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144 transactions in this block, produced at 2021-08-02 11:49:15 (UTC)

4f4cba21 Splinterlands entered into match queue
8c8b65f3 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
1f319166 Splinterlands entered into match queue
50c6c3e2 Splinterlands started a daily quest
9e62df4c Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
76fe8f3f Splinterlands entered into match queue
9033e664 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
0ae74aa9 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
be56b47b Splinterlands entered into match queue
f65a4129 Splinterlands entered into match queue
5bbdf801 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
698d08e1 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
32083a33 Splinterlands entered into match queue
3dccd5fc Splinterlands entered into match queue
d197cf97 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
9d023321 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
c284540c Splinterlands entered into match queue
cf501b84 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
4c4746c0 transfer 0.003 HIVE to @tipU investor payout - check out for detailed info - thank you!
b2f76e5f Splinterlands entered into match queue
dd0c86bc Splinterlands entered into match queue
47321048 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
423a32b6 Splinterlands started a daily quest
fd59720f Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
41e18239 Splinterlands entered into match queue
888d5d68 Splinterlands entered into match queue
0852e4a4 Splinterlands entered into match queue
064dfe46 Splinterlands entered into match queue
77d4569d Splinterlands entered into match queue
c04d1ac7 Splinterlands entered into match queue
4022051c Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
3f205043 Splinterlands entered into match queue
7ccd22eb Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
a465add0 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
a9c4bdde Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
29c33b0a Splinterlands entered into match queue
9b3a1940 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
0d6068bb Splinterlands entered into match queue
6e2fa1cf Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
3ae4e653 Splinterlands entered into match queue
07ac100e Splinterlands entered into match queue
ad08281c Splinterlands entered into match queue
91f56914 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
18c736ad Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
1a54c0ad Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
30450e47 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
91547920 Splinterlands entered into match queue
83c18beb Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
ff794f26 Splinterlands entered into match queue
21a404a6 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
c9c7cc7a Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
53471b59 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
849767e1 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
7126755d Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
581b47df Splinterlands entered into match queue
fbf31743 Splinterlands entered into match queue
29ee6486 custom json
json"{"contractName":"tokens","contractAction":"transfer","contractPayload":{"symbol":"HUSTLER","to":"robinsonr810","quantity":"0.00993117","memo":"Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for HUSTLER based on 0.0015243649946596117 GP with 0.00152436 % share"}}"
f21b602e Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
177ba456 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
ee0b8990 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
c25e88b9 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
d3ee96f3 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
e0e226c4 Splinterlands entered into match queue
9898ca37 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
ece2cdf1 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
7f8d16ff Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
3b2d8736 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
950f7f7e comment options: 100.0% HBD, allow votes: true, allow curation rewards: true
915c0bdf Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
e5e44346 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
156c2831 Splinterlands entered into match queue
059c7d44 Splinterlands entered into match queue
6f14a45c Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
7272ac06 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
4a05140c claim reward: 0.023 HP
263e11d6 Splinterlands entered into match queue
2e3e2ab6 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
d0d652dc Splinterlands entered into match queue
c607ef18 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
c79bf0d7 Splinterlands entered into match queue
c43eb080 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
71139bca Splinterlands entered into match queue
5eb1da1b Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
2a4b8a1f Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
c613bd31 custom json
60501977 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
6b8caad8 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
2357d41e Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
2bbd513b Splinterlands entered into match queue
6f99ab16 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
a78a7a98 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
9357cf4d Splinterlands entered into match queue
e58e245a Splinterlands entered into match queue
64165538 Splinterlands entered into match queue
21875072 Splinterlands entered into match queue
ccc5e11f Splinterlands combine cards
f8ca54c5 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
7df01945 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
4946488f Splinterlands entered into match queue
f3468423 Splinterlands entered into match queue
a89db4ce Splinterlands entered into match queue
ed1e137c Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
133e124c Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
cef65950 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
4deb4fc3 delegate 69.429 HP to
83e555ec Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
0cf08da3 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
5238ed55 Splinterlands entered into match queue
6176d382 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
5177cb4c custom json
a2af6f20 Splinterlands entered into match queue
38e6128f Splinterlands entered into match queue
58dca17b Splinterlands entered into match queue
c0e16e30 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
94fcdcf1 Splinterlands entered into match queue
112ed812 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
e2c3acc6 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
a22141a3 Splinterlands entered into match queue
1b311b3a Splinterlands entered into match queue
cfacd275 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
339f45eb Splinterlands entered into match queue
d623c163 Splinterlands entered into match queue
bfdf8d4e Splinterlands cancelled a match
8649f58e Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
62a49960 Splinterlands entered into match queue
69f86bbb Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
2a2b6b06 Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
e5e8244c Splinterlands entered into match queue
afe39295 Splinterlands revealed their cards for battle
cd4148a6 custom json
json"{"contractName":"tokens","contractAction":"transfer","contractPayload":{"symbol":"HUSTLER","to":"monsterbuster","quantity":"0.16580695","memo":"Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for HUSTLER based on 0.025450214376101524 GP with 0.02545021 % share"}}"
2b0e3d7e Splinterlands entered into match queue
d203610a Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
85fc8dc9 Splinterlands claimed quest reward
b69ddb12 Splinterlands entered into match queue
bc8df0fc Splinterlands claimed quest reward
2dd00d4f Splinterlands entered into match queue
1cc1c6cd Splinterlands submitted a team for battle
ffc95a56 custom json
f6cafe5e Splinterlands entered into match queue

Show raw block data

5 virtual ops in this block.

d1132496 effective_comment_vote
pending_payout3.321 HBD
b9912281 effective_comment_vote
pending_payout1.308 HBD
bcf31d86 effective_comment_vote
pending_payout0.861 HBD
43f2c638 effective_comment_vote
pending_payout0.171 HBD
virtual producer reward: 0.269 HP

Show raw virtual op data