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Nikada nemojte da odustanete od vaših snova, ko zna do kojih dobrih stvari vode🤗.~ Never give up on your dreams, who knows what good things they will lead to.🤗 by rebekica

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· @rebekica ·
Nikada nemojte da odustanete od vaših snova, ko zna do kojih dobrih stvari vode🤗.~ Never give up on your dreams, who knows what good things they will lead to.🤗
Zdravo Hiver-i☺️
Mislim da mi se san polako ostvaruje!✨️ Ne znam da li se sećate nekih mojih prošlih postova🤔 (ako neko ne zna ili nije pročitao može pogledati u mom blogu "da li se stvarno pronalazimo u onome što radimo") da sam pisala o tome kako mi je san biti fotomodel i da sam se neki period bavila time🤗. Dobila sam ponudu pre nekih nedelju dana koja mi je delovala toliko nestvarno🤩. Poznati fitnes model i prvak u fitnesu me je našao na društvenoj mreži Instagram i uspostavio kontakt sa mnom📲. Normalno da sam prvo mislila da je neka nameštaljka jer ni na kraj pameti mi nije bilo da to ide tek tako❌️. Posavetovala sam se odmah sa svojim dečkom koji mi je rekao da je ovo ta prilika. U životu se dobija samo ta jedna prilika, i da je ovo ta zlatna prilika🟡. Dogovorili smo se da kada budem imala slobodne dane da otputujem za Mladenovo. Mladenovo je mesto blizu Bačke Palanke i Novog Sada. To je malo daleko od Vršca, nekih 300km.🛻 Rezervisala sam smeštaj za jednu noć🛋 i pošla sam sa momkom. On je moja podrška za sve u životu, pa tako i da uspem u onome čemu volim, samo da istrajem😊. Izašla sam iz treće smene u 6 ujutru. Odmah sam okupala, sredila i krenula na pakovanje stvari🙄...

>Hi Hiver-s☺️
I think my dream is slowly coming true!✨️ I don't know if you remember some of my past posts🤔 (if anyone hasn't know  or hasn't read it, you can look in my blog "do we really find ourselves in what we do") that I wrote about how we is a dream to be a photo model and that I was do it in that for a period of time.🤗 I received an offer about a week ago that seemed so unreal🤩. A famous fitness model and fitness champion found me on the Instagram social network and contacted me.📲 Naturally, at first I thought it was a set-up, because it never occurred to me that it would just happen like that.❌️ I immediately consulted with my boyfriend, who told me that this was the opportunity. You only get that one chance in life, and that this is that golden opportunity🟡. We agreed that when I have days off, I will travel to Mladenovo. Mladenovo is a place near Bačka Palanka and Novi Sad. It is a little far from Vršac, about 300 km.🛻 I booked accommodation for one night🛋 and went with a boyfriend. He is my support for everything in life, so that I can succeed in what I love, as long as I persevere😊. I left the third shift at 6 in the morning. I immediately bathed, tidied up and started packing things...🙄


Toliko sam bila umorna i nenaspavana nisam znala da li ću izdržati ili neću, kao da nekako nisam bila psihički spremna🥱. Ali išla sam na rizik, na sve ili ništa.🤪 Polako sam se već spremila, krenuli smo oko 10 ujutru🕔, svratili smo do grada da podignemo pare i polako izlazili iz Vršca🚘. Putovali smo oko 3,4 sata.⏳️ Otišli smo u Bačku Palanku, da ostavimo stvari u smeštaj, da se ja polako sredim i da krenemo do Mladenova. Nismo dugo putovali jer ima svega 12 km od Bačke Palanke do Mladenova.

>I was so tired and sleepless, I didn't know if I would last or not, as if somehow I wasn't mentally ready🥱. But I took the risk, everything or nothing. 🤪 I slowly got ready, we left around 10 in the morning🕔, we stopped by the town to withdraw money and slowly left Vršac🚘. We traveled for about 3.4 hours. ⏳️ We went to Bačka Palanka, to leave our things at the accommodation, for me to slowly get ready and to go to Mladenov. We did not travel long because it is only 12 km from Bačka Palanka to Mladenov.


Kada smo stigli, doživela sam šok🤯. Teretana puna medalja🥇 i pehara🏆, slika🖼 i diploma📜. Kuća je mnogo velika i lepa. Čovek me je odveo u njegov lični studio da mi pokaže kako sve to izgleda. Ono je prelepo, i pre svega jako dobro osmišljeno.✅️ Upoznavali smo se oko sat vremena, pričali i ulazili u dublji razgovor i ozbiljniji oko posla🤑. Uslužio nas je prijatno, sa čajem🫖, voćem🍌, nekom hranom🥞, samo da se osećamo što komotnije. Prvo je sledio intervju📽, nisam imala tremu pa čak i ako je oko mene bilo 100 svetla🔦 i kamera📸. Kameru kao da nisam ni videla, tako da sam razmišljala u tom momentu kako je to možda moj posao snova😏. U intervju sam se predstavila, pričala malo o sebi, svom poslu i svojim ciljevima. 

>When we arrived, I experienced a shock🤯. The gym is full of medals🥇 and cups🏆, a picture🖼 and a diploma📜. The house is very big and beautiful. The man took me into his personal studio to show me what it all looked like. It is beautiful, and above all very well thought out. ✅️ We got to know each other for about an hour, talked and entered into a deeper and more serious conversation about work🤑. He served us pleasantly, with tea🫖, fruit🍌, some food🥞, just to make us feel as comfortable as possible. First came the interview📽, I had no stage fright even if there were 100 lights around me🔦 and cameras📸. I didn't even see the camera, so I was thinking at that moment that maybe this is my dream job😏. In the interview, I introduced myself, talked a little about myself, my work and my goals.



Sledeće što je bilo na redu jeste teretana🏋🏻‍♀️. Imali smo još jedan intervju u teretani, pokazao mi je vežbe koje bih mogla raditi, pošteđena sam nekih vežbi zbog moje kičme, odradili ih malo i onda sam se trebala već presvući za prvi shooting📷. Prvi shooting mi je bio u sportskoj varijanti👟. Trajalo je oko pola sata, pa je bila mala pauza i nakon male pauze je bio sledeći shooting u drugoj odeći👗. Imala sam dosta shootinga, sve je to trajalo od tri popodne do 12 uveč🤡. Jedva sam na oči gledala i funkcionisala😢. Jedva sam i jela, jedva sam gledala na oči jer jelte nisam spavala ništa posle posla nego se spremala i otišla na dalji put i radila drugo nešto😦. Jedva čekam te doživljaje, slike i ostalo da stavim i ovde, da vidite koliko je tu truda uloženo😱. 

>The next thing was the gym🏋🏻‍♀️. We had another interview in the gym, he showed me exercises that I could do, I was spared some exercises because of my spine, we did them a bit and then I had to change clothes for the first shooting📷. My first shooting was in the sports version👟. It lasted about half an hour, so there was a short break and after a short break, the next shooting was in another outfit👗. I had a lot of shooting, it all lasted from three in the afternoon to 12 in the evening🤡. I could barely see and function 😢. I barely ate, I barely looked at my eyes because I didn't sleep at all after work, instead I got ready and went on a long trip and did something else😦. I can't wait to put those experiences, pictures and other things here too, so you can see how much effort was put into it😱.


Došli smo nazad u apartman posle 12 uveče. Pravili smo da jedemo🍝, tako umorni, kupali se🛀🏻, ali na kraju ja nisam mogla da izdržim više taj umor pa me je dečko morao doslovno hraniti u krevetu🛌🏻. Smeštaj koji sam rezervisala, u kome smo prenoćili, je prosto najlepši apartman ikada u kom smo bili🥹. Šteta što smo imali vremena i prilike da budemo samo taj jedan dan, tačnije noć🫤... Taman je onako za dve osobe, mali ali sladak i prijatan. Nov nameštaj, opremljen i definitivno vredan svakog dinara😎.

>We came back to the apartment after 12 in the evening. We tried to eat🍝, so tired, we bathed🛀🏻, but in the end I couldn't stand the tiredness anymore so my boyfriend had to literally feed me in bed🛌🏻. The accommodation I booked, where we spent the night, is simply the most beautiful apartment we've ever been in🥹. It's a pity that we only had the time and opportunity to stay for that one day, or rather the night🫤... It's just the way it is for two people, small but cute and cozy. New furniture, equipped and definitely worth every dollar😎.


Sledeće jutro, probudili smo se opet ranije malo da bi stigli da sredimo smeštaj, nešto da prezalogajimo, spakujemo stvari i da samo krenemo nazad za Vršac🥵. Pošto moj dečko nije nikada bio u Novom Sadu želela sam da mu ga malo pokažem jer svakako prolazimo kroz taj grad😬. Kada smo stigli u Novi Sad, tražili smo dugo parking🅿️, pa dok smo ga našli kosa na glavi nam se digla🤣. Odmah smo otišli u centar Novog Sada, da vidi poznatu crkvu "Imena Marijinog"😇. To je rimokatolička crkva i pritom najveća crkva u Novom Sadu💒.

>The next morning, we woke up a little earlier again so that we could arrange accommodation, have a snack, pack our things and just head back to Vršac🥵. Since my boyfriend has never been to Novi Sad, I wanted to show him a little because we are definitely passing through that city😬. When we arrived in Novi Sad, we looked for a long parking lot🅿️, so when we found it, our hair stood on end🤣. We immediately went to the center of Novi Sad, to see the famous "Name of Mary" church😇. It is a Roman Catholic church and at the same time the largest church in Novi Sad💒.



Dok smo šetali gradom, stali bismo da kupimo kokice🍿, ili bi se slikali. U jednom momentu videla sam neku decu kako jedu sladoled🍦. Nije me bilo briga što je napolju toliko hladno🥶, prosto  mi nije bilo realno da neko prodaje sladoled i van sezone a ja sam pritom ljubitelj sladoleda🫣. U Novom Sadu nije to bilo čudno, da vide mog dečka i mene kako jedemo na hladno vreme sladoled.💁🏻‍♀️ Generalno tamo su ljudi malo drugačiji. Niko nikoga ne posmatra👀, svako vodi svoju politiku i veoma su ljubazni👍🏻.

>While walking around town, we would stop to buy popcorn🍿, or take pictures. At one point I saw some children eating ice cream🍦. I didn't care that it was so cold outside 🥶, it just wasn't realistic for me that someone sells ice cream out of season and I'm an ice cream lover🫣. It wasn't strange in Novi Sad, to see my boyfriend and me eating ice cream in the cold weather. 💁🏻‍♀️ In general, people there are a little different. No one watches anyone👀, everyone follows their own policy and they are very kind👍🏻.


Dok smo tako šetali i razgledali shvatili smo da nam parking uskoro ističe i polako smo krenuli nazad🏃🏻‍♀️. Usput smo sreli jednu dobru piceriju i ušli smo u restoran da kupimo po parče pice🍕. Malo smo čekali i otišli brzo u auto da nam ne bi pisali kaznu🎫. To je po meni bila jedna od boljih pica🍕 koje sam ja lično jela😋. Stvarno sam bila oduševljena.

>While we were walking and looking around, we realized that our parking was about to expire and we slowly headed back🏃🏻‍♀️. On the way, we met a good pizzeria and we entered the restaurant to buy a slice of pizza 🍕. We waited a bit and went quickly to the car so that they wouldn't write us a ticket🎫. In my opinion, that was one of the better pizzas🍕 that I personally ate😋. I was really delighted.


Nisam spavala u putu jer nisam želela da mom dečku dok vozi bude dosadno, pa smo usput pevali, jeli i komentarisali ljude koji voze automobile a ne umeju da voze, pa se pitali ko im da tu vozačk🤦🏻‍♀️... Posle dužeg puta, stigli smo napokon u Vršac. Videli smo da je radilo klizalište u centru grada, i želeli smo da radimo još jednu stvar zajedno, pa makar i tako izmrcvaljeni. Klizali smo se oko 40 minuta, i bilo je zaista zabavno gledati mog dečka jer nije mogao tako lagano da prihvati led, ali posle se navikao⛸️.

>I didn't sleep on the road because I didn't want my boyfriend to be bored while driving, so on the way we sang, ate and commented on people who drive cars but don't know how to drive, so we wondered who should give them a driver's license 🤦🏻‍♀️... After a long times, we finally arrived in Vršac. We saw that the ice rink in the center of town was open, and we wanted to do one more thing together, even if we were so exhausted. We skated for about 40 minutes, and it was really fun to watch my boyfriend because he couldn't take the ice so easily, but then he got used to it⛸️.


Posle klizanja, napokon smo otišli kući, raspakovali stvari🎒, jeli, kupali se i trebali smo spavati😴. Međutim on je zaspao, ali meni nešto nije dalo mira😒, i nisam mogla ni zaspati, pa sam ujutru danas otišla kao zombi na posao, bez trunke sna takva sva umorna🧟‍♂️. Nekada mi je žao same sebe.🤷🏻‍♀️ Ali barem ne traćim vreme uzalud već se trudim da ga iskoristim maximalno.🥰
U narednom postu videćete neke moje slike sa tog shootinga, jedva čekam!🙆🏻‍♀️

>After skating, we finally went home, unpacked our things🎒, ate, bathed and were supposed to sleep😴. However, he fell asleep, but something didn't give me peace😒, and I couldn't even sleep, so in the morning today I went to work like a zombie, without a bit of sleep, so tired🧟‍♂️. Sometimes I feel sorry for myself. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But at least I don't waste my time, I try to use it to the maximum.
In the next post you will see some of my pictures from that shooting, I can't wait!🙆🏻‍♀️



Pozdrav od vaše Rebeke🫠

>Greeting from your Rebecca🫠
👍  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and 566 others
properties (23)
json_metadata"{"app":"peakd/2023.1.1","format":"markdown","description":"Snovi se ostvaruju.🥹 ~Dreams come true.🥹","portfolio":true,"tags":["dreams","photo-model","shooting","appreciator","curie","curangel","love","fitness","novi-sad","banat"],"users":[],"image":["","","","","","","","","","","",""]}"
created2023-01-26 16:34:36
last_update2023-01-26 16:34:36
last_payout2023-02-02 16:34:36
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value3.447 HBD
curator_payout_value4.180 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
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root_title" Nikada nemojte da odustanete od vaših snova, ko zna do kojih dobrih stvari vode🤗.~ Never give up on your dreams, who knows what good things they will lead to.🤗 "
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (630)
@dzoji ·
Sjećam se tvog ranijeg posta i "kuknjave". 😀 Tad sam ti rekao da si tek počela živjeti.
Nikad ne znaš šta "sutra donosi". 🙂

Čestitam na novom poslu, biće toga još sigurno. Srećno.🙂

properties (23)
created2023-01-27 00:46:15
last_update2023-01-27 00:46:15
last_payout2023-02-03 00:46:15
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title" Nikada nemojte da odustanete od vaših snova, ko zna do kojih dobrih stvari vode🤗.~ Never give up on your dreams, who knows what good things they will lead to.🤗 "
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (1)
@luvshares ·
@rebekica, @dzoji<sub>(1/1)</sub> sent you LUV. | <a
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<center>Made with <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a> by <a href="" target="_blank">crrdlx</a></center>
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json_metadata"{"app": "beem/0.24.26"}"
created2023-01-27 00:46:39
last_update2023-01-27 00:46:39
last_payout2023-02-03 00:46:39
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title" Nikada nemojte da odustanete od vaših snova, ko zna do kojih dobrih stvari vode🤗.~ Never give up on your dreams, who knows what good things they will lead to.🤗 "
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (1)
@rebekica ·
Hahahah, hvala ti puno!🙆🏻‍♀️
properties (22)
created2023-01-27 04:32:51
last_update2023-01-27 04:32:51
last_payout2023-02-03 04:32:51
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title" Nikada nemojte da odustanete od vaših snova, ko zna do kojih dobrih stvari vode🤗.~ Never give up on your dreams, who knows what good things they will lead to.🤗 "
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@lazar01 ·
I sincerely hope that you will succeed and achieve all possible goals in that field, I can't wait to see you as a famous fitness model 💗🙈
properties (22)
created2023-01-26 17:28:24
last_update2023-01-26 17:28:24
last_payout2023-02-02 17:28:24
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title" Nikada nemojte da odustanete od vaših snova, ko zna do kojih dobrih stvari vode🤗.~ Never give up on your dreams, who knows what good things they will lead to.🤗 "
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
@rebekica ·
Thank you!💗
properties (23)
created2023-01-26 17:54:06
last_update2023-01-26 17:54:06
last_payout2023-02-02 17:54:06
cashout_time1969-12-31 23:59:59
total_payout_value0.000 HBD
curator_payout_value0.000 HBD
pending_payout_value0.000 HBD
promoted0.000 HBD
root_title" Nikada nemojte da odustanete od vaših snova, ko zna do kojih dobrih stvari vode🤗.~ Never give up on your dreams, who knows what good things they will lead to.🤗 "
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD
vote details (1)