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Tx 203f0c88f4bcbecb03908d78283ab5a854b6aa2d@57044378

Included in block 57,044,378 at 2021-09-01 13:52:30 (UTC)

203f0c88 comment options: 100.0% HBD, allow votes: true, allow curation rewards: true

Raw transaction

expiration2021-09-01 13:53:27
title"Another Wednesday, it is already September 2021"
body"Hi.. if your reading this, thank you very much for taking your time read it. It is the 1st of September. Hope that your doing well and happy in life. The pandemic is still with us, but once its gone or is with us, we will enjoy the things that we have taken for granted. Like getting to a swimming pool... just casually walking into public space. At the moment, everywhere I go, I need to show my vaccination status, scan my temperature and once that is done, they give you a tag which I usually forget to return.
The first thing I did with my wife today, was to get some lunch. We went to the Marina area and headed into a restaurant that was there. This is what the Marina area looks like. The new central business district of the city where major businesses and banks are located. I guess, this is what the future of this city is going to look like. Gone with the old and in with the new.
The best part about this part of the city, no parking fees. Then, we went to do some grocery hunting. This is one of Malaysia's best dish detergent. Sunlight - good for cleaning stubborn grease and also only a couple of drops is usually needed to get the job done.
RM 4.50 is about USD 1.10 . Gentle on the skin too. Then I went to collect my tortoise from the Bus station. This is my new pet Sulcata. At the moment, it is sleeping. long journey... here. Around 12 hours bus ride from another district.
Cute little one isn't it... Adding to my list of pets... It's enjoyable to see them grow up day by day. Then I brought my dad to the hospital to get his appointment and so I took a photo of the view from the carpark of the hospital.
That building is a shopping mall. It is a pretty scary place to be at night. I have heard many tales.
The mural... This depicts the unity and diversity of the people of Sarawak. It is drawn by my good friend who is a professional artist and also a school teacher.
Then I had some weight lifting done. Shoulder day. The day to train my shoulders. I have been working out for a long time. More than a decade. It is part of what I do daily. It is the same as eating. I jog during weekends and do my strength training during weekdays.
My weights - rusty but its just the way I love it. Whenever, I head to the gym in the city, I am going to definitely choose those old school gyms. Rusty weights, broken mirrors.
Hope you enjoy reading. Thanks for spending your time to read what I've written.
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD