835a087dabcce69e51ea0134a5@43637940

Included in block 43,637,940 at 2020-05-23 00:11:39 (UTC)

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expiration2020-05-23 00:21:33
title"Status Correction Update 5/22/20; State Citizen passport application updated."
body"> DISCLAIMER: This is not legal advice. This information is meant only to be used for educational purposes only.
A couple months ago I signed up to get my State Citizen Passport correcting my status. I've updated making a couple corrections to the DS-11 application form so you too can get your State Citizen Passport. This will correct your status reinstating all of your god given inalienable rights. Several months ago I shared the Copper Moonshine Stills link with the instructions. In case you missed it here is the link:
Good! Now that I've refreshed your memory up to this point here are the changes that I have made to this application. This is VERY important!
Let's say for example you were born in Dallas Texas. As a State National of the Republic of Texas you would put down "City & Country as it is presently known" as seen in Example 1: You would write it in like so: <i>Dallas, United States of America.</i>
![passport app4.png](
Example 1
Notice here where circled it says, "City & State if in the U.S." They wrote this to trick you! By putting the name of your state, they have tricked you back into their 14th amendment jurisdiction. <b>DON'T MAKE THIS MISTAKE!!!</b> *Example 2:
![passport app3.png](
Example 2
In the end, the first page should look something like this:
Updated from
Over on the 2nd page you want to fill it out like so... Here is where it once again gets tricky. Notice I wrote in the name Texas here instead of putting "TX" in the abbreviation section. States that are abbreviated again puts you back into their 14th Amendment jurisdiction. *See Example 3:
Example 3
# So there you have it!
Always make sure you write in the city you were born in and United States of America after it on page 1. And always write in the FULL name of your state on Page 2.
Please refresh your memory by clicking the link above. The rest of the instructions are there. This is just a quick update. In fact, I'd like to see these changes be made to the link. Maybe forward my blog here over to Vaughn Wilson himself to give him the update so he can make these correction to his instructions.
In the mean time what are you waiting for? Go correct your status already!!! You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing this. I would also recommend authenticating your Certificates of Live Birth both at the state and federal level. Submit your authenticated Birth Certificates along with and explanatory statement and you should be good to go. Once you send off and get your new passport back you should be good to go. Status corrected! Welcome to the NEW West!!!
Thanks for looking and,
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![Rainbow Man meme6.jpg]("