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expiration2021-08-19 09:33:48
title"Thy Doth Not Want To Sacrifice Themselves? - Fuga: Melodies Of Steel (My Game Review)"
<center>[Image source](</center>
Hey there, you like playing games where you connect with children? Helping them fight fascist enemies with a giant ancient tank? Helping them manage their lives around the domicile of the tank, where they grow food, clean clothes, sleep, cook, do some fishing? When push really comes to shove, like pushing you off the mountain kind, are you willing to sacrifice one child to save the many others? This is Fuga: Melodies Of Steel.
<h1>Explaining The Gameplay</h1>
So what is Fuga: Melodies Of Steel? This is a tactics based game and daycare simulator. At times, you're taking care of the kids by getting their needs sorted out while upgrading parts of the ship like weapons, armors, core, farming facilities, more beds for dorms, etc. You bond with your characters, creating relationships, starting from level 2 is where they have bond links. Which creates link abilities you'll need in the battlefield. You do all this with limited APs, around 20 each time you visit an intermission zone.
![TANK-Win64-Shipping Screenshot 2021.08.14 -](
Right afterwards in the field, you're fighting against Berman vehicles, both ground and aerial. You shuffle between different pair of crew members, each specifically controlling a weapon type. 3 types: turrents, grenade launchers, and cannons. Evasive ones take turrents and launchers to fight easily, while bulkier and large types take huge damages from cannons. But, you can only swipe crew members manning the guns once per 3 rounds. So it's a decision you have to make with good planning, otherwise you pay the price by letting the enemy destroy you.
But of course, once in awhile, you'll come across battles that are so hard, like boss battles at the end of each levels that the tank compels you to sacrifice a child. Kind of creepy if am being honest. Need I remind you, they are children. Like the oldest is 12. Pretty effed up there. But it doesn't mean you need to make the choice, the challenge comes from trying your utmost best in the game defeat your enemies what you have. Without using that.
>And at times, it is a game of luck. Enemies will miss some attacks, other times you can affect them with inflictions like smokes, which decreases their accuracy and damage or shock, that kind of shuts them down for 1 turn. You can do either by using character skills or use special munitions within your inventory. They aren't around much so use them if you need it.
![ (2).gif](
There's a lot to manage in the game. But it's an easier game to learn as well. You need to develop relationship with each characters. This affects their performance in the battles, their support bonus, linked attacks, and hero modes. These are important factors. Of course, the ship upgrades matter too, but helping out with relationships and increasing each character levels is also important. Some of them can get knocked out, so you'll need to replace them. Enemies aren't the only ones to suffer from inflictions.
<h1>The Plot</h1>
![TANK-Win64-Shipping Screenshot 2021.08.13 -](
Fuga has a great narrative story, the whole premise is gruelling yet it has an endearing story about striving to survive yet hold each other at the worst of times all for the best. You can't help not get attached and sympathize with the characters. I mean, what kind of a player would you be if you easily sacrificed one of them? Yeah, that would really suck.
Story goes like this, in a fictional world of humanoid felines and canines, a brutal fascist regime that calls themselves Berman, have capture villages and taken people to slave camps. The children you play, are the ones who've escaped. And with the tank, plan to rescue their families from their captors.
Despite the seemingly innocent and whimsical charm, there are things that can kind of turn your stomach. This game isn't for kids, obviously not. But not too edgy enough to cross over for adults only.
![TANK-Win64-Shipping Screenshot 2021.08.16 -](
The game's plot explores rich themes and moral grey areas, to the point that it makes you kind of wonder what is worth taking another human's life? There's a lot of interactions between your crewmates that let you connect with them as they bond. But also, the soul cannon chamber below that acts as food for thought what values a life. As well as a grim reminder of what you can do with it.
![ (3).gif](
Despite the fact that it borrows quite a few ideas from a bunch of other games. One prime example being that it feels like you're playing something similar to a Final Fantasy game, like the old ones with the ATB system. With the attack queues and such. The other, the soul cannon, is pretty similar to a game from tri-Ace called Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume. Despite that, this is wholly an original title. With so much room for improvement from an already fun game.
I didn't like how it only limits to 20 AP all the time. I wish you could have increased that steadily as the game kept going. But besides that, you can do a lot with this game and it grows on you. Can't wait for a sequel. Definitely should have one if CyberConnect2 is willing. "
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD