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Tx aef38e17bf49791d5a4931e63d11b116718cc07f@61815025

Included in block 61,815,025 at 2022-02-14 15:45:09 (UTC)

Raw transaction

expiration2022-02-14 15:55:03
title"Hive Post Deleted - I No Longer Support This Blockchain"
body"Hive Post Deleted - I No Longer Support This Blockchain"
json_metadata"{"video":{"info":{"title":"Stop Playing the Damn Game!","snaphash":"QmViKf8VYsAd9EF4iUSobpjVtBZvufuH4DtMRMayHRrYdY","author":"kennyskitchen","permlink":"0g43jawo","duration":596.523,"filesize":248862050,"spritehash":"QmcCG3d8uXrvn59C9kJqQiawQs8F2eTigkoLnbuyghChdi"},"content":{"videohash":"QmR8BiQcuN9GPJ95UFHqqWoFshygbeBXTYkkcERbCaETFZ","description":"When humans are playing a game that they want to win, they are going to do the things that make winning more likely. They are going to follow the most effective strategy that they can, they are going to do the things that are incentivized, the things that they are rewarded for.\n\nWe can't really get mad at CEOs, billionaires, bankers, or statists for doing what they do, without acknowledging that they are just playing the game of this culture, and that they happen to be the ones who play to with (with some cheating here and there).\n\nIf you're playing Magic, you know that someone who comes in with a deck full of best-in-slot cards that costs 10x the money your deck does, is going to beat you most of the time. The same goes for any kind of collectible card or miniatures game, for any competetive MMORPG, etc. Those who want to win the most, have the least morality, and/or have the most resources, are going to be the ones who win.\n\n\n\nThis is a concept that has, generally, been unfolding in my mind for some time. Obviously the concept of life as a game is [quite close to my heart](, but this particular stream of thought came to me while speaking to my father on the phone this evening, and I just had to share it and save it for myself :-)\n\nThe crazy thing is, right after recording this video, I came back inside, listened to the last few minutes of [Michael Pollan on Joe Rogan Experience](, and then stumbled across this video by @corbettreport:\n\n\n\nAs I mention in the video, one of the things that I am working on is creating a best-of video, featuring clips of Peter Joseph, from a variety of different talks & interviews. The focus of the project is to highlight the many times that PJ has clearly laid out the ways in which he, the Zeitgeist Movement, and the resource-based economy model are FOR sovereignty, human flourishing, decreasing violence & control, etc. The target audience of this project is folks who would often refer to him as a \"robot communist\" or something, without ever having actually listened to his presentations. I've always enjoyed listening to Peter, and have learned quite a bit from him; when I was in the HEAVY absorption part of my journey, I used to bounce back and forth between Joseph & Molyneux (the \"debate\" they did was an embarrassment to both of them, and really bugged the crap out of me).\n\nWhich games are you playing?","tags":["life","gaming","philosophy","economics"],"video480hash":"QmTzL1oXoubgMEzeXaSRGwNdCuQF8P6RQxmBtoNmDSuFqg"}},"tags":["life"],"app":"steemit/0.1","users":[],"image":[],"links":["","!/v/kennyskitchen/0g43jawo","","","","","","","","",""],"format":"markdown"}"