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Tx 1fdc1df33b604ff979f098bfbb342f01442911a0@75616230

Included in block 75,616,230 at 2023-06-09 18:29:51 (UTC)

1fdc1df3 comment options: 100.0% HBD, allow votes: true, allow curation rewards: true

Raw transaction

expiration2023-06-09 18:30:42
title"An Unforgettable Day In My Life - "My Proposal Was Turned Down For My First Time!""
>"Had I know is always at last and it's impossible to look in a bottle with your two eyes , otherwise nothing would be seen as elders say!"
*<div class=text-justify>It all started during my final year in Senior High School. Seniors are sometimes wild 😜 on freshers who are frightening due to bullying. We take advantage to catch them as our girl friends when we put little pressure on them. It wasn't good though, but this is the kind of lifestyle of Senior High School. The freshers don't have much say so we think they are naive and green horns ( some jargons we use to refer to fresh students).</div>*
*<div class=text-justify>By then I was the shy type of person, so hardly would you see me talk with a lady with eye ball to eye ball. Throughout my two years I had never friend a girl. So when these Freshers came, I expressed my feelings to "Kent" who is a very good friend of mine about a girls I have developed love in the first years. He encouraged me to go ahead and propose to her so that he can support me. Since it was my first time, I didn't know where to begin from. The Boys Dormitory was closed to the Girls Dormitory which I often see the girls passing to fetch water from the tap. I couldn't called her, not untill our entertainment time that I decided to approach her and propose. I scheduled this time since school premises become disorganized during entertainment time. Students get advantage to scatter and hide at cool places while entertainment is on cause.</div>*
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*<div class=text-justify>In the evening around 7pm when the entertainment jams has began, I saw the girl passing and I boldly called her. I expressed myself in short speech that I love her and I want to move with her. She said she was going to think about it. Before then, I had gotten a lot of coaching about the behaviours of girls and their lifestyle. My friends have been telling me if you propose to a lady and she says..."I'm going to think about it," it implies two meaning; either yes to your Proposal or no to your proposal. But when it keeps long for her to give the feedback, in most cases she can refute your proposal. So having all these tutorials in mind, I didn't understand the girl when she said she was going to think about it. I continued to put pressure on her to give me instant feedback. But she stood on her feet. I had to allow her some breath of time to think about it.</div>*
*<div class=text-justify>
A week passed yet there was no reply from the girl. 2 weeks and 3 weeks passed and the feedback kept delaying. I felt shy to ask her, and was thinking if I ask her about the feedback and she refute me. Being a dinning hall prefect, I bow down my head when I see the girl in the dining hall. I informed my friend that I can't keep on waiting for her response while we have many girls on campus. Kent encouraged me to approach a new fresh one Being Naive in the game, I wasn't fast to make enquiry about her friend. I went on to proposed to a certain girl who is the friend of the first girl I proposed to. That brought my doomed!😜, That was actually a big mistake and the beginning of our fight.</div>*
*<div class=text-justify>As you know the behaviour of girls girls, she quickly informed her friend that I had proposed to her. The first girl also confirmed that she too had the same proposal. The worse part of the story was that they informed their school mother ( seniors they serve them). Some of these seniors knew me very much to be humble and descent when it comes to such things, I don't mingle myself. So they were surprised. But they couldn't believe if it was true upon hearing from juniors first. However when the two juniors confirmed they accepted it to be true.</div>*
*<div class=text-justify>These seniors approached me to confirm but I'm a kind of person who often lie when it comes to such issues. So I told them the truth. But I said yes!, I didn't know that they were friends. But, seniors were worried 😟 why a respectable senior like me could disgrace myself in the presence of two juniors. They asked why I didn't go in for some of the seniors instead. But the truth is that this mistake couldn't wipe away. I couldn't discharge my duties as dinning hall prefect properly but I asked my subordinate to take over till further time. Since these juniors use to eye me on everywhere they set their eyes on me; campus, dining hall, the tap places and prep times. I wasn't have peace to stay on campus not until we vacated for us to have about one month two weeks stay home. When we returned things went down and the teasing subsided.</div>*
*<div class=text-justify>Since then I decided not to do that I again. I had never stopped remembering this incidence and it's my unforgettable experience I had faced in my early years.</div>*

max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD