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Return of the Giants🧠📚 / El regreso de los gigantes🦕🦖(En-Es) by oscurity

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· @oscurity ·
Return of the Giants🧠📚 / El regreso de los gigantes🦕🦖(En-Es)
<div class="text-justify">Who doesn't love dinosaurs? I think that at some point in our lives we all interact with these now extinct animals, from movies to toys, the truth is that they must be the most famous animals of all time, and despite not being among us they left a beautiful legacy and many interesting things to learn! What do you think if you join me in this event called "Return of the Giants" we are going to see some curiosities of these reptiles.🦕🦖


Quien no ama los dinosaurios? creo que todos en algun momento de nuestra vida interactuamos con estos ya extintos animales, desde peliculas hasta juguetes lo cierto es que deben ser los animales mas famosos de todos los tiempos, y apesar de no estar entre nosotros dejaron un hermoso legado y muchas cosas interesantes para aprender! que te parece si me acompañas en este evento llamado "Regreso de los gigantes" vamos a ver algunas curiosidades de estos reptiles.🤯🕵️‍♂️🔬</div>


# <CENTER>Animales Fantasticos🕵️‍♂️📚🦕/Fantastic animals🙇‍♂️🦖</CENTER>



<div class=pull-left>I was very excited when I found out that in the Lisbon science pavilion they were going to put up an exhibition to learn about dinosaurs, the most interesting thing is that the exhibition would use "life-size dolls" to show us how impressive these reptiles were that ruled the earth more than 65 million years ago, and it is now that dinosaur bones were discovered, the first record was made in China, at that time it was confused with a "Dragon" bone, how crazy, right?🕵️‍♂️🦖🤯

</div><div class=pull-right>Quede muy entusiasmado cuando me entere que en el pabellon de ciencia de lisboa iban a colocar una exposicion para aprender de los dinosaurios, lo mas interesante es que la exposicion utilizaria "muñecos con tamaños reales" para mostrarnos lo imponente que fueron estos reptiles que gobernaron la tierra hace mas de 65 millones de años, y nos es ahora que se descubrieron huesos de dinosaurios el primer registro se llevo a cabo en China, en aquella epoca se confundio con un hueso de "Dragon" que loco no??🦕🧠🔬🌍</div>


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<div class=pull-left>You are not going to believe me but seeing a Pterodactylus on top of a pillar is something that makes me very excited, first of all these were literally the first reptiles to be able to fly to get an idea the only reptile that can "fly" today is the Draco volans and if we compare it in size it would be an absurd thing, they lived on earth between 150-148 million years🧠🌍🔬


</div><div class=pull-right>No me vas a creer pero ver un Pterodactylus encima de un pilar es algo que me causa mucha emocion, primeramente estos fueron literalmente los primeros reptiles en ser voladores para tener una idea el unico reptil que en la actualidad que puede "volar" es el Draco volans y si lo comparamos en tamaño seria una cosa absurda, vivieron en la tierra entre 150-148 millones de años🦕🦖</div>




<div class=pull-left>I think this must be the most famous dinosaur of all time, the Tyrannosaurus rex, this colossal animal lived in the Cretaceous between 68 and 66 million years, when we entered the knowledge pavilion we found this head that, as you can see, we fit perfectly in her, many believe that this dinosaur was a super hunter and it is not true! The behavior of the T. rex was more similar to a vulture, they were scavengers, how do we deduce this? Can you imagine that great size behind a dam? as a rule those predators were "slender" and agile enough to run, jump.🌍🧠

</div><div class=pull-right>Creo que este debe ser el dinosaurio mas famoso de todos los tiempos el Tyrannosaurus rex este colosal animal vivio en el cretacico entre 68 a 66 millones de años, cuando entramos en el pabellon del conocimiento nos encontramos con esta cabeza que como puedes ver cabemos perfectamente en ella, muchos creen que este dinosaurio era un super cazador y nos es verdad! el comportamiento de los T. rex era mas parecido a un buitre, eran carroñero como deducimos esto? te imaginas ese gran tamaño detras de una presa? por norma aquellos depredadores eran "esbeltos" y suficientemente agil como para correr, saltar. 📚🦕🌍</div>


# <CENTER>Duelo mortal🕵️‍♂️📚🦕/Deadly duel🙇‍♂️🦖</CENTER>





<div class=pull-left>I don't know if you knew about this information but within the event we can see a replica of two dinosaur bones that were discovered in 1971, the funny thing is that they are two different species fighting each other! the carnivore was "Velociraptor mongoliensis" and the prey it was attacking was a "Protoceratops andrewsi", we can see that the predator's claw was trying to catch its prey that was defending itself with its beak! what a discovery right? Thanks to the sand that covered them, they were able to fossilize and immortalize this event!📚🦕💥

</div><div class=pull-right>No se si sabias de este dato pero dentro del evento podemos ver una replica de dos huesos de dinosaurios que fueron descubiertos en 1971, lo curioso es que son dos especies diferentes luchando entre si! el carnivoro era "Velociraptor mongoliensis" y la presa a la que atacaba era una "Protoceratops andrewsi", podemos ver que la garra del depredador intentaba atrapar a su presa que se defendia con su pico! vaya descubrimiento no?? gracias a la arena que los tapo pudieron fosilizarse e inmortalizar este evento!🤯🕵️‍♂️💥📚</div>







<div class=pull-left>Really "modern dinosaurs" are birds, we could even say that dinosaurs are "chickens without teeth", since it is believed that birds evolved from them, but we cannot give them a reputation for being scary animals because, for example, the T rex , together with the female, were excellent protectors of their eggs, and it is a bit strange behavior because several species of sauropods, many of which were herbivores, disappeared after laying their eggs, and instead the carnivores were more concerned with caring for the eggs.🦕🥚🦖💖

</div><div class=pull-right>Realmente los "dinosaurios modernos" son las aves, hasta podriamos decir que los dinosaurios son "gallinas sin dientes", ya que se cree que las aves evolucionaron de ellos, pero no podemos darles una fama de ser animales tenebrosos porque por ejemplo el T rex, junto con la hembra eran excelentes protectores de sus huevos, y es un comportamiento un poco extraño porque varias especies de saurópodos que muchos eran herbivoros luego de colocar los huevos desaparecian y en cambio los carnivoros eran mas de cuidar a los huevos.🦖🥚🦕💖</div>



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<div class=pull-left>Some dinosaurs that belonged to the theropods famous for having "arms with three functional fingers" left some interesting data in their bones, paleontologists believe that many of them practiced "cannibalism"... Why? to understand this behavior we must see the lions, the male kills the eggs and other males to ensure offspring! fantastic isn't it??🧠🌍🔬


</div><div class=pull-right>Algunos dinosaurios que pertenecean a los terópodos famosos por tener "brazos con tres dedos funcionales" dejaron algunos datos interesantes en sus huesos, los paleontologos creen que muchos de ellos practicaron el "canibalismo"... Por que?? para entender este comportamiento debemos ver a los leones, el macho mata los huevos y otros machos para asegurar la descendencia! fantastico no??🦕🦖</div>



# <CENTER>Dilophosaurus wetherilli🦕🙇‍♂️🦖</CENTER>




<div class=pull-left>This species is the only one that belonged to the genus "Dilophosaurus", if you remember the scene in the movie Jurassic Park these were those that spit "venom", they lived in the Jurassic 200-190 million years ago, they were originally from North America, actually The color of the dinosaurs is a mystery and it is difficult to decipher therefore any color is valid, there are theories that say that they were very colorful like modern birds! others say they had pale colors!🦖🦕

</div><div class=pull-right>Esta especie es la unica que pertenecio al genero "Dilophosaurus", si recuerdas la escena en la pelicula Jurassic Park estos eran aquellos que escupian "veneno", vivieron en el Jurasico hace 200-190 millones de años, fueron originarios de norteamerica, en realidad el color de los dinosaurios es un misterio y es algo dificil de descifrar por tanto cualquier color es valido, hay teorias que dicen que fueron muy coloridos como las aves modernas! otros dicen que tenian colores palidos!🕵️‍♂️📚🧠</div>




# <CENTER>Megapnosaurus kayentakatae🦕🙇‍♂️🦖</CENTER>



<div class=pull-left>These were "coelophysid theropods" inhabited the earth 188 million years ago, originally from Africa, they were fast and bipedal animals, with a predatory behavior they could reach up to two and a half meters in length and weigh almost 15 kilos! its legs were very long and its neck had an "S" shape.📚🕵️‍♂️🌍

</div><div class=pull-right>Estos eran "terópodo celofisido" habitaron la tierra hace 188 millones de años, originarios de africa eran animales rapidos y bipedos, con un comportamiento depredador podian alcanzar hasta dos metros y medio de largura y pesar casi 15 kilos! sus patas eran muy largas y su cuello tenia una forma de "S".🦃🐓🦅</div>



# <CENTER>Stegosaurus stenops🦕🙇‍♂️🦖</CENTER>





<div class=pull-left>These were one of my favorites as a child, they had accessories that allowed them to defend themselves from predators, they lived between 156-144 million years ago, some species lived in North America and others possibly in Europe! they were big and heavy but could run up to 18km/h🤔😮

</div><div class=pull-right>Estos eran uno de mis favoritos cuando era niño, tenian accesorios que les permitian defenderse de depredadores, vivieron entre 156-144millones de años, algunas especies vivieron en america del norte y otras posiblemente en europa! eran grandes y pesado pero podian correr hasta 18km/h🦅🦃🌍</div>



# <CENTER>Blue¿??🦕🙇‍♂️🦖</CENTER>



*<CENTER>Is this the velociraptor Blue that appeared in the movie?</CENTER>*

*<CENTER>Es esta el velociraptor Blue que aparecia en la pelicula¿¿</CENTER>*



# <CENTER>Parasaurolophus walkeri🦕🙇‍♂️🦖</CENTER>



<div class=pull-left>These large and heavy dinosaurs inhabited the earth in the "Cretaceous" 76-73 million years ago, their bones were found in North America and they could measure up to 4 meters high and 11 meters long, they were very large, they could weigh almost 4 tons. ! They were herbivores and it is believed that they could get up on two legs to look for food.🧠😮

</div><div class=pull-right>Estos grandes y pesados dinosaurios habitaron la tierra en el "cretacico" hace 76-73 millones de años, sus huesos fueron encontrados en norteamerica y podian llegar a medir hasta 4 metros de altura y 11 metros de largo eran muy grandes, podian pesar casi 4toneladas! fueron herbivoros y se cree que podian levantarse en dos patas para buscar alimentos.🦖🦕🍃</div>


# <CENTER>The cutest🦖💖 🥚🦖/ El mas tierno🦕🙇‍♂️🦖</CENTER>









*Here we see a couple of T rex. Taking care of their eggs and hatchlings, despite being very slow they could run about 29km/h enough to catch up with us.💖🌍*

*Aqui vemos una pareja de T rex. Cuidando sus huevos y crias, apesar de ser muy lentos podian correr unos 29km/h lo suficiente para alcanzarnos.🥚😮*


# <CENTER>A strange mix🦖💖 🥚🦖/ Una mezcla extraña🦕🙇‍♂️🦖</CENTER>




<div class=pull-left>For me it is the strangest dinosaur of all, it is the Ankylosaurus, take a good look at its body, it has a bird's beak, it has dasipodid scales and a scorpion tail! They were very dangerous and not any predator dared to bother him.😮😮

</div><div class=pull-right>Para mi es el dinosaurio mas extraño de todos, se trata del  Anquilosaurio observa bien su cuerpo tiene un pico de ave, tiene escamas de dasipódidos y una cola de escorpion! eran muy peligrosos y no cualquier depredador se atrevia a molestarlo💥</div>







**To give you an idea of the power of a T rex's bite. they exerted almost 6 tons of pressure on his bite! The animal with the most powerful bite at present is the crocodile with a PSI force of 7,700, that is, the T rex has a PSI of 71,117,975.**

**Para que tengas una idea de la potencia de la mordida de un T rex. ellos ejercian casi 6 toneladas de presion en su mordida! el animal con la mordida mas poderosa en la actulidad es el cocodrilo con una fuerza de PSI de 7.700 osea el T rex tiene un PSI de 71117.975**


# <CENTER>I am a paleontologist🦖💖 🥚🦖/ Soy un paleontologo🦕🙇‍♂️🦖</CENTER>




<div class=pull-left>Surely you want to know which was the dinosaur that exerted more force in its bite??? well it wasn't the T rex. It was the famous megalodon that had a force of 18 tons, as you can see I discovered an Archeopteryx fossil from here modern birds are believed to have evolved because they are believed to have feathers!😮🦃🌍

</div><div class=pull-right>Seguramente quieres saber cual era el dinosaurio que ejercia mas fuerza en su mordida¿¿ ?? bueno no era el T rex. Era el famoso megalodon que tenia una fuerza de 18 toneladas, como puedes ver descubri un fosil de Archaeopteryx de aqui se cree que evolucionaron las aves modernas porque se cree que ellos tenian plumas!🧠📚🕵️‍♂️</div>





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*<CENTER>Referencias bibliograficas / Sources:</CENTER>*



* The characteristics of the dinosaurs were extracted from wikipedia

*The scientific information in this post is a mix between knowledge acquired in my profession and the references cited! for direct quotes use: ""*

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total_payout_value9.262 HBD
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root_title"Return of the Giants🧠📚 / El regreso de los gigantes🦕🦖(En-Es)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
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root_title"Return of the Giants🧠📚 / El regreso de los gigantes🦕🦖(En-Es)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@curation-cartel ·
![1UP-PIZZA.png]( |  <div class="phishy"><u><h4>You have received a __1UP__ from @gwajnberg!</h4></u></div> The @oneup-cartel will soon upvote you with:<hr> __@stem-curator, @vyb-curator, @pob-curator__ <hr>_And they will bring !PIZZA 🍕._

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created2022-12-07 16:02:33
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cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
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root_title"Return of the Giants🧠📚 / El regreso de los gigantes🦕🦖(En-Es)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@emeka4 ·
I always enjoy the movies when watching it is always interesting. Thanks for sharing this @oscurity
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created2022-12-07 02:10:57
last_update2022-12-07 02:10:57
last_payout2022-12-14 02:10:57
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
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promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Return of the Giants🧠📚 / El regreso de los gigantes🦕🦖(En-Es)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@eniolw ·
Lovely post. My nephew loves dinosaurs :)

> Despite not being among us they left a beautiful legacy and many interesting things to learn!

The good news is dinosaurs are still among us! Well, at least one group of them. Birds are dinosaurs.
properties (22)
created2022-12-07 03:16:27
last_update2022-12-07 03:16:27
last_payout2022-12-14 03:16:27
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Return of the Giants🧠📚 / El regreso de los gigantes🦕🦖(En-Es)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@entropia ·
<p><strong>¡Felicitaciones!</strong></p><hr /><div class="text-center"><img src="" alt="Has sido votado por @entropia"/></div><hr /><div class="text-justify"><p>Estás participando para optar a  la <b>mención especial</b> que se efectuará el domingo 11 de diciembre del 2022 a las 8:00 pm (hora de Venezuela), gracias a la cual el autor del artículo seleccionado recibirá la cantidad de 1 HIVE transferida a su cuenta.</p><p>¡También has recibido <b>1 ENTROKEN</b>! El <a href="">token del PROYECTO ENTROPÍA</a> impulsado por la plataforma <a href="">Steem-Engine.</a></p></div><hr /><div class="text-justify"><p>1. <b>Invierte en el PROYECTO ENTROPÍA y recibe ganancias semanalmente</b>. Entra <a href=''>aquí</a> para más información.</p><p>2. Contáctanos en Discord: <a href='' rel='noopener' title='This link will take you away from'></a></p><p>3. Suscríbete a nuestra <a href=''>COMUNIDAD</a> y apoya al trail de @Entropia y así podrás ganar recompensas de curación de forma automática. <a href=''>Entra aquí para más información sobre nuestro trail</a>.</p><p>4. Visita nuestro canal de <a href=''>Youtube</a>.</p></div><div class='text-center'><p>Atentamente</p><p><strong><em>El equipo de curación del PROYECTO ENTROPÍA</em></strong></p></div>
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created2022-12-09 23:39:18
last_update2022-12-09 23:39:18
last_payout2022-12-16 23:39:18
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
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pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Return of the Giants🧠📚 / El regreso de los gigantes🦕🦖(En-Es)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@gwajnberg ·
My youngest love dinosaurs she would love that
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created2022-12-07 16:00:36
last_update2022-12-07 16:00:36
last_payout2022-12-14 16:00:36
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
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pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Return of the Giants🧠📚 / El regreso de los gigantes🦕🦖(En-Es)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@pinmapple ·
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created2022-12-06 23:15:09
last_update2022-12-06 23:15:09
last_payout2022-12-13 23:15:09
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
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pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Return of the Giants🧠📚 / El regreso de los gigantes🦕🦖(En-Es)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@pixresteemer ·
<center>![pixresteemer_incognito_angel_mini.png](</center><center>Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!</center><center>Week 135 of my [contest](/hive-179017/@pixresteemer/the-re-hive-contest-results-week-134-and-start-week-135) just can now check the winners of the previous week!</center><center>!BEER</center><center><sub>5</sub></center>
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created2022-12-06 23:27:42
last_update2022-12-06 23:27:42
last_payout2022-12-13 23:27:42
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
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pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Return of the Giants🧠📚 / El regreso de los gigantes🦕🦖(En-Es)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@pizzabot ·
<center>🍕 PIZZA !

I gifted <strong>$PIZZA</strong> slices here:
@curation-cartel<sub>(18/20)</sub> tipped @oscurity (x1)

<sub>Learn more at!</sub></center>
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json_metadata"{"app": "beem/0.24.19"}"
created2022-12-07 16:02:54
last_update2022-12-07 16:02:54
last_payout2022-12-14 16:02:54
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Return of the Giants🧠📚 / El regreso de los gigantes🦕🦖(En-Es)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@stemsocial ·
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created2022-12-07 19:45:54
last_update2022-12-07 19:45:54
last_payout2022-12-14 19:45:54
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
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pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title"Return of the Giants🧠📚 / El regreso de los gigantes🦕🦖(En-Es)"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD