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Tx 3fedb3bf9c5401d1498392adea08182dd8accc02@58596708

Included in block 58,596,708 at 2021-10-25 14:37:21 (UTC)

3fedb3bf comment options: 100.0% HBD, allow votes: true, allow curation rewards: true

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expiration2021-10-25 14:47:15
title"Proud Hiver | Part Time Blogger-Full Time Lover"
Proud Hiver here!
How are you all guys doing? How are you all coping? Hang on there because, I know that this pandemic will end soon. In this trying times I know everything is uncertain but still try to do things that give you back the control of your own life. Take time to do the activities that you love- listening to your favorite music, watching movies, reading a good book, contemplate on a good smoke or maybe do the things that you haven't done before. I mean, being at home makes us realize the value of the little things that we did't pay much attention before. This is the present - it gave us our last shot to give importance on our self and to focus on the things that we love.
> In my case I got back to writing which is my escape from my busy life. I actually stopped blogging a few years back but I realized that I need to once again put my thoughts into words because thats what the world needs and of course what I need- freedom of speech through articles that promote self-love. I would like to thank my dear friend @jenesa, because without her I wont be back writing on this little screen. She motivated me to not settle for less and to follow my niche. Tried posting articles outside of my comfort zone but realized that I cant lie to myself anymore and that my heart goes to writing about Mental Health Awareness and Psychology related sections and posts.
![248080159_409153040709951_2029698390081358950_n (1).jpg](
### <center> About the Author | Full Time Lover </center>
Its funny why I call myself a full time lover but in reality this is actually relevant to my profession. I am a registered psychometrician and currently finishing my Masters in Clinical Psychology. My passion for psychology roots back to my old self- lost and confused. Lost for not knowing myself and confused if the life I've lived is really my own. I can't spell it out and put it into words but that's what I felt at that time. I was scared of my own emotions and I got lost from my own thoughts. Having felt that I knew I had to do something, if not now then when would I act? That's when I decided to study psychology- not only for myself but for me to help others along the way. I aspire to help people is understand the processes that underly human thinking and emotions, but apply that understanding to solve practical problems of life.
> Helping people overcome mental health illness and even talking about Mental Health alone is a huge step- to break the stigma surrounding from it and to destroy the culture that created an environment of shame. Tolerating stigma from people who are labelled and put into boxes of having mental health challenges is definitely a form of disrespect.
### <center> Proud Hiver| Part Time Blogger </center>
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As a part time writer, yes I didn't settled for less. I found my love for writing pscyhology related articles here in hive and I fell in love with it once again. This platform challenges amateur writers like me to not only do good, to not only perform better but to be the best. I love how this platform place high emphasis on original quality content, shoutout to @OCD and to all the moderators for doing a job well done. We are happy because our articles our acknowledged and we are delighted that our efforts are appreciated. Being recognized as a quality post, is way better than the monetary gains this platform has to offer.
> Writing with passion and personality excites me and motivates me to keep on writing. I am proud that I am a hiver because through my posts I can make positive connections with people from all walks of life.
### <center> Author of Psychology Chronicles Series </center>
Find me in my own personal space through my blogs. Psychology has helped me as a writer because it makes me more inspired to do the things I enjoy and write on the topics that I am passionate about. I can understand who I am and help others understand their selves by looking at human circumstances on a more positive aspect. We will help one another unravel the complexities of the human mind through psychology.
### This month you may check my posts about my series here :
[1. Psychology Chronicles Series #26: Validating Feelings & Emotions | Is It Okay To Not Be Okay?](
[2. Psychology Chronicles Series #27: The Dark Side of Toxic Positivity](
### I have also talked about other social issues:
[1. Amplifying Feminism | Empowering Gender Equality](
## Thank you everyone! See you on my next post!
<center><b>ABOUT THE AUTHOR</b></center>
<div class="pull-left"></div><sub>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; @sakura1012 is an ambivert, a non-conformist, a clinical psychology graduate student, a proud feminist and a life traveler. She is currently a part time writer- a mental health advocate and a mental health professional. She promotes mental health awareness and psychology related topics through her blogs. Join her as she do the things that she loves by putting her thoughts into words and by raising her voice though her articles. </sub>"
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