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Tx 0e3389490cd6b075b4fc3d31a5a2a7e27f940755@65701184

Included in block 65,701,184 at 2022-06-29 22:46:09 (UTC)

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expiration2022-06-29 22:47:06
title"Lilies from Maryland! Red, Yellow and Orange Lily"
body"Hi everyone, I got some more local flowers to share from Maryland, I hope you like them 😃 I was stunned when I moved to our new neighborhood and saw how many beautiful gardens my neighbors kept. While I have done my best in my garden, I certainly can appreciate the years of work they have put in.
There are quite a few varieties of lilies in my area so this post will focus on those beautiful flowers. Some of my neighbors grow amazing Lilies in their gardens and I also encounter quite a few on my local hikes with my dog Drizzt. I believe the red ones are Lilium Asiatic also known as Asiatic Red Lily, the orange ones are Lilium Bulbiferum, common names Orange lily, Fire lily, Van Zyverden Orange Lily, and the yellow tinted one near the creek is a Hemerocallis also known as Aztec Gold Daylily. I am not a flower expert, just an avid fan, so please feel free to correct me if I am mistaken here :o)
- Lilium Asiatic also known as Asiatic Red Lily
- Lilium Asiatic also known as Asiatic Red Lily
- Lilium Asiatic also known as Asiatic Red Lily
- Lilium Asiatic also known as Asiatic Red Lily
- Lilium Bulbiferum, common names Orange lily, Fire lily, Van Zyverden Orange Lily
These are a staple locally in many gardens since they are perennial and hearty. They don't give off too much of a scent outside and they are certainly beautiful to look at 🤓
- Hemerocallis - Aztec Gold Daylily
These grow all over the creeks and woods near my house. They are often found in local gardens as well.
Thanks to my neighbors for tolerating me and my dog loitering for pix, and thank you for stopping by 😃 Life's too short to not stop and smell the daisies, Stay Safe out there folks. I hope everyone has a great July!
json_metadata"{"app":"peakd/2022.05.9","format":"markdown","description":"Lilies from Maryland","tags":["flower","petals","lily","nature","photography","flora","flowers","outdoors","dna","summer"],"users":[],"image":["","","","","","",""]}"