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Tx 3ab6582d5199134cc55e06f8f9009bc564cc2cf7@69617070

Included in block 69,617,070 at 2022-11-13 05:11:09 (UTC)

Raw transaction

expiration2022-11-13 05:12:06
body"I know a lot about you. Unwise to underestimate me, like your friends do.
I care because I don't like seeing people being misled.
There's absolutely no consumer base on Blurt. No incentive for anyone creating content for a living to be there. He could post there and see fewer dollars and fewer views than anywhere else. You folks just think you can use him, for your own benefit, by promising them a few cents worth of votes. These folks are not as desperate as you guys are on Blurt and right now Jerry is in the process of rebuilding. Even released a video today talking about quitting Youtube and focusing all his attention where it matters and he said that place is Twitch.
Blurt doesn't do video well and there's no point in going through all that work to post somewhere that doesn't have any consumers. That's most likely the main contributing factor pushing him to quit Hive as well. But like I said in another comment here, he decided to leave in dramatic fashion. If his heart was truly in it, he would have fought for it and succeeded. It's his right to quit and go somewhere more worthwhile. Had 41000 followers here but most of his support base stopped caring. Much like on Youtube had several hundred thousand subscribers but hardly any views. All content creators go through those phases. Some come out on top, most don't.
Do you not research? I do. "Operation Reach Out" is why you're here. It was published by your bff, WTP. The plan is to go around attempting to lure people to Blurt with a ridiculous promise you folks can't keep. A plan that was slapped together out of the blue with absolutely no preparation.
It's all about you and nothing else.
You don't like Hive. Fine. No problem. Millions don't like Twitter, Facebook, Youtube for whatever reason, but that doesn't stop the platform from being a success.
Why are you here? To knock this platform down with the hopes of propping yours (Blurt) up, or, UP, as you would say, for some weird reason.
If Blurt can't sell their product without knocking others down, you're doomed.
I care because you folks on Blurt have a reputation of being dishonest. And again, I'm sick of folks being misled.