175.195 HP 0.000 HIVE 0.000 HBD
114 HP
87 moons
max_mana | 194,233,461,796 |
current_mana | 194,233,461,796 |
current_pct | 100 |
adjustment | "1.195 HP" |
comment | 1.2 |
vote | 0.077 |
transfer | 0.2 |
Id | 1,047,755 | ||||||
Name | alucian | ||||||
Posting json metadata | "{"profile":{"name":"ALUCIAN™","about":"Direkte zeitkettenbasierte Losdemokratie ( Nutt Los konsumieren!) /// Offizieller Gefährder! Vorsicht! <<<---Made in Germany /// Der will nur Reden^^ /// Stabilität und Sicherheit --- Dafür, stehe ich mit meinem Namen / Aluhohlisiert schreibt es sich manchmal auch ganz Gut/ Ich bin Spirituell, aber NICHT RELIGIÖS!!! / Schlange / FinTech-Spezialist / Vor und Nachweltdenker / Vergebung/ Kommentator / Parteilos! / NICHTWÄHLER! / Klopapierinvestor!!! / An und Ausnutzer / Shitresistent und ewig Renitent / Wer Lesen kann, ist Klar im Vorteil /// Bitcoin is Dead, you just do not know why :-P NO FINANCIAL ADVICE!!! /// MONERO / HIVE / BTG 比特黄金 / #CC / Only manual worker /// ALU´S MIND FACTOR :-D / \"Only\" Mineable Dude Zhash 144_5 Freak / Satire / Kneipenwirt / Allerlei geistiger Dünnpfiff / German Community Worker / Hive-Social-Engineer / Kohlmeise / HiQ- Schreiberling / Feuerhase/ Threecoiner / Rasierklingentänzer / Blockwork Orange: Selbstständiger-Miner und Schriftsteller / Change Manager / die Nadel / Blockchain-Architekt / Ideengeber / Ideennehmer / Schlichter / KI-Resistent / Erster Gesamtmenschheitstroller aller Zeiten / Erster im Grundlage dafür Schaffen/ The Key´s you will find in my comments and replies. ;-) PLEASE DO NOT: AUTOVOTE ME, COPIE ME / Eberesche / Zauberer mit eigener Denkfabrik / FOLLOW ME without REFLECTION / LIKE ME FOR LIKEing YOU / BE YOURSELF. NOT JUST A COPIE OF A COPIE FROM OTHERS / Gehirn-O-Mat-Betreiber, und EiweißComputer Liebhaber/ Visionär ohne Sinn und Verstand / Grundsatzregler / Quellenhasser / Euroverliebter / Inspirativer Transformator / Blasenplatzenlasser / CO²-Produzent / An und Aus- Denker / Genderverblödeter / ...ismus(s) Nichtmüsser und Alleskönner / Glaubenskrieger für den Unglauben / VerschwörungsEsotheriker*innen / Sascha Rene Eberth .V. // Neubert.M. / Anti-Anti-Verfechter / Popelfresser / Blockchainhasser / Primitivrealist / Bildungsfaschist / EVA-Liebhaber / Some day everybody knows who i was. But i am not sure somebody know what i am today. Staatenloser / Radikal / Mensch mit Unmenschlichkeiten / Rush-Gott / ÜberLeber / Bösewicht / Ungefragter / Minderheitenunterdrücker / Ex- Soldat / Weltbilderforscher / Wichtigtuer / Miner mit Herz / Wortverdreher / Immer noch Monologisierer Einzigartiger Dualist /Geduldiger / Geduldeter / Geiziger Hals / Sozial Media Hasser / Lebemann*innen / Luftschlossbauer / Paralellgesellschafter / @Commentcoin -Erfinder / Wortspieler / Leidenschaftlicher Kommentarspammer / Intoleranztolerierer / Schönling mit Hässlichkeiten / Klugscheißer, Dummabwischer / Blockwärter / Fanatiker / ASIC Resistent / Weltveränderer / Echthasser / Maximalist / Toxisch / Untoxisch / Neutral, aber nicht Objektiv / Nichtimmersomeiner / Verborgener Massenadaptierer /Analog und Digital Sozialanalyst /Wortschöpfer / Beschützer vor den bösen Männern / Ehebrecher auf Zeit / Vernunftsbasierter Wahnsinniger /101/ Informationskrieger / Arbeitsloser ohne Zeit, wegen zuviel Arbeit / Wortführer ohne Plan / Kunstfigur / Fleischfresser / Menschenfreund und Menschenfeind / Unlustiger Scherzkeks / Paradoxum Abstraktum Kuriosum/ Einzig wahrer HamsterGott / Giertolerant / Sporadischer Kiffer mit Kleingärtnerambitionen / Es gibt Menschen, die müssen nicht mal Kiffen, und Verblöden trotzdem vor dem Hanf. / Tausendsascha / Aspie / Dumm, weis sich aber zu Helfen / Kritiker ohne Kritik / Den Richtigen in die Suppe Spucker / Zukunftsnachrichtendienstleiter / Blockchainfütterer / Unerreichbarer Individualist mit Gemeinschaftssinn / Verkappter Philosoph / Todessehnsüchtiger / Antiautoritäre Autorität / Arschkriecher mit Gleitgel / Dikatator von Deutschland und der Welt / Halbhirnnutzer / Zcash- und Judenliebhaber / Lichtbringer / Dabei sein, oder nicht Dabei sein. Das ist des Miners Motto / Morgenstern / Selbstdarstellungsmeister / Ethereumhasser/ Computerhardwarefreak / Meinungsdiktator / Entkräfter / Entmachter / Selbstbescheiser / Erfinder von Unerfundenem / Arbeitsplatzwechsler / Unterjochungsspezialist / Psychologe mit Schäden / Abgebrochener Kaufmann / Drogenfreiheitsverfechter / Spielzeugzerstörer / Kapitalist ohne Kapital / Maximaler Minimalist / Student der Systeme / Bester Mann / Ewig Unwissender / Prediger mit inhaltslosen Inhalten / Wunde(n)rheiler / Seelsorger / Dicht(er) / Vielsprecher / Weltverbesserer / Schlechtmensch / Zwanghafter Monologisierer / Stupser / Double Tip for Tap Spieler / Reflektionär / Gedankenleser / Gedankenschreiber/ Wortstudent / EvolutionsTHEORIE Verweigerer / Sprachenverkrüppler / Jedermann und Niemannd / Regelbrecher / Minarchist / Lesehamster / Gefährder der Gefahren / Echtschreibassi / Moralapostel / Change Manager / Nörgler / Detailsich(t)er / Erst Bär, dann Bulle... / Seelenträger und wenig vieles mehr... Für mich, - Wesentlich... Danke für das Lesen und Schreiben. Header from: https://twitter.com/blauesLichtchen?s=20","website":"https://peakd.com/@alucian","location":"Germany / Berlin / Franken / Oberpfalz / Mittenwald","cover_image":"https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/alucian/aXQEhL4o-FunkeldasBlaueLicht.jpg","profile_image":"https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/alucian/20230807_172227.jpg","version":2,"portfolio":"","trail":true,"collections":"enabled","badges":{"highlighted":[],"hidden":["badge-534654","badge-428571","badge-463271","badge-912244","badge-199099","badge-210323"]}}}" | ||||||
Proxy | "" | ||||||
Previous owner update | 1970-01-01 00:00:00 | ||||||
Last owner update | 2020-04-05 08:35:18 | ||||||
Last account update | 2024-12-23 11:07:09 | ||||||
Created | 2018-06-19 09:35:24 | ||||||
Mined | false | ||||||
Recovery account | kristall97 | ||||||
Last account recovery | 1970-01-01 00:00:00 | ||||||
Reset account | null | ||||||
Post count | 19,041 | ||||||
Can vote | true | ||||||
Downvote manabar |
| ||||||
Balance | 0.000 HIVE | ||||||
Savings balance | 0.000 HIVE | ||||||
Hbd balance | 0.000 HBD | ||||||
Hbd seconds | 793,155 | ||||||
Hbd seconds last update | 2021-06-29 09:56:06 | ||||||
Hbd last interest payment | 2021-06-29 08:52:51 | ||||||
Savings hbd balance | 0.000 HBD | ||||||
Savings hbd seconds | 0 | ||||||
Savings hbd seconds last update | 2020-09-09 16:18:39 | ||||||
Savings hbd last interest payment | 2020-09-09 16:18:39 | ||||||
Savings withdraw requests | 0 | ||||||
Reward hbd balance | 0.000 HBD | ||||||
Reward hive balance | 0.000 HIVE | ||||||
Reward vesting balance | 6.766312 VESTS | ||||||
Reward vesting hive | 0.004 HIVE | ||||||
Vesting shares | 296,175.578897 VESTS | ||||||
Delegated vesting shares | 85,140.122921 VESTS | ||||||
Received vesting shares | 0.000000 VESTS | ||||||
Vesting withdraw rate | 18,822.743153 VESTS | ||||||
Post voting power | 211,035.455976 VESTS | ||||||
Next vesting withdrawal | "" | ||||||
Withdrawn | 37,645,486,306 | ||||||
To withdraw | 244,695,660,978 | ||||||
Withdraw routes | 0 | ||||||
Pending transfers | 0 | ||||||
Curation rewards | 471,898 | ||||||
Posting rewards | 6,307,961 | ||||||
Proxied vsf votes | 0.000000 VESTS | ||||||
Witnesses voted for | 30 | ||||||
Last post | 2025-01-14 15:29:33 | ||||||
Last root post | 2025-01-14 15:29:33 | ||||||
Last vote time | 2025-01-14 15:03:27 | ||||||
Pending claimed accounts | 2 | ||||||
Governance vote expiration ts | 2025-12-19 00:56:15 | ||||||
Delayed votes | [] | ||||||
Open recurrent transfers | 0 | ||||||
Reputation | 152,574,909,642,133 | ||||||
Sbd balance | 0.000 HBD | ||||||
Savings sbd balance | 0.000 HBD |
{"profile":{"name":"ALUCIAN","about":"Alu´s Mind Factor :-D","website":"https://discord.gg/djBYnw","location":"Germany","cover_image":"https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQme5NHWNPhJfCJ7V5Vst7sX6Z47nvkzG81rAAPtkUy1iXx/Back.png","profile_image":"https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmedd25frk25tUKEWhNVaYmjjDFPpbzZvFFA2CoJBej41L/steeemitprofil.png"},"beneficiaries":[{"name":"hive.helps","weight":500,"label":"custom"},{"name":"udabeu","weight":500,"label":"custom"}]}
Owner | |
STM4zWbo4SrBxWDe7LvqFLgzYx5uN3NMSxnrdfBgt7qPGfY6nzK39 |
Active | |
STM8gG7uwcin2t75woU9fHD5rw6s6PKQtRXvadJEYtREzz6Xu7VSS |
Posting | |||
threespeak | 1 | 10% | |
steemauto | 1 | 10% | |
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partiko-steemcon | 1 | 10% | |
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nc-client | 1 | 10% | |
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STM6xfQwmzhGsATxvQgxvdm85AqhVBvCrAwezGVZWFnzjWraYCXLv | 1 | 10% | |
Threshold | 1 | 10% |
Memo | |
STM7DScy7Zw8hHHRdD3Kc8dSoMRMMKbg677byyrXh9Mx1C8WGw4uq |
voter | reiseamateur |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 270,504,952,429 |
rshares | 270,504,952,429 |
total_vote_weight | 2,263,805,818,652 |
pending_payout | 1.444 HBD |
author | alucian |
permlink | braver-hive-lasst-dich-net-vom-doofen-bitcoin-beeindrucken-karlsen-auch-net |
author | alucian |
permlink | braver-hive-lasst-dich-net-vom-doofen-bitcoin-beeindrucken-karlsen-auch-net |
payout | 1.040 HBD |
author_rewards | 0 |
total_payout_value | 0.000 HBD |
curator_payout_value | 0.516 HBD |
beneficiary_payout_value | 0.524 HBD |
voter | linuxbot |
author | alucian |
permlink | wir-manner-und-sicher-auch-frauen-aber-ich-habe-keine-ahnung-mussen-uns-doch-irgendwie-berufen-fuhlen-konnen-damit-wir-gluckl |
weight | 5,932,355,245 |
rshares | 5,932,355,245 |
total_vote_weight | 977,789,739,910 |
pending_payout | 0.632 HBD |
voter | linuxbot |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 5,980,452,347 |
rshares | 5,980,452,347 |
total_vote_weight | 1,993,300,866,223 |
pending_payout | 1.290 HBD |
voter | charlissy |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 103,123,702,808 |
rshares | 103,123,702,808 |
total_vote_weight | 1,987,320,413,876 |
pending_payout | 1.286 HBD |
voter | condeas |
author | alucian |
permlink | wir-manner-und-sicher-auch-frauen-aber-ich-habe-keine-ahnung-mussen-uns-doch-irgendwie-berufen-fuhlen-konnen-damit-wir-gluckl |
weight | 367,839,407,465 |
rshares | 367,839,407,465 |
total_vote_weight | 971,857,384,665 |
pending_payout | 0.629 HBD |
voter | condeas |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 370,793,609,937 |
rshares | 370,793,609,937 |
total_vote_weight | 1,884,196,711,068 |
pending_payout | 1.219 HBD |
voter | lolz.pool |
author | alucian |
permlink | wir-manner-und-sicher-auch-frauen-aber-ich-habe-keine-ahnung-mussen-uns-doch-irgendwie-berufen-fuhlen-konnen-damit-wir-gluckl |
weight | 458,935,274 |
rshares | 458,935,274 |
total_vote_weight | 604,017,977,200 |
pending_payout | 0.391 HBD |
voter | jeyf123 |
author | alucian |
permlink | wir-manner-und-sicher-auch-frauen-aber-ich-habe-keine-ahnung-mussen-uns-doch-irgendwie-berufen-fuhlen-konnen-damit-wir-gluckl |
weight | 159,030,542,206 |
rshares | 159,030,542,206 |
total_vote_weight | 603,559,041,926 |
pending_payout | 0.391 HBD |
voter | kissi |
author | alucian |
permlink | wir-manner-und-sicher-auch-frauen-aber-ich-habe-keine-ahnung-mussen-uns-doch-irgendwie-berufen-fuhlen-konnen-damit-wir-gluckl |
weight | 16,598,210,082 |
rshares | 16,598,210,082 |
total_vote_weight | 444,528,499,720 |
pending_payout | 0.288 HBD |
voter | rcshad0w |
author | alucian |
permlink | wir-manner-und-sicher-auch-frauen-aber-ich-habe-keine-ahnung-mussen-uns-doch-irgendwie-berufen-fuhlen-konnen-damit-wir-gluckl |
weight | 43,393,924,822 |
rshares | 43,393,924,822 |
total_vote_weight | 427,930,289,638 |
pending_payout | 0.277 HBD |
voter | kaldewei |
author | alucian |
permlink | wir-manner-und-sicher-auch-frauen-aber-ich-habe-keine-ahnung-mussen-uns-doch-irgendwie-berufen-fuhlen-konnen-damit-wir-gluckl |
weight | 689,300,660 |
rshares | 689,300,660 |
total_vote_weight | 384,536,364,816 |
pending_payout | 0.249 HBD |
voter | dotwin1981 |
author | alucian |
permlink | wir-manner-und-sicher-auch-frauen-aber-ich-habe-keine-ahnung-mussen-uns-doch-irgendwie-berufen-fuhlen-konnen-damit-wir-gluckl |
weight | 187,630,233,960 |
rshares | 187,630,233,960 |
total_vote_weight | 383,847,064,156 |
pending_payout | 0.249 HBD |
voter | crimo |
author | alucian |
permlink | wir-manner-und-sicher-auch-frauen-aber-ich-habe-keine-ahnung-mussen-uns-doch-irgendwie-berufen-fuhlen-konnen-damit-wir-gluckl |
weight | 591,827,786 |
rshares | 591,827,786 |
total_vote_weight | 196,216,830,196 |
pending_payout | 0.127 HBD |
voter | fw206 |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 911,719,307,424 |
rshares | 911,719,307,424 |
total_vote_weight | 1,513,403,101,131 |
pending_payout | 0.982 HBD |
voter | blackmedschn |
author | alucian |
permlink | wir-manner-und-sicher-auch-frauen-aber-ich-habe-keine-ahnung-mussen-uns-doch-irgendwie-berufen-fuhlen-konnen-damit-wir-gluckl |
weight | 9,138,072,465 |
rshares | 9,138,072,465 |
total_vote_weight | 195,625,002,410 |
pending_payout | 0.126 HBD |
voter | sniem5180 |
author | alucian |
permlink | wir-manner-und-sicher-auch-frauen-aber-ich-habe-keine-ahnung-mussen-uns-doch-irgendwie-berufen-fuhlen-konnen-damit-wir-gluckl |
weight | 1,366,111,565 |
rshares | 1,366,111,565 |
total_vote_weight | 186,486,929,945 |
pending_payout | 0.121 HBD |
voter | tokenindustry |
author | alucian |
permlink | wir-manner-und-sicher-auch-frauen-aber-ich-habe-keine-ahnung-mussen-uns-doch-irgendwie-berufen-fuhlen-konnen-damit-wir-gluckl |
weight | 1,857,373,849 |
rshares | 1,857,373,849 |
total_vote_weight | 185,120,818,380 |
pending_payout | 0.120 HBD |
voter | xchng |
author | alucian |
permlink | wir-manner-und-sicher-auch-frauen-aber-ich-habe-keine-ahnung-mussen-uns-doch-irgendwie-berufen-fuhlen-konnen-damit-wir-gluckl |
weight | 26,389,615,786 |
rshares | 26,389,615,786 |
total_vote_weight | 183,263,444,531 |
pending_payout | 0.118 HBD |
voter | meins0815 |
author | alucian |
permlink | wir-manner-und-sicher-auch-frauen-aber-ich-habe-keine-ahnung-mussen-uns-doch-irgendwie-berufen-fuhlen-konnen-damit-wir-gluckl |
weight | 10,691,210,425 |
rshares | 10,691,210,425 |
total_vote_weight | 156,873,828,745 |
pending_payout | 0.101 HBD |
voter | joeyarnoldvn |
author | alucian |
permlink | wir-manner-und-sicher-auch-frauen-aber-ich-habe-keine-ahnung-mussen-uns-doch-irgendwie-berufen-fuhlen-konnen-damit-wir-gluckl |
weight | 457,217,216 |
rshares | 457,217,216 |
total_vote_weight | 146,182,618,320 |
pending_payout | 0.094 HBD |
voter | matschi |
author | alucian |
permlink | wir-manner-und-sicher-auch-frauen-aber-ich-habe-keine-ahnung-mussen-uns-doch-irgendwie-berufen-fuhlen-konnen-damit-wir-gluckl |
weight | 5,952,857,277 |
rshares | 5,952,857,277 |
total_vote_weight | 145,725,401,104 |
pending_payout | 0.094 HBD |
voter | dreimaldad |
author | alucian |
permlink | wir-manner-und-sicher-auch-frauen-aber-ich-habe-keine-ahnung-mussen-uns-doch-irgendwie-berufen-fuhlen-konnen-damit-wir-gluckl |
weight | 85,466,129,890 |
rshares | 85,466,129,890 |
total_vote_weight | 139,772,543,827 |
pending_payout | 0.090 HBD |
voter | udabeu |
author | alucian |
permlink | wir-manner-und-sicher-auch-frauen-aber-ich-habe-keine-ahnung-mussen-uns-doch-irgendwie-berufen-fuhlen-konnen-damit-wir-gluckl |
weight | 35,105,851,411 |
rshares | 35,105,851,411 |
total_vote_weight | 54,306,413,937 |
pending_payout | 0.035 HBD |
voter | syalla |
author | alucian |
permlink | wir-manner-und-sicher-auch-frauen-aber-ich-habe-keine-ahnung-mussen-uns-doch-irgendwie-berufen-fuhlen-konnen-damit-wir-gluckl |
weight | 11,810,472,110 |
rshares | 11,810,472,110 |
total_vote_weight | 19,200,562,526 |
pending_payout | 0.012 HBD |
voter | dachcolony |
author | alucian |
permlink | wir-manner-und-sicher-auch-frauen-aber-ich-habe-keine-ahnung-mussen-uns-doch-irgendwie-berufen-fuhlen-konnen-damit-wir-gluckl |
weight | 4,475,778,262 |
rshares | 4,475,778,262 |
total_vote_weight | 7,390,090,416 |
pending_payout | 0.004 HBD |
voter | indextrader24 |
author | alucian |
permlink | wir-manner-und-sicher-auch-frauen-aber-ich-habe-keine-ahnung-mussen-uns-doch-irgendwie-berufen-fuhlen-konnen-damit-wir-gluckl |
weight | 1,367,094,700 |
rshares | 1,367,094,700 |
total_vote_weight | 2,914,312,154 |
pending_payout | 0.001 HBD |
voter | stinalovesyou |
author | alucian |
permlink | wir-manner-und-sicher-auch-frauen-aber-ich-habe-keine-ahnung-mussen-uns-doch-irgendwie-berufen-fuhlen-konnen-damit-wir-gluckl |
weight | 849,992,998 |
rshares | 849,992,998 |
total_vote_weight | 1,547,217,454 |
pending_payout | 0.001 HBD |
voter | kristall97 |
author | alucian |
permlink | wir-manner-und-sicher-auch-frauen-aber-ich-habe-keine-ahnung-mussen-uns-doch-irgendwie-berufen-fuhlen-konnen-damit-wir-gluckl |
weight | 697,224,456 |
rshares | 697,224,456 |
total_vote_weight | 697,224,456 |
pending_payout | 0.000 HBD |
voter | der-prophet |
author | alucian |
permlink | re-der-prophet-sq33b6 |
weight | 252,635,569,301 |
rshares | 252,635,569,301 |
total_vote_weight | 252,635,569,301 |
pending_payout | 0.164 HBD |
voter | alucian |
author | der-prophet |
permlink | re-alucian-2025114t113032314z |
weight | 3,794,254,257 |
rshares | 3,794,254,257 |
total_vote_weight | 3,794,254,257 |
pending_payout | 0.002 HBD |
voter | jeyf123 |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 159,312,432,421 |
rshares | 159,312,432,421 |
total_vote_weight | 601,683,793,707 |
pending_payout | 0.392 HBD |
voter | kissi |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 16,515,922,241 |
rshares | 16,515,922,241 |
total_vote_weight | 442,371,361,286 |
pending_payout | 0.288 HBD |
voter | kaldewei |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 678,331,754 |
rshares | 678,331,754 |
total_vote_weight | 425,855,439,045 |
pending_payout | 0.278 HBD |
voter | dotwin1981 |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 185,132,087,369 |
rshares | 185,132,087,369 |
total_vote_weight | 425,177,107,291 |
pending_payout | 0.277 HBD |
voter | crimo |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 582,744,839 |
rshares | 582,744,839 |
total_vote_weight | 240,045,019,922 |
pending_payout | 0.156 HBD |
voter | blackmedschn |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 9,217,657,534 |
rshares | 9,217,657,534 |
total_vote_weight | 239,462,275,083 |
pending_payout | 0.156 HBD |
voter | tokenindustry |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 1,880,654,675 |
rshares | 1,880,654,675 |
total_vote_weight | 230,244,617,549 |
pending_payout | 0.150 HBD |
voter | meins0815 |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 10,597,197,985 |
rshares | 10,597,197,985 |
total_vote_weight | 228,363,962,874 |
pending_payout | 0.149 HBD |
voter | augustimo |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 7,498,578,627 |
rshares | 7,498,578,627 |
total_vote_weight | 217,766,764,889 |
pending_payout | 0.142 HBD |
voter | xchng |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 26,910,880,712 |
rshares | 26,910,880,712 |
total_vote_weight | 210,268,186,262 |
pending_payout | 0.137 HBD |
voter | matschi |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 5,945,376,256 |
rshares | 5,945,376,256 |
total_vote_weight | 183,357,305,550 |
pending_payout | 0.119 HBD |
voter | dreimaldad |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 84,707,270,998 |
rshares | 84,707,270,998 |
total_vote_weight | 177,411,929,294 |
pending_payout | 0.115 HBD |
voter | syalla |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 11,855,457,676 |
rshares | 11,855,457,676 |
total_vote_weight | 92,704,658,296 |
pending_payout | 0.060 HBD |
voter | udabeu |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 35,545,078,963 |
rshares | 35,545,078,963 |
total_vote_weight | 80,849,200,620 |
pending_payout | 0.052 HBD |
voter | dachcolony |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 4,441,270,897 |
rshares | 4,441,270,897 |
total_vote_weight | 45,304,121,657 |
pending_payout | 0.029 HBD |
voter | indextrader24 |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 1,344,132,809 |
rshares | 1,344,132,809 |
total_vote_weight | 40,862,850,760 |
pending_payout | 0.026 HBD |
voter | kristall97 |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 698,332,453 |
rshares | 698,332,453 |
total_vote_weight | 39,518,717,951 |
pending_payout | 0.025 HBD |
voter | stinalovesyou |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 849,992,998 |
rshares | 849,992,998 |
total_vote_weight | 38,820,385,498 |
pending_payout | 0.025 HBD |
voter | aichanbot |
author | alucian |
permlink | das-konnte-auch-dein-techno-opa-sein-mal-wieder-was-gutes-auf-die-ohren-geteilt-- |
weight | 37,970,392,500 |
rshares | 37,970,392,500 |
total_vote_weight | 37,970,392,500 |
pending_payout | 0.024 HBD |
voter | der-prophet |
author | alucian |
permlink | re-der-prophet-sq2pjc |
weight | 247,575,228,599 |
rshares | 247,575,228,599 |
total_vote_weight | 247,575,228,599 |
pending_payout | 0.160 HBD |
required_auths |
| ||
required_posting_auths | [] | ||
id | ssc-mainnet-hive | ||
json | "{"contractName":"tokens","contractAction":"transfer","contractPayload":{"symbol":"SWAP.LTC","to":"btc-swap","quantity":"0.05734004","memo":"LTC LUG6GhgCmmk4rbsvxK3P2mZAqbdAMprf8h"}}" |
required_auths |
| ||
required_posting_auths | [] | ||
id | ssc-mainnet-hive | ||
json | {"contractName":"market","contractAction":"buy","contractPayload":{"symbol":"SWAP.LTC","quantity":"0.05734004","price":"207.28971943"}} |
voter | alucian |
author | der-prophet |
permlink | re-alucian-2025114t64016732z |
weight | 3,794,254,257 |
rshares | 3,794,254,257 |
total_vote_weight | 3,794,254,257 |
pending_payout | 0.002 HBD |
voter | alucian |
author | der-prophet |
permlink | re-alucian-2025113t161149821z |
weight | 3,794,254,257 |
rshares | 3,794,254,257 |
total_vote_weight | 3,794,254,257 |
pending_payout | 0.002 HBD |
voter | petcurry |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 0 |
rshares | 0 |
total_vote_weight | 1,238,324,955,396 |
pending_payout | 0.813 HBD |
voter | lolz.weed |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 0 |
rshares | 0 |
total_vote_weight | 1,238,324,955,396 |
pending_payout | 0.809 HBD |
voter | magic.weed |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 0 |
rshares | 0 |
total_vote_weight | 1,238,324,955,396 |
pending_payout | 0.809 HBD |
voter | egistar |
author | alucian |
permlink | 3-tage-oder-so-habe-ich-fur-den-laptop-jetzt-gebraucht |
weight | 5,094,746,154 |
rshares | 5,094,746,154 |
total_vote_weight | 2,688,102,138,530 |
pending_payout | 1.763 HBD |
voter | shinpurple |
author | alucian |
permlink | 3-tage-oder-so-habe-ich-fur-den-laptop-jetzt-gebraucht |
weight | 1,910,575,489 |
rshares | 1,910,575,489 |
total_vote_weight | 2,683,007,392,376 |
pending_payout | 1.760 HBD |
voter | m1sterjw |
author | alucian |
permlink | 3-tage-oder-so-habe-ich-fur-den-laptop-jetzt-gebraucht |
weight | 1,628,474,497 |
rshares | 1,628,474,497 |
total_vote_weight | 2,681,096,816,887 |
pending_payout | 1.758 HBD |
voter | dach-support |
author | alucian |
permlink | 3-tage-oder-so-habe-ich-fur-den-laptop-jetzt-gebraucht |
weight | 866,476,051,979 |
rshares | 866,476,051,979 |
total_vote_weight | 2,679,468,342,390 |
pending_payout | 1.757 HBD |
voter | linuxbot |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 5,539,823,702 |
rshares | 5,539,823,702 |
total_vote_weight | 1,238,324,955,396 |
pending_payout | 0.812 HBD |
voter | condeas |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 334,821,214,175 |
rshares | 334,821,214,175 |
total_vote_weight | 1,232,785,131,694 |
pending_payout | 0.808 HBD |
voter | linuxbot |
author | alucian |
permlink | 3-tage-oder-so-habe-ich-fur-den-laptop-jetzt-gebraucht |
weight | 5,932,628,180 |
rshares | 5,932,628,180 |
total_vote_weight | 1,812,992,290,411 |
pending_payout | 1.189 HBD |
voter | condeas |
author | alucian |
permlink | 3-tage-oder-so-habe-ich-fur-den-laptop-jetzt-gebraucht |
weight | 359,787,559,495 |
rshares | 359,787,559,495 |
total_vote_weight | 1,807,059,662,231 |
pending_payout | 1.185 HBD |
author | alucian |
permlink | hmmmmm-ich-habe-keine-ahnung |
payout | 0.627 HBD |
author_rewards | 2 |
total_payout_value | 0.000 HBD |
curator_payout_value | 0.309 HBD |
beneficiary_payout_value | 0.316 HBD |
voter | der-prophet |
author | alucian |
permlink | re-der-prophet-sq18rn |
weight | 67,224,796,693 |
rshares | 67,224,796,693 |
total_vote_weight | 67,224,796,693 |
pending_payout | 0.044 HBD |
voter | alucian |
author | der-prophet |
permlink | re-alucian-2025113t15411283z |
weight | 4,170,709,120 |
rshares | 4,170,709,120 |
total_vote_weight | 4,170,709,120 |
pending_payout | 0.002 HBD |
voter | der-prophet |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 236,792,863,719 |
rshares | 236,792,863,719 |
total_vote_weight | 897,963,917,519 |
pending_payout | 0.593 HBD |
voter | jeyf123 |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 151,975,322,691 |
rshares | 151,975,322,691 |
total_vote_weight | 661,171,053,800 |
pending_payout | 0.436 HBD |
voter | kissi |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 16,551,295,816 |
rshares | 16,551,295,816 |
total_vote_weight | 509,195,731,109 |
pending_payout | 0.336 HBD |
voter | kaldewei |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 660,966,231 |
rshares | 660,966,231 |
total_vote_weight | 492,644,435,293 |
pending_payout | 0.325 HBD |
voter | andylein |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 100,882,550,525 |
rshares | 100,882,550,525 |
total_vote_weight | 491,983,469,062 |
pending_payout | 0.324 HBD |
voter | dotwin1981 |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 184,153,731,877 |
rshares | 184,153,731,877 |
total_vote_weight | 391,100,918,537 |
pending_payout | 0.258 HBD |
voter | blackmedschn |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 9,063,884,997 |
rshares | 9,063,884,997 |
total_vote_weight | 206,947,186,660 |
pending_payout | 0.136 HBD |
voter | tokenindustry |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 1,845,738,968 |
rshares | 1,845,738,968 |
total_vote_weight | 197,883,301,663 |
pending_payout | 0.130 HBD |
voter | lauchmelder |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 2,563,872,564 |
rshares | 2,563,872,564 |
total_vote_weight | 196,037,562,695 |
pending_payout | 0.129 HBD |
voter | matschi |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 6,067,032,841 |
rshares | 6,067,032,841 |
total_vote_weight | 193,473,690,131 |
pending_payout | 0.127 HBD |
voter | dreimaldad |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 84,480,384,858 |
rshares | 84,480,384,858 |
total_vote_weight | 187,406,657,290 |
pending_payout | 0.123 HBD |
voter | joeyarnoldvn |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 457,254,161 |
rshares | 457,254,161 |
total_vote_weight | 102,926,272,432 |
pending_payout | 0.067 HBD |
voter | augustimo |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 7,497,834,481 |
rshares | 7,497,834,481 |
total_vote_weight | 102,469,018,271 |
pending_payout | 0.067 HBD |
voter | steemillu |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 4,121,658,438 |
rshares | 4,121,658,438 |
total_vote_weight | 94,971,183,790 |
pending_payout | 0.062 HBD |
voter | xchng |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 26,163,386,005 |
rshares | 26,163,386,005 |
total_vote_weight | 90,849,525,352 |
pending_payout | 0.059 HBD |
voter | syalla |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 11,853,529,618 |
rshares | 11,853,529,618 |
total_vote_weight | 64,686,139,347 |
pending_payout | 0.042 HBD |
voter | udabeu |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 35,260,978,100 |
rshares | 35,260,978,100 |
total_vote_weight | 52,832,609,729 |
pending_payout | 0.034 HBD |
voter | freiheit50 |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 687,870,973 |
rshares | 687,870,973 |
total_vote_weight | 17,571,631,629 |
pending_payout | 0.011 HBD |
voter | dachcolony |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 4,372,832,967 |
rshares | 4,372,832,967 |
total_vote_weight | 16,883,760,656 |
pending_payout | 0.011 HBD |
voter | kgsupport |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 1,850,855,503 |
rshares | 1,850,855,503 |
total_vote_weight | 12,510,927,689 |
pending_payout | 0.008 HBD |
voter | driveforkids |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 2,511,849,544 |
rshares | 2,511,849,544 |
total_vote_weight | 10,660,072,186 |
pending_payout | 0.007 HBD |
voter | voter |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 5,232,883,799 |
rshares | 5,232,883,799 |
total_vote_weight | 8,148,222,642 |
pending_payout | 0.005 HBD |
voter | indextrader24 |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 1,341,848,437 |
rshares | 1,341,848,437 |
total_vote_weight | 2,915,338,843 |
pending_payout | 0.001 HBD |
voter | stinalovesyou |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 843,735,823 |
rshares | 843,735,823 |
total_vote_weight | 1,573,490,406 |
pending_payout | 0.001 HBD |
voter | kristall97 |
author | alucian |
permlink | afdwill-cannabis-wieder-verbieten |
weight | 729,754,583 |
rshares | 729,754,583 |
total_vote_weight | 729,754,583 |
pending_payout | 0.000 HBD |
voter | bitandi |
author | alucian |
permlink | 3-tage-oder-so-habe-ich-fur-den-laptop-jetzt-gebraucht |
weight | 99,334,973,567 |
rshares | 99,334,973,567 |
total_vote_weight | 1,447,272,102,736 |
pending_payout | 0.955 HBD |
voter | zuerich |
author | alucian |
permlink | 3-tage-oder-so-habe-ich-fur-den-laptop-jetzt-gebraucht |
weight | 513,583,851,951 |
rshares | 513,583,851,951 |
total_vote_weight | 1,347,937,129,169 |
pending_payout | 0.888 HBD |
voter | siphon |
author | alucian |
permlink | 3-tage-oder-so-habe-ich-fur-den-laptop-jetzt-gebraucht |
weight | 80,705,685,526 |
rshares | 80,705,685,526 |
total_vote_weight | 834,353,277,218 |
pending_payout | 0.547 HBD |
voter | surrealworld |
author | alucian |
permlink | 3-tage-oder-so-habe-ich-fur-den-laptop-jetzt-gebraucht |
weight | 3,766,755,340 |
rshares | 3,766,755,340 |
total_vote_weight | 753,647,591,692 |
pending_payout | 0.500 HBD |
voter | joslud |
author | alucian |
permlink | 3-tage-oder-so-habe-ich-fur-den-laptop-jetzt-gebraucht |
weight | 1,198,159,206 |
rshares | 1,198,159,206 |
total_vote_weight | 749,880,836,352 |
pending_payout | 0.497 HBD |
voter | jeyf123 |
author | alucian |
permlink | 3-tage-oder-so-habe-ich-fur-den-laptop-jetzt-gebraucht |
weight | 154,530,177,088 |
rshares | 154,530,177,088 |
total_vote_weight | 748,682,677,146 |
pending_payout | 0.496 HBD |
voter | kissi |
author | alucian |
permlink | 3-tage-oder-so-habe-ich-fur-den-laptop-jetzt-gebraucht |
weight | 15,606,152,056 |
rshares | 15,606,152,056 |
total_vote_weight | 594,152,500,058 |
pending_payout | 0.394 HBD |
voter | rcshad0w |
author | alucian |
permlink | 3-tage-oder-so-habe-ich-fur-den-laptop-jetzt-gebraucht |
weight | 43,613,528,582 |
rshares | 43,613,528,582 |
total_vote_weight | 578,546,348,002 |
pending_payout | 0.383 HBD |
voter | kaldewei |
author | alucian |
permlink | 3-tage-oder-so-habe-ich-fur-den-laptop-jetzt-gebraucht |
weight | 696,536,209 |
rshares | 696,536,209 |
total_vote_weight | 534,932,819,420 |
pending_payout | 0.354 HBD |
voter | andylein |
author | alucian |
permlink | 3-tage-oder-so-habe-ich-fur-den-laptop-jetzt-gebraucht |
weight | 101,308,919,449 |
rshares | 101,308,919,449 |
total_vote_weight | 534,236,283,211 |
pending_payout | 0.354 HBD |
voter | dotwin1981 |
author | alucian |
permlink | 3-tage-oder-so-habe-ich-fur-den-laptop-jetzt-gebraucht |
weight | 193,704,051,476 |
rshares | 193,704,051,476 |
total_vote_weight | 432,927,363,762 |
pending_payout | 0.287 HBD |
voter | crimo |
author | alucian |
permlink | 3-tage-oder-so-habe-ich-fur-den-laptop-jetzt-gebraucht |
weight | 586,781,146 |
rshares | 586,781,146 |
total_vote_weight | 239,223,312,286 |
pending_payout | 0.158 HBD |
voter | lauchmelder |
author | alucian |
permlink | 3-tage-oder-so-habe-ich-fur-den-laptop-jetzt-gebraucht |
weight | 2,564,007,258 |
rshares | 2,564,007,258 |
total_vote_weight | 238,636,531,140 |
pending_payout | 0.158 HBD |
voter | blackmedschn |
author | alucian |
permlink | 3-tage-oder-so-habe-ich-fur-den-laptop-jetzt-gebraucht |
weight | 9,230,237,059 |
rshares | 9,230,237,059 |
total_vote_weight | 236,072,523,882 |
pending_payout | 0.156 HBD |
voter | tokenindustry |
author | alucian |
permlink | 3-tage-oder-so-habe-ich-fur-den-laptop-jetzt-gebraucht |
weight | 1,897,965,119 |
rshares | 1,897,965,119 |
total_vote_weight | 226,842,286,823 |
pending_payout | 0.150 HBD |
voter | xchng |
author | alucian |
permlink | 3-tage-oder-so-habe-ich-fur-den-laptop-jetzt-gebraucht |
weight | 26,445,519,141 |
rshares | 26,445,519,141 |
total_vote_weight | 224,944,321,704 |
pending_payout | 0.149 HBD |
voter | augustimo |
author | alucian |
permlink | 3-tage-oder-so-habe-ich-fur-den-laptop-jetzt-gebraucht |
weight | 7,497,834,481 |
rshares | 7,497,834,481 |
total_vote_weight | 198,498,802,563 |
pending_payout | 0.131 HBD |