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transaction_num | 23 |
24. | ref_block_num | 49,355 |
ref_block_prefix | 2,486,839,366 |
expiration | 2024-05-16 09:01:06 |
operations | 0. | 0. | custom_json |
1. | required_auths | |
required_posting_auths | [] |
id | sm_market_rent |
json | {"items":["a142537e200f2d1e74434af8303f308466b2b7b0-85"],"days":2,"currency":"DEC","limit_price":0.071,"player":"benz1206","market":"peakmonsters","app":"peakmonsters"} |
extensions | [] |
signatures | 0. | 1f09d57603a5476d0bf3bc0a1798ad40709fb7dd273e3d6e51722d48a36eae4cf924c45643d31531adad27c439ecdb2e4587f1eadda1616fe9ef57d99857e75410 |
transaction_id | 64faf6dceeca250778753225ecad7d976a1d9f05 |
block_num | 85,442,764 |
transaction_num | 24 |
25. | ref_block_num | 49,344 |
ref_block_prefix | 3,363,368,025 |
expiration | 2024-05-16 09:09:36 |
operations | 0. | 0. | custom_json |
1. | required_auths | |
required_posting_auths | [] |
id | ssc-mainnet-hive |
json | [{"contractName":"market","contractAction":"cancel","contractPayload":{"type":"sell","id":"c20c50cf5873538c1fac791e81ad39cc712cf309"}}] |
extensions | [] |
signatures | 0. | 1f69443215b66f60745c8f7f755e553a9c0889ba539b88e72038d5d2710738a47e39b4adc03373f63ba1506f3272b319c13f5ac417fea88bb15db7e875d0be08a1 |
transaction_id | f3384d951078e57c3594c74f7641794aba6cbcaf |
block_num | 85,442,764 |
transaction_num | 25 |
26. | ref_block_num | 49,325 |
ref_block_prefix | 409,777,982 |
expiration | 2024-05-16 09:08:39 |
operations | 0. | 0. | limit_order_cancel |
1. | owner | droida |
orderid | 387,836,705 |
extensions | [] |
signatures | 0. | 202bbdad857f9108dd398b39d404bc5ca9b670f9f511621cec724754d9c23adad3297546fa850e932d03da9fa71a5834270b88f28795dd21e0e1c29c01e1ca1e72 |
transaction_id | dfa4e8b6c7f72d720d1198ea24e519ba91f8399f |
block_num | 85,442,764 |
transaction_num | 26 |
27. | ref_block_num | 49,355 |
ref_block_prefix | 2,486,839,366 |
expiration | 2024-05-16 09:01:06 |
operations | 0. | 0. | custom_json |
1. | required_auths | |
required_posting_auths | [] |
id | sm_purchase_energy |
json | {"qty":1,"currency":"VOUCHER-G","app":"splinterlands/0.7.139","n":"kg1fdknvp5"} |
extensions | [] |
signatures | 0. | 1f1280a38146b3988de00d59371c617bc7b33890aa5866522fa0511256450edc390087b4f599d729539c2dbc082752f23a86c12f5260148087677551e4edf6e12c |
transaction_id | 7cddd7ec9be1288e759b95f199453f2afeff42b6 |
block_num | 85,442,764 |
transaction_num | 27 |
28. | ref_block_num | 49,354 |
ref_block_prefix | 1,405,987,453 |
expiration | 2024-05-16 09:10:06 |
operations | 0. | 0. | custom_json |
1. | required_auths | [] |
required_posting_auths | |
id | beacon_custom_json |
json | {"ping":"pong","timestamp":"2024-05-16T09:00:00.002Z"} |
extensions | [] |
signatures | 0. | 1f5865deb4a902947ca955510dfcea899fd680f3a45dd8be3a00c627403e6435e967484d27427559e46ad11ef58a655941e0a18298d88d409558e52b198216ecb0 |
transaction_id | 44f83de86dfd0d8e3a39ee0a7a849696e2c534f2 |
block_num | 85,442,764 |
transaction_num | 28 |
29. | ref_block_num | 49,355 |
ref_block_prefix | 2,486,839,366 |
expiration | 2024-05-16 09:00:36 |
operations | 0. | 0. | custom_json |
1. | required_auths | |
required_posting_auths | [] |
id | sm_market_rent |
json | {"items":["45f306cac193ec4cc8a7dfe2ef79abfa6aaed13c-9"],"days":2,"currency":"DEC","app":"splinterlands/0.7.139"} |
extensions | [] |
signatures | 0. | 20356124d5ee1bfa42afaaaf46f98b34e9fd4f518b80625698fe9d5f1a49805486409afe4f7a6f439895cd235f5875dcfbae9d8ccab2912251064e855e2ad07b53 |
transaction_id | d2ee93355aa143ef426c7a496c35c8e11facaae1 |
block_num | 85,442,764 |
transaction_num | 29 |
30. | ref_block_num | 49,354 |
ref_block_prefix | 1,405,987,453 |
expiration | 2024-05-16 09:10:06 |
operations | 0. | 0. | custom_json |
1. | required_auths | [] |
required_posting_auths | |
id | beacon_custom_json |
json | {"ping":"pong","timestamp":"2024-05-16T09:00:00.007Z"} |
extensions | [] |
signatures | 0. | 1f20964521c376159b6d926a9d01e3aaa8e83a1271f1e3182a3280ec99443ed934109930567443c77b53a7b56414320f6fdc599cbaa7490581c49704c388438b39 |
transaction_id | 0723fdd9f5b3b5ec078ecc064ff821e504d6b1cd |
block_num | 85,442,764 |
transaction_num | 30 |
31. | ref_block_num | 49,355 |
ref_block_prefix | 2,486,839,366 |
expiration | 2024-05-16 09:00:36 |
operations | 0. | 0. | custom_json |
1. | required_auths | |
required_posting_auths | [] |
id | ssc-mainnet-hive |
json | [{"contractName":"market","contractAction":"cancel","contractPayload":{"type":"buy","id":"af42cb392dc03a136a1e7323f33c01449f08c61e-0"}},{"contractName":"market","contractAction":"cancel","contractPayload":{"type":"sell","id":"af42cb392dc03a136a1e7323f33c01449f08c61e-1"}},{"contractName":"market","contractAction":"cancel","contractPayload":{"type":"sell","id":"af42cb392dc03a136a1e7323f33c01449f08c61e-2"}},{"contractName":"market","contractAction":"cancel","contractPayload":{"type":"sell","id":"af42cb392dc03a136a1e7323f33c01449f08c61e-3"}}] |
extensions | [] |
signatures | 0. | 2003619f8f568eda59ed35fce38179836e1d989c6068c0a7a9843427d23cc7f50a1352ba5dd40941bd2d3921a7aa6d0cdffe50009c45f692cd2cf642815c78f57d |
transaction_id | 0f2a4e327debd2a5df7545e9213c11ee0efa66cb |
block_num | 85,442,764 |
transaction_num | 31 |
32. | ref_block_num | 49,355 |
ref_block_prefix | 2,486,839,366 |
expiration | 2024-05-16 09:01:06 |
operations | 0. | 0. | custom_json |
1. | required_auths | |
required_posting_auths | [] |
id | sm_market_rent |
json | {"items":["db0d96c72a1c8c1b38aa8ae892a174a8482cd4fb-2"],"days":2,"currency":"DEC","limit_price":0.041,"player":"tw1st3","market":"peakmonsters","app":"peakmonsters"} |
extensions | [] |
signatures | 0. | 1f6f5a20590b7246a628e19ba98c1c9aa7fbfa476a19e3bc585c1ae7d3fa4d97556cddf0ba1bcf8ed76055594191fcac8351908424e218f1e486513d3db7ce6f05 |
transaction_id | cf61d85dc6d4fb2baabf751ff007fdeabf8f3844 |
block_num | 85,442,764 |
transaction_num | 32 |
33. | ref_block_num | 49,355 |
ref_block_prefix | 2,486,839,366 |
expiration | 2024-05-16 09:10:07 |
operations | 0. | 0. | claim_reward_balance |
1. | account | steem.leo |
reward_hive | 0.000 HIVE |
reward_hbd | 0.000 HBD |
reward_vests | 1.726010 VESTS |
extensions | [] |
signatures | 0. | 1f1b7b78bb7bb9f6feb75c9b4328259b862af1a80985b4559925ca612d663cc92337a5b92eb98859d1fa7cb447291250ae11e50449f2babe5562ebdf7253deb408 |
transaction_id | 102be7fb452576fc1023d65de4a6cc5591053d7a |
block_num | 85,442,764 |
transaction_num | 33 |
34. | ref_block_num | 49,354 |
ref_block_prefix | 1,405,987,453 |
expiration | 2024-05-16 09:10:06 |
operations | 0. | 0. | transfer |
1. | from | peak.beacon |
to | peak.beacon |
amount | 0.001 HIVE |
memo | "A user interface is like a joke. If you have to explain it, it’s not that good (2024-05-16T09:00:00.007Z)" |
extensions | [] |
signatures | 0. | 2073a2d859a173067b323063b81222f567ae6a7311c8e397d32d41c2bda8088fe4632100e41e49ac33d2eaf0cd62e152f8b2ea80aad0d0799f715b1d7ca3361c8d |
transaction_id | 2d4c44cb0167d1606ec2813590f0cd43c1dd781d |
block_num | 85,442,764 |
transaction_num | 34 |
35. | ref_block_num | 49,353 |
ref_block_prefix | 3,755,300,325 |
expiration | 2024-05-16 09:00:30 |
operations | 0. | 0. | custom_json |
1. | required_auths | |
required_posting_auths | [] |
id | ssc-mainnet-hive |
json | [{"contractName":"market","contractAction":"sell","contractPayload":{"symbol":"SWAP.LTC","quantity":"0.094","price":"262.05790953"}}] |
extensions | [] |
signatures | 0. | 1f6a2fa97a40119f51ac4719a9040f2e05bf14a4307d5cb367d1fc147f9304cf6c6b619a77a1863726a0d044c10ca78b08218b0a9e6a607c25c795bd80fa368d41 |
transaction_id | 7e7ca2672c5a52698c8c38a5af991d1591853a9f |
block_num | 85,442,764 |
transaction_num | 35 |
36. | ref_block_num | 49,354 |
ref_block_prefix | 1,405,987,453 |
expiration | 2024-05-16 09:10:06 |
operations | 0. | 0. | transfer |
1. | from | peak.beacon |
to | peak.beacon |
amount | 0.001 HIVE |
memo | "A good programmer is someone who always looks both ways before crossing a one-way street - Doug Linder (2024-05-16T09:00:00.002Z)" |
extensions | [] |
signatures | 0. | 1f14a7ffd2cdd2392a1ba05ec7418b9ee7324950220a5dd04eafde16a9dfc8ab3e1d571a5e7149fa5dd0d85b0d552086111806b2367cfe134928311be8fef6bada |
transaction_id | 6b69107648b486636624d0b41c0547ed83299e68 |
block_num | 85,442,764 |
transaction_num | 36 |
37. | ref_block_num | 49,355 |
ref_block_prefix | 2,486,839,366 |
expiration | 2024-05-16 09:00:36 |
operations | 0. | 0. | custom_json |
1. | required_auths | |
required_posting_auths | [] |
id | ssc-mainnet-hive |
json | [{"contractName":"market","contractAction":"cancel","contractPayload":{"type":"buy","id":"807077356dc2306991c159635de347be09f9007d-0"}},{"contractName":"market","contractAction":"cancel","contractPayload":{"type":"buy","id":"807077356dc2306991c159635de347be09f9007d-1"}},{"contractName":"market","contractAction":"cancel","contractPayload":{"type":"sell","id":"807077356dc2306991c159635de347be09f9007d-2"}},{"contractName":"market","contractAction":"cancel","contractPayload":{"type":"sell","id":"807077356dc2306991c159635de347be09f9007d-3"}}] |
extensions | [] |
signatures | 0. | 20219f514b570f8898a61b831f4fad90e72ab6ea961a5a2d0ac12e1d7c487e115b31f41dc671db9c82f7f8d6a54a1a99ab512ebca4183cd9b861c3e79868aa571d |
transaction_id | c141dadfe78260ee2714bf5c9d7059a442b78779 |
block_num | 85,442,764 |
transaction_num | 37 |
38. | ref_block_num | 49,354 |
ref_block_prefix | 1,405,987,453 |
expiration | 2024-05-16 09:10:06 |
operations | 0. | 0. | custom_json |
1. | required_auths | [] |
required_posting_auths | |
id | sm_update_rental_price |
json | {"items":[["c37caacd5e4e99e2d261bbce3b3aaa88db2e7b0b-1",0.555],["c37caacd5e4e99e2d261bbce3b3aaa88db2e7b0b-15",0.555],["b6eb5f85b96702fd98cfa08e704ef9d08df7943d-1",0.616],["58c85be53204cc0380ce97832cd146fe277c8876-4",0.734],["96a09093501e546d973ab19c405e3e6522202450-13",0.783]],"app":"Splex.GG","list_fee_token":"DEC","list_fee":5} |
extensions | [] |
signatures | 0. | 1b7f9ad6e4f69752b4d7ffbef277efdd9d94db996816436cab04055b1c81f79f014509da90c2b3515a40ef1fd4ac699a27b4a0e857d68c6f00f3e4833c0fce9849 |
transaction_id | c65955846f22e2d26b26e335c996bcdfd186bac8 |
block_num | 85,442,764 |
transaction_num | 38 |
39. | ref_block_num | 49,354 |
ref_block_prefix | 1,405,987,453 |
expiration | 2024-05-16 09:10:06 |
operations | 0. | 0. | custom_json |
1. | required_auths | [] |
required_posting_auths | |
id | sm_update_rental_price |
json | {"items":[["22778690c3df4ee647baa1393bdabb6f3ea8439f-10",4.113]],"app":"Splex.GG","list_fee_token":"DEC","list_fee":1} |
extensions | [] |
signatures | 0. | 1b2e8e3e5f216616dde3abec00002715701079827c1565db3b09ce01029d9e893e01f084a4bae1697d3f684c0f2da8a215cae0ea31d971f7ef9cd951c284d69200 |
transaction_id | cda75736aa98143fb3fc7339cbd25a1b0b522ced |
block_num | 85,442,764 |
transaction_num | 39 |
40. | ref_block_num | 49,333 |
ref_block_prefix | 1,757,375,369 |
expiration | 2024-05-16 09:09:06 |
operations | 0. | 0. | custom_json |
1. | required_auths | [] |
required_posting_auths | |
id | sm_purchase |
json | {"type":"reward_draw","qty":400,"currency":"GLINT","data":{"chest_type":"common_draw"},"app":"splinterlands/0.7.139","n":"RywRYSsmU6"} |
extensions | [] |
signatures | 0. | 1f5132d70b467b561219ed0e298f48a594c4a9289efc2d417b201365da14d6c37d3b5e73dc7ca1baf2f937f88b6bd0eedad3c206b663668131629cd8086ee8c70d |
transaction_id | 35fe44e99fcdcbca546a2af33e3d436240d2f5a0 |
block_num | 85,442,764 |
transaction_num | 40 |
41. | ref_block_num | 49,355 |
ref_block_prefix | 2,486,839,366 |
expiration | 2024-05-16 09:00:36 |
operations | 0. | 0. | comment |
1. | parent_author | "" |
parent_permlink | hive-193552 |
author | qushira |
permlink | actifit-qushira-20240516t090001682z |
title | "My Actifit Report Card: May 16 2024" |
body | "
<center>![image](</center>오늘 산책을 하면서 근처 공원에서 운동을 하는 할머니를 만났어요. 할머니는 아침 일찍 일어나서 산책과 운동을 꾸준히 하시는 모습이 인상적이었습니다. 또한, 산책하는 도중에 예쁜 꽃들이 가득한 꽃밭을 발견하여 감탄했어요. 이번 주말에 시간을 내어 다시 방문해봐야겠다고 생각했습니다.
_This report was published via Actifit app ([Android]( | [iOS]( Check out the original version [here on]( <br/> <br><img src=""><br><table> <tr> <img src=""> </tr> <tr> <div class="text-center"><b>16/05/2024</b></div> </tr></table><table> <tr> <img src=""> </tr> <tr> <div class="text-center"><b>7089</b></div> </tr></table><table> <tr> <img src=""> </tr> <tr> <div class="text-center"><pre><b>Daily Activity,Walking</b></div></pre></div> </tr></table><table> <tr> <img src=""> <td><div class="text-center"><div class="phishy"><h6>Height</h6></div> <h6>168 cm</h6></div></td> <td><img src=""></td> <td><div class="text-center"><div class="phishy"><h6>Weight</h6></div> <h6>57 kg</h6></div></td> <td><img src=""></td> <td><div class="text-center"><div class="phishy"><h6>Body Fat</h6></div> <h6> %</h6></div></td> <td><img src=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div class="text-center"><div class="phishy"><h6>Waist</h6></div></div> <div class="text-center"><h6> cm</h6></div></td> <td><img src=""></td> <td><div class="text-center"><div class="phishy"><h6>Thighs</h6></div></div> <div class="text-center"><h6> cm</h6></div></td> <td><img src=""></td> <td><div class="text-center"><div class="phishy"><h6>Chest</h6></div></div> <div class="text-center"><h6> cm</h6></div></td> <td><img src=""></td> </tr></table><div class="text-center"><img src=""><a href=""><img src=""></a><a href=""><img src=""></a></div>" |
json_metadata | "{"community": ["hive-193552"], "step_count": [7089], "activity_type": ["Daily Activity, Walking"], "users": ["actifit"], "tags": ["actifit", "alive", "aliveandthriving", "waivio", "bro", "ctp", "vyb", "cent", "oneup", "pob", "proofofbrain", "hustler", "pal", "neoxian", "life", "kr", "leo"]}" |
extensions | [] |
signatures | 0. | 1f5625fc339bba1a3dbf90bb0931179944ec0c4f3f6893cdf3d3f888bca05be2ec26a7576a079d96dd0a91fa9e582bf9ef88b329a8f7ec3de60f57db5c4d39254a |
transaction_id | 9cba8c24d3505fe25e9acbcdcbeac793c85dc9cd |
block_num | 85,442,764 |
transaction_num | 41 |
42. | ref_block_num | 49,353 |
ref_block_prefix | 3,755,300,325 |
expiration | 2024-05-16 09:00:30 |
operations | 0. | 0. | vote |
1. | voter | teaicestorm |
author | wieger |
permlink | narratives |
weight | 10,000 |
extensions | [] |
signatures | 0. | 206e02c8f75be2289540ba83d420efa042d780766639ed68354c4c92b85a72ff9f25f4f18c59059bc06eefb26950cc07d473d3cde34c3121978b924b35e32030a4 |
transaction_id | 0edbfe367abb3a03f838b956d8260b10ef7b506d |
block_num | 85,442,764 |
transaction_num | 42 |
43. | ref_block_num | 49,353 |
ref_block_prefix | 3,755,300,325 |
expiration | 2024-05-16 09:01:00 |
operations | 0. | 0. | vote |
1. | voter | theringmaster |
author | savvytester |
permlink | re-theringmaster-2024516t8564224z |
weight | 10,000 |
extensions | [] |
signatures | 0. | 1f038983caee4ee6219ca915fdf9c7aa0e9a8b85b564ad06e449d360c9111ca95241c4af225c40d6ace406a63a20f4f76620d68821f6a3fd44324bc35b5c683557 |
transaction_id | 7d541e16b6b8c238f55a781449c3bc2ff230d86c |
block_num | 85,442,764 |
transaction_num | 43 |
44. | ref_block_num | 49,355 |
ref_block_prefix | 2,486,839,366 |
expiration | 2024-05-16 09:01:06 |
operations | 0. | 0. | vote |
1. | voter | rosana6 |
author | mirel0510 |
permlink | avcuvzpj |
weight | 10,000 |
extensions | [] |
signatures | 0. | 205b7659e9d54e57cdd4c071e64d45f26c920782391be92c19dc638293a2d9168d0b690d5a8f3e7298d0b0f6d262b6b219c89b57a12130f408c1f19e2203347208 |
transaction_id | 93c99e9c5eb843daaba7de3e0e695fa9cfd193f4 |
block_num | 85,442,764 |
transaction_num | 44 |
45. | ref_block_num | 49,355 |
ref_block_prefix | 2,486,839,366 |
expiration | 2024-05-16 09:00:36 |
operations | 0. | 0. | witness_set_properties |
1. | owner | emrebeyler |
props | 0. | 0. | hbd_exchange_rate |
1. | 3a010000000000000353424400000000e80300000000000003535445454d0000 |
1. | 0. | key |
1. | 037e2ca6b4432a2cdd000bba855b88d66b91301b5321b7b395dd2db75c39d85110 |
extensions | [] |
extensions | [] |
signatures | 0. | 203c74d9f30c43ea16d45d1dee0b7fe61354ede400780351756b75a6976a59272e62d733bd798539bf55c35bcfcc033851361b0c3354d4ccdce31ffced2094a0f5 |
transaction_id | 861bc4976019423a095b05fb6b8a9492ba4c1f09 |
block_num | 85,442,764 |
transaction_num | 45 |
46. | ref_block_num | 49,355 |
ref_block_prefix | 2,486,839,366 |
expiration | 2024-05-16 09:00:36 |
operations | 0. | 0. | custom_json |
1. | required_auths | |
required_posting_auths | [] |
id | ssc-mainnet-hive |
json | {"contractName":"market","contractAction":"sell","contractPayload":{"symbol":"SCRAP","quantity":"91.06317604","price":"0.00043037"}} |
extensions | [] |
signatures | 0. | 1f15160f4034c194b2df9e2cb91f8a6d7def1fa5bdbdd51f595196f5ef98677f841c92b8be0da72423a613e33a32c7386f5f0b392d666b602a15199c247768aba4 |
transaction_id | 040c2f1414938576686ea0b65245db9227de8199 |
block_num | 85,442,764 |
transaction_num | 46 |