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Tx b68f6575778890aa4a386614f7ec6bf1396af175@71936870

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b68f6575 published a video on 3speak (🎧 HIVE Open Mic 88 - 🎧 "Amigo" / "Friend" - Roberto Carlos 🎧 Cover by @esteliopadilla 🎧)

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expiration2023-02-01 20:28:03
title"🎧 HIVE Open Mic 88 - 🎧 "Amigo" / "Friend" - Roberto Carlos 🎧 Cover by @esteliopadilla 🎧"
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<center>[Source / Fuente](</center>
# <center><b>Hive Open Mic 88 - "Loyalty and Fidelity" / "Lealtad y Fidelidad"</b></center> #
<center><b><i>"Friend" / "Amigo"</i></b>
Cover by <b>@esteliopadilla</b></center>
Hello my people <b>HIVE</b>
<div class="pull-left">
<div class="text-justify"><p>It is an immense pleasure for me to share on this <b>HIVE</b> Platform, especially in this Global Community <b>Hive Open Mic</b>, about this <b>Week 88</b> This simple <b>Version</b> of the song <b><i>"Friend"</i></b>. This song was written in <b>1977</b> by the Brazilian singer <b>Roberto Carlos</b>, and arose as a tribute that he did to his great friend, the guitarist <b>Erasmo Carlos</b>, who also composed the music. This duo, together with their artistic work, became something similar to the Gardel-Lepera, or Lennon-Mcartney duos. Both Roberto Carlos and Erasmo Carlos have composed songs that have become true icons of music. Here is my post, in the style of Roberto Carlos himself, about this week of <b>"Loyalty and Fidelity"</b>. I just hope it is to your liking.</p><br></div>
</div><div class="text-justify"><p>Es un inmenso placer para mí compartir en esta Plataforma <b>HIVE</b>, especialmente en esta Comunidad Global <b>Hive Open Mic</b>, a propósito de esta <b>Semana 88</b> esta sencilla <b>Versión</b> de la canción <b><i>"Amigo"</i></b>. Esta canción fue escrita en <b>1977</b> por el cantante brasilero <b>Roberto Carlos</b>, y surgió como un homenaje que este le hiciera a su gran amigo, el guitarrista <b>Erasmo Carlos</b>, quien además compusiera la música. Este dúo, junto a su trabajo artístico, se convirtieron en algo similar a los dúos Gardel -Lepera, o Lennon - Mcartney. Ambos, Roberto Carlos y Erasmo Carlos han compuesto canciones que se han convertido en verdaderos iconos de la música. Aquí les dejo mi entrada, al estilo del propio Roberto Carlos, a propósito de esta semana de <b>"Lealtad y Fidelidad"</b>. Solo espero que sea del agrado de ustedes.</p><br></div></div><center>[<b>Hive Open Mic 88 <i>"Friend" / "Amigo"</i></b> - Cover by <b>@esteliopadilla</b>](</center>
# Friend
>>> You are my soul brother really a friend.
That in every journey and journey is always with me.
Even though you are a man, you still have the soul of a child.
The one who gives me his friendship, his respect and affection.
>>>I remember that together we had very hard times.
And you did not change no matter how strong the winds were.
Your heart is a house with open doors.
You are really the most certain in uncertain times.
>>>In certain difficult moments in life.
We are looking for someone to help us find the way out.
And that word of strength and faith that you have given me.
It gives me the certainty that you were always by my side.
>>>You are my friend of the soul in all day.
Smile and festive hug at every arrival.
You tell me such great truths with open sentences.
You are really the most certain of uncertain hours.
>>>I do not even need to say, all that I tell you.
But it is good to feel that you are my great friend.
I do not even need to say, all that I tell you.
But it is good that way to feel that I have a great friend.
>>>I do not even need to say, all that I tell you.
But it is good to feel that you are my great friend.
I do not even need to say, all that I tell you.
But it is good that way to feel that I have a great friend.
Composers: <b>Roberto Carlos / Erasmo Carlos</b>
# Amigo
>>>Tú eres mi hermano del alma realmente un amigo
Que en todo camino y jornada está siempre conmigo.
Aunque eres un hombre aun tienes alma de niño.
Aquel que me da su amistad, su respeto y cariño.
>>>Recuerdo que juntos pasamos muy duros momentos.
Y tú no cambiaste por fuertes que fueran los vientos.
Es tu corazón una casa de puertas abiertas.
Tú eres realmente el más cierto en horas inciertas.
>>>En ciertos momentos difíciles que hay en la vida.
Buscamos a quien nos ayude a encontrar la salida.
Y aquella palabra de fuerza y de fe que me has dado.
Me da la certeza que siempre estuviste a mi lado.
>>>Tú eres mi amigo del alma en toda jornada.
Sonrisa y abrazo festivo a cada llegada.
Me dices verdades tan grandes con frases abiertas.
Tú eres realmente el más cierto de horas inciertas.
>>>No preciso ni decir, todo eso que te digo.
Pero es bueno así sentir que eres tú mi gran amigo.
No preciso ni decir, todo eso que te digo.
Pero es bueno así sentir que yo tengo un gran amigo.
>>>No preciso ni decir, todo eso que te digo.
Pero es bueno así sentir que eres tú mi gran amigo.
No preciso ni decir, todo eso que te digo.
Pero es bueno así sentir que yo tengo un gran amigo.
Compositores: <b>Roberto Carlos / Erasmo Carlos</b>
<center>[ <center><b>Hive Open Mic 88 - "Loyalty and Fidelity" / "Lealtad y Fidelidad"</b></center>](</center>
<div class="pull-left">
<div class="text-justify"><p>I want to thank the <b>HIVE</b> Platform and, in the same way, the Global Community <b>Hive Open Mic</b> for this opportunity they give us to <b><i>celebrate live music and thus contribute to global harmony and world peace</i></b>. Also to our friends <b>@musicandreview</b> for choosing this beautiful theme <b>"Loyalty and Fidelity"</b> for this week. And following this orientation, the invitation is to <b>thank God for the beautiful gift he gives us every day</b>. That wonderful possibility to put ourselves on the side of good and move away from evil. And, thank God because music inspires us with the life we ​​want to live every new day ... our own life.</p><br></div></div>
<div class="text-justify"><p>Quiero agradecer a la Plataforma <b>HIVE</b> y, del mismo modo, a la Comunidad Global <b>Hive Open Mic</b> por esta oportunidad que nos brindan para <b><i>celebrar la música en vivo y contribuir, así, a la armonía global y a la paz del mundo</i></b>. También a nuestros amigos <b>@musicandreview</b> por elegir este hermoso tema <b>"Lealtad y Fidelidad"</b> para esta semana. Y siguiendo esa orientación, la invitación es <b>agradecer a Dios por el hermoso regalo que nos da todos los días</b>. Esa posibilidad maravillosa de ponernos del lado del bien y alejarnos del mal. Y, gracias a Dios porque la música nos inspira la vida que queremos vivir cada nuevo día... nuestra propia vida.</p><br></div></div>
# <center><b>@esteliopadilla</b></center> #
<center> </center>
<center><b>Your comments and your vote are always welcome
🎧 Preven the Coronavirus 🎧 Stay home
🎧 Keep your spaces clean 🎧 Have not fear 🎧
🎧 This will happen 🎧</b></center>
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json_metadata"{"tags":["openmic","livemusic","music","event","invitation","community","mih","creativecoin","spanish","blocktrades","threespeak","ocd","neoxian","upmewhale"],"app":"3speak/0.3.0","type":"3speak/video","image":[""],"video":{"info":{"platform":"3speak","title":"🎧 HIVE Open Mic 88 - 🎧 \"Amigo\" / \"Friend\" - Roberto Carlos 🎧 Cover by @esteliopadilla 🎧","author":"esteliopadilla","permlink":"ksvsikbm","duration":251.308,"filesize":1138335013,"file":"IgPaiIoEIeLipNxGrLKpbDmYDfojmUZuOAaVdtDSRhnTbpGZPJXnisiSQFblYFPP.mp4","lang":"en","firstUpload":false,"video_v2":null,"sourceMap":[{"type":"thumbnail","url":""}]},"content":{"description":"<center>[Source / Fuente](</center>\n# <center><b>Hive Open Mic 88 - \"Loyalty and Fidelity\" / \"Lealtad y Fidelidad\"</b></center> # \n<center><b><i>\"Friend\" / \"Amigo\"</i></b> \nCover by <b>@esteliopadilla</b></center>\n#\nHello my people <b>HIVE</b>\n#\n <div class=\"pull-left\">\n <div class=\"text-justify\"><p>It is an immense pleasure for me to share on this <b>HIVE</b> Platform, especially in this Global Community <b>Hive Open Mic</b>, about this <b>Week 88</b> This simple <b>Version</b> of the song <b><i>\"Friend\"</i></b>. This song was written in <b>1977</b> by the Brazilian singer <b>Roberto Carlos</b>, and arose as a tribute that he did to his great friend, the guitarist <b>Erasmo Carlos</b>, who also composed the music. This duo, together with their artistic work, became something similar to the Gardel-Lepera, or Lennon-Mcartney duos. Both Roberto Carlos and Erasmo Carlos have composed songs that have become true icons of music. Here is my post, in the style of Roberto Carlos himself, about this week of <b>\"Loyalty and Fidelity\"</b>. I just hope it is to your liking.</p><br></div>\n</div><div class=\"text-justify\"><p>Es un inmenso placer para mí compartir en esta Plataforma <b>HIVE</b>, especialmente en esta Comunidad Global <b>Hive Open Mic</b>, a propósito de esta <b>Semana 88</b> esta sencilla <b>Versión</b> de la canción <b><i>\"Amigo\"</i></b>. Esta canción fue escrita en <b>1977</b> por el cantante brasilero <b>Roberto Carlos</b>, y surgió como un homenaje que este le hiciera a su gran amigo, el guitarrista <b>Erasmo Carlos</b>, quien además compusiera la música. Este dúo, junto a su trabajo artístico, se convirtieron en algo similar a los dúos Gardel -Lepera, o Lennon - Mcartney. Ambos, Roberto Carlos y Erasmo Carlos han compuesto canciones que se han convertido en verdaderos iconos de la música. Aquí les dejo mi entrada, al estilo del propio Roberto Carlos, a propósito de esta semana de <b>\"Lealtad y Fidelidad\"</b>. Solo espero que sea del agrado de ustedes.</p><br></div></div>\n\n<center>[<b>Hive Open Mic 88 <i>\"Friend\" / \"Amigo\"</i></b> - Cover by <b>@esteliopadilla</b>](</center>\n\n#\n# Friend\n#\n>>> You are my soul brother really a friend.\nThat in every journey and journey is always with me.\nEven though you are a man, you still have the soul of a child.\nThe one who gives me his friendship, his respect and affection.\n>>>#\n>>>I remember that together we had very hard times.\nAnd you did not change no matter how strong the winds were.\nYour heart is a house with open doors.\nYou are really the most certain in uncertain times.\n>>>#\n>>>In certain difficult moments in life.\nWe are looking for someone to help us find the way out.\nAnd that word of strength and faith that you have given me.\nIt gives me the certainty that you were always by my side.\n>>>#\n>>>You are my friend of the soul in all day.\nSmile and festive hug at every arrival.\nYou tell me such great truths with open sentences.\nYou are really the most certain of uncertain hours.\n>>>#\n>>>I do not even need to say, all that I tell you.\nBut it is good to feel that you are my great friend.\nI do not even need to say, all that I tell you.\nBut it is good that way to feel that I have a great friend.\n>>>#\n>>>I do not even need to say, all that I tell you.\nBut it is good to feel that you are my great friend.\nI do not even need to say, all that I tell you.\nBut it is good that way to feel that I have a great friend.\n\nComposers: <b>Roberto Carlos / Erasmo Carlos</b>\n\n#\n\n# Amigo\n#\n>>>Tú eres mi hermano del alma realmente un amigo\nQue en todo camino y jornada está siempre conmigo.\nAunque eres un hombre aun tienes alma de niño.\nAquel que me da su amistad, su respeto y cariño.\n>>>#\n>>>Recuerdo que juntos pasamos muy duros momentos.\nY tú no cambiaste por fuertes que fueran los vientos.\nEs tu corazón una casa de puertas abiertas.\nTú eres realmente el más cierto en horas inciertas.\n>>>#\n>>>En ciertos momentos difíciles que hay en la vida.\nBuscamos a quien nos ayude a encontrar la salida.\nY aquella palabra de fuerza y de fe que me has dado.\nMe da la certeza que siempre estuviste a mi lado.\n>>>#\n>>>Tú eres mi amigo del alma en toda jornada.\nSonrisa y abrazo festivo a cada llegada.\nMe dices verdades tan grandes con frases abiertas.\nTú eres realmente el más cierto de horas inciertas.\n>>>#\n>>>No preciso ni decir, todo eso que te digo.\nPero es bueno así sentir que eres tú mi gran amigo.\nNo preciso ni decir, todo eso que te digo.\nPero es bueno así sentir que yo tengo un gran amigo.\n>>>#\n>>>No preciso ni decir, todo eso que te digo.\nPero es bueno así sentir que eres tú mi gran amigo.\nNo preciso ni decir, todo eso que te digo.\nPero es bueno así sentir que yo tengo un gran amigo.\n\nCompositores: <b>Roberto Carlos / Erasmo Carlos</b>\n#\n\n\n<center>[ <center><b>Hive Open Mic 88 - \"Loyalty and Fidelity\" / \"Lealtad y Fidelidad\"</b></center>](</center>\n <div class=\"pull-left\">\n <div class=\"text-justify\"><p>I want to thank the <b>HIVE</b> Platform and, in the same way, the Global Community <b>Hive Open Mic</b> for this opportunity they give us to <b><i>celebrate live music and thus contribute to global harmony and world peace</i></b>. Also to our friends <b>@musicandreview</b> for choosing this beautiful theme <b>\"Loyalty and Fidelity\"</b> for this week. And following this orientation, the invitation is to <b>thank God for the beautiful gift he gives us every day</b>. That wonderful possibility to put ourselves on the side of good and move away from evil. And, thank God because music inspires us with the life we ​​want to live every new day ... our own life.</p><br></div></div>\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><p>Quiero agradecer a la Plataforma <b>HIVE</b> y, del mismo modo, a la Comunidad Global <b>Hive Open Mic</b> por esta oportunidad que nos brindan para <b><i>celebrar la música en vivo y contribuir, así, a la armonía global y a la paz del mundo</i></b>. También a nuestros amigos <b>@musicandreview</b> por elegir este hermoso tema <b>\"Lealtad y Fidelidad\"</b> para esta semana. Y siguiendo esa orientación, la invitación es <b>agradecer a Dios por el hermoso regalo que nos da todos los días</b>. Esa posibilidad maravillosa de ponernos del lado del bien y alejarnos del mal. Y, gracias a Dios porque la música nos inspira la vida que queremos vivir cada nuevo día... nuestra propia vida.</p><br></div></div>\n\n# <center><b>@esteliopadilla</b></center> #\n\n<center> </center> \n<center><b>Your comments and your vote are always welcome\n\n#\n🎧 Preven the Coronavirus 🎧 Stay home\n🎧 Keep your spaces clean 🎧 Have not fear 🎧\n🎧 This will happen 🎧</b></center>\n","tags":["openmic","livemusic","music","event","invitation","community","mih","creativecoin","spanish","blocktrades","threespeak","ocd","neoxian","upmewhale"]}}}"
json"{"author":"esteliopadilla","permlink":"ksvsikbm","category":"general","language":"en","duration":251.308,"title":"🎧 HIVE Open Mic 88 - 🎧 \"Amigo\" / \"Friend\" - Roberto Carlos 🎧 Cover by @esteliopadilla 🎧"}"