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Tx 31bfb87f9cfa6efdc13fe0713b720f6260807f03@65666925

Included in block 65,666,925 at 2022-06-28 18:09:42 (UTC)

Raw transaction

expiration2022-06-28 18:10:36
body"Ohhhhh! You are so sweet!! ❤️ I loved that you spent this month with us! It was so much fun and you have the best people involved! They have gone around to many of the posts, interacting and bringing people out of their shells. That is worth everything! Aside from doing good for my community and others, you are developing new accounts and further growing the ones that already are. **You are an amazingly selfless person! Love you!**
Before I forget, I don't live there, but, I have another house over there. I live in the Washington, DC metro area and have a house on the Eastern Shore too. Did I tell you I collect houses? As for the Assateague part. One herd lives on Assateague (the Maryland side of the island) and the other half lives on the Virginia side. Why did they split the island? I don't know, but, Maryland doesn't do anything for the ponies except let them live wild. Virginia will throw hay bales if the winter is rough so they don't lose any, and innoculate when a disease is spreading, In 2018, Swamp cancer was a real issue and so they came out with a vaccine for it. they rescue mamas and babies if they have one off-cycle and are struggling, but, that is extreme cases. they are usually left to their own devices. The Chincoteague Fire Department sponsor them and take care of anything needing to be done. They are their Guardian Angels. I am almost ready to do another post on just the ponies and firemen.
Oh, woman! I am not kind. You should see when I tell someone that it isn't a #MarketFriday post! It isn't pretty! I was told that everything can be a #MarketFriday post. Yikes! No wonder I have no voting power left! :) Kidding. Just low, :) Aren't we all? It has been such a pleasure to have your beautiful self! Thank you for choosing this community and you throw the best parties! Your people can cook!!!! For sure~ I will be visiting their houses, the heck with their posts! They are cooking up a storm as we write this!
Seriously. My biggest problem is that I don't get out of my own comment section as much as I need to, not including the MF posts. Thank you so much. Thank you for being you! ❤️"