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1bb199c5 comment options: 100.0% HBD, allow votes: true, allow curation rewards: true

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expiration2022-08-19 03:09:27
title"Benefits of onion oil in hair care!"
body"Hello friends, Assalamu Alaikum, how are you all, I hope you are all very well by the grace of Almighty God, I am also very well with your prayers and the grace of God Almighty, Alhamdulillah, so today I will talk to you about a very important issue, we are suffering from hair loss. Everyone is in the chest today I will tell you about one thing that if you can use in your hair it will stop your hair loss a lot without further ado let's discuss what thing you can use in your hair to make your hair more thick and shiny will become
# Benefits of onion oil in hair care!
![images (20).jpeg](
You have heard a lot about the use of coconut oil in hair care, but have you heard about the use of onion oil?
I am hearing about this onion for the first time in my life and I feel very excited that if we can use onion in this hair, how much benefit we can get or how much benefit we can get.
Basically, onion oil is considered as a foolproof medicine in hair care. Onion contains vitamin A, C, E, antifungal and antioxidant besides it is helpful in increasing the amount of carotene. Therefore, onion is especially effective in strengthening hair roots and making hair grow faster, strengthening hair health and making hair silky, stopping premature graying of hair, growing new hair, reducing hair dandruff, and preventing hair breakage.
The benefits of this onion oil are immense but maybe or I can't finish you so I ended by saying a small amount.
How to make onion oil:
First thing you need to do is how much onion oil you want to take then you need to take the amount of onion.
Peel the onion and cut into slices.
Then what you need to do is wash and clean the onions well, now blend the onion pieces and extract the juice. Heat coconut oil in a clean pan. Then add onion juice with oil. Mix well and wait till it boils. Then close the hair. Let it cool down. When cool, strain and store in an airtight container. Use this oil twice a week to get benefits.
And in this very simple way you can make onion oil.
I have talked a lot, let's know the benefits of using onion oil for hair care:
# Makes mature hair black
Many people experience hair loss at a young age. Onion oil can help in solving this problem. It contains vitamins, minerals and powerful antioxidants. That's why the mature hair starts turning black gradually with the use of onion oil. So those who have the problem of mature hair at a young age can use onion oil.
# Conditioning
Regular massage with onion oil strengthens hair roots. Also, this oil provides nourishment deep into the hair. Onion oil cures the problem of dry and dull hair. Hair growth is noticeable with regular use.
Anyone who sees you will tell what you're using in your hair.
# Makes hair long
There are many benefits of using onion oil. One of them is that it helps to grow hair. Onion oil keeps the pH level of the scalp normal. As a result, blood circulation is improved, as well as hair growth is activated. Onion oil provides nourishment to the scalp. As a result, the root of the hair is also strong.
# Removes dandruff
A simple way to solve the problem of dandruff is to use onion oil. It has anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties, which work to eliminate scalp infections. As a result, if you use onion oil, it works to prevent dandruff.
# Makes hair shine
Who does not want to have bright and shiny hair! But hair can lose its natural luster due to various reasons. If you use onion oil, it will work to add shine to your hair. Because it contains antioxidants. It also helps in conditioning the hair and scalp.
If you use this onion oil in your hair then you can easily realize these benefits in your hair this was today's topic I hope you have benefited even a little if you have benefited then definitely let me know in the comment box everyone stay healthy stay healthy With this wish, I leave here like today. I will appear before you again with some new matter. Until then, Allahafez Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu."
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