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Tx c09cb09a1dec2685ab34f8cdc46b54c0e76c6d59@59523886

Included in block 59,523,886 at 2021-11-26 22:03:12 (UTC)

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expiration2021-11-26 22:13:06
title"Tocando Song 2 de Blur en la guitarra y el bajo (cover instrumental) ES/EN"
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json_metadata"{"tags":["openmic","musicforlife","music","spanish","cervantes","ocd","curie","proofofbrain","cover","rock"],"app":"3speak/0.3.0","type":"3speak/video","image":[""],"video":{"info":{"platform":"3speak","title":"Tocando Song 2 de Blur en la guitarra y el bajo (cover instrumental) ES/EN","author":"ismaelgranados","permlink":"rgsypzol","duration":122.197333,"filesize":48878741,"file":"VQoZGTNHdFiUeqsknjlOCpWWUYbcAFyypHzwHlnEkIKxaHfQaKeeErYCVuIjAAmQ.mp4","lang":"es","firstUpload":false,"ipfs":"QmQZEUe77tWyCGBwzTeavLHmzhLPmPt5H7wzz16JEPfrCr/default.m3u8","ipfsThumbnail":"QmQZEUe77tWyCGBwzTeavLHmzhLPmPt5H7wzz16JEPfrCr/thumbnail.png"},"content":{"description":"#\r\n<div class = \"text-justify\">\r\n\r\n\r\nHola amigos amantes de la música, hoy les traigo un nuevo cover de la banda Blur, una banda inglesa que me gusta mucho. Gracias a Hive he tenido la motivación para grabarme tocando muchas de las canciones que me gustan, la mayoría de los años 90, y hoy la novedad es que me he grabado tocando la canción a dos guitarras junto al bajo. \r\n\r\n> Hello friends music lovers, today I bring you a new cover of the band Blur, an English band that I like a lot. Thanks to Hive I have had the motivation to record myself playing many of the songs I like, most of them from the 90's, and today the novelty is that I have recorded myself playing the song with two guitars and bass.\r\n\r\n</div>\r\n<hr>\r\n\r\n#\r\n<div class = \"text-justify\">\r\n\r\n\r\nAntes de mostrarles el cover quiero ponerlos un poco en contexto, y es que Blur fue formada en Londres en 1988, el año de mi nacimiento, y se ha mantenido activa hasta la actualidad con algunas pauses temporales en algunos años. Esta banda está catalogada como una de las más icónicas del Birtpop un subgénero del rock alternativo nacido a principios de los 90.\r\n\r\n> Before showing you the cover I want to put you a little bit in context, and is that Blur was formed in London in 1988, the year of my birth, and has remained active until today with some temporary pauses in some years. This band is considered one of the most iconic bands of Birtpop, a subgenre of alternative rock born in the early 90s.\r\n\r\n</div>\r\n<hr>\r\n\r\n#\r\n<div class = \"text-justify\">\r\n\r\n\r\nLa canción que he decidido tocar para ustedes es Song 2, lanzada en 1997 en el segundo sencillo del quinto álbum de la banda titulado con el mismo nombre de la banda. Gracias a su video musical esta canción se popularizó rápidamente, según Wikipedia la canción tuvo dos nominaciones en los MTV Video Music Awards de 1997, en los Brit Awards de 1998 y los oyentes de BBC Radio 1 votaron a la canción como la 15º mejor canción de todos los tiempos. Y En 2011, la revista NME la colocó en el número 79 en una lista de las \"150 mejores canciones de los últimos 15 años.\r\n\r\n> The song I have decided to play for you is Song 2, released in 1997 as the second single from the band's fifth album of the same name. Thanks to its music video this song quickly became popular, according to Wikipedia the song had two nominations at the 1997 MTV Video Music Awards, at the 1998 Brit Awards and BBC Radio 1 listeners voted the song as the 15th best song of all time. And in 2011, NME magazine placed it at number 79 in a list of the \"150 best songs of the last 15 years.\r\n\r\n</div>\r\n<hr>\r\n\r\n#\r\n<div class = \"text-justify\">\r\n\r\n\r\nAhora bien acerca del cover, debido a que es una canción corta y que solo tiene un verso y un coro, es sumamente sencilla de memorizar y de tocar en la guitarra. El bajo por su parte es muy similar a la guitarra , pero destacan ciertos arreglos que le dan a la canción un matiz interesante y es la parte que más me gustó de tocar del bajo. Creo que es una canción con la que quienes están aprendiendo a tocar guitarra pueden practicar.\r\n\r\n> Now about the cover, because it is a short song with only one verse and one chorus, it is very easy to memorize and play on the guitar. The bass is very similar to the guitar, but there are certain arrangements that give the song an interesting nuance and that is the part I liked the most about playing the bass. I think it is a song that those who are learning to play guitar can practice with.\r\n\r\n</div>\r\n<hr>\r\n\r\n# Gracias por oírme, saludos a todos y que viva el Rock.\r\n>\t# Thanks for listening, greetings to all and long live to Rock.","tags":["openmic","musicforlife","music","spanish","cervantes","ocd","curie","proofofbrain","cover","rock"]}},"users":[],"format":"markdown","description":"Playing Song 2 by Blur in guitar and bass (instrumental cover)"}"