create account

Prev | Next Block 56,147,933

111 transactions in this block, produced at 2021-08-01 09:07:54 (UTC)

ecd7e78d Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
c2f41cea Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
09794536 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
29bb6daf Splinterlands entered into match queue
9058a7d0 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
5488c861 custom json
5312c193 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
0b4f45a7 custom json
0fed5220 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
0b81fcc3 Splinterlands entered into match queue
cf415125 Splinterlands entered into match queue
db9b9395 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
9aa9f3ec custom json
49ca3648 Splinterlands entered into match queue
8d5131df Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
299ac9cc Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
2f4ae967 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
81c464f7 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
4d348654 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
1612d934 Splinterlands entered into match queue
f18053a3 Splinterlands entered into match queue
46993a84 Splinterlands entered into match queue
5f681bb3 Splinterlands claimed quest reward
baa4fcb5 Splinterlands entered into match queue
6337e91a Splinterlands entered into match queue
3240ee48 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
49af443e Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
ae9d3a5c Splinterlands entered into match queue
0cc3b7f5 Splinterlands entered into match queue
0894195d Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
45f99c86 custom json
e349ff5d Splinterlands entered into match queue
e2af90ae Splinterlands entered into match queue
4aa58d52 Splinterlands entered into match queue
eb36612b Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
9ae9367b Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
9e287fc4 Splinterlands entered into match queue
7fe1f233 Splinterlands entered into match queue
49a5ac03 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
74eae679 Splinterlands entered into match queue
d6d377f4 Splinterlands entered into match queue
e4a24783 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
1b0a4607 Splinterlands entered into match queue
b7edbb75 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
273bcd58 Splinterlands entered into match queue
d93c3b6e Splinterlands entered into match queue
785701ac Splinterlands entered into match queue
9e8ff44c Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
3f5ce3dc Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
bba2e63f Splinterlands entered into match queue
46558585 Splinterlands entered into match queue
6040bc7a Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
ea321867 Splinterlands entered into match queue
8e7cafec Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
62f9aff7 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
5026f607 Splinterlands entered into match queue
215e31b5 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
1c1f410a Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
9a6d30fa Splinterlands entered into match queue
38ba5804 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
3a44f96f Splinterlands entered into match queue
d4cb5d53 Splinterlands requested a new quest
4c83bce1 Splinterlands entered into match queue
e89dc93e Splinterlands entered into match queue
5e8c83d4 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
55b3fbe0 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
2a0938fc Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
09a6dfdf Splinterlands entered into match queue
ad8e2e9b Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
d4f2c542 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
ecef9824 Splinterlands entered into match queue
b5c67882 Splinterlands entered into match queue
6942817a Splinterlands entered into match queue
5197f326 Splinterlands entered into match queue
88d7b55e Splinterlands claimed end of season reward
2d5eb388 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
4a5c886c Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
836210c2 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
9af91522 Splinterlands entered into match queue
87edcf24 Splinterlands entered into match queue
236e54e2 Splinterlands entered into match queue
fccb6d5f Splinterlands entered into match queue
8db333fe Splinterlands entered into match queue
b9bb8ca2 Splinterlands entered into match queue
dfffc13c Splinterlands entered into match queue
02c2a248 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
92597a46 Splinterlands entered into match queue
f48e20b3 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
798f6843 Splinterlands entered into match queue
66fd8600 custom json
7b599d33 Splinterlands entered into match queue
865a8a78 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
e3f4e17b Splinterlands entered into match queue
d1d9ecef Splinterlands entered into match queue
c5c37f41 Splinterlands entered into match queue
9d765b0a Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
58ed2d7e Splinterlands entered into match queue
cf5db92d Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
dd0ff074 Splinterlands entered into match queue
30e5069d Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
f2b6ae53 Splinterlands entered into match queue
d0be2f88 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
be23535c Splinterlands entered into match queue
e25580ff Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
3e571cbb Splinterlands entered into match queue
a9db07eb Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
308696e0 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
4487e218 custom json

Show raw block data

189 virtual ops in this block.

7d77af75 effective_comment_vote
pending_payout0.051 HBD
virtual producer reward: 0.268 HP
virtual curation reward: 2.469 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 1.268 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.365 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.212 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.207 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.115 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.108 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.106 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.087 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.087 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.087 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.086 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.075 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.074 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.072 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.063 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.062 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.062 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.062 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.048 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.047 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.046 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.046 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.046 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.044 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.044 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.042 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.041 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.041 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.037 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.037 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.036 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.035 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.034 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.031 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.029 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.028 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.027 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.026 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.024 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.021 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.020 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.018 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.015 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.015 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.014 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.013 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.012 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.012 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.010 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.010 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.010 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.010 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.009 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.008 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.008 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.008 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.008 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.008 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.008 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.007 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.007 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.007 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.007 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.007 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.007 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.007 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.005 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.005 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.005 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.005 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.005 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.005 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.005 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.005 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.004 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.003 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.002 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual curation reward: 0.001 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-…
virtual author reward: 1.410 HBD and 3.591 HP for @ubani/entry-for-reflection-hunters-contes…
virtual comment_reward
payout5.577 HBD
total_payout_value2.821 HBD
curator_payout_value2.754 HBD
beneficiary_payout_value0.000 HBD
virtual comment_payout_update

Show raw virtual op data