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Tx a31f008f48d2490a268dedf62e1143c5f4c497e6@71946204

Included in block 71,946,204 at 2023-02-02 04:05:30 (UTC)

a31f008f published a video on 3speak (How can we get more than 500 LeoFinance blogs per day?)

Raw transaction

expiration2023-02-02 04:15:27
title"How can we get more than 500 LeoFinance blogs per day?"
▶️ [Watch on 3Speak](
Special thank you to all the people who are creating crypto content with or using #LeoFinance or #Leo hashtags. Thank you @friendlymoose for daily [Leofinance stats](
Like how Crypto Twitter brings all the crypto communities together into one place, LeoFinace can bring all the Hive communities into one place.
More importantly, LeoFinace and 3Speak combined can the potential to bring all the hive tribes in one place.
Whether you're writing travel content hive or gaming content on Hive, you need to keep improving your financial IQ and EQ.
# Question of the day
#### How can we get more than 500 LeoFinance blogs per day?
My answer I can only say what can do personally and ask my hive peers to help our common goal. I will continue to create at least one content with LeoFinance while continuing curating LeoFinance content and increasing my engagement with our LeoFinance peers. I'm always looking for an opportunity to empower good content creators and empowering great contributors and continue to think outside the box.
![Screenshot 2021-11-09 at 19.40.04.png](
I would love to hear your answers and thoughts regarding this question.
##### Bonus read :
> The best relationships are peer relationships.
> When given power over others, our ego justifies it by assuming we are smarter.
> Better to have people work with us than for us.
> Better motivated on the wrong thing than unmotivated on the right thing.
> Debate rather than dictate.
▶️ [3Speak](
json_metadata"{"tags":["leo","crypto","askleo","gems","ocd","palnet","proofofbrain"],"app":"3speak/0.3.0","type":"3speak/video","image":[""],"video":{"info":{"platform":"3speak","title":"How can we get more than 500 LeoFinance blogs per day?","author":"nathanmars","permlink":"ynakxgkx","duration":190.875011,"filesize":127242018,"file":"mOokSlYXdNJhQulQgmVngoKEhHMxCexbWoBtkAKQuBoASXCWKWAjOCGbhSpfvpJG.mp4","lang":"en","firstUpload":false,"video_v2":null,"sourceMap":[{"type":"thumbnail","url":""}]},"content":{"description":"Special thank you to all the people who are creating crypto content with or using #LeoFinance or #Leo hashtags. Thank you @friendlymoose for daily [Leofinance stats](\n\nLike how Crypto Twitter brings all the crypto communities together into one place, LeoFinace can bring all the Hive communities into one place. \n\nMore importantly, LeoFinace and 3Speak combined can the potential to bring all the hive tribes in one place. \n\nWhether you're writing travel content hive or gaming content on Hive, you need to keep improving your financial IQ and EQ. \n\n# Question of the day \n#### How can we get more than 500 LeoFinance blogs per day? \n\nMy answer I can only say what can do personally and ask my hive peers to help our common goal. I will continue to create at least one content with LeoFinance while continuing curating LeoFinance content and increasing my engagement with our LeoFinance peers. I'm always looking for an opportunity to empower good content creators and empowering great contributors and continue to think outside the box. \n\n![Screenshot 2021-11-09 at 19.40.04.png](\n\nI would love to hear your answers and thoughts regarding this question. \n\n##### Bonus read :\n> The best relationships are peer relationships.\n\n> When given power over others, our ego justifies it by assuming we are smarter.\n\n> Better to have people work with us than for us.\n\n> Better motivated on the wrong thing than unmotivated on the right thing. \n\n> Debate rather than dictate.","tags":["leo","crypto","askleo","gems","ocd","palnet","proofofbrain"]}}}"
json"{"author":"nathanmars","permlink":"ynakxgkx","category":"general","language":"en","duration":190.875011,"title":"How can we get more than 500 LeoFinance blogs per day?"}"