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expiration2022-11-04 15:14:24
title"My most terrifying motherhood moment"
body"<div class="text-justify">
Hello hivers on motherhood Community, how are you doing? I am cool and good on my side. I am happy to be here today and to make my first post in this honorable Community.
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### A little Introduction about me.
My name is Blessing Uzomah from Nigeria. I am a mother of 4 kids, i joined hiveblog on 31st of October 2022. I have been reading so many articles since I joined and while exploring Communities, i saw motherhood Community and it captured my interest immediately. I decided to read the Community guide and find out what is required of me to get the community badge. For more information about me [read my Introduction post](
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#### My story
Today i am going to share with you my most terrifying moment as a mother. It started when the doctor told me that I was pregnant. It was in1998. First i felt nervous, proud and shame at the same time. <p>I felt nervous because I don't know what I was going to face in that period of 9 months, i was having morning sickness and i thought it will be like that for the whole 9months. <p>I felt proud too because my mother inlaw is no longer worried why am not pregnant yet but don't really know what lies ahead. <p>I felt shame because I thought that anyone that see me will say, see how she look. You know first time experience, i thought so many things in a second. The journey of motherhood and parenting just began. Health center became my second home to go and ask questions as we are not living close to my parents nor my mother inlaw.<p> In 9 months time, precisely on December 8th 1998 a bouncing baby boy was born. The gift from God. Before his birth, i had read so many books on parenting, magazines and brochures but practical is the main point.
<sub>**here is the baby Delight, My joy and happiness**</sub>
This id his only remaining Picture which he took when he was 3 months. He did not like breast milk so much no matter how you force him. I decided to buy some baby milk for him but still not working. It was really fustrating so i complained to nurse that i don't know what to do again.<p>She told me that some babies are like that, that i should try feeding him pap. I did that but he refused so when we visited my mother inlaw, i told her what am passing through and she suggested that i should give him food, not baby food but adult food.<p> At first i don't like the idea because his digestive system may not digest the food. Later the following day, i fed him rice, come and see, he was happy as he ate the food. Do you know one funny thing, he slept very well and that was how the problem of eating stopped.
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### My most terrifying moment
There is saying in my place that you don't carry a baby just like that. I didn't understand it until when Delight was 6 months. One day he had fever, i took him to health center where they gave me some drugs for him. After taking all, the fever resumed and this time so severe so i went to children hospital in onitsha Anambra State.<p>The doctor took his blood and urine for test and after 3hours, he told me that his result is okay, nothing to worry. I asked the doctor if really is his result because my baby is sick. He said yes and gave me some vitamins for him. This Health Challenge continued until he turned 12 months when one Woman discovered his Challenge.<p> all this period, i kept praying and crying because some night, my baby will not sleep but cry all through. This too affected my health and happiness.I took him to the place i was directed for the treatment, yet nowhere, i went from one place to another until another person directed me to Umuagwo in ohaji égbèma Imo State.<p> The woman said it is liver problem.she said because of the sever fever all the time that his liver has been affected. OMG 😭, i was terrified to the marrow😭. She assured me that she will treat him if only I will pay what she asked me to pay.<p> when she told me the price, my lips shaked because I don't have the money. NGN 24,000 in 1999. With faith, i told her I will pay if only she is ready to treat my Son. We agreed and she started the treatment.<p>I prayed to God to bless my work and I also asked for loan so as to raise money and with God's help, i was able to pay her and my joy was that her treatment was 99% good if not 100%. Since that year till now, he has not experience such terrible sickness again.
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#### My baby Delight today
I am happy to tell you that he survived the liver problem and I came out from that terrifying moment. I appreciate God Almighty who directed my feet to late doctor Mary Nwannedinamba. Mama, though you are dead, the memories of what you did when you were alive lives on. When God fulfill his promises at Isaiah 25:8, we will meet again.
Motherhood and parenting is challenging rewarding at the same time. Is like peeling of onions, though you are crying, you are still chopping the onions.
3 things helped me during this challenging period.
* Prayer
* Positive
* Perseverance.
For all that love reading, i will appreciate your comment.
Thank you @motherhood.