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Tx b8ada5af6b243bff42adf5868d201c950e9d3b3f@53483266

Included in block 53,483,266 at 2021-04-30 15:35:48 (UTC)

Raw transaction

expiration2021-04-30 15:36:45
title"What’s Changed Your Life The Most? + Ephemera Easter Egg Announcement!"
body"<center> ![]( </center>
## What’s Changed Your Life The Most? ##
Whenever I hear this question three things come to mind for me, personally:
<center> Writing; </center>
<center> Meditation; and </center>
<center> Cryptocurrency. </center>
Those three things fall in no particular order because I find it impossible to place any one of them above the other. All three of these things have given me more satisfaction, peace, and freedom than I could have possibly imagined.
When I look back on my decades’ long journey I’m sometimes in awe of how it all unfolded. I have a deep sense of gratitude for those who’ve shared their knowledge and helped me along the way.
I’m curious. *What Has Changed Your Life The Most?* Please share in the comments below.
## Combining Two Of My Favorite Things ##
<center> ![]( </center>
<center> *Ephemera’s Cover Art.* </center>
I didn’t want to share too much publicly about this easter egg until I had all of the details worked out but now I do so I wanted to make the announcement here on Hive first.
*Hidden within the pages of Ephemera are the credentials for a bitcoin wallet containing $500 worth of BTC (value at the time of wallet funding)!*
In the first couple of weeks following the launch I’m going to be posting clues on social media on how to solve the puzzle to find the credentials and claim the prize. It’s not going to be easy but it probably won’t take long for someone to find.
## “Whereas most technologies tend to automate workers on the periphery doing menial tasks, blockchains automate away the center. Instead of putting the taxi driver out of a job, blockchain puts Uber out of a job and lets the taxi drivers work with the customer directly. – Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum ##
Figuring out how to do this has given me an even greater understanding and appreciation for the ingeniousness behind the concept of bitcoin. I have no doubt that bitcoin will go down in history as one of the most important inventions of this century. This contest will be a lot of fun for me. I hope it exposes more people to cryptocurrency and the freedom it offers.
Ephemera is off to the book designer and we’ll be putting the finishing touches on the book over the next two-to-three weeks. I’ll have the official launch date soon but it’s safe to say it’ll be before the end of June. As always, you’ll hear it here first.
## A Poem From Ephemera ##
<center> ![]( </center>
<center> THE BLOCKCHAIN </center>
<center> The fear is gone,
we are no longer drawn,
into the yawn of
the alarm clock dawn. </center>
<center> The slender thread
of humanity is frayed,
we wring our gnarled hands,
suffer, weep, then pray. </center>
<center> Teary eyes are useless
when the mind can't see,
let your heart take you deeper
into this soliloquy. </center>
<center> Operating on the edge,
this idea has the power,
to free us from our bonds
and now is the hour. </center>
<center> Decentralized, dissolving power
from the harbingers of misery,
making words at last ring true...
*‘My country ‘tis of thee’.* </center>
<center> Our future is so fragile,
our reality — greed and pain,
it’s time for this binary savior,
unleash the blockchain. </center>
<center> ~EVW~ </center>
## If I Were To Create A Meditation App... ##
<center> ![]( </center> would be a LOT like [THIS ONE.](
I’ve always enjoyed the work of Vietnamese Buddhist monk, [Thich Nhat Hahn’s](, he truly has 'walked the talk'. This app from his group Plum Village makes it easier than ever to integrate mindfulness and meditation into your life. I’ve been exploring it now for a week and have been more impressed each day.
Want to add some peace to your life? If the answer is yes, the app is free and highly recommend you try it.

All for now.

With Gratitude,

Eric Vance Walton

(Gifs sourced from


<center> [![alt text](]( </center>
Most of us have experienced a moment of perfect peace at least once in our lives. In these moments we lose ourselves and feel connected to everything. I call these mindful moments. Words can’t describe how complete they make us feel.
These moments are usually fragile, evaporating in seconds. What if there was a way to train your mind to experience more of them? It’s deceptively easy and requires nothing more than a subtle shift in mindset. My new book, [Mindful Moments](, will teach you to be much more content despite the chaos and imperfect circumstances continuing to unfold around you. Upgrade your life experience today for only $15.99 on

# <center> Let’s Keep In Touch </center> #
<center> ![]( </center>

<center> []( </center>
<center> ![]( </center>"
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