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Reflejo mortal... [ESP] // Deadly reflex... [ENG] || HISTORIAS ANIVERSARIAS by fermionico

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· @fermionico · (edited)
Reflejo mortal... [ESP] // Deadly reflex... [ENG] || HISTORIAS ANIVERSARIAS
<div class= 'text-justify'>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;El ladrido de los perros rompió la tranquilidad de la apacible mañana y sonó el timbre de la puerta principal. El alboroto era causado por una vecina de la urbanización, quien había convenido trabajar en los bancos altos del kitchenette de la residencia. Estaban forrados de tela y se encontraban en una condición donde el roce de los usuarios, habían producido estiramientos de la tela al punto del rompimiento y en la expulsión de las grapas que sostienen el forro, causando incómodas punzadas a los visitantes. 

> The barking of the dogs broke the calm of the peaceful morning and the doorbell rang at the main gate. The commotion was caused by a neighbor of the urbanization, who had agreed to work on the high benches of the kitchenette of the residence. They were lined with fabric and were in a condition where the rubbing of the users had produced stretching of the fabric to the point of breaking and in the expulsion of the staples that hold the lining, causing uncomfortable punctures to the visitors.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;La esposa del artista hogareño, había acordado la cita con la vecina avenida en tapicera de urgencia, porque ya daba pena a ambos el malestar ocasionado involuntariamente a quienes decidían visitar a la pareja. Era lo más sensato. Se acercó a la puerta pequeña incrustada en el portón y abrió a la señora, la cual traía en un bolso las herramientas que usaría para acometer la tarea. Una vez dentro, el artista fue llamado a saludar y compartir un café mañanero con ambas. 

> The wife of the home-based artist had arranged an appointment with the neighboring avenue in an emergency upholsterer, because both of them were already sorry for the discomfort involuntarily caused to those who decided to visit the couple. It was the most sensible thing to do. She approached the small door embedded in the gate and opened it to the lady, who was carrying in a bag the tools she would use for the task. Once inside, the artist was called to say hello and share a morning coffee with both of them. 
<center> ![IMG_20210119_095041293.jpg](
<sub> Image by @fermionico with Smartphone *Moto G5 Plus* in Maracay, Aragua, Venezuela</sub>
<center> ![Firma Fermionico_Mesa de trabajo 1616.png](
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Aceptó de mala gana, más por cortesía que porque quisiera departir con dos damas; más proclives las dos a charlar sobre los *últimos acontecimientos* de la vida vecinal, que de tener una conversación fluida sobre temas de interés para el creativo. Servidas las tasas, el tipo intentó llevar la vertiente de la conversación hacia un tema de su interés en vano; lo habían cercado como otras tantas veces y tendría que balbucear o asentir con la cabeza, cada necedad de las mujeres.   

> He reluctantly accepted, more out of courtesy than because he wanted to talk to two ladies, who were both more likely to chat about the *last events* of neighborhood life, than to have a fluid conversation about topics of interest to the creative. After serving the rates, the guy tried to steer the conversation towards a topic of his interest in vain; he had been fenced in like so many times before and would have to babble or nod his head at every foolishness of the women.     
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Acabada la tasa y la conversa, se levantaron del kitchenette y se dirigieron cada quien a lo suyo: la dueña de casa a lavar los trastos y acondicionar la casa, la señora tapicera a trabajar en los bancos para arreglar los desperfectos y el artista a su atelier para ver que diablos creaba ese día, sí, se había despertado de mal humor y crecería a medida que la tapicera comenzara a usar sus implementos; no es un trabajo silencioso eso de golpear, clavar y engrapar tela a la madera. 

> Once the cup was finished and the conversation was over, they got up from the kitchenette and went about their business: the lady of the house to wash the dishes and prepare the house, the upholsterer to work on the benches to fix the damage and the artist to his atelier to see what the hell he was creating that day, yes, he had woken up in a bad mood and he would grow as the upholsterer began to use his implements; it is not a silent job to hit, nail and staple fabric to the wood. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;El artista decidió que no pintaría ese día, porque gustaba hacerlo en silencio; en su lugar, tomaría fotografías sin sentido para la mayoría de la gente, pero que le habían ganado las alabanzas de los críticos. Era una nueva experiencia para él, porque siempre había sido pintor y la fotografía le parecía vagancia dura y burda. Solo que la madurez le trajo cambios a su manera de percibir el mundo del arte y probó, le gustó y a los críticos también. Así que pensó que tenía algo para dar al mundo.

> The artist decided that he would not paint that day, because he liked to do it in silence; instead, he would take photographs that made no sense to most people, but that had won him the praise of the critics. It was a new experience for him, because he had always been a painter and photography seemed to him to be hard and crude laziness. Only that maturity brought changes to his way of perceiving the world of art and he tried it, he liked it and the critics did too. So he thought he had something to give to the world. 
<center> ![IMG_20210119_095146246.jpg](
<center><sub> Image by @fermionico with Smartphone *Moto G5 Plus* in Maracay, Aragua, Venezuela</sub>
<center> ![Firma Fermionico_Mesa de trabajo 1616.png](
<div class= 'text-justify'>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mientras escuchaba el martilleo incesante, se le ocurrió montar objetos en el tornillo de una pared; un espejo había ocupado el espacio pero, sin querer, lo había roto hacía un par de semanas. Tomó un trípode de cámara y lo montó. El fondo de pared blanca contrastaría con el color negro de la pieza, al final, eran como experimentos que se permitía así mismo, porque había llegado a un nivel de reconocimiento donde la sociedad, comenzaba aceptar pendejadas solo por el hecho de seguir a los críticos.

> As he listened to the incessant hammering, it occurred to him to mount objects on a screw in a wall; a mirror had occupied the space but had inadvertently broken it a couple of weeks ago. He took a camera tripod and mounted it. The white wall background would contrast with the black color of the piece, in the end, they were like experiments that he allowed himself, because he had reached a level of recognition where society, began to accept bullshit just for following the critics.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Continuó con un par de lentes de sol, los cuales le proporcionaron un nivel de dificultad para fijar en su sitio, al lograr y preparar la toma, se dió cuenta con terror por el reflejo de los lentes, que la tapicera se había acerca acercado por detrás y a engrapar su cabeza hasta la muerte. La esposa y la vecina estaban hastiadas de su divismo artístico.

> He continued with a pair of sunglasses, which provided him with a level of difficulty to fix in place, when achieving and preparing the shot, he realized with terror for the reflection of the lenses, that the upholsterer had come close behind and stapled his head to death. The wife and neighbor were fed up with his artistic divism.
<center> <sub> P.S. English is not my native language, apologize for that. I used a web translator 
for english text (DeepL), the fonts are embedded in the images</sub> </center> 
#### &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;¡Gracias por leer..!  //  Thanks for read..!
<center> <sub> *Las fuentes están incrustadas en las imágenes* </sub> </center>
<center>[![Firma Fermionico_Mesa de trabajo post.png](](
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properties (23)
created2021-01-19 14:57:24
last_update2021-01-19 22:46:51
last_payout2021-01-26 14:57:24
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value4.862 HBD
curator_payout_value4.606 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Reflejo mortal... [ESP] // Deadly reflex... [ENG] || HISTORIAS ANIVERSARIAS"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (351)
@curie ·
Congrats on a Curie vote!
Hi fermionico,
<div class="pull-right">
This post  has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed).  Have a great day :) <br>
Visit <a href=""></a> or join the <a href="">Curie Discord community</a> to learn more.
properties (22)
created2021-01-19 21:56:33
last_update2021-01-19 21:56:33
last_payout2021-01-26 21:56:33
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Reflejo mortal... [ESP] // Deadly reflex... [ENG] || HISTORIAS ANIVERSARIAS"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@fermionico ·
Thank you very much..!
properties (22)
created2021-01-19 22:27:57
last_update2021-01-19 22:27:57
last_payout2021-01-26 22:27:57
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Reflejo mortal... [ESP] // Deadly reflex... [ENG] || HISTORIAS ANIVERSARIAS"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@poshbot ·
properties (22)
json_metadata"{"app": "beem/0.24.8"}"
created2021-01-19 21:17:03
last_update2021-01-19 21:17:03
last_payout2021-01-26 21:17:03
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Reflejo mortal... [ESP] // Deadly reflex... [ENG] || HISTORIAS ANIVERSARIAS"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD